L. Wuytack


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The use of Pade approximation in numerical integration 2005 L. Wuytack
+ Numerical Analysis: Historical Developments in the 20th Century 2001 Claude Brezinski
L. Wuytack
+ Numerical analysis in the twentieth century 2001 Claude Brezinski
L. Wuytack
+ Proceedings of the on Numerical methods for differential equations 1999 Marc Goovaerts
Jet Wimp
L. Wuytack
Toru Yamamoto
Paula de Oliveira
+ Proceedings of the conference on Continued fractions and geometric function theory 1999 Marc Goovaerts
Jet Wimp
L. Wuytack
Toru Yamamoto
Lisa Lorentzen
Olav Njåstad
Frode Rønning
+ Proceedings of the VIIIth symposium on Orthogonal polynomials and their applications 1998 Marc Goovaerts
Jet Wimp
L. Wuytack
Toru Yamamoto
Antonio J. Durán
+ Proceedings of the international meeting on Linear/nonlinear iterative methods and verification of solution 1995 Toru Yamamoto
Marc Goovaerts
Jet Wimp
L. Wuytack
+ Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on Orthogonal polynomials and their applications 1995 Claude Brezinski
P. Maroni
Jeannette Van Iseghem
Marc Goovaerts
Jet Wimp
L. Wuytack
Toru Yamamoto
+ Proceedings of the seventh Spanish symposium on Orthogonal polynomials and applications 1993 J. S. Dehesa
Marc Goovaerts
Jet Wimp
L. Wuytack
Toru Yamamoto
+ Book-Review - Nonlinear Methods in Numerical Analysis 1990 Annie Cuyt
L. Wuytack
D. Elstner
+ Nonlinear Methods in Numerical Analysis. 1988 Lisa Jacobsen
Annie Cuyt
L. Wuytack
+ On the continuity of the multivariate Padé operator 1984 Annie Cuyt
L. Wuytack
H. Werner
+ On the Continuity of the Padé Operator 1983 H. Werner
L. Wuytack
+ On the conditioning of the Padé approximation problem 1981 L. Wuytack
+ Stability of numerical methods for computing Padé approximants 1980 Adhemar Bultheel
L. Wuytack
+ On the computation of non-normal Padé approximants 1979 G. Claessens
L. Wuytack
+ Commented bibliography on techniques for computing Padé Approximants 1979 L. Wuytack
+ PDF Chat Padé Approximation and its Applications 1979 L. Wuytack
+ Padé approximation and its applications : proceedings of a conference held in Antwerp, Belgium, 1979 1979 L. Wuytack
Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen
+ Characterization of minimal elements in minimization problems with constraints 1978 Bruno Brosowski
L. Wuytack
+ Nonlinear quadrature rules in the presence of a singularity 1978 H. Werner
L. Wuytack
+ Comments on a root finding method using Padé approximation 1977 G. Claessens
George Loizou
L. Wuytack
+ Applications of pade approximation in numerical analysis 1976 L. Wuytack
+ Numerical integration by using nonlinear techniques 1975 L. Wuytack
+ PDF Chat On the Osculatory Rational Interpolation Problem 1975 L. Wuytack
+ PDF Chat On the osculatory rational interpolation problem 1975 L. Wuytack
+ Eigenschaften Eines Algorithmus zur Rationalen Interpolation 1975 L. Wuytack
+ Het gebruik van niet-lineaire basismethodes in de numerieke analyse 1975 L. Wuytack
+ PDF Chat Extrapolation to the limit by using continued fraction interpolation 1974 L. Wuytack
+ On Some Aspects of the Rational Interpolation Problem 1974 L. Wuytack
+ On the existence of best rational approximation using a generalized weight function 1973 L. Wuytack
+ An algorithm for rational interpolation similar to theqd-algorithm 1972 L. Wuytack
+ Kolmogoroff's criterion for constrained rational approximation 1971 L. Wuytack
+ A new technique for rational extrapolation to the limit 1971 L. Wuytack
+ Some Remarks on a Paper of D. G. Moursund 1970 L. Wuytack
+ The existence of a solution in constrained rational approximation problems 1970 L. Wuytack
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Some Aspects of the Rational Interpolation Problem 1974 L. Wuytack
+ A new technique for rational extrapolation to the limit 1971 L. Wuytack
+ PDF Chat Numerical quadrature by the 𝜖-algorithm 1972 David K. Kahaner
+ PDF Chat The Padé Table and Its Relation to Certain Algorithms of Numerical Analysis 1972 William B. Gragg
+ A generalisation of multistep methods for ordinary differential equations 1966 J. D. Lambert
Brian Shaw
+ Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations. 1962 A. B. Farnell
Peter Henrici
+ PDF Chat Some Techniques for Rational Interpolation 1967 F. M. Larkin
+ Uniform Rational Approximation Using a Generalized Weight Function 1968 David Moursund
G. D. Taylor
+ Numerical integration by using nonlinear techniques 1975 L. Wuytack
+ PDF Chat Sur la représentation approchée d'une fonction par des fractions rationnelles 1892 Henri Padé
+ PDF Chat Romberg integration for a class of singular integrands 1967 L. Fox
+ An algorithm for rational interpolation similar to theqd-algorithm 1972 L. Wuytack
+ Pade Approximants and their Applications 1974 W. G.
P. R. Graves-Morris
+ PDF Chat Applications of Padé Approximation to Numerical Integration 1974 J. S. R. Chisholm
+ PDF Chat Numerical quadrature and asymptotic expansions 1967 J. N. Lyness
Barry W. Ninham
+ The efficiency of extrapolation methods for numerical integration 1971 J. Oliver
+ VIII. The deferred approach to the limit 1927 Lewis Fry Richardson
J. Arthur Gaunt
+ Approximation by functions having restricted ranges. III 1969 G. D. Taylor
+ Automatic integration of functions having algebraic end point singularities 1973 Robert Piessens
I Mertens
Mieke Branders
+ On Approximation by Polynomials Having Restricted Ranges 1968 G. D. Taylor
+ Introduction to Approximation Theory 1969 T. J. Rivlin
E. W. Cheney
+ On the conditioning of the Padé approximation problem 1981 L. Wuytack
+ The Calculus of Finite Differences 1934 L. M. Milne-Thomson
+ PDF Chat Note on Osculatory Rational Interpolation 1962 Herbert E. Salzer
+ On the Convergence and Stability of the Epsilon Algorithm 1966 P. Wynn
+ Predictor-corrector formulas based on rational interpolants 1975 Yudell L. Luke
Wyman Fair
Jet Wimp
+ Padésche Näherungsbrüche und Iterationsverfahren höherer Ordnung 1968 Gerhard Merz
+ <i>Analysis of Numerical Methods</i> 1967 Eugene Isaacson
Herbert B. Keller
George H. Weiss
+ A new look at the Padé table and the different methods for computing its elements 1975 G. Claessens
+ Numerische Mathematik Differentialgleichungen Approximationstheorie 1968 L. Collatz
G. Meinardus
Heinz Unger
+ PDF Chat Note on osculatory rational interpolation 1962 Herbert E. Salzer
+ Matrix interpretations and applications of the continued fraction algorithm 1974 William B. Gragg
+ On Approximations by Polynomials Having Restricted Ranges. II 1969 Larry L. Schumaker
G. D. Taylor
+ Accelerated convergence of sequences of quadrature approximations 1972 J. S. R. Chisholm
Alan Genz
Glenys E Rowlands
+ Optimal Starting Values for the Newton-Raphson Calculation of Inverses of Certain Functions 1968 David Moursund
G. D. Taylor
+ The existence of a solution in constrained rational approximation problems 1970 L. Wuytack
+ Division algorithms for continued fractions and the Padé table 1980 Adhemar Bultheel
+ Padé-approximant Bounds and Approximate Solutions for Kirkwood-Riseman Integral Equations 1974 Michael F. Barnsley
Peter Robinson
+ Origins of the simplex method 1990 George B. Dantzig
+ PDF Chat On the Early History of the Singular Value Decomposition 1993 G. W. Stewart
+ Computational Aspects of Chebyshev Approximation Using a Generalized Weight Function 1968 David Moursund
+ The numerical treatment of a single nonlinear equation 1970 A. S. Householder
+ Methods and Applications of Error-Free Computation 1984 R. T. Gregory
E. V. Krishnamurthy
+ A special stability problem for linear multistep methods 1963 Germund Dahlquist
+ Computational Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations 1973 J. D. Lambert
+ A history of numerical analysis from the 16th through the 19th century 1978 Garrett Birkhoff
+ Topics in Computational Complex Analysis: IV. The Lagrange-Bürmann Formula for Systems of Formal Power Series 1983 Peter Henrici
+ The convergence and continuity of rational functions closely related to Padé approximants 1980 Leslie V. Foster
+ Approximation by functions having restricted ranges: Equality case 1969 G. D. Taylor
+ Extremum Problems with Inequalities as Subsidiary Conditions 2013 Fritz John