Ye Tao


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Force-detected nuclear magnetic resonance: recent advances and future challenges 2010 Martino Poggio
Christian L. Degen
+ PDF Chat Scanning magnetic field microscope with a diamond single-spin sensor 2008 Christian L. Degen
+ PDF Chat Nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance with a 1.9-nm-deep nitrogen-vacancy sensor 2014 M. Loretz
SĂ©bastien Pezzagna
Jan Meijer
Christian L. Degen
+ PDF Chat Ultrasensitive force detection with a nanotube mechanical resonator 2013 J. Moser
J. GĂŒttinger
Alexander Eichler
M.J. Esplandiu
Dong E. Liu
M. I. Dykman
Adrian Bachtold
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy with a One-Dimensional Resolution of 0.9 Nanometers 2019 Urs Grob
Marc-Dominik Krass
M HĂ©ritier
Raphael Pachlatko
J. Rhensius
Jan KoĆĄata
B. A. Moores
Hiroki Takahashi
Alexander Eichler
Christian L. Degen
+ PDF Chat Feedback Cooling of a Cantilever’s Fundamental Mode below 5 mK 2007 Martino Poggio
Christian L. Degen
H. J. Mamin
D. Rugar
+ Nanomechanical motion measured with an imprecision below that at the standard quantum limit 2009 John Teufel
Tobias Donner
Manuel Castellanos-Beltran
Jennifer Harlow
K. W. Lehnert
+ PDF Chat Nuclear magnetic resonance force microscopy with a microwire rf source 2007 Martino Poggio
Christian L. Degen
Charles Rettner
H. J. Mamin
D. Rugar
+ PDF Chat A single nitrogen-vacancy defect coupled to a nanomechanical oscillator 2011 O. Arcizet
V. Jacques
A. Siria
P. Poncharal
P. Vincent
S. Seidelin
+ PDF Chat Noncontact friction between nanostructures 2003 A. I. Volokitin
B. N. J. Persson
+ PDF Chat A nanomechanical mass sensor with yoctogram resolution 2012 Julien Chaste
Alexander Eichler
J. Moser
G. Ceballos
Riccardo Rurali
Adrian Bachtold
+ PDF Chat Quantum control of proximal spins using nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging 2011 M. S. Grinolds
Patrick Maletinsky
Sungkun Hong
Mikhail D. Lukin
Ronald L. Walsworth
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Electric-field sensing using single diamond spins 2011 Florian Dolde
Helmut Fedder
Marcus W. Doherty
Tobias Nöbauer
F. Rempp
Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian
Thomas Wolf
Friedemann Reinhard
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
Fedor Jelezko
+ PDF Chat Surface dissipation in nanoelectromechanical systems: Unified description with the standard tunneling model and effects of metallic electrodes 2008 Cesar Seoanez
F. Guinea
A. H. Castro Neto
+ PDF Chat Heating of trapped ions from the quantum ground state 2000 Q. A. Turchette
D. Kielpinski
B. E. King
D. Leibfried
D. M. Meekhof
C. J. Myatt
M. A. Rowe
C. A. Sackett
C. S. Wood
Wayne M. Itano
+ PDF Chat Exchange-controlled single-electron-spin rotations in quantum dots 2007 W. A. Coish
Daniel Loss
+ PDF Chat Evidence of universality in the dynamical response of micromechanical diamond resonators at millikelvin temperatures 2009 Matthias Imboden
Pritiraj Mohanty
+ PDF Chat One- and two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities in single crystal diamond 2011 Janine Riedrich‐Möller
Laura Kipfstuhl
Christian Hepp
Elke Neu
Christoph Pauly
Frank MĂŒcklich
Armin Baur
Michael Wandt
Sandra Wolff
Martin C. Fischer
+ PDF Chat Surface-induced charge state conversion of nitrogen-vacancy defects in nanodiamonds 2010 LoĂŻc Rondin
GĂ©raldine Dantelle
Abdallah Slablab
Frédéric Grosshans
François Treussart
P. Bergonzo
Sandrine Perruchas
Thierry Gacoin
Marc Chaigneau
Huan‐Cheng Chang
+ PDF Chat Boundary between the thermal and statistical polarization regimes in a nuclear spin ensemble 2014 B. Herzog
Davide Cadeddu
F. Xue
P. Peddibhotla
Martino Poggio
+ PDF Chat One-Spin Quantum Logic Gates from Exchange Interactions and a Global Magnetic Field 2004 Lian-Ao Wu
Daniel A. Lidar
Mark Friesen
+ PDF Chat Coherent manipulation of cold Rydberg atoms near the surface of an atom chip 2013 J. D. Carter
J. D. D. Martin
+ PDF Chat Dissipation in nanocrystalline-diamond nanomechanical resonators 2004 A. B. Hutchinson
Patrick Truitt
Keith Schwab
L. Ơekarić
J. M. Parpia
H. G. Craighead
J. E. Butler
+ PDF Chat Observation of Half-Height Magnetization Steps in Sr <sub>2</sub> RuO <sub>4</sub> 2011 Joonho Jang
David Ferguson
Victor Vakaryuk
Raffi Budakian
Suk Bum Chung
Paul M. Goldbart
Y. Maeno
+ PDF Chat Ultrasensitive detection of force and displacement using trapped ions 2010 Michael J. Biercuk
Hermann Uys
J. Britton
Aaron P. VanDevender
J. J. Bollinger
+ PDF Chat A scanning superconducting quantum interference device with single electron spin sensitivity 2013 Denis Vasyukov
Yonathan Anahory
Lior Embon
Dorri Halbertal
J. Cuppens
Lior Neeman
Amit Finkler
Yehonathan Segev
Y. Myasoedov
M. L. Rappaport
+ PDF Chat Noncontact Friction and Relaxational Dynamics of Surface Defects 2012 Jian-Huang She
Alexander V. Balatsky
+ PDF Chat Production of oriented nitrogen-vacancy color centers in synthetic diamond 2012 Andrew M. Edmonds
Ulrika F. S. D’Haenens-Johansson
Robin J. Cruddace
M. E. Newton
Kai‐Mei C. Fu
C. Santori
R. G. Beausoleil
Daniel J. Twitchen
Matthew Markham
+ PDF Chat Gigantic Maximum of Nanoscale Noncontact Friction 2010 Kohta Saitoh
Kenichi Hayashi
Yoshiyuki Shibayama
Keiya Shirahama
+ PDF Chat Stylus ion trap for enhanced access and sensing 2009 Robert Maiwald
D. Leibfried
J. Britton
Jonas Bergquist
Gerd Leuchs
D. J. Wineland
+ PDF Chat A quantum spin transducer based on nanoelectromechanical resonator arrays 2010 Peter Rabl
Shimon Kolkowitz
Frank H. L. Koppens
Jack Harris
P. Zoller
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Role of Spin Noise in the Detection of Nanoscale Ensembles of Nuclear Spins 2007 Christian L. Degen
Martino Poggio
H. J. Mamin
D. Rugar
+ PDF Chat Room-temperature coherent coupling of single spins in diamond 2006 T. Gaebel
M. Domhan
I. Popa
Christoffer Wittmann
Philipp Neumann
Fedor Jelezko
J. R. Rabeau
N. Stavrias
Andrew D. Greentree
Steven Prawer
+ PDF Chat Measurement of ion motional heating rates over a range of trap frequencies and temperatures 2015 Colin Bruzewicz
Jeremy Sage
John Chiaverini
+ PDF Chat Single-crystal diamond nanomechanical resonators with quality factors exceeding one million 2014 Ye Tao
J. M. Boss
B. A. Moores
Christian L. Degen
+ PDF Chat High quality factor single-crystal diamond mechanical resonators 2012 Preeti Ovartchaiyapong
Laëtitia Pascal
Bryan Myers
Paul Lauria
Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich
+ PDF Chat High-sensitivity diamond magnetometer with nanoscale resolution 2008 Jacob M. Taylor
Paola Cappellaro
Lilian Childress
Liang Jiang
Dmitry Budker
Philip Hemmer
Amir Yacoby
Ronald L. Walsworth
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Single-ion quantum lock-in amplifier 2011 Shlomi Kotler
Nitzan Akerman
Yinnon Glickman
Anna Keselman
Roee Ozeri
+ PDF Chat Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high-purity silicon 2011 Alexei M. Tyryshkin
S. Tojo
John J. L. Morton
H. Riemann
Nikolai V. Abrosimov
Peter Becker
Hans-Joachim Pohl
T. Schenkel
M. L. W. Thewalt
Kohei M. Itoh
+ PDF Chat Dangling-bond spin relaxation and magnetic<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>noise from the amorphous-semiconductor/oxide interface: Theory 2007 RogĂ©rio de Sousa
+ PDF Chat Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot 2014 Erika Kawakami
Pasquale Scarlino
Daniel R. Ward
Floris Braakman
D. E. Savage
M. G. Lagally
Mark Friesen
S. N. Coppersmith
M. A. Eriksson
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat A robust scanning diamond sensor for nanoscale imaging with single nitrogen-vacancy centres 2012 Patrick Maletinsky
Sungkun Hong
M. S. Grinolds
Birgit Hausmann
M. D. Lukin
Ronald L. Walsworth
Marco Loncar
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Coherent Single Electron Spin Control in a Slanting Zeeman Field 2006 Y. Tokura
Wilfred G. van der Wiel
Toshiaki Obata
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Homoepitaxial Growth of Single Crystal Diamond Membranes for Quantum Information Processing 2012 Igor Aharonovich
Jonathan C. Lee
Andrew P. Magyar
Bob B. Buckley
Christopher G. Yale
D. D. Awschalom
Evelyn L. Hu
+ PDF Chat Spin-mediated dissipation and frequency shifts of a cantilever at milliKelvin temperatures 2015 A. M. J. den Haan
J. J. T. Wagenaar
Jan Voogd
Geert De Koning
Tjerk H. Oosterkamp
+ PDF Chat Measuring broadband magnetic fields on the nanoscale using a hybrid quantum register 2016 Ingmar Jakobi
Philipp Neumann
Ya Wang
Durga Dasari
Fadi El Hallak
M. A. Bashir
Matthew Markham
Andrew M. Edmonds
Daniel J. Twitchen
Jörg Wrachtrup
+ PDF Chat Competition between electric field and magnetic field noise in the decoherence of a single spin in diamond 2016 P. Jamonneau
Margarita Lesik
Jean‐Philippe Tetienne
I. Alvizu
Ludovic Mayer
A. Dréau
Sandoko Kosen
Jean-François Roch
SĂ©bastien Pezzagna
Jan Meijer
+ PDF Chat Ultrasensitive mechanical detection of magnetic moment using a commercial disk drive write head 2016 Ye Tao
Alexander Eichler
T. Holzherr
Christian L. Degen
+ PDF Chat Imaging Stray Magnetic Field of Individual Ferromagnetic Nanotubes 2018 Denis Vasyukov
Lorenzo Ceccarelli
M. Wyss
B. Gross
A. Schwarb
A. Mehlin
N. Rossi
Gözde TĂŒtĂŒncĂŒoğlu
Florian Heimbach
Reza R. Zamani
+ PDF Chat Nanoladder Cantilevers Made from Diamond and Silicon 2018 M HĂ©ritier
Alexander Eichler
Ying Pan
Urs Grob
Ivan Shorubalko
Marc-Dominik Krass
Ye Tao
Christian L. Degen