Randall Pruim


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ LSTbook: Data and Software for "Lessons in Statistical Thinking" 2024 Daniel T. Kaplan
Randall Pruim
+ PDF Chat Fostering Better Coding Practices for Data Scientists 2023 Randall Pruim
Maria-Cristiana Gßrjău
Nicholas J. Horton
+ Fostering better coding practices for data scientists 2022 Randall Pruim
Maria-Cristiana Gßrjău
Nicholas J. Horton
+ PDF Chat The mosaic Package: Helping Students to Think with Data Using R 2017 Randall Pruim
J Horton Nicholas
+ How Statistics Teaching Has Changed Over the Last 10 Years 2015 Randall Pruim
+ Math 145: Introduction to Biostatistics 2013 Randall Pruim
+ mosaic: Project MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities 2011 Randall Pruim
Daniel T. Kaplan
Nicholas J. Horton
+ Foundations and Applications of Statistics: An Introduction Using R 2011 Randall Pruim
+ Math 143: Introduction to Biostatistics 2011 Randall Pruim
+ Collapsing degrees in subexponential time 2002 Deborah Joseph
Randall Pruim
Paul R. Young
+ PDF Chat Review of Hilbert's Tenth Problem by Yttri Matiyasevich 2000 Randall Pruim
+ PDF Chat Determining acceptance possibility for a quantum computation is hard for the polynomial hierarchy 1999 Stephen Fenner
Frederic Green
Steven Homer
Randall Pruim
+ The Priority Method 1998 Uwe Schöning
Randall Pruim
+ Hilbert’s Tenth Problem 1998 Uwe Schöning
Randall Pruim
+ The Second LBA Problem 1998 Uwe Schöning
Randall Pruim
+ The Complexity of Craig Interpolants 1998 Uwe Schöning
Randall Pruim
+ Superconcentrators and the Marriage Theorem 1998 Uwe Schöning
Randall Pruim
+ Kolmogorov Complexity, the Universal Distribution, and Worst-Case vs. Average-Case 1998 Uwe Schöning
Randall Pruim
+ Determining Acceptance Possibility for a Quantum Computation is Hard for the Polynomial Hierarchy 1998 Stephen Fenner
Frederic Green
Steven Homer
Randall Pruim
+ Lower Bounds via Kolmogorov Complexity 1998 Uwe Schöning
Randall Pruim
+ The Berman-Hartmanis Conjecture and Sparse Sets 1998 Uwe Schöning
Randall Pruim
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Power of Counting 1990 Uwe Schöning
+ Counting Classes are at Least as Hard as the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy 1992 Seinosuke Toda
Mitsunori Ogiwara
+ PDF Chat Computing in the Statistics Curricula 2010 Deborah Nolan
Duncan Temple Lang
+ PDF Chat R Markdown: Integrating A Reproducible Analysis Tool into Introductory Statistics 2014 Benjamin S. Baumer
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Andrew Bray
Linda Loi
Nicholas J. Horton
+ The lady tasting tea: how statistics revolutionized science in the twentieth century 2001 David S. Salsburg
+ Counting Complexity 1997 Lance Fortnow
+ PDF Chat Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantum Computing 1997 Charles H. Bennett
Ethan Bernstein
Gilles Brassard
Umesh Vazirani
+ Seeing Through Statistics 2005 Felix Famoye
+ The Complexity of Malign Measures 1993 Peter Bro Miltersen
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. 1961 W. J. LeVeque
Ivan Niven
Herbert S. Zuckerman
+ PDF Chat Average case complexity under the universal distribution equals worst-case complexity 1992 Ming Li
Paul VitĂĄnyi
+ Gap-definable counting classes 1994 Stephen Fenner
Lance Fortnow
Stuart A. Kurtz
+ Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python 2012 FabiĂĄn Pedregosa
Gaël Varoquaux
Alexandre Gramfort
Vincent Michel
Bertrand Thirion
Olivier Grisel
Mathieu Blondel
Peter Prettenhofer
Ron J. Weiss
Vincent Dubourg
+ PDF Chat Best Practices for Scientific Computing 2014 Greg Wilson
D. A. Aruliah
C. Titus Brown
Neil Chue Hong
M. Ryleigh Davis
Richard Guy
Steven H. D. Haddock
Kathryn D. Huff
Ian M. Mitchell
Mark D. Plumbley
+ A Cognitive Interpretation of Data Analysis 2014 Garrett Grolemund
Hadley Wickham
+ PDF Chat Teaching the Next Generation of Statistics Students to “Think With Data”: Special Issue on Statistics and the Undergraduate Curriculum 2015 Nicholas J. Horton
Johanna Hardin
+ PDF Chat Modern Applied Statistics With S 2003 1
+ PDF Chat Ten simple rules for making research software more robust 2017 Morgan L. Taschuk
Greg Wilson
+ PDF Chat Wrangling Categorical Data in R 2017 Amelia McNamara
Nicholas J. Horton
+ PDF Chat The mosaic Package: Helping Students to Think with Data Using R 2017 Randall Pruim
J Horton Nicholas
+ PDF Chat Data Visualization on Day One: Bringing Big Ideas into Intro Stats Early and Often 2017 Xiaofei Wang
Cynthia Rush
Nicholas J. Horton
+ PDF Chat Good enough practices in scientific computing 2017 Greg Wilson
Jennifer Bryan
Karen Cranston
Justin Kitzes
Alexander J. Nederbragt
Tracy Teal
+ PDF Chat Using GitHub Classroom To Teach Statistics 2019 Jacob Fiksel
Leah R. Jager
Johanna Hardin
Margaret A. Taub
+ PDF Chat Causal Inference in Introductory Statistics Courses 2020 Kevin Cummiskey
Bryan Adams
James D. Pleuss
Dusty Turner
Nicholas Clark
Krista Watts
+ PDF Chat Array programming with NumPy 2020 C. R. Harris
K. Jarrod Millman
Stéfan van der Walt
Ralf Gommers
Pauli Virtanen
David Cournapeau
Eric Wieser
Julian Taylor
Sebastian Berg
Nathaniel J. Smith
+ PDF Chat Designing Data Science Workshops for Data-Intensive Environmental Science Research 2020 Allison S. Theobold
Stacey A. Hancock
Sara Mannheimer
+ PDF Chat Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer 1997 Peter W. Shor
+ PDF Chat Computing in the Statistics Curricula: A 10-Year Retrospective 2020 Johanna Hardin
Nicholas J. Horton
Deborah Nolan
Duncan Temple Lang
+ PDF Chat Facilitating team-based data science: Lessons learned from the DSC-WAV project 2022 Chelsey Legacy
Andrew Zieffler
Benjamin S. Baumer
Valerie Barr
Nicholas J. Horton
+ PDF Chat An educator’s perspective of the tidyverse 2022 Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Johanna Hardin
Benjamin S. Baumer
Amelia McNamara
Nicholas J. Horton
Colin Rundel
+ Creative sets 1955 John Myhill
+ Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 1991 Carl J. Huberty
David S. Moore
George P. McCabe
+ PDF Chat Tools and Recommendations for Reproducible Teaching 2022 Mine Dogucu
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
+ PDF Chat The Growing Importance of Reproducibility and Responsible Workflow in the Data Science and Statistics Curriculum 2022 Nicholas J. Horton
Rohan Alexander
Micaela S. Parker
Aneta Piekut
Colin Rundel
+ mosaic: Project MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities 2011 Randall Pruim
Daniel T. Kaplan
Nicholas J. Horton
+ Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data 2012 Robin H. Lock
+ Seeing Through Statistics (3rd ed.) 2005 Eric R. Ziegel
+ Introduction to Statistical Investigations 2014 Nathan Tintle
+ PDF Chat Towards more Accessible Conceptions of Statistical Inference 2011 C. Wild
Maxine Pfannkuch
Matt Regan
Nicholas J. Horton
+ PDF Chat Implications of the Data Revolution for Statistics Education 2015 Jim Ridgway
+ PDF Chat Combating Anti-Statistical Thinking Using Simulation-Based Methods Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum 2015 Nathan Tintle
Beth Chance
George W. Cobb
Soma Roy
Todd Swanson
Jill VanderStoep
+ PDF Chat What Teachers Should Know About the Bootstrap: Resampling in the Undergraduate Statistics Curriculum 2015 Tim Hesterberg
+ The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century, 2002 David F. Fardon