Cláudio Gorodski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Totally Geodesic Submanifolds and Polar Actions on Stiefel Manifolds 2024 Cláudio Gorodski
Andreas Kollross
Alberto Rodríguez-Vázquez
+ PDF Chat A moment map for the variety of Jordan algebras 2024 Cláudio Gorodski
Iryna Kashuba
María Eugenia Martin
+ PDF Chat Actions on positively curved manifolds and boundary in the orbit space 2024 Cláudio Gorodski
Andreas Kollross
Burkhard Wilking
+ PDF Chat Totally geodesic submanifolds and polar actions on Stiefel manifolds 2024 Cláudio Gorodski
Andreas Kollross
Alberto Rodríguez-Vázquez
+ PDF Chat The $$\kappa $$-nullity of Riemannian manifolds and their splitting tensors 2023 Cláudio Gorodski
Felippe Guimarães
+ A moment map for the variety of Jordan algebras 2023 Cláudio Gorodski
Iryna Kashuba
María Eugenia Martin
+ Representations of compact simple Lie groups whose orbit space has non-empty boundary 2023 Cláudio Gorodski
Andreas Kollross
Burkhard Wilking
+ A diameter gap for quotients of the unit sphere 2022 Cláudio Gorodski
Christian Lange
Alexander Lytchak
Ricardo A. E. Mendes
+ PDF Chat Representations of low copolarity 2022 André de Oliveira Gomes
Cláudio Gorodski
+ The $κ$-nullity of Riemannian manifolds and their splitting tensors 2022 Cláudio Gorodski
Felippe Guimarães
+ Generalized warped products and the $κ$-nullity of Riemannian curvature 2022 Cláudio Gorodski
Felippe Guimarães
+ Topics in polar actions 2022 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Generalized warped products and the κ-nullity of Riemannian curvature 2022 Cláudio Gorodski
Felippe Guimarães
+ PDF Chat Actions on positively curved manifolds and boundary in the orbit space 2021 Cláudio Gorodski
Andreas Kollross
Burkhard Wilking
+ Representations of low copolarity 2021 André Magalhães de Sá Gomes
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Actions on positively curved manifolds and boundary in the orbit space 2021 Cláudio Gorodski
Andreas Kollross
Burkhard Wilking
+ Semisimple symmetric contact spaces 2020 Dmitri V. Alekseevsky
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Semisimple symmetric contact spaces 2020 Dmitri V. Alekseevsky
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Tensor Fields and Differential Forms 2020 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Smooth Manifolds 2020 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Smooth Manifolds 2020 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Semisimple symmetric contact spaces 2020 Dmitri V. Alekseevsky
Cláudio Gorodski
+ PDF Chat Robust index bounds for minimal hypersurfaces of isoparametric submanifolds and symmetric spaces 2019 Cláudio Gorodski
Ricardo A. E. Mendes
Marco Radeschi
+ PDF Chat Commentary to: “On a list of ordinary differential equations problems” 2019 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Highly curved orbit spaces 2019 Cláudio Gorodski
+ A diameter gap for quotients of the unit sphere 2019 Cláudio Gorodski
Christian Lange
Alexander Lytchak
Ricardo A. E. Mendes
+ Highly curved orbit spaces 2018 Cláudio Gorodski
+ PDF Chat Polar foliations on quaternionic projective spaces 2018 Miguel Domínguez-Vázquez
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Focal radii of orbits 2018 Cláudio Gorodski
Artur B. Saturnino
+ Robust index bounds for minimal hypersurfaces of isoparametric submanifolds and symmetric spaces 2018 Cláudio Gorodski
Ricardo A. E. Mendes
Marco Radeschi
+ Representations with $$\mathsf{Sp}(1)^k$$ Sp ( 1 ) k -reductions and quaternion-Kähler symmetric spaces 2018 Cláudio Gorodski
Francisco J. Gozzi
+ Highly curved orbit spaces 2018 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Robust index bounds for minimal hypersurfaces of isoparametric submanifolds and symmetric spaces 2018 Cláudio Gorodski
Ricardo A. E. Mendes
Marco Radeschi
+ Focal radii of orbits 2017 Cláudio Gorodski
Artur B. Saturnino
+ The curvature of orbit spaces 2017 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ Representations with $Sp(1)^k$-reductions and quaternion-Kähler symmetric spaces 2017 Cláudio Gorodski
Francisco J. Gozzi
+ Focal radii of orbits 2017 Cláudio Gorodski
Artur B. Saturnino
+ PDF Chat Polar Symplectic Representations 2016 Laura Geatti
Cláudio Gorodski
+ The curvature of orbit spaces 2016 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on polar actions 2015 Cláudio Gorodski
Andreas Kollross
+ PDF Chat Isometric actions on spheres with an orbifold quotient 2015 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ Polar foliations on quaternionic projective spaces 2015 Miguel Domínguez-Vázquez
Cláudio Gorodski
+ On homogeneous composed Clifford foliations 2015 Cláudio Gorodski
Marco Radeschi
+ On homogeneous composed Clifford foliations 2015 Cláudio Gorodski
Marco Radeschi
+ Polar foliations on quaternionic projective spaces 2015 Miguel Domínguez-Vázquez
Cláudio Gorodski
+ PDF Chat Tight Lagrangian homology spheres in compact homogeneous Kähler manifolds 2014 Cláudio Gorodski
Fabio Podestà
+ PDF Chat Representations whose minimal reduction has a toric identity component 2014 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ Tight Lagrangian homology spheres in compact homogeneous K\"ahler manifolds 2013 Cláudio Gorodski
Fabio Podestà
+ Tight Lagrangian homology spheres in compact homogeneous Kähler manifolds 2013 Cláudio Gorodski
Fabio Podestà
+ Representations whose minimal reduction has a toric identity component 2012 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ PDF Chat On orbit spaces of representations of compact Lie groups 2012 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ Homogeneous structures and rigidity of isoparametric submanifolds in Hilbert space 2012 Cláudio Gorodski
Ernst Heintze
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous structures and rigidity of isoparametric submanifolds in Hilbert space 2012 Cláudio Gorodski
Ernst Heintze
+ Representations whose minimal reduction has a toric identity component 2012 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ Homogeneous structures and rigidity of isoparametric submanifolds in Hilbert space 2012 Cláudio Gorodski
Ernst Heintze
+ PDF Chat The discriminants associated to isotropy representations of symmetric spaces 2011 Cláudio Gorodski
+ On orbit spaces of representations of compact Lie groups 2011 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ On orbit spaces of representations of compact Lie groups 2011 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ The discriminants associated to isotropy representations of symmetric spaces 2010 Cláudio Gorodski
+ The discriminants associated to isotropy representations of symmetric spaces 2010 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Polar orthogonal representations of real reductive algebraic groups 2008 Laura Geatti
Cláudio Gorodski
+ PDF Chat Taut representations of compact simple Lie groups 2008 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Polar orthogonal representations of real reductive algebraic groups 2008 Laura Geatti
Cláudio Gorodski
+ PDF Chat Singular riemannian foliations with sections, transnormal maps and basic forms 2006 Marcos M. Alexandrino
Cláudio Gorodski
+ PDF Chat Polar actions on compact rank one symmetric spaces are taut 2006 Leonardo Biliotti
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Taut submanifolds 2006 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Taut submanifolds 2006 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Polar actions on compact irreducible symmetric spaces are taut 2005 Leonardo Biliotti
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Jacobi fields on normal homogeneous Riemannian manifolds 2005 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Polar actions on compact rank one symmetric spaces are taut 2005 Leonardo Biliotti
Cláudio Gorodski
+ A survey on the geometry of isometric actions 2005 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Minimal Legendrian submanifolds of S2n+1 and absolutely area-minimizing cones 2004 Vincent Borrelli
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Enlarging totally geodesic submanifolds of symmetric spaces to minimal submanifolds of one dimension higher 2004 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Polar Actions on Compact Symmetric Spaces Which Admit a Totally Geodesic Principal Orbit 2004 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Taut representations of compact simple Lie groups 2004 Cláudio Gorodski
+ PDF Chat Copolarity of isometric actions 2003 Cláudio Gorodski
Carlos Olmos
Ruy Tojeiro
+ The classification of taut irreducible representations 2003 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Homogeneity rank of real representations of compact Lie groups 2003 Cláudio Gorodski
Fabio Podestà
+ PDF Chat Variationally Complete Actions on Compact Symmetric Spaces 2002 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Representations of compact Lie groups and the osculating spaces of their orbits 2002 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Variationally complete actions on compact symmetric spaces 2002 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Copolarity of isometric actions 2002 Cláudio Gorodski
Carlos Olmos
Ruy Tojeiro
+ None 2002 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ PDF Chat Delaunay-type surfaces in the 2×2 real unimodular group 2001 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Cycles of Bott-Samelson type for taut representations 2001 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ A class of complete embedded minimal submanifolds in noncompact symmetric spaces 2001 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Delaunay-type surfaces in the 2 x 2 real unimodular group 2001 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Complete minimal hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic space 2000 Cláudio Gorodski
Nikolay Gusevskii
+ Constant curvature 2-spheres in?P2 1999 Cláudio Gorodski
+ PDF Chat The classification of simply-connected contact sub-riemannian symmetric spaces 1999 Pierre Bieliavsky
Elisha Falbel
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Holonomy of Sub-Riemannian Manifolds 1997 Elisha Falbel
Cláudio Gorodski
Michel Rumin
+ Sub-Riemannian homogeneous spaces in dimensions 3 and 4 1996 Elisha Falbel
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Minimal hyperspheres in rank two compact symmetric spaces 1996 Cláudio Gorodski
+ Conformal sub-Riemannian geometry in dimension 3 1995 Elisha Falbel
Cláudio Gorodski
José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat On contact sub-riemannian symmetric spaces 1995 Elisha Falbel
Cláudio Gorodski
+ Minimal sphere bundles in Euclidean spheres 1994 Cláudio Gorodski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the invariant theory and geometry of compact linear groups of cohomogeneity⩽3 1994 Eldar Straume
+ PDF Chat Polar coordinates induced by actions of compact Lie groups 1985 Jiri Dadok
+ Submanifolds and Holonomy 2016 Jürgen Berndt
Sergio Console
Carlos Olmos
+ Applications of the Theory of Morse to Symmetric Spaces 1958 Raoul Bott
Hans Samelson
+ PDF Chat Lifting smooth homotopies of orbit spaces 1980 Gerald W. Schwarz
+ PDF Chat On orbit spaces of representations of compact Lie groups 2012 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ PDF Chat Critical Point Theory and Submanifold Geometry 1988 Richard S. Palais
Chuu-liang Terng
+ PDF Chat Minimal submanifolds of low cohomogeneity 1971 Wu-Yi Hsiang
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Spaces of constant curvature 2010 Joseph A. Wolf
+ A classification of hyperpolar and cohomogeneity one actions 2001 Andreas Kollross
+ A generalization of the Chevalley restriction theorem 1979 D. Luna
R. W. Richardson
+ Representations of compact Lie groups and the osculating spaces of their orbits 2002 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat A general theory of canonical forms 1987 Richard S. Palais
Chuu-Lian Terng
+ PDF Chat On the classification of polar representations 1999 J.-H. Eschenburg
Ernst Heintze
+ PDF Chat Variational completeness and $K$-transversal domains 1971 Lawrence Conlon
+ PDF Chat Representations whose minimal reduction has a toric identity component 2014 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ PDF Chat Topology of isoparametric submanifolds 1988 Richard S. Palais
Chuu-liang Terng
+ PDF Chat Variationally complete representations are polar 2001 Antonio J. Di Scala
Carlos Olmos
+ PDF Chat Isometric actions on spheres with an orbifold quotient 2015 Cláudio Gorodski
Alexander Lytchak
+ PDF Chat Curvature explosion in quotients and applications 2010 Alexander Lytchak
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Submanifolds and Holonomy 2003 Jürgen Berndt
Sergio Console
Carlos Olmos
+ Reducible polar representations 2001 Isabel Bergmann
+ None 2000 Karsten Grove
Catherine Searle
+ None 2002 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Polar actions on rank-one symmetric spaces 1999 Fabio Podestà
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ PDF Chat Compact connected Lie transformation groups on spheres with low cohomogeneity. I 1996 Eldar Straume
+ PDF Chat An application of the Morse theory to the topology of Lie-groups 1956 Raoul Bott
+ Isoparametric submanifolds and a Chevalley-type restriction theorem 2000 Ernst Heintze
Xiaobo Liu
Carlos Olmos
+ PDF Chat Copolarity of isometric actions 2003 Cláudio Gorodski
Carlos Olmos
Ruy Tojeiro
+ PDF Chat Isoparametric submanifolds and their Coxeter groups 1985 Chuu-Lian Terng
+ PDF Chat Polar Coordinates Induced by Actions of Compact Lie Groups 1985 Jiri Dadok
+ Homogeneity rank of real representations of compact Lie groups 2003 Cláudio Gorodski
Fabio Podestà
+ PDF Chat Geometric resolution of singular Riemannian foliations 2010 Alexander Lytchak
+ The classification of taut irreducible representations 2003 Cláudio Gorodski
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Elliptic isometries, condition (C) and proper maps 1991 Karsten Grove
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat The topology of isoparametric submanifolds 1988 Wu-Yi Hsiang
Richard S. Palais
Chuu-Lian Terng
+ Hyperpolar Actions on Symmetric Spaces 2001 Ernst Heintze
Richard S. Palais
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ PDF Chat On some types of isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres, II 1976 Hideki Ozeki
Masaru Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Elliptic spaces in Grassmann manifolds 1963 Joseph A. Wolf
+ PDF Chat Les espaces symétriques noncompacts 1957 Marcel Berger
+ PDF Chat Proper Fredholm submanifolds of Hilbert space 1989 Chuu-Lian Terng
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on polar actions 2015 Cláudio Gorodski
Andreas Kollross
+ Polar and coisotropic actions on Kähler manifolds 2002 Fabio Podestà
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Isoparametric foliations and their buildings 1991 Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Lectures on Real Semisimple Lie Algebras and Their Representations 2004 Arkady L. Onishchik
+ Taut Immersions into Complete Riemannian Manifolds 1997 Chuu-Lian Terng
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
+ Parallel Transportation for Alexandrov Space with Curvature Bounded Below 1998 Anton Petrunin
+ PDF Chat A globalization for non-complete but geodesic spaces 2015 Anton Petrunin
+ Cliffordalgebren und neue isoparametrische Hyperfl�chen 1981 Dirk Ferus
Hermann Karcher
Hans-Friedrich M�nzner