Christos Pelekis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A binomial random multigraph 2024 Christos Pelekis
+ Optimizing stakes in simultaneous bets 2023 Robbert Fokkink
Ludolf Erwin Meester
Christos Pelekis
+ A note on the network coloring game. 2021 Nikolaos Fryganiotis
Symeon Papavassiliou
Christos Pelekis
+ PDF Chat A limit theorem for small cliques in inhomogeneous random graphs 2021 Jan Hladký
Christos Pelekis
Matas Šileikis
+ A Fragile multi-CPR Game. 2021 Christos Pelekis
Panagiotis Promponas
Juan Alvarado
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
Symeon Papavassiliou
+ A note on the network coloring game: A randomized distributed $(Δ+1)$-coloring algorithm 2021 Nikolaos Fryganiotis
Symeon Papavassiliou
Christos Pelekis
+ A Fragile multi-CPR Game 2021 Christos Pelekis
Panagiotis Promponas
Juan Alvarado
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
Symeon Papavassiliou
+ PDF Chat Projection inequalities for antichains 2020 Konrad Engel
Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
Christian Reiher
+ On $k$-antichains in the unit $n$-cube 2020 Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ On $k$-antichains in the unit $n$-cube 2020 Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ On $k$-antichains in the unit $n$-cube 2020 Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ PDF Chat A Turán-Type Theorem for Large-Distance Graphs in Euclidean Spaces, and Related Isodiametric Problems 2020 Martin Doležal
Jan Hladký
Jan Kolář
Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ Some inequalities on Binomial and Poisson probabilities 2020 Robbert Fokkink
Symeon Papavassiliou
Christos Pelekis
+ Optimizing stakes in simultaneous bets 2020 Robbert Fokkink
Ludolf Erwin Meester
Christos Pelekis
+ A continuous analogue of Erdős' k-Sperner theorem 2019 Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ A Turán-type theorem for large-distance graphs in Euclidean spaces, and related isodiametric problems 2019 Martin Doležal
Jan Hladký
Jan Kolář
Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ A continuous analogue of Erd\H{o}s' $k$-Sperner theorem 2019 Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ A continuous analogue of Erdős' $k$-Sperner theorem 2019 Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ On $k$-antichains in the unit $n$-cube 2019 Christos Pelekis
Václav Vlasák
+ On the Shannon entropy of the number of vertices with zero in-degree in randomly oriented hypergraphs 2018 Christos Pelekis
+ PDF Chat On the Bernstein-Hoeffding method 2018 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
Yuyi Wang
+ The de Bruijn-Erd\H{o}s theorem from a Hausdorff measure point of view 2018 Martin Doležal
Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
+ A Generalization of Erdős' Matching Conjecture 2018 Christos Pelekis
Israel Rocha
+ On the Shannon entropy of the number of vertices with zero in-degree in randomly oriented hypergraphs 2018 Christos Pelekis
+ The de Bruijn-Erdős theorem from a Hausdorff measure point of view 2018 Martin Doležal
Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
+ Hoeffding’s Inequality for Sums of Dependent Random Variables 2017 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
+ A generalization of Erdős' matching conjecture 2017 Christos Pelekis
Israel Rocha
+ A generalization of Erd\H{o}s' matching conjecture 2017 Christos Pelekis
Israel Rocha
+ A fractal perspective on optimal antichains and intersecting subsets of the unit $n$-cube 2017 Konrad Engel
Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
+ A generalization of Erdős' matching conjecture 2017 Christos Pelekis
Israel Rocha
+ Hölder-type inequalities and their applications to concentration and correlation bounds 2016 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
Yuyi Wang
+ A lower bound on binomial tails: an approach via tail conditional expectations 2016 Christos Pelekis
+ PDF Chat A lower bound on the probability that a binomial random variable is exceeding its mean 2016 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
+ A lower bound on the probability that a binomial random variable is exceeding its mean 2016 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
+ Lower bounds on binomial and Poisson tails: an approach via tail conditional expectations 2016 Christos Pelekis
+ A lower bound on the probability that a binomial random variable is exceeding its mean 2016 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
+ PDF Chat Bernoulli Trials of Fixed Parity, Random and Randomly Oriented Graphs 2015 Christos Pelekis
+ Hoeffding's inequality for sums of weakly dependent random variables 2015 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
+ Hölder-type inequalities and their applications to concentration and correlation bounds 2015 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
Yuyi Wang
+ A generalised isodiametric problem 2015 Christos Pelekis
+ On the Bernstein-Hoeffding method 2015 Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
Yuyi Wang
+ U-statistics on network-structured data with kernels of degree larger than one 2014 Yuyi Wang
Christos Pelekis
Jan Ramon
+ Search Games on Hypergraphs 2014 Christos Pelekis
+ Bernoulli trials of fixed parity, random and randomly oriented graphs 2013 Christos Pelekis
+ How to Poison Your Mother-in-Law, and Other Caching Problems 2013 Robbert Fokkink
Joram op den Kelder
Christos Pelekis
+ Bernoulli trials of fixed parity, random and randomly oriented graphs 2013 Christos Pelekis
+ PDF Chat A Proof of the Kikuta–Ruckle Conjecture on Cyclic Caching of Resources 2011 Steve Alpern
Robbert Fokkink
Christos Pelekis
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions 2018 Lawrence C. Evans
Ronald F. Garzepy
+ Stochastic orders and their applications 1994 Moshe Shaked
J. George Shanthikumar
+ Continuous versions of some extremal hypergraph problems. II 1980 Gyula O. H. Katona
+ PDF Chat Monotone Convergence of Binomial Probabilities and a Generalization of Ramanujan's Equation 1968 Kumar Jogdeo
Stephen M. Samuels
+ A continuous analogue of Sperner's theorem 1997 Daniel A. Klain
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of the Number of Successes in Independent Trials 1956 Wassily Hoeffding
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Successes in Independent Trials 1965 Stephen M. Samuels
+ On a Chebyshev-Type Inequality for Sums of Independent Random Variables 1966 Stephen M. Samuels
+ Learning from networked examples 2014 Jan Ramon
Yuyi Wang
Zheng-Chu Guo
+ Ein Satz �ber Untermengen einer endlichen Menge 1928 Emanuel Sperner
+ PDF Chat Projection inequalities for antichains 2020 Konrad Engel
Themis Mitsis
Christos Pelekis
Christian Reiher
+ The Erdös-Ko-Rado theorem for vector spaces 1986 Péter Frankl
R. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Tight lower bound on the probability of a binomial exceeding its expectation 2013 Spencer Greenberg
Mehryar Mohri
+ PDF Chat Closed Form Summation for Classical Distributions: Variations on a Theme of De Moivre 1991 Persi Diaconis
S. L. Zabell
+ Combinatorics of Finite Sets. 1989 Daniel J. Kleitman
Ian Anderson
+ Mean, Median and Mode in Binomial Distributions 1980 R. Kaas
J.M. Buhrman
+ Measure Graphs 1980 Béla Bollobás
+ The smallest uniform upper bound on the distance between the mean and the median of the binomial and Poisson distributions 1995 Kaïs Hamza
+ None 2004 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Boris Pittel
+ Large matchings in uniform hypergraphs and the conjectures of Erdős and Samuels 2012 Noga Alon
Péter Frankl
Hao Huang
Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat On a lemma of Littlewood and Offord 1945 P. Erdős
+ PDF Chat On Ruckle's Conjecture on Accumulation Games 2010 Steve Alpern
Robbert Fokkink
Ken Kikuta
+ Learning from networked examples 2014 Yuyi Wang
Jan Ramon
Zheng-Chu Guo
+ PDF Chat t-Wise independence with local dependencies 2007 Ronen Gradwohl
Amir Yehudayoff
+ Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski Theory 1993 Rolf Schneider
+ PDF Chat Limits of dense graph sequences 2006 László Lovász
Balázs Szegedy
+ PDF Chat A Proof of the Kikuta–Ruckle Conjecture on Cyclic Caching of Resources 2011 Steve Alpern
Robbert Fokkink
Christos Pelekis
+ Chernoff's Inequality - A very elementary proof 2014 Nathan Linial
Zur Luria
+ PDF Chat Interpolation and approximation by polynomials 2004 George M. Phillips
Jonathan M. Borwein
Peter Borwein
+ Representation of systems of measurable sets 1975 B. Bollobás
N. Th. Varopoulos
+ Search Games on Hypergraphs 2014 Christos Pelekis
+ On the medians of gamma distributions and an equation of Ramanujan 1994 Kwok Pui Choi
+ PDF Chat An exponential inequality under weak dependence 2006 Raoul S. Kallabis
Michael H. Neumann
+ PDF Chat Extensions of the Hoeffding-Azuma inequalities 2013 Emmanuel Rio
+ Upper bounds on Poisson tail probabilities 1987 Peter W. Glynn
+ Extreme variances of order statistics in dependent samples 2008 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat A note on optimal probability lower bounds for centered random variables 2008 Mark Veraar
+ Hoeffding’s inequality for supermartingales 2012 Xiequan Fan
Ion Grama
Quansheng Liu
+ The Complete Intersection Theorem for Systems of Finite Sets 1997 Rudolf Ahlswede
Levon H. Khachatrian
+ On the Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution 2015 William Feller
+ PDF Chat On Hoeffding’s inequalities 2004 V. Bentkus
+ Central Binomial Tail Bounds 2009 Matus Telgarsky
+ A note on correlations in randomly oriented graphs 2009 Svante Linusson
+ PDF Chat Weighted sums of certain dependent random variables 1967 Kazuoki Azuma
+ On K-wise Independent Distributions and Boolean Functions 2012 Itaı Benjamini
Ori Gurel-Gurevich
Ron Peled
+ Maximally dependent random variables 1976 Tze Leung Lai
Herbert Robbins
+ Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis 2005 Michael Mitzenmacher
Eli Upfal
+ Enumeration of digraphs with given number of vertices of odd out-degree and vertices of odd in-degree 1991 Shinsei Tazawa
Teruhiro Shirakura
Saburo Tamura
+ PDF Chat Distribution Inequalities for the Binomial Law 1977 Eric Slud
+ PDF Chat Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications. 1990 K. J. Falconer