Sameer Sonkusale


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Nonlinear properties of split-ring resonators 2008 Bingnan Wang
Jiangfeng Zhou
Thomas Koschny
Costas M. Soukoulis
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction of Finite Rate of Innovation Signals with Model-Fitting Approach 2015 Zafer Doğan
Christopher Gilliam
Thierry Blu
Dimitri Van De Ville
+ PDF Chat Finite rate of innovation with non-uniform samples 2012 Xiaoyao Wei
Thierry Blu
Pier Luigi Dragotti
+ PDF Chat Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films 2004 Kostya S. Novoselov
A. K. Geǐm
С. В. Морозов
Da Jiang
Y. Zhang
S. V. Dubonos
I. V. Grigorieva
А. А. Firsov
+ PDF Chat Super-resolution, Extremal Functions and the Condition Number of Vandermonde Matrices 2015 Ankur Moitra
+ PDF Chat DNA-decorated carbon nanotubes for chemical sensing 2006 A. T. Charlie Johnson
Cristian Staii
Michelle Chen
Sam Khamis
Robert R. Johnson
Michael L. Klein
Alan Gelperin
+ PDF Chat Detection of individual gas molecules adsorbed on graphene 2007 F. Schedin
A. K. Geǐm
С. В. Морозов
E.W. Hill
Peter Blake
M. I. Katsnelson
Kostya S. Novoselov
+ PDF Chat Optical loss compensation in a bulk left-handed metamaterial by the gain in quantum dots 2010 Zheng‐Gao Dong
Hui Liu
Tao Li
Zhihong Zhu
Shuming Wang
Jingxiao Cao
Shining Zhu
Xiang Zhang
+ PDF Chat Time-Delay Estimation From Low-Rate Samples: A Union of Subspaces Approach 2010 Kfir Gedalyahu
Yonina C. Eldar
+ PDF Chat Sampling Moments and Reconstructing Signals of Finite Rate of Innovation: Shannon Meets Strang–Fix 2007 Pier Luigi Dragotti
Martin Vetterli
Thierry Blu
+ PDF Chat Experimental observation of the quantum Hall effect and Berry's phase in graphene 2005 Yuanbo Zhang
Yan‐Wen Tan
H. L. Störmer
Philip Kim
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic and extrinsic performance limits of graphene devices on SiO2 2008 Jianhao Chen
Chaun Jang
Shudong Xiao
Masa Ishigami
Michael S. Fuhrer
+ PDF Chat Innovation Rate Sampling of Pulse Streams With Application to Ultrasound Imaging 2011 Ronen Tur
Yonina C. Eldar
Zvi Friedman
+ PDF Chat Identification of Parametric Underspread Linear Systems and Super-Resolution Radar 2011 Waheed U. Bajwa
Kfir Gedalyahu
Yonina C. Eldar
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic Response of Graphene Vapor Sensors 2009 Yaping Dan
Ye Lu
Nicholas Kybert
Zhengtang Luo
A. T. Charlie Johnson
+ PDF Chat Sampling signals with finite rate of innovation 2002 Martin Vetterli
Pina Marziliano
Thierry Blu
+ Near Minimax Line Spectral Estimation 2014 Gongguo Tang
Badri Narayan Bhaskar
Benjamin Recht
+ PDF Chat Generalized Line Spectral Estimation via Convex Optimization 2017 Reinhard Heckel
Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
+ MUSIC for single-snapshot spectral estimation: Stability and super-resolution 2014 Wenjing Liao
Albert Fannjiang
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction of Fri Signals Using Deep Neural Network Approaches 2020 Vincent C. H. Leung
Junjie Huang
Pier Luigi Dragotti
+ A Time-Based Sampling Framework for Finite-Rate-of-Innovation Signals 2020 Sunil Rudresh
Abijith Jagannath Kamath
Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula
+ PDF Chat DNA-decorated graphene chemical sensors 2010 Ye Lu
Brett Goldsmith
Nicholas Kybert
A. T. Charlie Johnson
+ PDF Chat Tuning the Graphene Work Function by Electric Field Effect 2009 Young‐Jun Yu
Yüe Zhao
Sunmin Ryu
Louis E. Brus
Kwang S. Kim
Philip Kim
+ PDF Chat An FET-Based Unit Cell for an Active Magnetic Metamaterial 2011 Lukáš Jelínek
Jan Macháč
+ Loss compensation in Metamaterials through embedding of active transistor based negative differential resistance circuits 2012 Wangren Xu
Willie J. Padilla
Sameer Sonkusale
+ PDF Chat Removal of absorption and increase in resolution in a near-field lens via optical gain 2003 S. Anantha Ramakrishna
J. B. Pendry
+ PDF Chat DNA-Decorated Carbon Nanotubes for Chemical Sensing 2005 Cristian Staii
A. T. Charlie Johnson
Michelle Chen
Alan Gelperin