Lex Schrijver


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Weak and strong regularity, compactness, and approximation of polynomials 2013 Lex Schrijver
+ Low rank approximation of polynomials 2013 Lex Schrijver
+ Characterizing partition functions of the vertex model by rank growth 2013 Lex Schrijver
+ Free partially commutative groups, cohomology, and paths and circuits in directed graphs on surfaces 2013 Lex Schrijver
+ On the history of combinatorial optimization (till 1960) 2005 Lex Schrijver
Karen Aardal
George L. Nemhauser
Robert Weismantel
+ Minor-monotone graph invariants 1997 Lex Schrijver
+ New Trends in Applied Mathematics (Dedicated Professor to Cor Baayen) 1994 Alain Bensoussan
Krzysztof R. Apt
Lex Schrijver
Nico M. Temme
+ Actions on the Hilbert cube (To Cor Baayen, at the occasion of his retirement) 1994 van J. Mill
Krzysztof R. Apt
Lex Schrijver
Nico Μ. Τemme
+ Systematic Computations on Mertens' Conjecture and Dirichlet's divisor Problem by Vectorized Sieving (Dedicated to Cor Baayen, at the occasion of his retirement as scientific director of SMC and its CWI) 1994 W.M. Lioen
van de J. Lune
Krzysztof R. Apt
Lex Schrijver
Nico Μ. Τemme
+ On the History of Runge-Kutta Methods (To Cor Baayen, at the occasion of his retirement) 1994 van der P.J. Houwen
Krzysztof R. Apt
Lex Schrijver
Nico Μ. Τemme
+ Applying free partially commutative groups to paths and circuits in directed graphs on surfaces 1993 Lex Schrijver
+ Tait's flyping conjecture for well-connected links 1990 Lex Schrijver
+ Disjoint circuits of prescribed homotopies in a graph on a compact surface 1988 Lex Schrijver
+ Decomposition of graphs on surfaces and a homotopic circulation theorem 1987 Lex Schrijver
+ Polyhedral combinatorics : some recent developments and results 1986 Lex Schrijver
+ The new Linear programming method of Karmarkar 1985 Lex Schrijver
+ Total dual integrality from directed graphs, crossing families, and sub- and supermodular functions 1984 Lex Schrijver
+ Bounds on permanents, and the number of 1-factors and 1-factorizations in bipatite graphs 1983 Lex Schrijver
+ Khachian's ellipsoïde-methode voor lineare programmering 1982 Lex Schrijver
+ Vertex-crtical subgraphs of Kneser-graphs 1978 Lex Schrijver
+ A comparison of bounds of delsarte and lovasz : (preprint) 1978 Lex Schrijver
+ Characterizations of supercompact spaces 1977 Lex Schrijver
+ A short proof of minc's conjecture 1977 Lex Schrijver
+ A note on david lubell's article local matchings in the function space of a partial order : (prepublication) 1976 Lex Schrijver
+ Linking systems, matroids, and bipartite graphs 1976 Lex Schrijver
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Commonly Cited References
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