Attila Pór


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Orientation Preserving Maps of the Square Grid II 2023 Imre Bárány
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Erdős–Szekeres Theorem for k-Flats 2022 Imre Bárány
Gil Kalai
Attila Pór
+ Universal sequences of lines in $\mathbb R^d$ 2021 Imre Bárány
Gil Kalai
Attila Pór
+ Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres theorem for $k$-flats 2021 Imre Bárány
Gil Kalai
Attila Pór
+ Universal sequences of lines in $\mathbb R^d$ 2021 Imre Bárány
Gil Kalai
Attila Pór
+ Erdős-Szekeres theorem for $k$-flats 2021 Imre Bárány
Gil Kalai
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Random bipartite posets and extremal problems 2020 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
H. A. Kierstead
Attila Pór
W. T. Trotter
R. Wang
+ PDF Chat Almost-Equidistant Sets 2020 Martin Balko
Attila Pór
Manfred Scheucher
Konrad J. Swanepoel
Pável Valtr
+ Random bipartite posets and extremal problems 2020 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
H. A. Kierstead
Attila Pór
William T. Trotter
Ruidong Wang
+ PDF Chat The ropelengths of knots are almost linear in terms of their crossing numbers 2019 Yuanan Diao
Claus Ernst
Attila Pór
Uta Ziegler
+ Universality of vector sequences and universality of Tverberg partitions 2018 Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat An Improvement on the Rado Bound for the Centerline Depth 2017 Alexander Magazinov
Attila Pór
+ Almost-equidistant sets 2017 Martin Balko
Attila Pór
Manfred Scheucher
Konrad J. Swanepoel
Pável Valtr
+ Double Threshold Digraphs 2017 Peter Hamburger
Ross M. McConnell
Attila Pór
Jeremy Spinrad
+ Double Threshold Digraphs 2017 Peter Hamburger
Ross M. McConnell
Attila Pór
Jeremy Spinrad
+ Almost-equidistant sets 2017 Martin Balko
Attila Pór
Manfred Scheucher
Konrad J. Swanepoel
Pável Valtr
+ Curves in $\mathbb R^d$ intersecting every hyperplane at most $d+1$ times 2016 Imre Bárány
Jiřı́ Matoušek
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Acknowledgement of priority — A fractional Helly theorem for boxes 2016 Imre Bárány
Ferenc Fodor
Álvaro Martínez-Pérez
Luis Montejano
Déborah Oliveros
Attila Pór
+ An improvement on the trivial lower bound for the depth of a centerline 2016 Alexander Magazinov
Attila Pór
+ An improvement on the Rado bound for the centerline depth 2016 Alexander Magazinov
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Paths on the Sphere Without Small Angles 2016 Imre Bárány
Attila Pór
+ An improvement on the Rado bound for the centerline depth 2016 Alexander Magazinov
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Forcing Posets with Large Dimension to Contain Large Standard Examples 2015 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
William T. Trotter
+ A fractional Helly theorem for boxes 2014 Imre Bárány
Ferenc Fodor
Álvaro Martínez-Pérez
Luis Montejano
Déborah Oliveros
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Standard Examples as Subposets of Posets 2014 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Curves in Rd intersecting every hyperplane at most d + 1 times 2014 Imre Bárány
Jiřı́ Matoušek
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat The Proof of the Removable Pair Conjecture for Fractional Dimension 2014 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ Large standard examples in posets with high dimension and fractional dimension 2014 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ Forcing Posets with Large Dimension to Contain Large Standard Examples 2014 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
William T. Trotter
+ Forcing Posets with Large Dimension to Contain Large Standard Examples 2014 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
William T. Trotter
+ The proof of the removable pair conjecture for fractional dimension 2013 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ Standard Examples as Subposets of Posets 2013 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Colourful and Fractional (p,q)-theorems 2013 Imre Bárány
Ferenc Fodor
Luis Montejano
Déborah Oliveros
Attila Pór
+ Curves in R^d intersecting every hyperplane at most d+1 times 2013 Imre Bárány
Jiřı́ Matoušek
Attila Pór
+ The proof of the removable pair conjecture for fractional dimension 2013 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ Curves in R^d intersecting every hyperplane at most d+1 times 2013 Imre Bárány
Jiřı́ Matoušek
Attila Pór
+ Standard Examples as Subposets of Posets 2013 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ Blocking Colored Point Sets 2012 Greg Aloupis
Brad Ballinger
Sébastien Collette
Stefan Langerman
Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ PDF Chat On the Connectivity of Visibility Graphs 2012 Michael S. Payne
Attila Pór
Pável Valtr
David R. Wood
+ On the connectivity of visibility graphs 2011 Michael S. Payne
Attila Pór
Pável Valtr
David R. Wood
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Graphs with Four Boundary Vertices 2011 Tobias Müller
Attila Pór
Jean‐Sébastien Sereni
+ Destroying cycles in digraphs 2011 Molly W. Dunkum
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ On the connectivity of visibility graphs 2011 Michael S. Payne
Attila Pór
Pável Valtr
David R. Wood
+ PDF Chat Every Large Point Set contains Many Collinear Points or an Empty Pentagon 2010 Zachary Abel
Brad Ballinger
Prosenjit Bose
Sébastien Collette
Vida Dujmović
Ferrán Hurtado
Scott Duke Kominers
Stefan Langerman
Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ On visibility and blockers 2010 Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ PDF Chat Characterisation Results for Steiner Triple Systems and Their Application to Edge-Colourings of Cubic Graphs 2009 Daniel Kráľ
Edita Máčajov ́
Attila Pór
Jean‐Sébastien Sereni
+ Paths with No Small Angles 2009 Imre Bárány
Attila Pór
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Colourings of the cartesian product of graphs and multiplicative Sidon sets 2009 Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ The Ropelengths of Knots Are Almost Linear in Terms of Their Crossing Numbers 2009 Yuanan Diao
Claus Ernst
Attila Pór
Uta Ziegler
+ Kneser Representations of Graphs 2009 Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
Matt Walsh
+ PDF Chat A Step toward the Bermond–Thomassen Conjecture about Disjoint Cycles in Digraphs 2009 Nicolas Lichiardopol
Attila Pór
Jean‐Sébastien Sereni
+ On Visibility and Blockers 2009 Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ Every large point set contains many collinear points or an empty pentagon 2009 Zachary Abel
Brad Ballinger
Prosenjit Bose
Sébastien Collette
Vida Dujmović
Ferrán Hurtado
Scott Duke Kominers
Stefan Langerman
Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ Paths with no Small Angles 2008 Imre Bárány
Attila Pór
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Lower bounding the boundary of a graph in terms of its maximum or minimum degree 2008 Tobias Müller
Attila Pór
Jean‐Sébastien Sereni
+ Diszkrét és konvex geometria = Discrete and convex geometry 2008 Endre Makai
András Bezdek
Károly J. Böröczky
Gábor Tóth
Gyula O. H. Katona
János Pach
Attila Pór
B. Uhrin
+ PDF Chat Maximizing Maximal Angles for Plane Straight-Line Graphs 2007 Oswin Aichholzer
Thomas Hackl
Michael M. Hoffmann
Clemens Huemer
Attila Pór
Francisco Santos
Bettina Speckmann
Birgit Vogtenhuber
+ Edge-colorings of cubic graphs with elements of point-transitive Steiner triple systems 2007 Daniel Kráľ
Edita Máčajová
Attila Pór
Jean‐Sébastien Sereni
+ PDF Chat Colourings of the Cartesian Product of Graphs and Multiplicative Sidon Sets 2007 Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ Bounding the boundary by the minimum and maximum degree 2007 Tobias Müller
Attila Pór
J.-S. Sereni
+ Diszkrét geometria és kombinatorikus konvexitás = Discrete geometry and combinatorial convexity 2007 Imre Bárány
Zoltán Füredi
János Kincses
János Pach
Attila Pór
József Solymosi
Gézá Tóth
+ Diszkrét és kombinatórikus geometriai kutatások = Topics in discrete and combinatorial geometry 2007 András Bezdek
György Csizmadia
Gábor Tóth
Ákos G. Horváth
A. Heppes
Mihály Hujter
Attila Pór
István Talata
Gézá Tóth
+ On the positive fraction Erdös-Szekeres theorem for convex sets 2006 Attila Pór
Pável Valtr
+ On the positive fraction Erdős–Szekeres theorem for convex sets 2006 Attila Pór
Pável Valtr
+ Colourings of the Cartesian Product of Graphs and Multiplicative Sidon Sets 2005 Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ Angel, Devil, and King 2005 Martin Kütz
Attila Pór
+ Colourings of the Cartesian Product of Graphs and Multiplicative Sidon Sets 2005 Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ Track Layouts of Graphs 2004 Vida Dujmović
Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ Track Layouts of Graphs 2004 Vida Dujmović
Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ PDF Chat A Partitioned Version of the Erd�s?Szekeres Theorem for Quadrilaterals 2003 Attila Pór
+ On 0-1 Polytopes with Many Facets 2001 Imre Bárány
Attila Pór
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Problem in Geometry 2009 P. Erdős
G. Szckeres
+ PDF Chat Every Large Point Set contains Many Collinear Points or an Empty Pentagon 2010 Zachary Abel
Brad Ballinger
Prosenjit Bose
Sébastien Collette
Vida Dujmović
Ferrán Hurtado
Scott Duke Kominers
Stefan Langerman
Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ Fractional dimension of partial orders 1992 Graham Brightwell
Edward R. Scheinerman
+ The dimension of random ordered sets 1991 P. Erdős
H. A. Kierstead
W. T. Trotter
+ PDF Chat Blocking Visibility for Points in General Position 2009 Jiřı́ Matoušek
+ PDF Chat Inequalities in dimension theory for posets 1975 William T. Trotter
+ Acyclic coloring of graphs 1991 Noga Alon
Colin McDiarmid
Bruce Reed
+ On Star Coloring of Graphs 2001 Guillaume Fertin
André Raspaud
Bruce Reed
+ On visibility and blockers 2010 Attila Pór
David R. Wood
+ On acyclic colorings of planar graphs 2006 O. V. Borodin
+ A Decomposition Theorem for Partially Ordered Sets 2009 R. P. Dilworth
+ Acyclic colorings of products of trees 2006 Robert E. Jamison
Gretchen L. Matthews
John Villalpando
+ PDF Chat A theorem in finite projective geometry and some applications to number theory 1938 James Singer
+ A bound on the dimension of interval orders 1976 Kenneth P. Bogart
Issie Rabinovich
W. T. Trotter
+ PDF Chat Standard Examples as Subposets of Posets 2014 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
+ Graphs with small boundary 2006 Yoko Hasegawa
Akira Saito
+ Graphs with Given Group and Given Graph-Theoretical Properties 1957 Gert Sabidussi
+ PDF Chat Critical Graphs for Acyclic Colorings 1978 David M. Berman
+ Thicknesses of knots 1999 Yuanan Diao
Claus Ernst
E J Janse van Rensburg
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ Maximal dimensional partially ordered sets II. characterization of 2n-element posets with dimension n 1973 Kenneth P. Bogart
William T. Trotter
+ Ein Satz �ber trigonometrische Polynome und seine Anwendung in der Theorie der Fourier-Reihen 1932 S. Sidon
+ Boundary vertices in graphs 2003 Gary Chartrand
David Erwin
Garry L. Johns
Ping Zhang
+ PDF Chat Large Chromatic Number and Ramsey Graphs 2012 Csaba Bíró
Zoltán Füredi
Sogol Jahanbekam
+ Additive and multiplicative Sidon sets 2006 Imre Z. Ruzsa
+ PDF Chat Some applications of graph theory to number theory 1969 Paul Erdös
+ PDF Chat Canonical Theorems for Convex Sets 1998 J. Pach
József Solymosi
+ Coloring Powers of Chordal Graphs 2004 Daniel Kráľ
+ On a combinatorial problem in geometry 1975 H. L. Abbott
D. Hanson
+ PDF Chat Coloring with no $2$-Colored $P_4$'s 2004 Michael O. Albertson
Glenn G. Chappell
H. A. Kierstead
André Kündgen
Radhika Ramamurthi
+ Convexly independent sets 1990 Tibor Bisztriczky
Gézá Tóth
+ Large Sets of Nearly Orthogonal Vectors 1999 Noga Alon
Márió Szegedy
+ Primitive recursive bounds for van der Waerden numbers 1988 Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat A Positive Fraction Erdos - Szekeres Theorem 1998 Imre Bárány
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Forcing Posets with Large Dimension to Contain Large Standard Examples 2015 Csaba Bíró
Peter Hamburger
Attila Pór
William T. Trotter
+ Intransitive indifference with unequal indifference intervals 1970 Peter C. Fishburn
+ An Algorithmic Proof of the Motzkin-Rabin Theorem on Monochrome Lines 2004 L. M. Pretorius
Konrad J. Swanepoel
+ PDF Chat Acyclic and k-distance coloring of the grid 2003 Guillaume Fertin
Emmanuel Godard
André Raspaud
+ Helly, Radon, and Carathéodory Type Theorems 1993 Jürgen Eckhoff
+ The Linear Growth in the Lengths of a Family of Thick Knots 2003 Yuanan Diao
Claus Ernst
Morwen Thistlethwaite
+ PDF Chat Minimum feedback vertex set and acyclic coloring 2002 Guillaume Fertin
Emmanuel Godard
André Raspaud
+ Problems and Conjectures in the Combinatorial Theory of Ordered Sets 1988 W. T. Trotter
+ A polynomial bound in Freiman's theorem 2002 Mei-Chu Chang
+ Tight knot values deviate from linear relations 1998 Jason Cantarella
Robert Kusner
John M. Sullivan
+ PDF Chat On the number of sums and products 1997 György Elekes
+ Probability of DNA knotting and the effective diameter of the DNA double helix. 1993 Valentin V. Rybenkov
Nicholas R. Cozzarelli
Alexander V. Vologodskii
+ PDF Chat A Generalization of the Erdos - Szekeres Theorem to Disjoint Convex Sets 1998 János Pach
G. Tóth
+ Konvexe Fünfecke in ebenen Punktmengen. 1978 Heiko Harborth
+ Four-thirds power law for knots and links 1998 Gregory Buck
+ Intersection patterns of convex sets 1984 Gil Kalai