Generating author description...
Action | Title | Year | Authors |
+ PDF Chat | A p-extremal length and p-capacity equality | 1975 |
Joseph Hesse |
+ PDF Chat | 𝑝-extremal length and 𝑝-measurable curve families | 1975 |
Joseph Hesse |
Coauthor | Papers Together |
Action | Title | Year | Authors | # of times referenced |
+ PDF Chat | Lectures on n-Dimensional Quasiconformal Mappings | 1971 |
Jussi Väısälä |
2 |
+ | Real and Complex Analysis. | 1987 |
G. A. Garreau Walter Rudin |
1 |
+ PDF Chat | Extremal length definitions for the conformal capacity of rings in space. | 1962 |
F. W. Gehring |
1 |
+ PDF Chat | Extremal length and $p$-capacity. | 1969 |
William P. Ziemer |
1 |
+ PDF Chat | Extremal length and functional completion | 1957 |
Bent Fuglede |
1 |