Jarkko Isotalo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Permissible Covariance Structures for Simultaneous Retention of BLUEs in Small and Big Linear Models 2023 Stephen Haslett
Jarkko Isotalo
Augustyn Markiewicz
Simo Puntanen
+ Upper Bounds for the Euclidean Distances Between the BLUEs Under the Partitioned Linear Fixed Model and the Corresponding Mixed Model 2023 Stephen Haslett
Jarkko Isotalo
Augustyn Markiewicz
Simo Puntanen
+ PDF Chat Equalities between the BLUEs and BLUPs under the partitioned linear fixed model and the corresponding mixed model 2021 Stephen Haslett
Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
+ A Review of the Linear Sufficiency and Linear Prediction Sufficiency in the Linear Model with New Observations 2021 Stephen Haslett
Jarkko Isotalo
RadosƂaw Kala
Augustyn Markiewicz
Simo Puntanen
+ PDF Chat Some Properties of Linear Prediction Sufficiency in the Linear Model 2018 Jarkko Isotalo
Augustyn Markiewicz
Simo Puntanen
+ Equalities between OLSE, BLUE and BLUP in the linear model 2013 Stephen Haslett
Jarkko Isotalo
Yonghui Liu
Simo Puntanen
+ Block-Diagonalization and the Schur Complement 2011 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Jarkko Isotalo
+ Nonnegative Definiteness of a Partitioned Matrix 2011 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Jarkko Isotalo
+ Disjointness of Column Spaces 2011 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Jarkko Isotalo
+ The Cauchy–Schwarz Inequality 2011 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Jarkko Isotalo
+ Minimizing cov(y - Fx) 2011 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Jarkko Isotalo
+ The Matrix $$\dot{\rm M}$$ 2011 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Jarkko Isotalo
+ A Decomposition of the Orthogonal Projector 2011 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Jarkko Isotalo
+ Easy Column Space Tricks 2011 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Jarkko Isotalo
+ The BLUE's covariance matrix revisited: A review 2008 Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
+ A note on the equality of the OLSE and the BLUE of the parametric function in the general Gauss–Markov model 2007 Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
+ Decomposing the Watson eciency in a linear statistical model 2007 Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
+ Linear estimation and prediction in the general Gauss Markov model 2007 Jarkko Isotalo
+ PDF Chat Linear sufficiency and completeness in the partitioned linear model 2006 Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
+ PDF Chat Invariance of the BLUE under the linear fixed and mixed effects models 2006 Jarkko Isotalo
MÀrt Möls
Simo Puntanen
+ Matrix Tricks for Linear Statistical Models: A Short Review of our Personal Top Fourteen 2006 Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
+ Linear Prediction Sufficiency for New Observations in the General Gauss–Markov Model 2006 Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
+ Some further results concerning the decomposition of the Watson efficiency in partitioned linear models 2005 Ka Lok Chu
Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
+ On decomposing the Watson efficiency of ordinary least squares in a partitioned weakly singular linear model 2004 Ka Lok Chu
Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Representations of best linear unbiased estimators in the Gauss-Markoff model with a singular dispersion matrix 1973 C. Radhakrishna Rao
+ Equalities and Inequalities for Ranks of Matrices<sup>†</sup> 1974 George Matsaglia
George P. H. Styan
+ PDF Chat On Canonical Forms, Non-Negative Covariance Matrices and Best and Simple Least Squares Linear Estimators in Linear Models 1967 George Zyskind
+ Generalized Inverse of Matrices and Its Applications 1973 K. S. Banerjee
+ The inefficiency of least squares 1975 Peter Bloomfield
Geoffrey S. Watson
+ Linear Models - An Integrated Approach 2003 Debasis Sengupta
S. Rao Jammalamadaka
+ PDF Chat Linear Transformations Preserving Best Linear Unbiased Estimators in a General Gauss-Markoff Model 1981 Jerzy K. Baksalary
RadosƂaw Kala
+ The Coordinate-Free Approach to Gauss-Markov Estimation 1970 Hilmar Drygas
+ The Equality of the Ordinary Least Squares Estimator and the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator 1989 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
+ Estimation under a general partitioned linear model 2000 JĂŒrgen Groß
Simo Puntanen
+ Equalities between OLSE, BLUE and BLUP in the linear model 2013 Stephen Haslett
Jarkko Isotalo
Yonghui Liu
Simo Puntanen
+ Best Linear Unbiased Prediction in the Generalized Linear Regression Model 1962 Arthur S. Goldberger
+ Plane Answers to Complex Questions 2020 Ronald Christensen
+ On decomposing the Watson efficiency of ordinary least squares in a partitioned weakly singular linear model 2004 Ka Lok Chu
Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
+ A note on the concepts of linear and quadratic sufficiency 1998 JĂŒrgen GroÎČ
+ Linear Prediction Sufficiency for New Observations in the General Gauss–Markov Model 2006 Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
+ The general Gauss-Markov model with possibly singular dispersion matrix 2004 JĂŒrgen Groß
+ PDF Chat Some Further Remarks on the Linear Sufficiency in the Linear Model 2017 RadosƂaw Kala
Augustyn Markiewicz
Simo Puntanen
+ The link between the mixed and fixed linear models revisited 2014 Stephen Haslett
Simo Puntanen
Barbora ArendackĂĄ
+ Some comments on several matrix inequalities with applications to canonical correlations: Historical background and recent developments 2002 S.W. Drury
Shuangzhe Liu
Chang-Yu Lu
Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
+ Some notes on linear sufficiency 2015 RadosƂaw Kala
Simo Puntanen
Yongge Tian
+ On the theory of testing serial correlation 1948 T. W. Anderson
+ Sufficiency and completeness in the linear model 1987 Jochen F. Mueller
+ On Best Linear Estimation and General Gauss-Markov Theorem in Linear Models with Arbitrary Nonnegative Covariance Structure 1969 George Zyskind
Frank B. Martin
+ On the minimum efficiency of least squares 1975 M. Knott
+ PDF Chat A Bound for the Euclidean Norm of the Difference Between the Least Squares and the Best Linear Unbiased Estimators 1978 Jerzy K. Baksalary
R. Kala
+ Two matrix-based proofs that the linear estimator Gy is the best linear unbiased estimator 2000 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
Hans‐Joachim Werner
+ Plane Answers to Complex Questions 2011 Ronald Christensen
+ Comparing the BLUEs Under Two Linear Models 2012 Jan Hauke
Augustyn Markiewicz
Simo Puntanen
+ Some further results concerning the decomposition of the Watson efficiency in partitioned linear models 2005 Ka Lok Chu
Jarkko Isotalo
Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
+ An elementary development of the equation characterizing best linear unbiased estimators 2003 Jerzy K. Baksalary
+ Partial Time Regressions as Compared with Individual Trends 1933 Ragnar Frisch
Frederick V. Waugh
+ Generalized Inverse of Matrices and its Applications 1972 Alan J. Mayne
+ When Does<i>A</i>*<i>A</i>=<i>B</i>*<i>B</i>and Why Does One Want to Know? 1996 Roger A. Horn
Ingram Olkin
+ Four equivalent definitions of reparametrizations and restrictions in linear models 1992 Julio L. Peixoto
+ Some matrix results related to a partitioned singular linear model 1996 Simo Puntanen
+ Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series and Multiple Regression Analysis 1963 Michael C. Lovell
+ Unified theory of linear estimation 1971 C. Radhakrishna Rao
+ On the equality of the BLUPs under two linear mixed models 2010 Stephen Haslett
Simo Puntanen
+ A study of the influence of the ‘natural restrictions’ on estimation problems in the singular Gauss-Markov model 1992 Jerzy K. Baksalary
C. Radhakrishna Rao
Augustyn Markiewicz
+ Rank invariance criterion and its application to the unified theory of least squares 1990 Jerzy K. Baksalary
Thomas Mathew
+ On misspecification of the dispersion matrix in mixed linear models 2009 Jian-Ying Rong
Xu-Qing Liu
Betty Jeanne Moore
+ Further remarks on the connection between fixed linear model and mixed linear model 2014 Barbora ArendackĂĄ
Simo Puntanen
+ Inefficiency and correlation 1981 Flavio C. Bartmann
Peter Bloomfield
+ A projector oriented approach to the best linear unbiased estimator 2009 Oskar Maria Baksalary
Götz Trenkler
+ <scp>DRYGAS, H.</scp>: The Coordinate Free Approach to Gauss‐Markov Estimation (Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems 40). Springer‐Verlag, Berlin‐Heidelberg‐New York 1970. VIII, 113 S., DM 12,‐. 1973 Helge Toutenburg
+ On the equivalence of estimations under a general linear model and its transformed models 2008 Yongge Tian
Simo Puntanen
+ Some further results related to reduced singular linear models 1997 Simo Puntanen
+ The Gauss–Markov Theorem for Regression Models with Possibly Singular Covariances 1973 Arthur Albert