Irena Swanson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Induced matching, ordered matching and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of bipartite graphs 2024 A. V. Jayanthan
S. A. Seyed Fakhari
Irena Swanson
Siamak Yassemi
+ PDF Chat Rees algebras of sparse determinantal ideals 2024 Ela Celikbas
Emilie Dufresne
Louiza Fouli
Elisa Gorla
Kuei-Nuan Lin
Claudia Polini
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations in depth and associated primes of powers of ideals 2024 Roswitha Rissner
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Differences in regularities of a power and its integral closure and symbolic power 2023 Irena Swanson
Siamak Yassemi
+ Differences in regularities of a power and its integral closure and symbolic power 2023 Irena Swanson
Siamak Yassemi
+ Fluctuations in depth and associated primes of powers of ideals 2023 Roswitha Rissner
Irena Swanson
+ Rees algebras of sparse determinantal ideals 2021 Ela Celikbas
Emilie Dufresne
Louiza Fouli
Elisa Gorla
Kuei-Nuan Lin
Claudia Polini
Irena Swanson
+ Predicted decay ideals 2019 Sarah Jo Weinstein
Irena Swanson
+ Tensor-multinomial sums of ideals: Primary decompositions and persistence of associated primes 2019 Irena Swanson
Robert M. Walker
+ PDF Chat Many associated primes of powers of primes 2019 Jesse Kim
Irena Swanson
+ The Zarankiewicz Problem via Chow Forms 2018 Marko Petkovšek
James Pommersheim
Irena Swanson
+ Predicted decay ideal 2018 Sarah Jo Weinstein
Irena Swanson
+ Predicted decay ideal 2018 Sarah Jo Weinstein
Irena Swanson
+ The First Mayr-Meyer Ideal 2017 Irena Swanson
+ Constructions Cachees en Algebre Abstraites 2017 Irena Swanson
+ Primary Decompositions 2017 Irena Swanson
Eduardo Sáenz‐de‐Cabezón
+ PDF Chat Explicit Hilbert–Kunz functions of 2 × 2 determinantal rings 2015 Marcus Robinson
Irena Swanson
+ Frobenius numbers of numerical semigroups generated by three consecutive squares or cubes 2015 Mikhail Lepilov
Joshua O’Rourke
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat 2 × 2 Permanental Ideals of Hypermatrices 2014 Julia Porcino
Irena Swanson
+ Searching for Cutkosky's example 2014 Francesca Di Giovannantonio
Anna Guerrieri
Irena Swanson
+ Integral Closure 2014 Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Minimal primes of ideals arising from conditional independence statements 2013 Irena Swanson
Amelia Taylor
+ PDF Chat Hilbert–Kunz functions of $2\times2$ determinantal rings 2013 Lance Edward Miller
Irena Swanson
+ Hilbert-Kunz functions of 2 x 2 determinantal rings 2012 Lance Edward Miller
Irena Swanson
+ 2 x 2 permanental ideals of hypermatrices 2011 Julia Porcino
Irena Swanson
+ Minimal primes of ideals arising from conditional independence statements 2011 Irena Swanson
Amelia Taylor
+ Quilting Semiregular Tessellations 2011 Irena Swanson
Irena Swanson
Amelia Taylor
+ 2 x 2 permanental ideals of hypermatrices 2011 Julia Porcino
Irena Swanson
+ Minimal primes of ideals arising from conditional independence statements 2011 Irena Swanson
Amelia Taylor
+ Commutative Algebra: Noetherian and non-Noetherian Perspectives 2011 Marco Fontana
S. Kabbaj
Bruce Olberding
Irena Swanson
+ Commutative Algebra 2010 Marco Fontana
S. Kabbaj
Bruce Olberding
Irena Swanson
+ Rees valuations 2010 Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat An algorithm for computing the integral closure 2009 Anurag Singh
Irena Swanson
+ Commutative Algebra and its Applications 2009 Marco Fontana
S. Kabbaj
Bruce Olberding
Irena Swanson
+ An algorithm for computing the integral closure 2009 Anurag K. Singh
Irena Swanson
+ The Goto numbers of parameter ideals 2008 William Heinzer
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Adjoints of ideals 2008 Reinhold Hübl
Irena Swanson
+ The Goto numbers of parameter ideals 2008 William Heinzer
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Permanental ideals of Hankel matrices 2007 Elena Grieco
Anna Guerrieri
Irena Swanson
+ Multigraded Hilbert Functions and Mixed Multiplicities 2007 Irena Swanson
+ Adjoints of ideals 2007 Reinhold Huebl
Irena Swanson
+ Adjoints of ideals 2007 Reinhold Huebl
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Symbolic Powers of Radical Ideals 2006 Aihua Li
Irena Swanson
+ Integral closure of ideals, rings, and modules 2006 Craig Huneke
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Computing instanton numbers of curve singularities 2005 Elizabeth Gasparim
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Computations with Frobenius Powers 2005 Susan Hermiller
Irena Swanson
+ Permanental ideals of Hankel matrices 2005 Elena Grieco
Anna Guerrieri
Irena Swanson
+ On the embedded primes of the Mayr–Meyer ideals 2004 Irena Swanson
+ None 2004 Anurag K. Singh
Irena Swanson
+ Associated primes of local cohomology modules and of Frobenius powers 2004 Anurag K. Singh
Irena Swanson
+ Erratum to “Integral closure of ideals in excellent local rings” 2003 Donatella Delfino
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat The minimal components of the Mayr–Meyer ideals 2003 Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Notes on the behavior of the Ratliff-Rush filtration 2003 Maria Evelina Rossi
Irena Swanson
+ On the ideal of minors of matrices of linear forms 2003 Anna Guerrieri
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Normal cones of monomial primes 2002 Reinhold Hübl
Irena Swanson
+ A new family of ideals with the doubly exponential ideal membership property 2002 Irena Swanson
+ On the embedded primes of the Mayr-Meyer ideals 2002 Irena Swanson
+ Computations with Frobenius powers 2002 Susan Hermiller
Irena Swanson
+ Computing Instanton Numbers of Curve Singularities 2002 Elizabeth Gasparim
Irena Swanson
+ The minimal components of the Mayr-Meyer ideals 2002 Irena Swanson
+ Linear bounds on growth of associated primes 2002 Karen E. Smith
Irena Swanson
+ Integral closure of ideals in excellent local rings 2002 Donatella Delfino
Irena Swanson
+ The first Mayr-Meyer ideal 2002 Irena Swanson
+ Notes on the behavior of the Ratliff-Rush filtration 2002 Maria Evelina Rossi
Irena Swanson
+ Discrete valuations centered on local domains 2001 Reinhold Hübl
Irena Swanson
+ An algorithm for the computation of adjoints of monomial ideals in polynomial rings 2001 Mark Jon Rhodes
Irena Swanson
+ Linear equivalence of ideal topologies 2000 Irena Swanson
+ Permanental Ideals 2000 Reinhard Laubenbacher
Irena Swanson
+ Jacobian Ideals of Trilinear Forms: An Application of 1-Genericity 2000 Anna Guerrieri
Irena Swanson
+ Permanental Ideals 1998 Reinhard Laubenbacher
Irena Swanson
+ Permanental Ideals 1998 Reinhard Laubenbacher
Irena Swanson
+ Powers of ideals 1997 Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Ideals contracted from 1-dimensional overrings with an application to the primary decomposition of ideals 1997 William Heinzer
Irena Swanson
+ Integral Closure of Ideals in Excellent Local Rings 1997 Donatella Delfino
Irena Swanson
+ Linear Bounds on Growth of Associated Primes 1997 Karen E. Smith
Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Cores of ideals in $2$-dimensional regular local rings. 1995 Craig Huneke
Irena Swanson
+ Joint Reductions, Tight Closure, and the Briançon-Skoda Theorem, II 1994 Irena Swanson
+ A note on analytic spread 1994 Irena Swanson
+ Primary decompositions of powers of ideals 1994 Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Mixed Multiplicities, Joint Reductions and Quasi-Unmixed Local Rings 1993 Irena Swanson
+ PDF Chat Mixed Multiplicities, Joint Reductions and Quasi‐Unmixed Local Rings 1993 Irena Swanson
+ Joint reductions, tight closure, and the Briançon-Skoda theorem 1992 Irena Swanson
+ Tight closure, joint reductions, and mixed multiplicities 1992 Irena Swanson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ A Note on Analytically Unramified Local Rings 1961 D. Andrew S. Rees
+ Permanental Ideals 2000 Reinhard Laubenbacher
Irena Swanson
+ Integral closure of ideals, rings, and modules 2006 Craig Huneke
Irena Swanson
+ Commutative Ring Theory 1987 H. Matsumura
+ PDF Chat Tight closure, invariant theory, and the Briançon-Skoda theorem 1990 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ Gröbner bases and primary decomposition of polynomial ideals 1988 Patrizia Gianni
Barry Trager
Gail Zacharias
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Stability of Ass(M/I n M) 1979 Markus Brodmann
+ Reductions of ideals in local rings 1954 D. G. Northcott
D. Andrew S. Rees
+ PDF Chat Pseudorational local rings and a theorem of Brian\c con-Skoda about integral closures of ideals. 1981 Joseph Lipman
Bernard Teissier
+ Valuations Associated with Ideals (II) 1956 D. Andrew S. Rees
+ On the complexity of computing syzygies 1988 David Bayer
Michael Stillman
+ Die Frage der endlich vielen Schritte in der Theorie der Polynomideale 1926 Grete Hermann
+ Direct methods for primary decomposition 1992 David Eisenbud
Craig Huneke
Wolmer V. Vasconcelos
+ Localization and Primary Decomposition of Polynomial Ideals 1996 Takeshi Shimoyama
Kazuhiro Yokoyama
+ Introduction To Commutative Algebra 2018 Michael Atiyah
+ Binomial ideals 1996 David Eisenbud
Bernd Sturmfels
+ A criterion for detectingm-regularity 1987 David Bayer
Michael Stillman
+ Robustness and Conditional Independence Ideals 2011 Johannes Rauh
Nihat Ay
+ Asymptotic Factorization of Ideals 1963 H. T. Muhly
Motoyoshi Sakuma
+ Ideals of generic minors 1990 Leandro Caniglia
Jorge A. Guccione
Juan J. Guccione
+ The primary components of and integral closures of ideals in 3-dimensional regular local rings 1986 Craig Huneke
+ Ideals Generated by Quadrics Exhibiting Double Exponential Degrees 1998 Jee Koh
+ PDF Chat Rational singularities, with applications to algebraic surfaces and unique factorization 1969 Joseph Lipman
+ Integral closedness of complete-intersection ideals 1987 Shirô Gotô
+ PDF Chat The binomial ideal of the intersection axiom for conditional probabilities 2010 Alex Fink
+ PDF Chat Decompositions of binomial ideals 2010 Thomas Kahle
+ Binomial Ideals 1994 David Eisenbud
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Binomial edge ideals and conditional independence statements 2010 Jürgen Herzog
Takayuki Hibi
Freyja Hreinsdóttir
Thomas Kahle
Johannes Rauh
+ PDF Chat On prime divisors of $I^n,$ $n$ large. 1976 Louis J. Ratliff
+ Multiplier ideals of monomial ideals 2001 Jason Howald
+ PDF Chat Jacobian ideals and a theorem of Brian\c con-Skoda. 1981 Joseph Lipman
Avinash Sathaye
+ PDF Chat Decompositions of binomial ideals 2012 Thomas Kahle
+ On unique and almost unique factorization of complete ideals II 1989 Steven Dale Cutkosky
+ An Algorithm for Computing the Integral Closure 1998 Theo de Jong
+ PDF Chat Locally quasi-unmixed Noetherian rings and ideals of the principal class 1974 Louis J. Ratliff
+ Discrete valuations centered on local domains 2001 Reinhold Hübl
Irena Swanson
+ When does the subadditivity theorem for multiplier ideals hold? 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Minimal primes of ideals arising from conditional independence statements 2013 Irena Swanson
Amelia Taylor
+ The irreducibility of ladder determinantal varieties 1986 Himanee Narasimhan
+ PDF Chat Constructions in algebra 1974 A. Seidenberg
+ Bounds on degrees of projective schemes 1995 Bernd Sturmfels
Ngô Viêt Trung
Wolfgang Vogel
+ PDF Chat Ideals contracted from 1-dimensional overrings with an application to the primary decomposition of ideals 1997 William Heinzer
Irena Swanson
+ Uniform bounds in noetherian rings 1992 Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat Notes on Hilbert-Kunz Multiplicity of Rees Algebras 2003 Kazufumi Eto
Ken-ichi Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Minimal primes over permanental ideals 2008 George A. Kirkup
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic prime divisors and analytic spreads 1980 Stephen McAdam
+ PDF Chat Graphs and Ideals Generated by Some 2-Minors 2011 Masahiro Ohtani
+ PDF Chat Construction of the integral closure of a finite integral domain. II 1975 A. Seidenberg
+ PDF Chat 𝐹-regularity, test elements, and smooth base change 1994 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke