Haakon Waadeland


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Asymptotics of Zeros of Orthogonal and Para-Orthogonal Szegö Polynomial in Frequency Analysis 2020 William B. Jones
Olav NjÄstad
Haakon Waadeland
+ Error function and related integrals 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Continued fraction construction 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Confluent hypergeometric functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Probability functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
W. B. Jones
+ Bessel functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Hypergeometric functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Padé approximants 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Elementary functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Moment theory and orthogonal functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Basic hypergeometric functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Exponential integrals and related functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Gamma function and related functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Numerical computation of continued fractions 2008 Lisa Lorentzen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Periodic and limit periodic continued fractions 2008 Lisa Lorentzen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Handbook of Continued Fractions for Special Functions 2008 Annie Cuyt
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Brigitte Verdonk
Haakon Waadeland
William B. Jones
+ Continued Fractions 2008 Lisa Lorentzen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Introductory examples 2008 Lisa Lorentzen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Monotonicity of CF-coefficients in Gauss-fractions 2004 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Convergence of PPC-Continued Fraction Approximants in Frequency Analysis 2003 William B. Jones
Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Haakon Waadeland
+ A case of Toeplitz determinants and theta functions in frequency analysis 2002 Vigdis Brevik Petersen
Haakon Waadeland
+ None 2000 Haakon Waadeland
+ Frequency analysis and continued fractions 1998 Haakon Waadeland
+ New thoughts about an old result on univalent functions 1998 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat A Convergence Result for Regular Blaschke Fractions 1997 Haakon Waadeland
+ Some thoughts on the theory of univalent functions 1997 Haakon Waadeland
+ Generalized Szegö Theory in Frequency Analysis 1997 Olav NjÄstad
Haakon Waadeland
+ Asymptotic properties of zeros of orthogonal rational functions 1997 Olav NjÄstad
Haakon Waadeland
+ Bounds for Remainder Terms in Szegö Quadrature on the Unit Circle 1994 William B. Jones
Haakon Waadeland
+ Continued Fractions with Applications. 1994 David R. Masson
Lisa Lorentzen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Asymptotics for Szegö polynomial zeros 1992 William B. Jones
Olav NjÄstad
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat On Continued Fraction $K(a_n/1)$, Where All $a_n$ Are Lying on a Cartesian Oval 1992 Haakon Waadeland
+ Boundary version of a twin region convergence theorem for continued fractions 1991 Haakon Waadeland
+ A nearness result for PC-fractions 1991 Olav NjÄstad
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Where do all the values go? Playing with two-element continued fractions 1991 Haakon Waadeland
+ Strongly bounded holomorphic functions and corresponding PC-fractions 1990 Olav NjÄstad
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat An asymptotic property for tails of limit periodic continued fractions 1990 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ When does f(z) have a regular C-fraction expansion or a normal Padé table? 1989 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Some observations on the distribution of values of continued fractions 1989 Lisa Jacobsen
W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ A Result on Nearness of Functions and their Regular C-Fraction Expansions 1989 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Some remarks on nearness problems for continued fraction expansions 1989 Olav NjÄstad
Haakon Waadeland
+ Boundary versions of Worpitzky’s Theorem and of parabola theorems 1989 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat A result on nearness of functions and their regular đ¶-fraction expansions 1989 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Julius worpitzky, his contributions to the analytic theory of continued fractions and his times 1989 Lisa Jacobsen
W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ Convergence acceleration of limit periodic continued fractions under asymptotic side conditions 1988 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Some Recent Results in the Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions 1988 Haakon Waadeland
+ Linear approximations to continued fractions K(zn/1) 1987 Haakon Waadeland
+ Derivatives of continued fractions with applications to hypergeometric functions 1987 Haakon Waadeland
+ Derivatives of continued fractions with applications to hypergeometric functions 1987 Haakon Waadeland
+ Local properties of continued fractions 1987 Haakon Waadeland
+ Convergence acceleration for continued fractions K(an/1), where an → ∞ 1987 Lisa Jacobsen
William B. Jones
Haakon Waadeland
+ Even and odd parts of limit periodic continued fractions 1986 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
Haakon Waadeland
+ A strategy for numerical computation of limits regions 1986 M. Istad
Haakon Waadeland
+ Further results on the computation of incomplete gamma functions 1986 Lisa Jacobsen
William B. Jones
Haakon Waadeland
+ On the convergence of a certain class of continued fractions K(an/1) with an→∞ 1986 Ellen Sþrsdal
Haakon Waadeland
+ A note on partial derivatives of continued fractions 1986 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Value regions for continued fractions $K(a_n/1)$ whose elements lie in parabolic regions. 1985 William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Tales about tails 1984 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Tales About Tails 1984 Haakon Waadeland
+ Modification of continued fractions 1984 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Truncation Error Bounds for Continued Fractions $K({{a_n } / 1})$ with Parabolic Element Regions 1983 William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Truncation Error Bounds for Limit Periodic Continued Fractions 1983 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Truncation error bounds for limit periodic continued fractions 1983 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ Some useful formulas involving tails of continued fractions 1982 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Modifications of continued fractions, a survey 1982 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ On a certain transformation of continued fractions 1982 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Convergence questions for limit periodic continued fractions 1981 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat A Strong Stieltjes Moment Problem 1980 William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ Accelerating convergence of limit periodic continued fractionsK(a n /1) 1980 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Analytic continuation of functions difined by means of continued fraction. 1980 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Some univalent compositions of polynomials with univalent functions 1980 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat A strong Stieltjes moment problem 1980 William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ Limit-periodic general T-fractions and holomorphic functions 1979 Haakon Waadeland
+ General T-fractions corresponding to functions satisfying certain boundedness conditions 1979 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat T-fractions from a different point of view 1974 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Über $k$-fach symmetrische, sternförmige schlichte Abbildungen des Einheitskreises 1955 Haakon Waadeland
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Continued fractions— analytic theory and applications 1982 William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
+ Accelerating convergence of limit periodic continued fractionsK(a n /1) 1980 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ On parabolic convergence regions for continued fractions 1958 W. J. Thron
+ Moment Theory, Orthogonal Polynomials, Quadrature, and Continued Fractions Associated with the unit Circle 1989 William B. Jones
Olav NjÄstad
W. J. Thron
+ Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. 1982 Y. L. L.
William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
+ General T-fractions corresponding to functions satisfying certain boundedness conditions 1979 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Convergence acceleration for continued fractions đŸ(𝑎_{𝑛}/1) 1983 Lisa Jacobsen
+ Continued fractions associated with trigonometric and other strong moment problems 1986 William B. Jones
Olav NjÄstad
W. J. Thron
+ Modifications of continued fractions, a survey 1982 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ Local properties of continued fractions 1987 Haakon Waadeland
+ On a certain transformation of continued fractions 1982 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Convergence questions for limit periodic continued fractions 1981 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Further results on convergence acceleration for continued fractions đŸ(𝑎_{𝑛}/1) 1984 Lisa Jacobsen
+ PDF Chat Solution of a convergence problem in the theory of $T$-fractions 1975 R. M. Hovstad
+ Oval convergence regions and circular limit regions for continued fractions K(an/1) 1986 Lisa Jacobsen
W. J. Thron
+ Some useful formulas involving tails of continued fractions 1982 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions 1967 H. S. Wall
+ Limit-periodic general T-fractions and holomorphic functions 1979 Haakon Waadeland
+ Continued Fractions which Correspond to Power Series Expansions at Two Points 1976 John McCabe
JA Murphy
+ The Classical Moment Problem and Some Related Questions in Analysis 2020 Н. И. АхОДзДр
+ Asymptotics for zeros of SzegƑ polynomials associated with trigonometric polynomial signals 1992 K. Pan
Edward B. Saff
+ PDF Chat Tales about tails 1984 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Some properties of continued fractions 1+𝑑₀𝑧+đŸ(𝑧/\vphantom{𝑧(1+𝑑_{𝑛}𝑧)}.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace(1+𝑑_{𝑛}𝑧)) 1948 W. J. Thron
+ Convergence of Limit <i>k</i> -Periodic Continued Fractions <i>K</i> (<i>a<sub>n</sub> </i> /<i>b<sub>n</sub> </i> ), and of Subsequences of Their Tails 1985 Lisa Jacobsen
+ Some periodic sequences of circular convergence regions 1982 Lisa Jacobsen
+ PDF Chat Applications for Szegö polynomials to digital signal processing 1991 William B. Jones
Olav NjÄstad
+ Convergence Acceleration for Continued Fractions K(a n /1) 1983 Lisa Jacobsen
+ Szegö polynomials associated with Wiener-Levinson filters 1990 William B. Jones
Olav NjÄstad
Edward B. Saff
+ PDF Chat Analytic continuation of functions difined by means of continued fraction. 1980 W. J. Thron
Haakon Waadeland
+ Analytic function theory 1959 Einar Hille
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of columns in the table of orthogonal polynomials with varying measures 1995 Xin Li
+ Converging factors for continued fractions 1959 P. Wynn
+ A note on partial derivatives of continued fractions 1986 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Two-point Padé tables and $T$-fractions 1977 William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
+ PDF Chat A result on nearness of functions and their regular đ¶-fraction expansions 1989 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Infinite compositions of Möbius transformations 1973 John Gill
+ A Result on Nearness of Functions and their Regular C-Fraction Expansions 1989 Lisa Jacobsen
Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat The use of attractive fixed points in accelerating the convergence of limit-periodic continued fractions 1975 John Gill
+ Truncation error estimates for Stieltjes fractions 1966 Peter Henrici
P.R. Pfluger
+ Derivatives of continued fractions with applications to hypergeometric functions 1987 Haakon Waadeland
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 4
+ Solution of a Convergence Problem in the Theory of T-Fractions 1975 R. M. Hovstad
+ <i>Toeplitz Forms and Their Applications</i> 1958 Ulf Grenander
Gábor SzegƑ
Mark Kac
+ Orthogonal functions related to the Nevanlinna-Pick problem 1979 Adhemar Bultheel
+ PDF Chat Recurrence Relations for Orthogonal Functions 2020 Adhemar Bultheel
Pablo GonzĂĄlez-Vera
Erik Hendriksen
Olav NjÄstad
+ A method for convergence acceleration of continued fractions K(an/1) 1982 Lisa Jacobsen
+ Truncation Error Bounds for Continued Fractions 1969 William B. Jones
R. I. Snell
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for orthogonal rational functions 1994 Adhemar Bultheel
Pablo GonzĂĄlez-Vera
Erik Hendriksen
Olav NjÄstad