Nicolas Lanchier


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary games on the lattice: multitype contact process with density-dependent birth rates 2024 Jonas Köppl
Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ PDF Chat Limiting behavior of a kindness model 2024 Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ PDF Chat The contact process with an asymptomatic state 2024 Lamia Belhadji
Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ PDF Chat Survival and extinction for a contact process with a density-dependent birth rate 2024 Jonas Köppl
Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ PDF Chat Limiting behavior of a kindness model 2024 Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ PDF Chat Limiting Behavior of a Kindness Model 2024 Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ PDF Chat Durrett-Levin spatial model of allelopathy 2024 Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ PDF Chat Distribution of money on connected graphs with multiple banks 2024 Nicolas Lanchier
Stephanie Reed
+ Monotonicity result for the simple exclusion process on finite connected graphs 2023 Shiba Biswal
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Durrett-Levin spatial model of allelopathy 2023 Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ The contact process with an asymptomatic state 2023 Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ Deffuant opinion dynamics with attraction and repulsion 2023 Nicolas Lanchier
Max Mercer
+ PDF Chat Consensus in the Hegselmann–Krause Model 2022 Nicolas Lanchier
Hsin-Lun Li
+ PDF Chat Exact Insurance Premiums for Cyber Risk of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 2022 Stefano Chiaradonna
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Distribution of money on connected graphs with multiple banks 2022 Nicolas Lanchier
Stephanie Reed
+ Probability of consensus in spatial opinion models with confidence threshold 2021 Mela Hardin
Nicolas Lanchier
Nicolas Lanchier
+ First and second moments of the size distribution of bond percolation clusters on regular graphs. 2021 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Bidirectional bond percolation model for the spread of information in financial markets 2021 Stefano Chiaradonna
Nicolas Lanchier
+ First and second moments of the size distribution of bond percolation clusters on regular graphs 2021 Nicolas Lanchier
Axel La Salle
+ Exact insurance premiums for cyber risk of small and medium-sized enterprises 2021 Stefano Chiaradonna
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Probabilistic Framework For Loss Distribution Of Smart Contract Risk 2021 Petar Jevtić
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Generalized stacked contact process with variable host fitness 2020 Eric Foxall
Nicolas Lanchier
+ First and second moments of the size distribution of bond percolation clusters on rings, paths and stars 2020 Petar Jevtić
Nicolas Lanchier
Axel La Salle
+ Probability of consensus in the multivariate Deffuant model on finite connected graphs 2020 Nicolas Lanchier
Hsin-Lun Li
+ Cluster size in bond percolation on the Platonic solids 2020 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Probability of consensus in the multivariate Deffuant model on finite connected graphs 2020 Nicolas Lanchier
Hsin-Lun Li
+ PDF Chat Rigorous Results for the Distribution of Money on Connected Graphs (Models with Debts) 2019 Nicolas Lanchier
Stephanie Reed
+ The simple exclusion process on finite connected graphs 2019 Shiba Biswal
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Local interactions promote cooperation in cooperator-defector systems 2019 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Probability of consensus in spatial opinion models with confidence threshold 2019 Mela Hardin
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat The role of cooperation in spatially explicit economical systems 2018 Nicolas Lanchier
Stephanie Reed
+ PDF Chat Rigorous Results for the Distribution of Money on Connected Graphs 2018 Nicolas Lanchier
Stephanie Reed
+ Local interactions promote cooperation in cooperator-defector systems 2018 Nicolas Lanchier
+ The role of cooperation in spatially explicit economical systems 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
Stephanie Reed
+ PDF Chat Rigorous Proof of the Boltzmann–Gibbs Distribution of Money on Connected Graphs 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Poisson point and Poisson processes 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ The contact process 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Symmetric simple random walks 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Discrete-time Markov chains 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Basics of measure and probability theory 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Continuous-time Markov chains 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Numerical simulations in C and Matlab 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Limiting behavior for a general class of voter models with confidence threshold 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
Stylianos Scarlatos
+ Evolutionary games on the lattice: death and birth of the fittest 2017 Eric Foxall
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Limit theorems 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Percolation models 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ The role of cooperation in spatially explicit economical systems 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
Stephanie Reed
+ PDF Chat Stochastic spatial model for the division of labor in social insects 2016 Alesandro Arcuri
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Survival and extinction results for a patch model with sexual reproduction 2016 Eric Foxall
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Evolutionary games on the lattice: death and birth of the fittest 2016 Eric Foxall
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Some rigorous results for the stacked contact process 2016 Nicolas Lanchier
Yuan Zhang
+ Evolutionary games on the lattice: death-birth updating process 2016 Stephen Evilsizor
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Stochastic spatial model for the division of labor in social insects 2016 Alesandro Arcuri
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Evolutionary games on the lattice: death and birth of the fittest 2016 Eric Foxall
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Galam's bottom-up hierarchical system and public debate model revisited 2015 Nicolas Lanchier
Nicole Taylor
+ PDF Chat Galam's bottom-up hierarchical system and public debate model revisited 2015 Nicolas Lanchier
Nicole Taylor
+ PDF Chat Fixation Results for the Two-Feature Axelrod Model with a Variable Number of Opinions 2015 Nicolas Lanchier
Paul-Henri Moisson
+ Evolutionary games on the lattice: Payoffs affecting birth and death rates 2015 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Survival and extinction results for a patch model with sexual reproduction 2015 Eric Foxall
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Evolutionary games on the lattice: death-birth updating process 2015 Stephen Evilsizor
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat The naming game in language dynamics revisited 2014 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat The naming game in language dynamics revisited 2014 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Fixation results for the two-feature Axelrod model with a variable number of opinions 2014 Nicolas Lanchier
Paul-Henri Moisson
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary games on the lattice: best-response dynamics 2014 Stephen Evilsizor
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Some rigorous results for the stacked contact process 2014 Nicolas Lanchier
Yuan Zhang
+ Clustering and coexistence in the one-dimensional vectorial Deffuant model 2014 Nicolas Lanchier
Stylianos Scarlatos
+ Fixation results for the two-feature Axelrod model with a variable number of opinions 2014 Nicolas Lanchier
Paul-Henri Moisson
+ Limiting behavior for a general class of voter models with confidence threshold 2014 Nicolas Lanchier
Stylianos Scarlatos
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Spatial Model of Producer-Consumer Systems on the Lattice 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat The Role of Dispersal in Interacting Patches Subject to an Allee Effect 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat The Role of Dispersal in Interacting Patches Subject to an Allee Effect 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Spatial Model of Producer-Consumer Systems on the Lattice 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Fixation in the one-dimensional Axelrod model 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
Stylianos Scarlatos
+ Evolutionary games on the lattice: best-response dynamics 2013 Stephen Evilsizor
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Fluctuation versus xation in the one-dimensional constrained voter model 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
Stylianos Scarlatos
+ Evolutionary games on the lattice: best-response dynamics 2013 Stephen Evilsizor
Nicolas Lanchier
+ The role of dispersal in interacting patches subject to an Allee effect 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Stochastic spatial model of producer-consumer systems on the lattice 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ The naming game in language dynamics revisited 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Survival and extinction results for a patch model with sexual reproduction 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Galam's bottom-up hierarchical system and public debate model revisited 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
Nicole Taylor
+ Fluctuation versus fixation in the one-dimensional constrained voter model 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
Stylianos Scarlatos
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Dynamics on Hypergraphs and the Spatial Majority Rule Model 2012 Nicolas Lanchier
J. Neufer
+ Consensus in the two-state Axelrod model 2012 Nicolas Lanchier
Jason Schweinsberg
+ PDF Chat The Axelrod model for the dissemination of culture revisited 2012 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Contact and voter processes on the infinite percolation cluster as models of host-symbiont interactions 2011 Daniela Bertacchi
Nicolas Lanchier
Fabio Zucca
+ Consensus in the two-state Axelrod model 2011 Nicolas Lanchier
Jason Schweinsberg
+ PDF Chat Contact Process with Destruction of Cubes and Hyperplanes: Forest Fires Versus Tornadoes 2011 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Contact Process with Destruction of Cubes and Hyperplanes: Forest Fires Versus Tornadoes 2011 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat The Role of Space in the Exploitation of Resources 2011 Yu Yun Kang
Nicolas Lanchier
+ The role of space in the exploitation of resources 2011 Yun Kang
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Consensus in the two-state Axelrod model 2011 Nicolas Lanchier
Jason Schweinsberg
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Spatial Models of Host-Pathogen and Host-Mutualist Interactions II 2010 Nicolas Lanchier
Claudia Neuhauser
+ PDF Chat Expansion or extinction: deterministic and stochastic two-patch models with Allee effects 2010 Yun Kang
Nicolas Lanchier
+ Two-scale multitype contact process: coexistence in spatially explicit metapopulations 2010 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Opinion dynamics with confidence threshold: an alternative to the Axelrod model 2010 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Expansion or extinction: deterministic and stochastic two-patch models with Allee effects 2010 Yun Kang
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Coexistence for a multitype contact process with seasons 2009 Benjamin Chan
Rick Durrett
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Spatially explicit non-Mendelian diploid model 2009 Nicolas Lanchier
Claudia Neuhauser
+ PDF Chat A spatially explicit model for competition among specialists and generalists in a heterogeneous environment 2006 Nicolas Lanchier
Claudia Neuhauser
+ PDF Chat Stochastic spatial models of host-pathogen and host-mutualist interactions I 2006 Nicolas Lanchier
Claudia Neuhauser
+ PDF Chat Individual versus cluster recoveries within a spatially structured population 2006 Lamia Belhadji
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat A multitype contact process with frozen sites: a spatial model of allelopathy 2005 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat A multitype contact process with frozen sites: a spatial model of allelopathy 2005 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions and duality properties of a successional model 2005 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions and duality properties of a successional model 2005 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Multitype Contact Process with Frozen states 2004 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Ecological Succession Model 2003 Nicolas Lanchier
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Nearest-neighbor Markov interaction processes on multidimensional lattices 1972 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theorems for Weakly Interacting Infinite Systems and the Voter Model 1975 Richard A. Holley
Thomas M. Liggett
+ Stochastic Interacting Systems: Contact, Voter and Exclusion Processes 1999 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Oriented Percolation in Two Dimensions 1984 Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theorems for the multitype contact process 1992 Claudia Neuhauser
+ Multicolor particle systems with large threshold and range 1992 R. Durrett
+ The Importance of Being Discrete (and Spatial) 1994 Rick Durrett
Simon A. Levin
+ PDF Chat The Axelrod model for the dissemination of culture revisited 2012 Nicolas Lanchier
+ Contact Interactions on a Lattice 1974 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat The Critical Contact Process Dies Out 1990 Carol Bezuidenhout
Geoffrey Grimmett
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat On the Williams-Bjerknes Tumour Growth Model I 1981 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Fixation in the one-dimensional Axelrod model 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
Stylianos Scarlatos
+ On the Williams-Bjerknes tumour growth model: II 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ Random growth in a tessellation 1973 Daniel Richardson
+ PDF Chat Statistical physics of social dynamics 2009 Claudio Castellano
Santo Fortunato
Vittorio Loreto
+ PDF Chat Epidemics with Recovery in $D = 2$ 1991 Rick Durrett
Claudia Neuhauser
+ Consensus in the two-state Axelrod model 2012 Nicolas Lanchier
Jason Schweinsberg
+ PDF Chat On a Class of Set-Valued Markov Processes 1976 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Diffusive Clustering in the Two Dimensional Voter Model 1986 J. Theodore Cox
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Occupation Time Limit Theorems for the Voter Model 1983 J. Theodore Cox
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Spatial Model of Producer-Consumer Systems on the Lattice 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Spatially explicit non-Mendelian diploid model 2009 Nicolas Lanchier
Claudia Neuhauser
+ PDF Chat Constrained opinion dynamics: freezing and slow evolution 2003 Federico Vázquez
P. L. Krapivsky
S. Redner
+ PDF Chat Coexistence in Threshold Voter Models 1994 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Dependent random graphs and spatial epidemics 1998 Geoffrey Grimmett
Rinaldo B. Schinazi
J. van den Berg
+ PDF Chat A spatially explicit model for competition among specialists and generalists in a heterogeneous environment 2006 Nicolas Lanchier
Claudia Neuhauser
+ PDF Chat Coalescing Random Walks and Voter Model Consensus Times on the Torus in $\mathbb{Z}^d$ 1989 J. Theodore Cox
+ PDF Chat Renormalizing the 3-Dimensional Voter Model 1979 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of money 2000 Adrian A. DrÇŽgulescu
Victor M. Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Statistical mechanics of money, wealth, and income 2009 Victor M. Yakovenko
J. Barkley Rosser
+ PDF Chat Rigorous Proof of the Boltzmann–Gibbs Distribution of Money on Connected Graphs 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Spatial Model of Producer-Consumer Systems on the Lattice 2013 Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Sharp benefit-to-cost rules for the evolution of cooperation on regular graphs 2013 Yu-Ting Chen
+ PDF Chat Ordering phase transition in the one-dimensional Axelrod model 2002 Daniele Vilone
Alessandro Vespignani
Claudio Castellano
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Dynamics on Hypergraphs and the Spatial Majority Rule Model 2012 Nicolas Lanchier
J. Neufer
+ A long range sexual reproduction process 1994 Claudia Neuhauser
+ PDF Chat Fixation Results for the Two-Feature Axelrod Model with a Variable Number of Opinions 2015 Nicolas Lanchier
Paul-Henri Moisson
+ PDF Chat The Immediate Exchange model: an analytical investigation 2015 Guy Katriel
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary games on the lattice: best-response dynamics 2014 Stephen Evilsizor
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Mass extinctions: an alternative to the Allee effect 2005 Rinaldo B. Schinazi
+ Limiting behavior for a general class of voter models with confidence threshold 2017 Nicolas Lanchier
Stylianos Scarlatos
+ PDF Chat Kinetic models of immediate exchange 2014 Els Heinsalu
Marco Patriarca
+ PDF Chat Statistical model with a standard<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Γ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>distribution 2004 Marco Patriarca
Anirban Chakraborti
Kimmo Kaski
+ PDF Chat Clustering and Dispersion Rates for Some Interacting Particle Systems on $\mathbb{Z}$ 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat The Contact Process on a Finite Set. II 1988 Richard Durrett
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of money: how saving propensity affects its distribution 2000 Anirban Chakraborti
Bikas K. Chakrabarti
+ Some use of some “symmetries” of some random process 1976 Omer Adelman
+ PDF Chat Expansion or extinction: deterministic and stochastic two-patch models with Allee effects 2010 Yun Kang
Nicolas Lanchier
+ PDF Chat Renormalization of the Voter Model in Equilibrium 2001 Iljana Zähle