P. Glasson


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Microwave Saturation of the Rydberg States of Electrons on Helium 2002 Eddy Collin
Wm. F. Bailey
P. Fozooni
P.G. Frayne
P. Glasson
K. Harrabi
M. J. Lea
G. Papageorgiou
+ PDF Chat Electrometry on charge traps with a single-electron transistor 2003 Miha Furlan
S. V. Lotkhov
+ PDF Chat Resonant Photovoltaic Effect in Surface State Electrons on Liquid Helium 2012 Denis Konstantinov
A. D. Chepelianskii
Kimitoshi Kōno
+ PDF Chat Statistics of the charging spectrum of a two-dimensional Coulomb-glass island 1997 A. A. Koulakov
F. G. Pikus
B. I. Shklovskiǐ
+ PDF Chat Few-electron quantum dot circuit with integrated charge read out 2003 J. M. Elzerman
Ronald Hanson
J. S. Greidanus
L. H. Willems van Beveren
S. De Franceschi
L. M. K. Vandersypen
Seigo Tarucha
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Charge Distribution in a Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dot 2002 David Sprinzak
Yang Ji
Moty Heiblum
D. Mahalu
Hadas Shtrikman
+ PDF Chat Addition spectrum of a lateral dot from Coulomb and spin-blockade spectroscopy 2000 M. Ciorga
A. S. Sachrajda
Paweł Hawrylak
C. Gould
P. Zawadzki
S. Jullian
Yan Feng
Z. R. Wasilewski
+ PDF Chat Experimental Realization of an Order-Finding Algorithm with an NMR Quantum Computer 2000 L. M. K. Vandersypen
Matthias Steffen
Gregory Breyta
Costantino S. Yannoni
Richard Cleve
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Photon-Induced Vanishing of Magnetoconductance in 2D Electrons on Liquid Helium 2010 Denis Konstantinov
Kimitoshi Kōno
+ PDF Chat Qubits with electrons on liquid helium 2003 M. I. Dykman
P. M. Platzman
P. Seddighrad
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computing with an Always-On Heisenberg Interaction 2003 Simon C. Benjamin
Sougato Bose
+ PDF Chat Electrons above a helium surface and the one-dimensional Rydberg atom 2000 Michael Martin Nieto
+ PDF Chat Zeeman Energy and Spin Relaxation in a One-Electron Quantum Dot 2003 Ronald Hanson
B. Witkamp
L. M. K. Vandersypen
L. H. Willems van Beveren
J. M. Elzerman
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Resonant Correlation-Induced Optical Bistability in an Electron System on Liquid Helium 2009 Denis Konstantinov
M. I. Dykman
M. J. Lea
Yu. P. Monarkha
Kimitoshi Kōno
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computing Using Electrons Floating on Liquid Helium 2000 M. I. Dykman
P. M. Platzman
+ PDF Chat Two-Electron State in a Disordered 2D Island: Pairing Caused by the Coulomb Repulsion 1996 M. É. Raǐkh
L. I. Glazman
Leonid Zhukov
+ PDF Chat Strong many-particle localization and quantum computing with perpetually coupled qubits 2005 Lea F. Santos
M. I. Dykman
Michael Shapiro
F. M. Izrailev
+ PDF Chat Experimental realization of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance 2001 L. M. K. Vandersypen
Matthias Steffen
Gregory Breyta
Costantino S. Yannoni
Mark Sherwood
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Bistability and hysteresis of intersubband absorption in strongly interacting electrons on liquid helium 2012 Denis Konstantinov
M. I. Dykman
M. J. Lea
Yu. P. Monarkha
Kimitoshi Kōno
+ PDF Chat Microwave Absorption of Surface-State Electrons on Liquid <sup>3</sup>He 2007 Hanako Isshiki
Denis Konstantinov
Hikota Akimoto
Keiya Shirahama
Kimitoshi Kōno