Thomas Speck


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Steady inhomogeneous shear flows as mechanical phase transitions 2025 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Steady inhomogeneous shear flows as mechanical phase transitions 2024 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Colloidal hard spheres: Triumphs, challenges, and mysteries 2024 C. Patrick Royall
Patrick Charbonneau
Marjolein Dijkstra
John Russo
Frank Smallenburg
Thomas Speck
Chantal Valeriani
+ PDF Chat Coarse-grained models for phase separation in DNA-based fluids 2024 Soumen De Karmakar
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Motility-Induced Clustering of Active Particles under Soft Confinement 2024 Timo Knippenberg
Ashreya Jayaram
Thomas Speck
Clemens Bechinger
+ Collective Hall current in chiral active fluids: Coupling of phase and mass transport through traveling bands 2024 Frank Siebers
Robin Bebon
Ashreya Jayaram
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Universal limiting behaviour of reaction-diffusion systems with conservation laws 2024 Joshua F. Robinson
Thomas Machon
Thomas Speck
+ Thermodynamics of active matter: Tracking dissipation across scales 2024 Robin Bebon
Joshua F. Robinson
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Effective dynamics and fluctuations of a trapped probe moving in a fluid of active hard discs <sup>(a)</sup> 2023 Ashreya Jayaram
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Inverse condensation of adsorbed molecules with two conformations 2023 Joël A. K. L. Picard
Thomas Speck
+ Collective Hall current in chiral active fluids: Coupling of phase and mass transport through traveling bands 2023 Frank Siebers
Robin Bebon
Ashreya Jayaram
Thomas Speck
+ Motility-induced clustering of active particles under soft confinement 2023 Timo Knippenberg
Ashreya Jayaram
Thomas Speck
Clemens Bechinger
+ PDF Chat Force Generation in Confined Active Fluids: The Role of Microstructure 2022 S. Paul
Ashreya Jayaram
N Narinder
Thomas Speck
Clemens Bechinger
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior of active Brownian particles: Connection to field theories 2022 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Efficiency of isothermal active matter engines: Strong driving beats weak driving 2022 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Hunting active Brownian particles: Learning optimal behavior 2021 M. Gerhard
Ashreya Jayaram
Andreas Fischer
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Modeling of biomolecular machines in non-equilibrium steady states 2021 Thomas Speck
+ Hunting active Brownian particles: Learning optimal behavior. 2021 M. Gerhard
Ashreya Jayaram
Andreas Fischer
Thomas Speck
+ Modeling of biomolecular machines in non-equilibrium steady states 2021 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Modeling non-linear dielectric susceptibilities of supercooled molecular liquids 2021 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Multiscale modeling of structure formation of C60 on insulating CaF2 substrates 2021 William Janke
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Vorticity Determines the Force on Bodies Immersed in Active Fluids 2021 Thomas Speck
Ashreya Jayaram
+ PDF Chat Coexistence of active Brownian disks: van der Waals theory and analytical results 2021 Thomas Speck
+ Critical behaviour in active lattice models of motility-induced phase separation 2020 Florian Dittrich
Thomas Speck
Peter Virnau
+ PDF Chat Modeling of epitaxial film growth of <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">C</mml:mi><mml:mn>60</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> revisited 2020 William Janke
Thomas Speck
+ The 2020 motile active matter roadmap 2020 Gerhard Gompper
Roland G. Winkler
Thomas Speck
Alexandre Solon
Cesare Nardini
Fernando Peruani
Hartmut Löwen
Ramin Golestanian
U. Benjamin Kaupp
Luis Álvarez
+ PDF Chat From scalar to polar active matter: Connecting simulations with mean-field theory 2020 Ashreya Jayaram
Andreas Fischer
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Quorum-sensing active particles with discontinuous motility 2020 Andreas Fischer
Friederike Schmid
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Dynamical coexistence in moderately polydisperse hard-sphere glasses 2020 Matteo Campo
Thomas Speck
+ Dynamical Phase Transitions and their Relation to Thermodynamic Glass Physics 2020 C. Patrick Royall
Francesco Turci
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Collective forces in scalar active matter 2020 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Dynamic facilitation theory: a statistical mechanics approach to dynamic arrest 2019 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic approach to the self-diffusiophoresis of colloidal Janus particles 2019 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Classical nucleation theory for the crystallization kinetics in sheared liquids 2019 David Richard
Thomas Speck
+ Devitrification of the Kob-Andersen glass former: Competition with the locally favored structure 2019 Francesco Turci
C. Patrick Royall
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Aggregation and sedimentation of active Brownian particles at constant affinity 2019 Andreas Fischer
Arkya Chatterjee
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium Markov state modeling of periodically driven biomolecules 2019 Fabian Knoch
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous spatiotemporal ordering of shape oscillations enhances cell migration 2019 Matteo Campo
Simon K. Schnyder
John J. Molina
Thomas Speck
Ryƍichi Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior of active Brownian particles 2018 J. Siebert
Florian Dittrich
Friederike Schmid
Kurt Binder
Thomas Speck
Peter Virnau
+ PDF Chat Active Brownian particles driven by constant affinity 2018 Thomas Speck
+ Highly controlled optical transport of cold atoms into a hollow-core fiber 2018 Maria Langbecker
Ronja Wirtz
Fabian Knoch
Mohammad Noaman
Thomas Speck
Patrick Windpassinger
+ PDF Chat Communication: Is directed percolation in colloid-polymer mixtures linked to dynamic arrest? 2018 David Richard
C. Patrick Royall
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Crystallization of hard spheres revisited. II. Thermodynamic modeling, nucleation work, and the surface of tension 2018 David Richard
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Structural-dynamical transition in the Wahnström mixture 2018 Francesco Turci
Thomas Speck
C. Patrick Royall
+ PDF Chat Crystallization of hard spheres revisited. I. Extracting kinetics and free energy landscape from forward flux sampling 2018 David Richard
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Dynamic coarse-graining fills the gap between atomistic simulations and experimental investigations of mechanical unfolding 2018 Fabian Knoch
Ken SchÀfer
Gregor Diezemann
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Three-body correlations and conditional forces in suspensions of active hard disks 2018 Andreas HĂ€rtel
David Richard
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Coupling between criticality and gelation in “sticky” spheres: a structural analysis 2018 David Richard
James E. Hallett
Thomas Speck
C. Patrick Royall
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in an Atomistic Glassformer: The Connection to Thermodynamics 2017 Francesco Turci
C. Patrick Royall
Thomas Speck
+ Microscopic structure in suspensions of active hard disks 2017 Andreas HĂ€rtel
David Richard
Thomas Speck
+ Stochastic thermodynamics with reservoirs: Sheared and active colloidal particles 2017 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Experimental Evidence for a Structural-Dynamical Transition in Trajectory Space 2017 Rattachai Pinchaipat
Matteo Campo
Francesco Turci
James E. Hallett
Thomas Speck
C. Patrick Royall
+ PDF Chat Self-Assembly of Colloidal Molecules due to Self-Generated Flow 2017 Ran Niu
Thomas Palberg
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Driven Brownian particle as a paradigm for a nonequilibrium heat bath: Effective temperature and cyclic work extraction 2017 R. Wulfert
M. Oechsle
Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic formalism for transport coefficients with an application to the shear modulus and shear viscosity 2017 Thomas Palmer
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the critical behavior in an active colloidal system with Vicsek-like interactions 2017 Benjamin Trefz
J. Siebert
Thomas Speck
Kurt Binder
Peter Virnau
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Markov state modeling of the globule-stretch transition 2017 Fabian Knoch
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Phase behavior of active Brownian disks, spheres, and dimers 2017 J. Siebert
Janina Letz
Thomas Speck
Peter Virnau
+ Geometric view of stochastic thermodynamics for non-equilibrium steady states 2017 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Discontinuous thinning in active microrheology of soft complex matter 2016 R. Wulfert
Udo Seifert
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Applicability of effective pair potentials for active Brownian particles 2016 Markus Rein
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Polydisperse hard spheres: crystallization kinetics in small systems and role of local structure 2016 Matteo Campo
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic formalism and linear response theory for nonequilibrium steady states 2016 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Finite-size scaling of charge carrier mobility in disordered organic semiconductors 2016 Pascal Kordt
Thomas Speck
Denis Andrienko
+ PDF Chat Ideal bulk pressure of active Brownian particles 2016 Thomas Speck
Robert L. Jack
+ PDF Chat Stochastic thermodynamics for active matter 2016 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Collective Behavior of Quorum-Sensing Run-and-Tumble Particles under Confinement 2016 Markus Rein
Nike Heinß
Friederike Schmid
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Nucleation pathway and kinetics of phase-separating active Brownian particles 2016 David Richard
Hartmut Löwen
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Cycle representatives for the coarse-graining of systems driven into a non-equilibrium steady state 2015 Fabian Knoch
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Transmission of torque at the nanoscale 2015 Ian Williams
Erdal C. Oğuz
Thomas Speck
Paul D. Bartlett
Hartmut Löwen
C. Patrick Royall
+ PDF Chat The role of shear in crystallization kinetics: From suppression to enhancement 2015 David Richard
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Negative Interfacial Tension in Phase-Separated Active Brownian Particles 2015 Julian Bialké
J. Siebert
Hartmut Löwen
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Dynamical mean-field theory and weakly non-linear analysis for the phase separation of active Brownian particles 2015 Thomas Speck
Andreas M. Menzel
Julian Bialké
Hartmut Löwen
+ PDF Chat Meta-work and the analogous Jarzynski relation in ensembles of dynamical trajectories 2014 Robert M. Turner
Thomas Speck
Juan P. Garrahan
+ PDF Chat Active colloidal suspensions: Clustering and phase behavior 2014 Julian Bialké
Thomas Speck
Hartmut Löwen
+ PDF Chat Effective Cahn-Hilliard Equation for the Phase Separation of Active Brownian Particles 2014 Thomas Speck
Julian Bialké
Andreas M. Menzel
Hartmut Löwen
+ Liquid-liquid phase transition in an atomistic model glass former 2014 Thomas Speck
C. Patrick Royall
Stephen R. Williams
+ PDF Chat Stochastic thermodynamics of fluctuating density fields: Non-equilibrium free energy differences under coarse-graining 2013 Tom Leonard
Boris Lander
Udo Seifert
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Microscopic theory for the phase separation of self-propelled repulsive disks 2013 Julian Bialké
Hartmut Löwen
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Gaussian field theory for the Brownian motion of a solvated particle 2013 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Crystallization in a sheared colloidal suspension 2013 Boris Lander
Udo Seifert
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Clustering and Phase Separation in Suspensions of Self-Propelled Colloidal Particles 2013 Ivo Buttinoni
Julian Bialké
Felix KĂŒmmel
Hartmut Löwen
Clemens Bechinger
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat The large deviation function for entropy production: the optimal trajectory and the role of fluctuations 2012 Thomas Speck
A. Engel
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Random pinning limits the size of membrane adhesion domains 2012 Thomas Speck
R. L. C. Vink
+ PDF Chat Constrained dynamics of localized excitations causes a non-equilibrium phase transition in an atomistic model of glass formers 2012 Thomas Speck
David Chandler
+ PDF Chat Crystallization in a Dense Suspension of Self-Propelled Particles 2012 Julian Bialké
Thomas Speck
Hartmut Löwen
+ PDF Chat Effective confinement as origin of the equivalence of kinetic temperature and fluctuation-dissipation ratio in a dense shear-driven suspension 2012 Boris Lander
Udo Seifert
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Work distribution for the driven harmonic oscillator with time-dependent strength: exact solution and slow driving 2011 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Effective free energy for pinned membranes 2011 Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Space-time phase transitions in driven kinetically constrained lattice models 2010 Thomas Speck
Juan P. Garrahan
+ PDF Chat Mobility and diffusion of a tagged particle in a driven colloidal suspension 2010 Boris Lander
Udo Seifert
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Specific adhesion of membranes: Mapping to an effective bond lattice gas 2010 Thomas Speck
Ellen Reister
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation-dissipation theorem in nonequilibrium steady states 2010 Udo Seifert
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Driven Soft Matter: Entropy Production and the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem 2010 Thomas Speck
+ The Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem for Nonequilibrium Steady States: Role of Stochastic Entropy and a Classification of Variants 2009 Udo Seifert
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Extended fluctuation-dissipation theorem for soft matter in stationary flow 2009 Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Large deviation function for entropy production in driven one-dimensional systems 2008 Jakob Mehl
Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Role of External Flow and Frame Invariance in Stochastic Thermodynamics 2008 Thomas Speck
Jakob Mehl
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat The Jarzynski relation, fluctuation theorems, and stochastic thermodynamics for non-Markovian processes 2007 Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Distribution of entropy production for a colloidal particle in a nonequilibrium steady state 2007 Thomas Speck
V. Blickle
Clemens Bechinger
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Characterizing potentials by a generalized Boltzmann factor 2007 V. Blickle
Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
Clemens Bechinger
+ PDF Chat Einstein Relation Generalized to Nonequilibrium 2007 V. Blickle
Thomas Speck
Christian Lutz
Udo Seifert
Clemens Bechinger
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Stochastic Entropy Production 2006 C. Tietz
Sebastian Schuler
Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
Jörg Wrachtrup
+ PDF Chat Entropy Production for Mechanically or Chemically Driven Biomolecules 2006 Tim Schmiedl
Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Restoring a fluctuation-dissipation theorem in a nonequilibrium steady state 2006 Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of a Colloidal Particle in a Time-Dependent Nonharmonic Potential 2006 V. Blickle
Thomas Speck
Laurent Helden
Udo Seifert
Clemens Bechinger
+ PDF Chat Integral fluctuation theorem for the housekeeping heat 2005 Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Distribution of work in isothermal nonequilibrium processes 2004 Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Clustering and Phase Separation in Suspensions of Self-Propelled Colloidal Particles 2013 Ivo Buttinoni
Julian Bialké
Felix KĂŒmmel
Hartmut Löwen
Clemens Bechinger
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Motility-Induced Phase Separation 2015 M. E. Cates
Julien Tailleur
+ PDF Chat Athermal Phase Separation of Self-Propelled Particles with No Alignment 2012 Yaouen Fily
M. Cristina Marchetti
+ PDF Chat Stochastic thermodynamics, fluctuation theorems and molecular machines 2012 Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Dynamical mean-field theory and weakly non-linear analysis for the phase separation of active Brownian particles 2015 Thomas Speck
Andreas M. Menzel
Julian Bialké
Hartmut Löwen
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Ensembles in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics 1995 Giovanni Gallavotti
E. G. D. Cohen
+ PDF Chat Structure and Dynamics of a Phase-Separating Active Colloidal Fluid 2013 Gabriel S. Redner
Michael F. Hagan
Aparna Baskaran
+ PDF Chat Entropy Production along a Stochastic Trajectory and an Integral Fluctuation Theorem 2005 Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Self-Motile Colloidal Particles: From Directed Propulsion to Random Walk 2007 Jonathan R. Howse
Richard Jones
Anthony J. Ryan
Tim Gough
Reza Vafabakhsh
Ramin Golestanian
+ PDF Chat Active Particles in Complex and Crowded Environments 2016 Clemens Bechinger
Roberto Di Leonardo
Hartmut Löwen
C. Reichhardt
Giorgio Volpe
Giovanni Volpe
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Equality for Free Energy Differences 1997 Christopher Jarzynski
+ PDF Chat Negative Interfacial Tension in Phase-Separated Active Brownian Particles 2015 Julian Bialké
J. Siebert
Hartmut Löwen
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Clustering in Active Colloidal Suspensions with Chemical Signaling 2012 Isaac Theurkauff
CĂ©cile Cottin-Bizonne
Jérémie Palacci
Christophe Ybert
Lydéric Bocquet
+ PDF Chat Cooperative motion of active Brownian spheres in three-dimensional dense suspensions 2014 Adam Wysocki
Roland G. Winkler
Gerhard Gompper
+ Meso-scale turbulence in living fluids 2012 H. H. Wensink
Jörn Dunkel
Sebastian Heidenreich
Knut Drescher
Raymond E. Goldstein
Hartmut Löwen
Julia M. Yeomans
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation theorem for stochastic dynamics 1998 Jorge Kurchan
+ PDF Chat Sedimentation and Effective Temperature of Active Colloidal Suspensions 2010 Jérémie Palacci
CĂ©cile Cottin-Bizonne
Christophe Ybert
Lydéric Bocquet
+ PDF Chat Pressure and Phase Equilibria in Interacting Active Brownian Spheres 2015 Alexandre Solon
Joakim Stenhammar
Raphael Wittkowski
Mehran Kardar
Yariv Kafri
M. E. Cates
Julien Tailleur
+ PDF Chat Phase behaviour of active Brownian particles: the role of dimensionality 2013 Joakim Stenhammar
Davide Marenduzzo
Rosalind J. Allen
M. E. Cates
+ PDF Chat Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Run-and-Tumble Bacteria 2008 Julien Tailleur
M. E. Cates
+ PDF Chat Active colloidal suspensions: Clustering and phase behavior 2014 Julian Bialké
Thomas Speck
Hartmut Löwen
+ PDF Chat Continuum Theory of Phase Separation Kinetics for Active Brownian Particles 2013 Joakim Stenhammar
Adriano Tiribocchi
Rosalind J. Allen
Davide Marenduzzo
M. E. Cates
+ PDF Chat Dynamics on the Way to Forming Glass: Bubbles in Space-Time 2010 David Chandler
Juan P. Garrahan
+ PDF Chat Microscopic theory for the phase separation of self-propelled repulsive disks 2013 Julian Bialké
Hartmut Löwen
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Novel Type of Phase Transition in a System of Self-Driven Particles 1995 TamĂĄs Vicsek
AndrĂĄs CzirĂłk
Eshel Ben‐Jacob
Inon Cohen
Ofer Shochet
+ PDF Chat Steady-State Thermodynamics of Langevin Systems 2001 Takahiro Hatano
Shin‐ichi Sasa
+ PDF Chat Constrained dynamics of localized excitations causes a non-equilibrium phase transition in an atomistic model of glass formers 2012 Thomas Speck
David Chandler
+ PDF Chat Collective motion 2012 TamĂĄs Vicsek
Anna Zafeiris
+ PDF Chat Verification of the Crooks fluctuation theorem and recovery of RNA folding free energies 2005 Delphine Collin
FĂ©lix Ritort
Christopher Jarzynski
Steven B. Smith
I Tinoco
Carlos Bustamante
+ PDF Chat Scalar φ4 field theory for active-particle phase separation 2014 Raphael Wittkowski
Adriano Tiribocchi
Joakim Stenhammar
Rosalind J. Allen
Davide Marenduzzo
M. E. Cates
+ PDF Chat Active Brownian motion tunable by light 2012 Ivo Buttinoni
Giovanni Volpe
Felix KĂŒmmel
Giorgio Volpe
Clemens Bechinger
+ Bacterial ratchet motors 2010 Roberto Di Leonardo
L. Angelani
Dario Dell’Arciprete
G. Ruocco
Valerio Iebba
Serena Schippa
Miriam Conte
Federico Mecarini
Francesco De Angelis
Enzo Di Fabrizio
+ PDF Chat A Gallavotti-Cohen Type Symmetry in the Large Deviation Functional for Stochastic Dynamics 1999 Joel L. Lebowitz
Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat Effective Cahn-Hilliard Equation for the Phase Separation of Active Brownian Particles 2014 Thomas Speck
Julian Bialké
Andreas M. Menzel
Hartmut Löwen
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of a Colloidal Particle in a Time-Dependent Nonharmonic Potential 2006 V. Blickle
Thomas Speck
Laurent Helden
Udo Seifert
Clemens Bechinger
+ PDF Chat Entropy production fluctuation theorem and the nonequilibrium work relation for free energy differences 1999 Gavin E. Crooks
+ PDF Chat First-order dynamical phase transition in models of glasses: an approach based on ensembles of histories 2009 Juan P. Garrahan
Robert L. Jack
Vivien Lecomte
Estelle Pitard
Kristina van Duijvendijk
Frédéric van Wijland
+ PDF Chat Experimental Evidence for a Structural-Dynamical Transition in Trajectory Space 2017 Rattachai Pinchaipat
Matteo Campo
Francesco Turci
James E. Hallett
Thomas Speck
C. Patrick Royall
+ PDF Chat When are active Brownian particles and run-and-tumble particles equivalent? Consequences for motility-induced phase separation 2013 M. E. Cates
Julien Tailleur
+ PDF Chat Active Motion of a Janus Particle by Self-Thermophoresis in a Defocused Laser Beam 2010 Hong-Ren Jiang
Natsuhiko Yoshinaga
Masaki Sano
+ PDF Chat Identification of structure in condensed matter with the topological cluster classification 2013 Alex Malins
Stephen R. Williams
Jens Eggers
C. Patrick Royall
+ PDF Chat Crystallization in a Dense Suspension of Self-Propelled Particles 2012 Julian Bialké
Thomas Speck
Hartmut Löwen
+ PDF Chat Distribution of work in isothermal nonequilibrium processes 2004 Thomas Speck
Udo Seifert
+ PDF Chat Emergence of macroscopic directed motion in populations of motile colloids 2013 Antoine Bricard
Jean-Baptiste Caussin
Nicolas Desreumaux
Olivier Dauchot
Denis Bartolo
+ Path-ensemble averages in systems driven far from equilibrium 2000 Gavin E. Crooks
+ PDF Chat Generalized thermodynamics of phase equilibria in scalar active matter 2018 Alexandre Solon
Joakim Stenhammar
M. E. Cates
Yariv Kafri
Julien Tailleur
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamics Determines Collective Motion and Phase Behavior of Active Colloids in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Confinement 2014 Andreas Zöttl
Holger Stark
+ PDF Chat Towards a thermodynamics of active matter 2015 Sho C. Takatori
John F. Brady
+ PDF Chat Phase Behavior of Active Swimmers in Depletants: Molecular Dynamics and Integral Equation Theory 2014 Subir K. Das
S. A. Egorov
Benjamin Trefz
Peter Virnau
Kurt Binder
+ PDF Chat Propulsion of a Molecular Machine by Asymmetric Distribution of Reaction Products 2005 Ramin Golestanian
Tanniemola B. Liverpool
Armand Ajdari