Hanan Samet


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ CoronaViz: Visualizing Multilayer Spatiotemporal COVID-19 Data with Animated Geocircles 2022 Brian Ondov
Harsh Patel
Ai-Te Kuo
Hanan Samet
John Kastner
Yunheng Han
Wei Hong
Niklas Elmqvist
+ Using dynamic circles and squares to visualize spatio-temporal variation 2022 Harsh Patel
Nicole Schneider
Hanan Samet
+ PDF Chat Sub-trajectory Similarity Join with Obfuscation 2021 Yanchuan Chang
Jianzhong Qi
Egemen Tanin
Xingjun Ma
Hanan Samet
+ Equal Area Breaks: A Classification Scheme for Data to Obtain an Evenly-colored Choropleth Map. 2020 Anis Abboud
John Kastner
Hanan Samet
+ CoronaViz: A Map Query Interface for Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Disease Spread 2020 John Kastner
Wei Hu
Hanan Samet
+ NewsStand CoronaViz: A Map Query Interface for Spatio-Temporal and Spatio-Textual Monitoring of Disease Spread 2020 John Kastner
Hanan Samet
Hong Wei
+ LiMITS: An Effective Approach for Trajectory Simplification 2020 Yunheng Han
Hanan Samet
+ Equal Area Breaks: A Classification Scheme for Data to Obtain an Evenly-colored Choropleth Map 2020 Anis Abboud
John Kastner
Hanan Samet
+ PDF Chat K-Regret Queries Using Multiplicative Utility Functions 2018 Jianzhong Qi
Fei Zuo
Hanan Samet
Jia Yao
+ Training Quantized Nets: A Deeper Understanding 2017 Hao Li
Soham De
Zheng Xu
Christoph Studer
Hanan Samet
Tom Goldstein
+ Pruning Filters for Efficient ConvNets 2016 Hao Li
Asim Kadav
Igor Đurđanović
Hanan Samet
Hans Peter Graf
+ Pruning Filters for Efficient ConvNets 2016 Hao Li
Asim Kadav
Igor Đurđanović
Hanan Samet
Hans Peter Graf
+ PDF Chat Set operations for unaligned linear quadtrees 1990 Clifford A. Shaffer
Hanan Samet
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Binarized Neural Networks: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1 2016 Matthieu Courbariaux
Itay Hubara
Daniel Soudry
Ran El‐Yaniv
Yoshua Bengio
+ Network In Network 2013 Min Lin
Qiang Chen
Shuicheng Yan
+ Minimax regret based elicitation of generalized additive utilities 2012 Darius Braziunas
Craig Boutilier
+ Fast Training of Convolutional Networks through FFTs 2013 Michaël Mathieu
Mikael Henaff
Yann LeCun
+ PDF Chat Convolutional neural networks at constrained time cost 2015 Kaiming He
Jian Sun
+ Evaluation of Methods for Classifying Epidemiological Data on Choropleth Maps in Series 2002 Cynthia A. Brewer
Linda W. Pickle
+ A geometric perspective on the generalized Cobb–Douglas production functions 2011 Gabriel‐Eduard Vülcu
+ On Grouping for Maximum Homogeneity 1958 Walter D. Fisher
+ On some geometric properties of the generalized CES production functions 2011 Alina Daniela VĂźlcu
Gabriel‐Eduard Vülcu
+ PDF Chat Geo-indistinguishability 2013 Miguel E. Andrés
NicolĂĄs E. Bordenabe
Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis
Catuscia Palamidessi
+ PDF Chat Flexion and Skewness in Map Projections of the Earth 2007 David M. Goldberg
J. Richard Gott
+ PDF Chat Going deeper with convolutions 2015 Christian Szegedy
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Pierre Sermanet
Scott Reed
Dragomir Anguelov
Dumitru Erhan
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+ PDF Chat ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 Olga Russakovsky
Jia Deng
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Michael S. Bernstein
+ PDF Chat Head/Tail Breaks: A New Classification Scheme for Data with a Heavy-Tailed Distribution 2012 Bin Jiang
+ The maximum numbers of faces of a convex polytope 1970 Peter McMullen
+ PDF Chat Fast Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Networks 2016 Andrew Lavin
Scott Gray
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
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+ SqueezeNet: AlexNet-level accuracy with 50x fewer parameters and <0.5MB model size 2016 Forrest Iandola
Song Han
Matthew W. Moskewicz
Khalid Ashraf
William J. Dally
Kurt Keutzer
+ Convolutional Neural Networks using Logarithmic Data Representation 2016 Daisuke Miyashita
Edward H. Lee
Boris Murmann
+ Wide Residual Networks 2016 Sergey Zagoruyko
Nikos Komodakis
+ Ternary Weight Networks 2016 Fengfu Li
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+ DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients 2016 Shuchang Zhou
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+ Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour 2017 Priya Goyal
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+ A Deep Neural Network Compression Pipeline: Pruning, Quantization, Huffman Encoding 2015 Song Han
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+ PDF Chat Distributed Subtrajectory Join on Massive Datasets 2020 Panagiotis Tampakis
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+ Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift 2015 Sergey Ioffe
Christian Szegedy
+ Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth 2016 Gao Huang
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Daniel Sedra
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+ PDF Chat EIE: Efficient Inference Engine on Compressed Deep Neural Network 2016 Song Han
Xingyu Liu
Huizi Mao
Jing Pu
Ardavan Pedram
Mark Horowitz
William J. Dally
+ Quantized Neural Networks: Training Neural Networks with Low Precision Weights and Activations 2016 Itay Hubara
Matthieu Courbariaux
Daniel Soudry
Ran El‐Yaniv
Yoshua Bengio
+ Speeding up Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Rank Expansions 2014 Max Jaderberg
Andrea Vedaldi
Andrew Zisserman
+ XNOR-Net: ImageNet Classification Using Binary Convolutional Neural Networks 2016 Mohammad Rastegari
Vicente Ordóñez
Joseph Redmon
Ali Farhadi
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ Convolutional neural networks with low-rank regularization 2016 Cheng Tai
Tong Xiao
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Xiaogang Wang
E Weinan
+ PDF Chat Towards Dense Object Tracking in a 2D Honeybee Hive 2018 Katarzyna BoĆŒek
Laetitia Hebert
Alexander S. Mikheyev
Greg J. Stephens
+ Neural Networks with Few Multiplications 2015 Zhouhan Lin
Matthieu Courbariaux
Roland Memisevic
Yoshua Bengio
+ PDF Chat One-pass trajectory simplification using the synchronous Euclidean distance 2019 Xuelian Lin
Jiahao Jiang
Shuai Ma
Yimeng Zuo
Chunming Hu
+ PDF Chat The Bounded Laplace Mechanism in Differential Privacy 2019 Naoise Holohan
Spiros Antonatos
Stefano Braghin
PĂłl Mac Aonghusa
+ On the complexity of minimum-link path problems 2016 Irina Kostitsyna
Maarten Löffler
Valentin Polishchuk
Frank Staals
+ PDF Chat Fast ConvNets Using Group-Wise Brain Damage 2016 Vadim Lebedev
Victor Lempitsky
+ Training Binary Multilayer Neural Networks for Image Classification using Expectation Backpropagation 2015 Zhiyong Cheng
Daniel Soudry
Zexi Mao
Zhenzhong Lan
+ Data-free parameter pruning for Deep Neural Networks 2015 Suraj Srinivas
R. Venkatesh Babu