Ali Hassan Mohammed


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ New Applications of “Abeer-AL-Tememe” Transformation in partial differential equations 2024 Abeer Farhan Abaas
Ali Hassan Mohammed
+ Al-Zughair Transform for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients 2024 Haneen Alzubaidy
Ali Hassan Mohammed
+ Solving Some types of Linear Systems of Partial Differential Equations by Using Albazy Altememe Transformation 2024 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Tuqa Haider Kareem
+ PDF Chat New integral transform for solving some kinds of differential equations 2022 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Ali Hussein Battor
Emad A. Kuffi
+ Accelerations Asi(MM) and Ati(MM) to find double integrals numerically 2021 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Athraa Mohammed Dheyaa Hasoon
Roaa Aziz Fadhil
+ The convolution of an extension of Al-Zughair integral transform 2019 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Ameer Qassim Majde
+ Exponential funtions of Al-Tememe acceleration methods for improving the values of integrations numerically of second kind 2019 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Shatha Hadier Theyab
+ PDF Chat Using inverse triangular and hyperbolic functions of Al-Tememe acceleration methods of first kind for improving the numerical integration results 2019 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Asmahan Abed Yasir
+ PDF Chat Integration of the Al-Tememe Transformation To find the Inverse of Transformation And Solving Some LODEs With (I.C) 2017 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Alaa Saleh Hadi
Hassan Nadem Rasoul
+ New Type of Linear Partial Differential Equations 2017 Noora Ali Habeeb
Ali Hassan Mohammed
+ Differentiation of the Al-Tememe Transformation And Solving Some Linear Ordinary Differential Equation With or Without Initial Conditions 2016 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Alaa Sallh Hadi
Hassan Nadem Rasoul
+ Al-Tememe transformation for solving some types of PDEs with using initial and boundary conditions 2015 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Hassan Nadem Rasoul
Alaa Sallh Hadi
+ Numerical Method for Evaluation of Double Integrals its Integrands have Singular Derivatives and Singular by Using Simpson's Rule when Number of Subintervals at the Two Dimensions Unequal 2015 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Roaa Aziz Fadhil
+ "Finding the complete solution of special types of the second order partial differential equations with variable coefficients" تيلضافتلا ثلاداعملا نم تصاخ عاونلأ لماكلا لحلا داجيإ (( تيناثلا تبترلا نم تيئزجلا )) ةريغتملا ثلاماعملا ثاذ 2014 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Mohammed Monther
Neamah Kudaer
Mohammed Monther Neamah
+ Evaluation of Double integrals with Continuous Integrands by using Acceleration Methods Aitken‘ s with Rule. 2014 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Safaa Mahdi Muosa
Roua Hamid
+ Evaluation of triple integrals with Continuous Integrands numerically by Newton-Cotes Formulas 2014 Ali Hassan Mohammed
+ Using the assumption for solving some kinds of linear third order P.D.Es . 2014 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Sattar Naser Ketab
+ Evaluation of Double Integral with Continuous Integrands by using Method 2014 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Rusul Hassan Naser
Azal Taha abdlwahab
+ PDF Chat اشتقاق طريقة عددية لحساب التكاملات الثنائية ذات المكاملات المستمرة 2013 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Safaa Muosa
+ PDF Chat طريقة تعجيل ايتكن مع قاعدة النقطة الوسطى لحساب التكاملات الثلاثية عدديا ذات المكاملات المستمرة والمعتلة المشتقة و المعتلة 2013 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Rusul Hassan Naser
+ Aitken’s Acceleration Method With mid-point rule to Evaluation Triple Integrals Numerically with Continuous ,Singular Derivatives and Singular Integrands 2013 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Rusul Hassan Naser
+ Numerical Calculation of triple integrals with Continuous Integrands 2013 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Jinan Raheem Nima
Safaa Mahdi Muosa
+ The Complete Solution For Special Kinds of Nonlinear Second Order Partial Differential Equations With Three Independent Variables 2013 Ali Hassan Mohammed
+ Solving Eulers Equation by Using New Transformation 2008 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Athera Nema kathem
+ The General Solution Of the Partial Differential Equation which has The General form 2008 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Rehab Ali Kuder
+ Complements in projective modules 1989 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Frank L Sandomierski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Comparison of Approximation Accuracy and time Integral Process between Simpson Adaptive Method and Romberg Method 2015 Gerardus Polla
+ Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations 1972 Earl A. Coddington
+ A counterexample to two hypotheses on projective and flat modules 1985 Victor Gerasimov
I. I. Sakhaev
+ Liberté des gros modules projectifs 1974 Daniel Lazard
+ PDF Chat Direct products of modules 1960 Stephen U. Chase
+ PDF Chat Romberg integration for a class of singular integrands 1967 L. Fox
+ Ordinary differential equations and their solutions 1960 George M. Murphy
+ PDF Chat On finitely generated flat modules 1969 Wolmer V. Vasconcelos
+ PDF Chat A note on scalar “generalized” invexity 2019 Riccardo Cambini
Laura Carosi
+ The finite generation of projective modules 1996 I. I. Sakhaev
+ Solving Eulers Equation by Using New Transformation 2008 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Athera Nema kathem
+ PDF Chat Integration of the Al-Tememe Transformation To find the Inverse of Transformation And Solving Some LODEs With (I.C) 2017 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Alaa Saleh Hadi
Hassan Nadem Rasoul
+ PDF Chat Using inverse triangular and hyperbolic functions of Al-Tememe acceleration methods of first kind for improving the numerical integration results 2019 Ali Hassan Mohammed
Asmahan Abed Yasir
+ PDF Chat On the projectivity of finitely generated flat modules 2020 Abolfazl Tarizadeh
+ Development of an improved numerical integration method via the transcendental function of exponential form 2020 Sunday Emmanuel Fadugba
+ Differential Equations and Their Applications 1983 Martin Braun
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2017 John M. Stewart
+ Introduction to Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 1996 Richard E. Williamson
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2019 Merle C. Potter
Jack L. Lessing
Edward Aboufadel
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2002 D. A. Sánchez
+ Handbook of First-Order Partial Differential Equations 2001 Andrei D. Polyanin
Valentin F. Zaitsev
A. Moussiaux