Mark Walters


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Random Geometric Graphs in Reflexive Banach Spaces 2024 József Balogh
Mark Walters
András Zsák
+ Product-free sets in the free semigroup 2019 Imre Leader
Shoham Letzter
Bhargav Narayanan
Mark Walters
+ Product-free sets in the free semigroup 2018 Imre Leader
Shoham Letzter
Bhargav Narayanan
Mark Walters
+ Random geometric graphs and isometries of normed spaces 2018 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Karen Gunderson
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ Transitive Avoidance Games 2017 J. Robert Johnson
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat An $n$-in-a-row Type Game 2016 Joshua Erde
Mark Walters
+ Transitive Avoidance Games 2016 J. Robert Johnson
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ Random Geometric Graphs and Isometries of Normed Spaces 2015 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Karen Gunderson
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ An $n$-in-a-row type game 2015 Joshua Erde
Mark Walters
+ An $n$-in-a-row type game 2015 Joshua Erde
Mark Walters
+ Subtended Angles 2015 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Zoltán Füredi
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Probably Intersecting Families are Not Nested 2012 Paul A. Russell
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Sharpness in the <i>k</i>-Nearest-Neighbours Random Geometric Graph Model 2012 Victor Falgas‐Ravry
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Sharpness in the k-Nearest-Neighbours Random Geometric Graph Model 2012 Victor Falgas–Ravry
Mark Walters
+ Small components in -nearest neighbour graphs 2012 Mark Walters
+ Transitive sets in Euclidean Ramsey theory 2011 Imre Leader
Paul A. Russell
Mark Walters
+ Lion and man—can both win? 2011 B Bollobás
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ Probably Intersecting Families are Not Nested 2011 Paul A. Russell
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Hamilton cycles in random geometric graphs 2011 József Balogh
Béla Bollobás
Michael Krivelevich
Tobias Müller
Mark Walters
+ Small components in k-nearest neighbour graphs 2011 Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Transitive sets and cyclic quadrilaterals 2011 Imre Leader
Paul A. Russell
Mark Walters
+ Transitive Sets and Cyclic Quadrilaterals 2010 Imre Leader
Paul A. Russell
Mark Walters
+ Transitive Sets in Euclidean Ramsey Theory 2010 Imre Leader
Paul A. Russell
Mark Walters
+ None 2010 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Joanne Johnson
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Sentry Selection in Wireless Networks 2010 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Amites Sarkar
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Sentry Selection in Wireless Networks 2010 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Amites Sarkar
Mark Walters
+ Random majority percolation 2009 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
J. Robert Johnson
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Iterated Point–Line Configurations Grow Doubly-Exponentially 2009 Joshua Cooper
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Random transceiver networks 2009 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Random transceiver networks 2009 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat A critical constant for the <i>k</i> nearest-neighbour model 2009 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Amites Sarkar
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat A critical constant for the k nearest-neighbour model 2009 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Amites Sarkar
Mark Walters
+ Lion and Man -- Can Both Win? 2009 B Bollobás
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Connectivity of a Gaussian network 2008 Paul Balister
B. Bollobas
Amites Sarkar
Mark Walters
+ Iterated Point-Line Configurations Grow Doubly-Exponentially 2008 Joshua Cooper
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Rigorous confidence intervals for critical probabilities 2007 Oliver Riordan
Mark Walters
+ A critical constant for the k nearest neighbour model 2007 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Amites Sarkar
Mark Walters
+ Extensions of the Polynomial Hales–Jewett Theorem 2006 Mark Walters
+ Continuum percolation with steps in the square or the disc 2005 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat Continuum percolation with steps in an annulus 2004 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Mark Walters
+ Combinatorial Proofs of the Polynomial van der Waerden Theorem and the Polynomial Hales-Jewett Theorem 2000 Mark Walters
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Random Plane Networks 1961 E. N. Gilbert
+ PDF Chat A critical constant for the <i>k</i> nearest-neighbour model 2009 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Amites Sarkar
Mark Walters
+ Percolation 1999 Geoffrey Grimmett
+ PDF Chat All triangles are Ramsey 1986 Péter Frankl
Vojtěch Rödl
+ Euclidean ramsey theorems. I 1973 P. Erdős
Ronald Graham
Pettitt B. Montgomery
Bruce Rothschild
J. Spencer
E. G. Straus
+ PDF Chat The longest edge of the random minimal spanning tree 1997 Mathew D. Penrose
+ PDF Chat Regularity and positional games 1963 Alfred W. Hales
Robert I. Jewett
+ Random Graphs 2001 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Efficient measurement of the percolation threshold for fully penetrable discs 2000 J. Quintanilla
Salvatore Torquato
Robert M. Ziff
+ Onk-connectivity for a geometric random graph 1999 Mathew D. Penrose
+ Random Geometric Graphs 2003 Mathew D. Penrose
+ None 2005 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás aff n
Mark Walters aff n
+ Continuum Percolation 1996 Ronald Meester
R. Roy
+ Extremal problems in discrete geometry 1983 Endre Szemerédi
W. T. Trotter
+ Improved upper bounds for the critical probability of oriented percolation in two dimensions 1994 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Alan Stacey
+ Recent trends in Euclidean Ramsey theory 1994 Ron Graham
+ Continuum percolation with steps in the square or the disc 2005 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Mark Walters
+ The Art of Mathematics 2006 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat The Metastability Threshold for Modified Bootstrap Percolation in $d$ Dimensions 2006 Alexander E. Holroyd
+ PDF Chat Finite Size Scaling in Three-Dimensional Bootstrap Percolation 1999 Raphaël Cerf
Emilio N. M. Cirillo
+ Small components in -nearest neighbour graphs 2012 Mark Walters
+ PDF Chat The Behavior of Processes with Statistical Mechanical Properties 1987 Lawrence Gray
+ Additive number theory: inverse problems and the geometry of sumsets 1997 Melvyn B. Nathanson
+ Bootstrap percolation in a polluted environment 1997 Janko Gravner
Elaine T. McDonald
+ PDF Chat Simple hypergraphs with maximal number of adjacent pairs of edges 1980 Rudolf Ahlswede
+ “Lion and Man”: A Postscript 1964 H. T. Croft
+ Efficient communication in an ad-hoc network 2004 Abraham D. Flaxman
Alan Frieze
Eli Upfal
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Ahlswede and Katona 2009 Stephan Wagner
Hua Wang
+ Finite subtransitive sets 2006 F. E. A. Johnson
+ Finite-size effects for some bootstrap percolation models 1990 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Joan Adler
J. A. M. S. Duarté
+ Critical points of two-dimensional bootstrap percolation-like cellular automata 1990 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Optimization of Shape In Continuum Percolation 2001 Johan Jonasson
+ PDF Chat Random coverings in several dimensions 1986 Svante Janson
+ All regular polytopes are Ramsey 2006 Kristal Cantwell
+ PDF Chat Spaces of constant curvature 2010 Joseph A. Wolf
+ PDF Chat On the Behavior of Some Cellular Automata Related to Bootstrap Percolation 1992 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Set-Polynomials and Polynomial Extension of the Hales-Jewett Theorem 1999 Vitaly Bergelson
A. Leibman
+ Sum-Free Subsets of Right Cancellative Semigroups 2001 Tomasz Łuczak
Tomasz Schoen
+ PDF Chat Brownian local minima, random dense countable sets and random equivalence classes 2006 Boris Tsirelson
+ Comportement periodique des fonctions a seuil binaires et applications 1981 Eric Goles
J. Olivos
+ PDF Chat Survival of Discrete Time Growth Models, with Applications to Oriented Percolation 1995 Thomas M. Liggett
+ Metastability effects in bootstrap percolation 1988 Michael Aizenman
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Isometries on Banach Spaces: function spaces 2002 Richard J. Fleming
James Jamison
+ PDF Chat A partition property of simplices in Euclidean space 1990 Péter Frankl
V. Rödl
+ Statistical mechanics of probabilistic cellular automata 1990 Joel L. Lebowitz
Christian Maes
Eugène R. Speer
+ PDF Chat Fixation Results for Threshold Voter Systems 1993 Richard Durrett
Jeffrey E. Steif
+ PDF Chat Most Probably Intersecting Families of Subsets 2012 Gyula O. H. Katona
Gyula Y. Katona
Zsolt Katona
+ PDF Chat On the Coverage of $k$-Dimensional Space by $k$-Dimensional Spheres 1985 Peter Hall
+ Sidon Sets in Groups and Induced Subgraphs of Cayley Graphs 1985 László Babai
Vera T. Sós
+ PDF Chat Domination by product measures 1997 Thomas M. Liggett
Roberto H. Schonmann
Alan Stacey