Nicholas P. Tatonetti


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Vision-Language and Large Language Model Performance in Gastroenterology: GPT, Claude, Llama, Phi, Mistral, Gemma, and Quantized Models 2024 Seyed Amir Ahmad Safavi-Naini
Shuhaib Ali
Omer Shahab
Zahra Shahhoseini
Thomas Savage
Sara Rafiee
Jamil S. Samaan
Reem Al Shabeeb
Farah Ladak
Jamie O. Yang
+ PDF Chat Estimating the heritability of SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 severity 2024 Kathleen LaRow Brown
Vijendra Ramlall
Michael Zietz
Undina Gisladottir
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ PDF Chat Using machine learning probabilities to identify effects of COVID-19 2023 Vijendra Ramlall
Undina Gisladottir
Jenna Kefeli
Yutaro Tanaka
Benjamin May
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ Large Language Models for Granularized Barrett's Esophagus Diagnosis Classification 2023 Jenna Kefeli
Ali Soroush
Courtney Diamond
Haley M. Zylberberg
Benjamin May
Julian A. Abrams
Chunhua Weng
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ PDF Chat Evaluating risk detection methods to uncover ontogenic-mediated adverse drug effect mechanisms in children 2021 Nicholas Giangreco
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ PDF Chat A database of pediatric drug effects to evaluate ontogenic mechanisms from child growth and development 2021 Nicholas Giangreco
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ PDF Chat Evaluating risk detection methods to uncover ontogenic-mediated adverse drug effect mechanisms in children 2021 Nicholas Giangreco
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ PDF Chat Simulating drug effects on blood glucose laboratory test time series with a conditional WGAN 2020 Alexandre Yahi
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ PDF Chat The Next Generation of Drug Safety Science: Coupling Detection, Corroboration, and Validation to Discover Novel Drug Effects and Drug–Drug Interactions 2018 Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ Lifetime dataset: paired-concept deviations 2018 Casey Ta
Michel Dumontier
George Hripcsak
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Chunhua Weng
+ Lifetime dataset: single concept deviations 2018 Casey Ta
Michel Dumontier
George Hripcsak
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Chunhua Weng
+ Generative Adversarial Networks for Electronic Health Records: A Framework for Exploring and Evaluating Methods for Predicting Drug-Induced Laboratory Test Trajectories 2017 Alexandre Yahi
R. Vanguri
Noémie Elhadad
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
+ PDF Chat A curated and standardized adverse drug event resource to accelerate drug safety research 2016 Juan M. Banda
Lee Evans
R. Vanguri
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Patrick Ryan
Nigam H. Shah
+ PDF Chat Stimulated Reporting: The Impact of US Food and Drug Administration-Issued Alerts on the Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) 2014 Keith B. Hoffman
A. Demakas
Mo Dimbil
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Colin B. Erdman
+ PDF Chat The Weber Effect and the United States Food and Drug Administration’s Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS): Analysis of Sixty-Two Drugs Approved from 2006 to 2010 2014 Keith B. Hoffman
Mo Dimbil
Colin B. Erdman
Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Brian M. Overstreet
+ PDF Chat Genetic variants associated with warfarin dose in African-American individuals: a genome-wide association study 2013 Minoli A. Perera
Larisa H. Cavallari
Nita A. Limdi
Eric R. Gamazon
Anuar Konkashbaev
Roxana Daneshjou
Anna Pluzhnikov
Dana C. Crawford
Jelai Wang
Nianjun Liu
+ PDF Chat Response to 'Use of an algorithm for identifying hidden drug--drug interactions in adverse event reports' by Gooden et al 2013 Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Joshua C. Denny
Russ B. Altman
+ PDF Chat Detecting Drug Interactions From Adverse-Event Reports: Interaction Between Paroxetine and Pravastatin Increases Blood Glucose Levels 2011 Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Joshua C. Denny
S. Murphy
G H Fernald
G. Krishnan
Vı́ctor Castro
Patrick Yue
P S Tsau
Isaac S. Kohane
D M Roden
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Detecting Drug Interactions From Adverse-Event Reports: Interaction Between Paroxetine and Pravastatin Increases Blood Glucose Levels 2011 Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Joshua C. Denny
S. Murphy
G H Fernald
G. Krishnan
Vı́ctor Castro
Patrick Yue
P S Tsau
Isaac S. Kohane
D M Roden
+ Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R, Second Edition 2017 Simon N. Wood
+ Use of proportional reporting ratios (PRRs) for signal generation from spontaneous adverse drug reaction reports 2001 Stephen Evans
Patrick Waller
Sarah Davis
+ Generalized additive models for medical research 1995 Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Identifying the “Blip on the Radar Screen”: Leveraging Big Data in Defining Drug Safety and Efficacy in Pediatric Practice 2018 Michael L. Christensen
Robert L. Davis
+ PDF Chat Regression with Ordered Predictors via Ordinal Smoothing Splines 2017 Nathaniel E. Helwig
+ Penalising Model Component Complexity: A Principled, Practical Approach to Constructing Priors 2017 Daniel Simpson
HĂ„vard Rue
Andrea Riebler
Thiago G. Martins
Sigrunn H. SĂžrbye
+ Regulatory Innovation in Postmarketing Risk Assessment and Management 2012 Judy A. Staffa
Gerald J. Dal Pan
+ PDF Chat Beyond the Randomized Clinical Trial: Innovative Data Science to Close the Pediatric Evidence Gap 2019 Sebastiaan C. Goulooze
Laura B. Zwep
Julia E. Vogt
Elke H. J. Krekels
Thomas Hankemeier
John N. van den Anker
Catherijne A. J. Knibbe
+ Adverse drug event monitoring at the food and drug administration 2003 Syed Rizwanuddin Ahmad
+ PDF Chat The Elements of Statistical Learning 2009 Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
Jerome H. Friedman
+ Advancing the Science for Active Surveillance: Rationale and Design for the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership 2010 Paul Stang
Patrick Ryan
Judith A. Racoosin
J. Marc Overhage
Abraham G. Hartzema
Christian Reich
Emily Welebob
Thomas Scarnecchia
Janet Woodcock
+ PDF Chat Interpreting observational studies: why empirical calibration is needed to correct <i>p</i>‐values 2013 Martijn J. Schuemie
Patrick Ryan
William DuMouchel
Marc A. Suchard
David Madigan
+ A Surveillance Method for the Early Identification of Idiosyncratic Adverse Drug Reactions 2008 Fatma Etwel
Michael J. Rieder
John R. Bend
Gideon Koren
+ Generating Multi-label Discrete Patient Records using Generative Adversarial Networks 2017 Edward Choi
Siddharth Biswal
Bradley Malin
Jon Duke
Walter F. Stewart
Jimeng Sun
+ Real-valued (Medical) Time Series Generation with Recurrent Conditional GANs 2017 CristĂłbal Esteban
Stephanie L. Hyland
Gunnar RĂ€tsch
+ Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets 2014 Mehdi Mirza
Simon Osindero
+ PDF Chat Warfarin pharmacogenetics: a single VKORC1 polymorphism is predictive of dose across 3 racial groups 2010 Nita A. Limdi
Mia Wadelius
Larisa H. Cavallari
Niclas Eriksson
Dana C. Crawford
Ming Ta Michael Lee
Chien‐Hsiun Chen
Alison A. Motsinger‐Reif
Hersh Sagreiya
Nianjun Liu
+ PDF Chat Genotype-Guided Dosing of Coumarin Derivatives: The European Pharmacogenetics of Anticoagulant Therapy (EU-PACT) Trial Design 2009 Rianne MF van Schie
Mia Wadelius
Farhad Kamali
Ann K. Daly
Vangelis G. Manolopoulos
Anthonius de Boer
Rita Barallon
Talitha I. Verhoef
Julia Kirchheiner
Elisabeth Haschke‐Becher
+ PDF Chat Linear Smoothers and Additive Models 1989 Andreas Buja
Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Annotation Analysis for Testing Drug Safety Signals using Unstructured Clinical Notes 2012 Paea LePendu
Srinivasan Iyer
CĂ©drick Fairon
Nigam H. Shah
+ Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks for Diagnosis from Lab Tests 2015 Narges Razavian
David Sontag
+ PDF Chat Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision 2016 Christian Szegedy
Vincent Vanhoucke
Sergey Ioffe
Jon Shlens
Zbigniew Wojna
+ PDF Chat From Facial Parts Responses to Face Detection: A Deep Learning Approach 2015 Shuo Yang
Ping Luo
Chen Change Loy
Xiaoou Tang
+ Deep multi-scale video prediction beyond mean square error 2015 Michaël Mathieu
Camille Couprie
Yann LeCun
+ Interactions Between the Clinical Laboratory and Clinical Pharmacologists to Optimize Drug Therapy 1990 Michael R. Vasko
+ Integral Probability Metrics and Their Generating Classes of Functions 1997 Alfred MĂŒller
+ PDF Chat Characterizing treatment pathways at scale using the OHDSI network 2016 George Hripcsak
Patrick Ryan
Jon Duke
Nigam H. Shah
Rae Woong Park
Vojtech Huser
Marc A. Suchard
Martijn J. Schuemie
Frank DeFalco
Adler Perotte
+ Adversarially Learned Inference 2016 Vincent Dumoulin
Ishmael Belghazi
Ben Poole
Olivier Mastropietro
Alex Lamb
MartĂ­n Arjovsky
Aaron Courville
+ PDF Chat Generalized Additive Models for Gigadata: Modeling the U.K. Black Smoke Network Daily Data 2016 Simon N. Wood
Zheyuan Li
Gavin Shaddick
Nicole H. Augustin
+ PDF Chat Robust empirical calibration of <i>p</i>‐values using observational data 2016 Martijn J. Schuemie
George Hripcsak
Patrick Ryan
David Madigan
Marc A. Suchard
+ Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks 2016 Phillip Isola
Jun-Yan Zhu
Tinghui Zhou
Alexei A. Efros
+ StackGAN: Text to Photo-realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks 2016 Han Zhang
Tao Xu
Hongsheng Li
Shaoting Zhang
Xiaogang Wang
Xiaolei Huang
Dimitris Metaxas
+ MidiNet: A Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network for Symbolic-domain Music Generation 2017 Li-Chia Yang
Szu-Yu Chou
Yi‐Hsuan Yang
+ On the regularization of Wasserstein GANs 2017 Henning Petzka
Asja Fischer
Denis Lukovnicov
+ Pros and Cons of GAN Evaluation Measures 2018 Ali Borji
+ Empirical confidence interval calibration for population-level effect estimation studies in observational healthcare data 2018 Martijn J. Schuemie
George Hripcsak
Patrick Ryan
David Madigan
Marc A. Suchard
+ Fréchet ChemblNet Distance: A metric for generative models for molecules. 2018 Kristina Preuer
Philipp Renz
Thomas Unterthiner
Sepp Hochreiter
GĂŒnter Klambauer
+ A systematic approach to improving the reliability and scale of evidence from health care data 2018 Martijn J. Schuemie
Patrick Ryan
George Hripcsak
David Madigan
Marc A. Suchard
+ PDF Chat Natural language generation for electronic health records 2018 Scott Lee
+ Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics 2016 Carl Vondrick
Hamed Pirsiavash
Antonio Torralba
+ Generative Adversarial Text to Image Synthesis 2016 Scott Reed
Zeynep Akata
Xinchen Yan
Lajanugen Logeswaran
Bernt Schiele
Honglak Lee
+ Adversarial Variational Bayes: Unifying Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks 2017 Lars Mescheder
Sebastian Nowozin
Andreas Geiger
+ Improved Techniques for Training GANs 2016 Tim Salimans
Ian Goodfellow
Wojciech Zaremba
Vicki Cheung
Alec Radford
Xi Chen
+ f-GAN: Training Generative Neural Samplers using Variational Divergence Minimization 2016 Sebastian Nowozin
Botond Cseke
Ryota Tomioka
+ GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium 2017 Martin Heusel
Hubert Ramsauer
Thomas Unterthiner
Bernhard Nessler
Sepp Hochreiter
+ PDF Chat Recurrent Neural Networks for Multivariate Time Series with Missing Values 2018 Zhengping Che
Sanjay Purushotham
Kyunghyun Cho
David Sontag
Yan Liu
+ Towards Principled Methods for Training Generative Adversarial Networks 2017 MartĂ­n Arjovsky
LĂ©on Bottou
+ COVID-19: Epidemiology, Evolution, and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives 2020 Jiumeng Sun
Wan-Ting He
Lifang Wang
Alexander Lai
Xiang Ji
Xiaofeng Zhai
Gairu Li
Marc A. Suchard
Jin Tian
Jiyong Zhou
+ PDF Chat Collider bias undermines our understanding of COVID-19 disease risk and severity 2020 Gareth J Griffith
Tim Morris
Matthew Tudball
Annie Herbert
Giulia Mancano
Lindsey Pike
Gemma C. Sharp
Jonathan A C Sterne
Tom Palmer
George Davey Smith