Ge Zhang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Role of Receptor Uniformity in Multivalent Binding 2023 Xiuyang Xia
Ge Zhang
Massimo Pica Ciamarra
Yang Jiao
Ran Ni
+ PDF Chat Stone–Wales defects preserve hyperuniformity in amorphous two-dimensional networks 2021 Duyu Chen
Yu Zheng
Lei Liu
Ge Zhang
Mohan Chen
Yang Jiao
Houlong Zhuang
+ PDF Chat Predicting plasticity in disordered solids from structural indicators 2020 David Richard
Misaki Ozawa
Sylvain Patinet
Ethan Stanifer
Bruce Z. Shang
Sean A. Ridout
Bin Xu
Ge Zhang
Peter K. Morse
Jean‐Louis Barrat
+ PDF Chat Realizable hyperuniform and nonhyperuniform particle configurations with targeted spectral functions via effective pair interactions 2020 Ge Zhang
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Saturated random packing built of arbitrary polygons under random sequential adsorption protocol 2019 MichaƂ Cieƛla
Piotr Kubala
Ge Zhang
+ PDF Chat Hidden multiscale order in the primes 2019 Salvatore Torquato
Ge Zhang
Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ PDF Chat Inversion problems for Fourier transforms of particle distributions 2018 Jaeuk Kim
Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Uncovering multiscale order in the prime numbers via scattering 2018 Salvatore Torquato
Ge Zhang
Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ PDF Chat Precise algorithm to generate random sequential adsorption of hard polygons at saturation 2018 Ge Zhang
+ PDF Chat The structure factor of primes 2018 Ge Zhang
Fabio Martelli
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Classical many-particle systems with unique disordered ground states 2017 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Can exotic disordered “stealthy” particle configurations tolerate arbitrarily large holes? 2017 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ Can exotic disordered "stealthy" particle configurations tolerate arbitrarily large holes? 2017 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Transport, geometrical, and topological properties of stealthy disordered hyperuniform two-phase systems 2016 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat The Perfect Glass Paradigm: Disordered Hyperuniform Glasses Down to Absolute Zero 2016 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Critical slowing down and hyperuniformity on approach to jamming 2016 Steven Atkinson
Ge Zhang
Adam B. Hopkins
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Inverse design of disordered stealthy hyperuniform spin chains 2016 Eli Chertkov
Robert A. DiStasio
Ge Zhang
Roberto Car
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Ground states of stealthy hyperuniform potentials: I. Entropically favored configurations 2015 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Ground states of stealthy hyperuniform potentials. II. Stacked-slider phases 2015 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Ensemble Theory for Stealthy Hyperuniform Disordered Ground States 2015 Salvatore Torquato
Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
+ PDF Chat Precise algorithm to generate random sequential addition of hard hyperspheres at saturation 2013 Ge Zhang
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Probing the limitations of isotropic pair potentials to produce ground-state structural extremes via inverse statistical mechanics 2013 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Local density fluctuations, hyperuniformity, and order metrics 2003 Salvatore Torquato
Frank H. Stillinger
+ PDF Chat Ensemble Theory for Stealthy Hyperuniform Disordered Ground States 2015 Salvatore Torquato
Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
+ Designer disordered materials with large, complete photonic band gaps 2009 Marian Florescu
Salvatore Torquato
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Classical disordered ground states: Super-ideal gases and stealth and equi-luminous materials 2008 Robert D. Batten
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Point processes in arbitrary dimension from fermionic gases, random matrix theory, and number theory 2008 Salvatore Torquato
Antonello Scardicchio
Chase E. Zachary
+ PDF Chat Unexpected Density Fluctuations in Jammed Disordered Sphere Packings 2005 Aleksandar Donev
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Collective coordinate control of density distributions 2006 Obioma U. Uche
Salvatore Torquato
Frank H. Stillinger
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniformity and Phase Separation in Biased Ensembles of Trajectories for Diffusive Systems 2015 Robert L. Jack
Ian R. Thompson
Peter Sollich
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniformity in point patterns and two-phase random heterogeneous media 2009 Chase E. Zachary
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniform Long-Range Correlations are a Signature of Disordered Jammed Hard-Particle Packings 2011 Chase E. Zachary
Yang Jiao
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Avian photoreceptor patterns represent a disordered hyperuniform solution to a multiscale packing problem 2014 Yang Jiao
Timothy T. Lau
Haralampos Hatzikirou
Michael Meyer‐Hermann
Joseph C. Corbo
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Ground states of stealthy hyperuniform potentials: I. Entropically favored configurations 2015 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat On the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization 1989 Cheng‐Di Dong
Jorge Nocedal
+ PDF Chat Updating quasi-Newton matrices with limited storage 1980 Jorge Nocedal
+ PDF Chat Ground states of stealthy hyperuniform potentials. II. Stacked-slider phases 2015 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Incompressibility of polydisperse random-close-packed colloidal particles 2011 Rei Kurita
Eric R. Weeks
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniformity of Critical Absorbing States 2015 Daniel Hexner
Dov Levine
+ High-density hyperuniform materials can be transparent 2016 Olivier Leseur
Romain Pierrat
RĂ©mi Carminati
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniform states of matter 2018 Salvatore Torquato
+ Isotropic band gaps and freeform waveguides observed in hyperuniform disordered photonic solids 2013 Weining Man
Marian Florescu
Eric Paul Williamson
Yingquan He
Seyed Hashemizad
Brian Leung
Devin Liner
Salvatore Torquato
P. M. Chaikin
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Out-of-equilibrium structures in strongly interacting Rydberg gases with dissipation 2014 Igor Lesanovsky
Juan P. Garrahan
+ PDF Chat Diagnosing hyperuniformity in two-dimensional, disordered, jammed packings of soft spheres 2015 RĂ©mi Dreyfus
Ye Xu
Tim Still
Lawrence A. Hough
Arjun G. Yodh
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Anomalous local coordination, density fluctuations, and void statistics in disordered hyperuniform many-particle ground states 2011 Chase E. Zachary
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Inherent structures for soft long-range interactions in two-dimensional many-particle systems 2011 Robert D. Batten
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ Two new unconstrained optimization algorithms which use function and gradient values 1979 J. E. Dennis
H. H. W. Mei
+ PDF Chat Optical cavities and waveguides in hyperuniform disordered photonic solids 2013 Marian Florescu
Paul J. Steinhardt
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Crystalline Ground States for Classical Particles 2005 AndrĂĄs SĂŒtö
+ PDF Chat Precise algorithm to generate random sequential addition of hard hyperspheres at saturation 2013 Ge Zhang
Salvatore Torquato
+ Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory 2015 GĂ©rald Tenenbaum
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniformity of quasicrystals 2017 Erdal C. Oğuz
Joshua E. S. Socolar
Paul J. Steinhardt
Salvatore Torquato
+ Harald Cramér and the distribution of prime numbers 1995 Andrew Granville
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniformity and its generalizations 2016 Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Transport, geometrical, and topological properties of stealthy disordered hyperuniform two-phase systems 2016 Ge Zhang
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ On the distribution of primes in short intervals 1976 P. X. Gallagher
+ PDF Chat Sur la distribution des zéros de la fonction $\zeta(s)$ et ses conséquences arithmétiques 1896 Jacques Hadamard
+ PDF Chat Inverse optimization techniques for targeted self-assembly 2009 Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Bounded gaps between primes 2014 Zhang Yitang
+ PDF Chat Diffraction of limit periodic point sets 2010 Michael Baake
Uwe Grimm
+ PDF Chat Small gaps between primes 2014 James Maynard
+ PDF Chat Jammed hard-particle packings: From Kepler to Bernal and beyond 2010 S. Torquato
Frank H. Stillinger
+ PDF Chat Suppressed Compressibility at Large Scale in Jammed Packings of Size-Disperse Spheres 2011 Ludovic Berthier
Pinaki Chaudhuri
Corentin Coulais
Olivier Dauchot
Peter Sollich
+ PDF Chat Reformulation of the covering and quantizer problems as ground states of interacting particles 2010 Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Random sequential addition of hard spheres in high Euclidean dimensions 2006 Salvatore Torquato
Obioma U. Uche
Frank H. Stillinger
+ PDF Chat New Conjectural Lower Bounds on the Optimal Density of Sphere Packings 2006 S. Torquato
Frank H. Stillinger
+ PDF Chat Some problems of ‘Partitio numerorum’; III: On the expression of a number as a sum of primes 1923 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Dynamics of random sequential adsorption 1981 Robert H. Swendsen
+ Designer spin systems via inverse statistical mechanics. II. Ground-state enumeration and classification 2013 Étienne Marcotte
Robert A. DiStasio
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Linear equations in primes 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Continuum random sequential adsorption of polymer on a flat and homogeneous surface 2013 MichaƂ Cieƛla
+ Zeros of principal L-functions and random matrix theory 1996 Zeév Rudnick
Peter Sarnak