Rüdiger Schack


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ When will two agents agree on a quantum measurement outcome? Intersubjective agreement in QBism 2023 Rüdiger Schack
+ A QBist reads Merleau-Ponty 2022 Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Respecting One’s Fellow: QBism’s Analysis of Wigner’s Friend 2020 John B. DeBrota
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Homer Nodded: Von Neumann’s Surprising Oversight 2018 N. David Mermin
Rüdiger Schack
+ Concrete Security Against Adversaries with Quantum Superposition Access to Encryption and Decryption Oracles 2016 Shahram Mossayebi
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat QBism and the Greeks: why a quantum state does not represent an element of physical reality 2014 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat An introduction to QBism with an application to the locality of quantum mechanics 2014 Christopher A. Fuchs
N. David Mermin
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum-Bayesian coherence 2013 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Conditioning, the Reflection Principle, and Quantum Decoherence 2011 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat A Quantum-Bayesian Route to Quantum-State Space 2010 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Priors in Quantum Bayesian Inference 2009 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
Luigi Accardi
Guillaume Adenier
Christopher A. Fuchs
Gregg Jaeger
Andrei Khrennikov
Jan-Åke Larsson
Stig Stenholm
+ PDF Chat Subjective probability and quantum certainty 2007 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Finite de Finetti Theorem for Infinite-Dimensional Systems 2007 Christian D’Cruz
Tobias J. Osborne
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Hypersensitivity and chaos signatures in the quantum baker's maps 2006 A.J. Scott
Todd A. Brun
Carlton M. Caves
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Bayesian updating of a probability distribution encoded on a quantum register 2006 Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Classical predictability and coarse-grained evolution of the quantum baker’s map 2006 Artur Scherer
Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat State Preparation Based on Grover’s Algorithm in the Presence of Global Information about the State 2005 Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Properties of the frequency operator do not imply the quantum probability postulate 2004 Carlton M. Caves
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat 5 Unknown Quantum States and Operations,a Bayesian View 2004 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat De Finetti representation theorem for quantum-process tomography 2004 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
Petra F. Scudo
+ PDF Chat A simple necessary decoherence condition for a set of histories 2004 Artur Scherer
Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Information dynamics in cavity QED 2003 Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum theory from four of Hardy's axioms 2003 Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Conditions for compatibility of quantum-state assignments 2002 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Decoherence and linear entropy increase in the quantum baker’s map 2002 Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Unknown quantum states: The quantum de Finetti representation 2002 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum probabilities as Bayesian probabilities 2002 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Conditional evolution in single-atom cavity QED 2001 Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum Bayes rule 2001 Rüdiger Schack
Todd A. Brun
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Simple algorithm for local conversion of pure states 2001 Jens G. Jensen
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Entanglement purification of unknown quantum states 2001 Todd A. Brun
Carlton M. Caves
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Preparation information and optimal decompositions for mixed quantum states 2000 Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum probability from decision theory? 2000 Howard Barnum
Carlton M. Caves
J. Finkelstein
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Classical limit in terms of symbolic dynamics for the quantum baker’s map 2000 Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Shifts on a Finite Qubit String: A Class of Quantum Baker's Maps 2000 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Explicit product ensembles for separable quantum states 2000 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Explicit product ensembles for separable quantum states 2000 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Classical model for bulk-ensemble NMR quantum computation 1999 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Separability of Very Noisy Mixed States and Implications for NMR Quantum Computing 1999 Samuel L. Braunstein
Carlton M. Caves
Richard Jozsa
Noah Linden
Sandu Popescu
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Realizing the quantum baker’s map on a NMR quantum computer 1999 Todd A. Brun
Rüdiger Schack
+ Classical model for bulk-ensemble NMR quantum computation 1999 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Using a quantum computer to investigate quantum chaos 1998 Rüdiger Schack
+ Shifts on a finite qubit string: A class of quantum baker's maps 1998 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Effects of noise on quantum error correction algorithms 1997 Adriano Barenco
Todd A. Brun
Rüdiger Schack
Timothy P. Spiller
+ PDF Chat A C++ library using quantum trajectories to solve quantum master equations 1997 Rüdiger Schack
Todd A. Brun
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic information and simplicity in statistical physics 1997 Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum chaos in open systems: a quantum state diffusion analysis 1996 Todd A. Brun
I C Percival
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Information-theoretic characterization of quantum chaos 1996 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Quantum-state diffusion with a moving basis: Computing quantum-optical spectra 1996 Rüdiger Schack
Todd A. Brun
I C Percival
+ PDF Chat Chaos for Liouville probability densities 1996 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Quantum state diffusion, localization and computation 1995 Rüdiger Schack
Todd A. Brun
I C Percival
+ Hypersensitivity to perturbation in the quantum kicked top 1994 Rüdiger Schack
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat The length of a typical Huffman codeword 1994 Rüdiger Schack
+ Algorithmic information and simplicity in statistical physics 1994 Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Hypersensitivity to perturbations in the quantum baker’s map 1993 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ The length of a typical Huffman codeword 1993 Rüdiger Schack
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Theory of probability 1939 Harold Jeffreys
R. Bruce Lindsay
+ PDF Chat Unknown quantum states: The quantum de Finetti representation 2002 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ Symbolic dynamics and hyperbolic dynamic systems 1981 V. М. Alekseev
M V Yakobson
+ PDF Chat Information-theoretic characterization of quantum chaos 1996 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ Ergodic problems of classical mechanics 1968 Владимир Игоревич Арнольд
André Avez
+ PDF Chat Quantum probabilities as Bayesian probabilities 2002 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum Bayes rule 2001 Rüdiger Schack
Todd A. Brun
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Chaos for Liouville probability densities 1996 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ Quantum Mechanics as Quantum Information (and only a little more) 2002 Christopher A. Fuchs
+ PDF Chat Hypersensitivity to perturbations in the quantum baker’s map 1993 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Locally normal symmetric states and an analogue of de Finetti's theorem 1976 R. L. Hudson
Gwenllian Moody
+ The Foundations of Statistics 1973 D. V. Lindley
Leonard J. Savage
+ PDF Chat On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups 1976 Göran Lindblad
+ Hypersensitivity to perturbation in the quantum kicked top 1994 Rüdiger Schack
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Carlton M. Caves
+ Probabilism 1989 Bruno de Finetti
+ PDF Chat Entanglement purification of unknown quantum states 2001 Todd A. Brun
Carlton M. Caves
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum theory from four of Hardy's axioms 2003 Rüdiger Schack
+ Symmetric states of infinite tensor products of C∗-algebras 1969 Erling Størmer
+ PDF Chat Conditions for compatibility of quantum-state assignments 2002 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Volume of the set of separable states 1998 Karol Życzkowski
Paweł Horodecki
Anna Sanpera
Maciej Lewenstein
+ Foundations of Mathematics and other Logical Essays 2013 Frank Plumpton Ramsey
+ PDF Chat Wave-function approach to dissipative processes in quantum optics 1992 Jean Dalibard
Yvan Castin
Klaus Mølmer
+ PDF Chat Quantum algorithms revisited 1998 Richard Cleve
Artur Ekert
Chiara Macchiavello
Michele Mosca
+ PDF Chat Unpredictability, information, and chaos 1997 Carlton M. Caves
R�diger Schack
+ PDF Chat Symmetric informationally complete quantum measurements 2004 Joseph M. Renes
Robin Blume-Kohout
A.J. Scott
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Mixed-state entanglement and quantum error correction 1996 Charles H. Bennett
David P. DiVincenzo
John A. Smolin
William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat Subjective probability and quantum certainty 2007 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ QBism, the Perimeter of Quantum Bayesianism 2010 Christopher A. Fuchs
+ PDF Chat Classical equations for quantum systems 1993 Murray Gell‐Mann
James B. Hartle
+ PDF Chat Classical limit in terms of symbolic dynamics for the quantum baker’s map 2000 Andrei N. Soklakov
Rüdiger Schack
+ The Foundations of Statistics. 1955 I. J. Good
Leonard J. Savage
+ Determination of quasiprobability distributions in terms of probability distributions for the rotated quadrature phase 1989 Karl Vogel
H. Risken
+ PDF Chat Facts, Values and Quanta 2005 D. M. Appleby
+ Quantum information: How much information in a state vector? 1996 Carlton M. Caves
Christopher A. Fuchs
+ PDF Chat Using a quantum computer to investigate quantum chaos 1998 Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum Bayesianism: A study 2008 Christopher G. Timpson
+ PDF Chat The quantum-jump approach to dissipative dynamics in quantum optics 1998 Martin B. Plenio
P. L. Knight
+ Objective Single-Case Probabilities and the Foundations of Statistics 1973 Ronald N. Giere
+ PDF Chat A de Finetti-type theorem withm-dependent states 1990 Dėnes Petz
+ PDF Chat De Finetti representation theorem for quantum-process tomography 2004 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
Petra F. Scudo
+ PDF Chat 5 Unknown Quantum States and Operations,a Bayesian View 2004 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Quantum-Bayesian coherence 2013 Christopher A. Fuchs
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Purification of Noisy Entanglement and Faithful Teleportation via Noisy Channels 1996 Charles H. Bennett
Gilles Brassard
Sandu Popescu
Benjamin Schumacher
John A. Smolin
William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat Shifts on a Finite Qubit String: A Class of Quantum Baker's Maps 2000 Rüdiger Schack
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Realizing the quantum baker’s map on a NMR quantum computer 1999 Todd A. Brun
Rüdiger Schack
+ PDF Chat Decoherence, chaos, and the second law 1994 Wojciech H. Zurek
Juan Pablo Paz
+ PDF Chat How much state assignments can differ 2002 Todd A. Brun
J. Finkelstein
N. David Mermin
+ PDF Chat Experimental Quantum Error Correction 1998 David G. Cory
Mark D. Price
Werner Maas
Emanuel Knill
Raymond Laflamme
Wojciech H. Zurek
Timothy F. Havel
Shyamal Somaroo
+ PDF Chat Evidence for the epistemic view of quantum states: A toy theory 2007 Robert W. Spekkens
+ PDF Chat Is a System’s Wave Function in One-to-One Correspondence with Its Elements of Reality? 2012 Roger Colbeck
Renato Renner