Jacqueline Hulslander


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Articulation Rate, Naming Speed, Verbal Short-Term Memory, and Phonological Awareness: Longitudinal Predictors of Early Reading Development? 2004 Rauno Parrila
John R. Kirby
Lynn McQuarrie
+ PDF Chat Learning to read and write: A longitudinal study of 54 children from first through fourth grades. 1988 Connie Juel
+ PDF Chat Reading Development in Young Children: Genetic and Environmental Influences 2013 Jessica A. R. Logan
Sara A. Hart
Laurie E. Cutting
Kirby Deater‐Deckard
Christopher Schatschneider
Stephen A. Petrill
+ Cognitive processing rates among disabled and normal reading young adults: A nine year follow-up study 1989 Sadie N. Decker
+ Genetic and environmental influences on reading and listening comprehension 2006 Janice M. Keenan
Rebecca S. Betjemann
Sally J. Wadsworth
John C. DeFries
Richard K. Olson
+ The simple view of reading 1990 Wesley A. Hoover
Philip B. Gough
+ The double-deficit hypothesis for the developmental dyslexias. 1999 Maryanne Wolf
Patricia Greig Bowers
+ PDF Chat Genetic and Environmental Influences on Orthographic and Phonological Skills in Children With Reading Disabilities 2001 Javier GayĂĄn
Richard K. Olson
+ Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) Taps a Mechanism That Places Constraints on the Development of Early Reading Fluency 2009 Arne LervÄg
Charles Hulme
+ Changing relations between phonological processing abilities and word-level reading as children develop from beginning to skilled readers: A 5-year longitudinal study. 1997 Richard K. Wagner
Joseph K. Torgesen
Carol A. Rashotte
Steve A. Hecht
et al
+ Latent variable models: An introduction to factor, path, and structural analysis 1987 C John
+ From single to multiple deficit models of developmental disorders 2006 Bruce F. Pennington
+ Life-Span Data on Continuous-Naming Speeds of Numbers, Letters, Colors, and Pictured Objects, and Word-Reading Speed 2002 K.P. Van den Bos
Bonne J. H. Zijlstra
H.C. Lutje Spelberg
+ Naming speed in dyslexia and dyscalculia 2008 Edith Willburger
Barbara Fußenegger
Kristina Moll
Guilherme Wood
Karin Landerl
+ Kindergarten Prediction of Reading Skills: A Longitudinal Comparative Analysis. 2004 Christopher Schatschneider
Jack Μ. Fletcher
David J. Francis
Coleen D. Carlson
Barbara R. Foorman
+ PDF Chat Genetic analysis of dyslexia candidate genes in the European cross-linguistic NeuroDys cohort 2013 Jessica Becker
Darina Czamara
Tom S. Scerri
Franck Ramus
Valeria Csépe
Joel B. Talcott
John Stein
Andrew P. Morris
Kerstin U. Ludwig
Per Hoffmann
+ Support for EKN1 as the susceptibility locus for dyslexia on 15q21 2004 K. Wigg
Jillian M. Couto
Yu Feng
Barbara Anderson
Tasha Cate‐Carter
FabĂŹo Macciardi
Rosemary Tannock
Maureen W. Lovett
Tom Humphries
Cathy L. Barr
+ PDF Chat Developmental dyslexia: genetic dissection of a complex cognitive trait 2002 Simon E. Fisher
John C. DeFries
+ Taking Account of Time Lags in Causal Models 1987 Harry F. Gollob
Charles S. Reichardt
+ Is a “Phoenician” reading style superior to a “Chinese” reading style? Evidence from fourth graders 2007 Judith A. Bowey
+ PDF Chat TATES: Efficient Multivariate Genotype-Phenotype Analysis for Genome-Wide Association Studies 2013 Sophie van der Sluis
Daniëlle Posthuma
Conor V. Dolan
+ Confirmation of dyslexia susceptibility loci on chromosomes 1p and 2p, but not 6p in a Dutch sib‐pair collection 2007 Carolien G. F. de Kovel
Barbara Franke
Frans A. Hol
Jérémie Lebrec
Ben Maassen
Han G. Brunner
George W. Padberg
Jill Platko
David L. Pauls
+ Prediction of Reading Comprehension: Relative Contributions of Word Recognition, Language Proficiency, and Other Cognitive Skills Can Depend on How Comprehension Is Measured 2006 Laurie E. Cutting
Hollis S. Scarborough
+ Training Phonological Awareness with and without Explicit Attention to Articulation 1999 Barbara Wise
Jerry Ring
Richard K. Olson
+ Phonemes, Rhymes, and Intelligence as Predictors of Children's Responsiveness to Remedial Reading Instruction: Evidence from a Longitudinal Intervention Study 1999 Peter J. Hatcher
Charles Hulme
+ Latent curve analysis 1990 William Meredith
John Tisak
+ Developmental Dyslexia: a Diagnostic Approach Based on Three Atypical Reading‐spelling Patterns 1973 Elena Boder
+ The Nonword Reading Deficit in Developmental Dyslexia: A Review 1992 John Rack
Margaret J. Snowling
Richard K. Olson
+ A Comparison of Bifactor and Second-Order Models of Quality of Life 2006 Fangfang Chen
Stephen West
Karen H. Sousa
+ Development of Individual Differences in Reading: Results From Longitudinal Studies in English and Finnish. 2005 Rauno Parrila
Kaisa Aunola
Esko Leskinen
Jari‐Erik Nurmi
John R. Kirby
+ Rapid “Automatized” Naming of Pictured Objects, Colors, Letters and Numbers by Normal Children 1974 Martha B. Denckla
Rita G. Rudel
+ Toward a Resolution of Inconsistencies in the Phonological Deficit Theory of Reading Disorders 2007 Rhona S. Johnston
Marjorie Morrison
+ Effects of Phonological Abilities and Linguistic Comprehension on the Development of Reading 2002 Peter F. de Jong
Aryan van der Leij
+ PDF Chat Specific Learning Disorder: Prevalence and Gender Differences 2014 Kristina Moll
Sarah Kunze
Nina Neuhoff
Jennifer Bruder
Gerd Schulte‐Körne
+ Specific reading disability (dyslexia): what have we learned in the past four decades? 2004 Frank R. Vellutino
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Margaret J. Snowling
Donna M. Scanlon
+ OpenMx: An Open Source Extended Structural Equation Modeling Framework 2011 Steven M. Boker
Michael C. Neale
Hermine H. Maes
Michael Wilde
Michael Spiegel
Timothy R. Brick
Jeffrey R. Spies
Ryne Estabrook
Sarah Kenny
Timothy C. Bates
+ A locus on 2p12 containing the co-regulated MRPL19 and C2ORF3 genes is associated to dyslexia 2007 Heidi Anthoni
Marco Zucchelli
Hans Matsson
Bertram MĂŒller‐Myhsok
Ingegerd Fransson
Johannes Schumacher
Satu Massinen
PĂ€ivi Onkamo
Andreas Warnke
Heide Griesemann
+ PDF Chat Second-generation PLINK: rising to the challenge of larger and richer datasets 2015 Christopher Chang
Carson C. Chow
Laurent CAM Tellier
Shashaank Vattikuti
Shaun Purcell
James J. Lee
+ Interrelationship and Familiality of Dyslexia Related Quantitative Measures 2006 Gerd Schulte‐Körne
Andreas Ziegler
Wolfgang Deimel
Johannes Schumacher
Ellen Plume
Christina Bachmann
André Kleensang
Peter Propping
Markus M. Nöthen
Andreas Warnke
+ Problems of reporting genetic associations with complex outcomes 2003 Helen M. Colhoun
Paul McKeigue
George Davey Smith
+ On the Irrelevance of Intelligence in Predicting Responsiveness to Reading Instruction 2006 Douglas Fuchs
Caresa L. Young
+ PDF Chat Adjusting multiple testing in multilocus analyses using the eigenvalues of a correlation matrix 2005 Jin Li
Lanxin Ji
+ Colorado longitudinal twin study of reading disability 2007 Sally J. Wadsworth
John C. DeFries
Richard K. Olson
Erik G. Willcutt
+ PDF Chat Growth in Rapid Automatized Naming From Grades K to 8 in Children with Math or Reading Disabilities 2013 MichĂšle M. M. Mazzocco
Kevin J. Grimm
+ First genome-wide association scan on neurophysiological endophenotypes points to trans-regulation effects on SLC2A3 in dyslexic children 2009 Darina Roeske
Kerstin U. Ludwig
Nina Neuhoff
Jessica Becker
JĂŒrgen Bartling
Jennifer Bruder
F.F. Brockschmidt
Andreas Warnke
Helmut Remschmidt
Per Hoffmann
+ The Unity and Diversity of Executive Functions and Their Contributions to Complex “Frontal Lobe” Tasks: A Latent Variable Analysis 2000 Akira Miyake
Naomi P. Friedman
Michael J. Emerson
Alexander Witzki
Amy Howerter
Tor D. Wager
+ PDF Chat Molecular Genetics of Dyslexia: An Overview 2013 Amaia CarriĂłn-Castillo
Barbara Franke
Simon E. Fisher
+ PDF Chat Imaging-genetics in dyslexia: Connecting risk genetic variants to brain neuroimaging and ultimately to reading impairments 2013 John D. Eicher
Jeffrey R. Gruen
+ Genetic covariance among measures of information processing speed, working memory, and IQ. 2001 Michelle Luciano
Margaret J. Wright
G. A. Smith
Gina Geffen
L. B. Geffen
Nicholas G. Martin
+ PDF Chat Associations Between Reading Achievement and Independent Reading in Early Elementary School: A Genetically Informative Cross-Lagged Study 2011 Nicole Harlaar
Kirby Deater‐Deckard
Lee A. Thompson
Laura S. DeThorne
Stephen A. Petrill