Matt Holzer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Pushed and pulled fronts in a logistic Keller–Segel model with chemorepulsion<sup>*</sup> 2025 Montie Avery
Matt Holzer
Arnd Scheel
+ PDF Chat Persistence of steady-states for dynamical systems on large networks 2024 Jason J. Bramburger
Matt Holzer
Jackson Williams
+ PDF Chat Pattern Formation in Random Networks Using Graphons 2023 Jason J. Bramburger
Matt Holzer
+ Pushed and pulled fronts in a logistic Keller-Segel model with chemorepulsion 2023 Montie Avery
Matt Holzer
Arnd Scheel
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Spreading on Complex Networks as Front Propagation into an Unstable State 2022 Ashley Armbruster
Matt Holzer
Noah Roselli
Lena Underwood
+ PDF Chat Locked fronts in a discrete time discrete space population model 2022 Matt Holzer
Zachary Richey
Wyatt Rush
Samuel Schmidgall
+ Pushed-to-pulled front transitions: continuation, speed scalings, and hidden monotonicity 2022 Montie Avery
Matt Holzer
Arnd Scheel
+ PDF Chat Invasion into remnant instability: a case study of front dynamics 2022 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
Arnd Scheel
Lars Siemer
+ Pushed fronts in a Fisher-KPP-Burgers system using geometric desingularization 2022 Matt Holzer
Matthew Kearney
Samuel Molseed
Katie Tuttle
David Wigginton
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic spreading for Fisher-KPP reaction-diffusion equations with heterogeneous shifting diffusivity 2021 Grégory Faye
Thomas Giletti
Matt Holzer
+ Pattern Formation in Random Networks Using Graphons 2021 Jason J. Bramburger
Matt Holzer
+ Epidemic spreading on complex networks as front propagation into an unstable state 2021 Ashley Armbruster
Matt Holzer
Noah Roselli
Lena Underwood
+ Asymptotic spreading for Fisher-KPP reaction-diffusion equations with heterogeneous shifting diffusivity 2021 Grégory Faye
Thomas Giletti
Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic stability of the critical pulled front in a Lotka-Volterra competition model 2020 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ Locked fronts in a discrete time discrete space population model 2020 Matt Holzer
Zachary Richey
Wyatt Rush
Samuel Schmidgall
+ Asymptotic stability of the critical pulled front in a Lotka-Volterra competition model 2019 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ Asymptotic stability of the critical pulled front in a Lotka-Volterra competition model 2019 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic stability of the critical Fisher–KPP front using pointwise estimates 2018 GrĂ©gory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ Bifurcation to locked fronts in two component reaction–diffusion systems 2018 GrĂ©gory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat Invasion fronts on graphs: The Fisher-KPP equation on homogeneous trees and ErdƑs-RĂ©yni graphs 2018 A. Hoffman
Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat Estimating epidemic arrival times using linear spreading theory 2018 Lawrence M. Chen
Matt Holzer
Anne Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic stability of the critical Fisher-KPP front using pointwise estimates 2018 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat Pattern formation, traveling fronts and consensus versus fragmentation in a model of opinion dynamics 2017 Matt Holzer
Ratna Khatri
+ PDF Chat Linear spreading speeds from nonlinear resonant interaction 2017 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
Arnd Scheel
+ Pattern formation, traveling fronts and consensus versus fragmentation in a model of opinion dynamics 2017 Matt Holzer
Ratna Khatri
+ Bifurcation to locked fronts in two component reaction-diffusion systems 2017 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ Pattern formation, traveling fronts and consensus versus fragmentation in a model of opinion dynamics 2017 Matt Holzer
Ratna Khatri
+ Asymptotic stability of the critical Fisher-KPP front using pointwise estimates 2017 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ Invasion fronts on graphs: the Fisher-KPP equation on homogeneous trees and Erd\H{o}s-R\'eyni graphs 2016 A. Hoffman
Matt Holzer
+ Invasion fronts on graphs: the Fisher-KPP equation on homogeneous trees and ErdƑs-RĂ©yni graphs 2016 A. Hoffman
Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat A proof of anomalous invasion speeds in a system of coupled Fisher-KPP equations 2015 Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat Modulated traveling fronts for a nonlocal Fisher-KPP equation: A dynamical systems approach 2014 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ Modulated traveling fronts for a nonlocal Fisher-KPP equation: a dynamical systems approach 2014 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat Criteria for Pointwise Growth and Their Role in Invasion Processes 2014 Matt Holzer
Arnd Scheel
+ An analysis of the renormalization group method for asymptotic expansions with logarithmic switchback terms 2014 Matt Holzer
Tasso J. Kaper
+ Modulated traveling fronts for a nonlocal Fisher-KPP equation: a dynamical systems approach 2014 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
+ PDF Chat Anomalous spreading in a system of coupled Fisher–KPP equations 2013 Matt Holzer
+ Anomalous spreading in a system of coupled Fisher-KPP equations 2012 Matt Holzer
+ Existence and Stability of Traveling Pulses in a Reaction–Diffusion-Mechanics System 2012 Matt Holzer
Arjen Doelman
Tasso J. Kaper
+ Anomalous spreading in a system of coupled Fisher-KPP equations 2012 Matt Holzer
+ Singular perturbations of <i>z<sup>n</sup></i> 2008 Robert L. Devaney
Matt Holzer
Daniel M. Look
MĂłnica Moreno Rocha
David Uminsky
+ PDF Chat Analysis of a renormalization group method and normal form theory for perturbed ordinary differential equations 2008 Robert Deville
Anthony Harkin
Matt Holzer
KreĆĄimir Josić́
Tasso J. Kaper
+ Analysis of a Renormalization Group Method for Solving Perturbed Ordinary Dieren tial Equations 2006 Anthony Harkin
Matt Holzer
Tasso J. Kaper
+ Blowup points and baby Mandelbrot sets for singularly perturbed rational maps 2006 Robert L. Devaney
Matt Holzer
David Uminsky
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Front propagation into unstable states 2003 W. vanSaarloos
+ PDF Chat Criteria for Pointwise Growth and Their Role in Invasion Processes 2014 Matt Holzer
Arnd Scheel
+ Multidimensional nonlinear diffusion arising in population genetics 1978 D. G. Aronson
Hans F. Weinberger
+ PDF Chat Pointwise semigroup methods and stability of viscous shock waves 1998 Kevin Zumbrun
Peter Howard
+ Evans function and blow-up methods in critical eigenvalue problems 2004 Björn Sandstede
Arnd Scheel
+ Propagating Pattern Selection 1983 Gregory T. Dee
J. S. Langer
+ On the nonlinear dynamics of travelling fronts 1992 Klaus KirchgÀssner
+ On the stability of waves of nonlinear parabolic systems 1976 D. H. Sattinger
+ PDF Chat Anomalous spreading in a system of coupled Fisher–KPP equations 2013 Matt Holzer
+ Convergence of solutions of the Kolmogorov equation to travelling waves 1983 Maury Bramson
+ The gap lemma and geometric criteria for instability of viscous shock profiles 1998 Robert A. Gardner
Kevin Zumbrun
+ PDF Chat Dichotomies in Stability Theory 1978 W. A. Coppel
+ Stability of Travelling Waves 2002 Björn Sandstede
+ Analysis of linear determinacy for spread in cooperative models 2002 Hans F. Weinberger
Mark A. Lewis
Bingtuan Li
+ Absolute and convective instabilities of spatially periodic flows 1996 Leonid Brevdo
Thomas J. Bridges
+ PDF Chat Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Equations 1991 Mark Freidlin
+ A topological invariant arising in the stability analysis of travelling waves. 1990 J. C. Alexander
Rod Gardner
C Jones
+ PDF Chat Invasion of open space by two competitors: spreading properties of monostable two‐species competition‐diffusion systems 2019 LĂ©o Girardin
King‐Yeung Lam
+ Reaction-diffusion equations for population dynamics with forced speed I - The case of the whole space 2008 Henri Berestycki
Luca Rossi
+ The approach of solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations to travelling front solutions 1977 Paul C. Fife
J. B. McLeod
+ Travelling fronts in nonlinear diffusion equations 1975 K. P. Hadeler
Franz Rothe
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear stability of source defects in the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation 2014 Margaret Beck
Toan T. Nguyen
Björn Sandstede
Kevin Zumbrun
+ PDF Chat Renormalization Group and the Ginzburg-Landau equation 1992 Jean Bricmont
A. Kupiainen
+ Pointwise estimates and stability for degenerate viscous shock waves 2002 Peter Howard
+ The Accommodation of Traveling Waves of Fisher’s Type to the Dynamics of the Leading Tail 1993 Michael R. Booty
R. Haberman
Antonmaria A. Minzoni
+ Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Reaction-Diffusion Patterns 2003 Bernold Fiedler
Arnd Scheel
+ PDF Chat Linear spreading speeds from nonlinear resonant interaction 2017 Grégory Faye
Matt Holzer
Arnd Scheel
+ Bifurcating fronts for the Taylor—Couette problem in infinite cylinders 1999 M. HărăguƟ–Courcelle
Guido Schneider
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear stability of spatially-periodic traveling-wave solutions of systems of reaction–diffusion equations 2011 Mathew A. Johnson
Kevin Zumbrun
+ PDF Chat Existence and stability of propagating fronts for an autocatalytic reaction-diffusion system 1998 S. Focant
Th. Gallay
+ On a certain renormalization group method 2000 Mohammed Ziane
+ The Use of an lnvariance Condition in the Solution of Multiple-Scale Singular Perturbation Problems: Ordinary Differential Equations 1993 S. Woodruff
+ PDF Chat A Geometrical Formulation of the Renormalization Group Method for Global Analysis 1995 Teiji Kunihiro
+ PDF Chat Renormalization-Group Method for Reduction of Evolution Equations; Invariant Manifolds and Envelopes 2000 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Kazuyuki Fujii
Teiji Kunihiro
+ Spreading speeds as slowest wave speeds for cooperative systems 2005 Bingtuan Li
Hans F. Weinberger
Mark A. Lewis
+ PDF Chat A proof of anomalous invasion speeds in a system of coupled Fisher-KPP equations 2015 Matt Holzer
+ The Hidden Geometry of Complex, Network-Driven Contagion Phenomena 2013 Dirk Brockmann
Dirk Helbing
+ PDF Chat A short proof of the logarithmic Bramson correction in Fisher-KPP equations 2013 François Hamel
James Nolen
Jean‐Michel Roquejoffre
Lenya Ryzhik
+ PDF Chat Epidemic fronts in complex networks with metapopulation structure 2013 Jason Hindes
Sarabjeet Singh
Christopher R. Myers
David J. Schneider
+ PDF Chat Renormalization Group Theory for Global Asymptotic Analysis 1994 Lin Yuan Chen
Nigel Goldenfeld
Y. Oono
+ Tracking Invariant Manifolds with Differential Forms in Singularly Perturbed Systems 1994 Christopher K. R. T. Jones
Nancy Kopell
+ PDF Chat Renormalization group and singular perturbations: Multiple scales, boundary layers, and reductive perturbation theory 1996 Lin-Yuan Chen
Nigel Goldenfeld
Y. Oono
+ A reaction-diffusion model of cancer invasion. 1996 Robert A. Gatenby
E. T. Gawlinski
+ PDF Chat Epidemic processes in complex networks 2015 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Claudio Castellano
Piet Van Mieghem
Alessandro Vespignani
+ Renormalization group analysis of differential equations subject to slowly modulated perturbations 2000 Glenn C. Paquette
+ PDF Chat Singular perturbation methods for ordinary differential equations 1992 Jr. Robert E. O'Malley
+ Normal Forms for Nonautonomous Differential Equations 2002 Stefan Siegmund
+ Averaging Methods in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 2007 Jan A. Sanders
Ferdinand Verhulst
James Murdock
+ Tracking Invariant Manifolds up to Exponentially Small Errors 1996 Christopher K. R. T. Jones
Tasso J. Kaper
Nancy Kopell
+ Deriving amplitude equations for weakly-nonlinear oscillators and their generalizations 2005 Robert E. O’Malley
David B. Williams