Tristan T. Hormel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Nonperfused Retinal Capillaries -- A New Method Developed on OCT and OCTA 2024 Min Gao
Yukun Guo
Tristan T. Hormel
Jie Wang
Elizabeth White
Dong-Wouk Park
Thomas S. Hwang
Steven T. Bailey
Yali Jia
+ Perfused and Nonperfused Microaneurysms Identified and Characterized by Structural and Angiographic OCT 2023 Min Gao
Tristan T. Hormel
Yukun Guo
K. Tsuboi
Christina J. Flaxel
David Huang
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ PDF Chat Interpretable Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis Based on Biomarker Activation Map 2023 Pengxiao Zang
Tristan T. Hormel
Jie Wang
Yukun Guo
Steven T. Bailey
Christina J. Flaxel
David Huang
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ Perfused and Nonperfused Microaneurysms Identified and Characterized by Structural and Angiographic OCT 2023 Min Gao
Tristan T. Hormel
Yukun Guo
K. Tsuboi
Christina J. Flaxel
David Huang
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ Interpretable Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis based on Biomarker Activation Map 2022 Pengxiao Zang
Tristan T. Hormel
Jie Wang
Yukun Guo
Steven T. Bailey
Christina J. Flaxel
David Huang
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ PDF Chat Automated Segmentation of Retinal Fluid Volumes From Structural and Angiographic Optical Coherence Tomography Using Deep Learning 2020 Yukun Guo
Tristan T. Hormel
Honglian Xiong
Jie Wang
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ DcardNet: Diabetic Retinopathy Classification at Multiple Levels Based on Structural and Angiographic Optical Coherence Tomography 2020 Pengxiao Zang
Liqin Gao
Tristan T. Hormel
Jie Wang
Qi Sheng You
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ Reconstruction of high-resolution 6×6-mm OCT angiograms using deep learning 2020 Min Gao
Yukun Guo
Tristan T. Hormel
Jiande Sun
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ High-resolution wide-field OCT angiography with a self-navigation method to correct microsaccades and blinks 2020 Xiang Wei
Tristan T. Hormel
Yukun Guo
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ High-resolution wide-field OCT angiography with self-navigated motion correction 2020 Xiang Wei
Tristan T. Hormel
Yukun Guo
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ Reconstruction of high-resolution 6x6-mm OCT angiograms using deep learning 2020 Min Gao
Yukun Guo
Tristan T. Hormel
Jiande Sun
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
+ DcardNet: Diabetic Retinopathy Classification at Multiple Levels Based on Structural and Angiographic Optical Coherence Tomography 2020 Pengxiao Zang
Liqin Gao
Tristan T. Hormel
Jie Wang
Qi Sheng You
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
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+ PDF Chat Automated Segmentation of Retinal Fluid Volumes From Structural and Angiographic Optical Coherence Tomography Using Deep Learning 2020 Yukun Guo
Tristan T. Hormel
Honglian Xiong
Jie Wang
Thomas S. Hwang
Yali Jia
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