Jinmin Wang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Scalar curvature rigidity of degenerate warped product spaces 2025 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ Positive scalar curvature meets Ricci limit spaces 2024 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Bo Zhu
Xingyu Zhu
+ PDF Chat Bounding the A-hat genus using scalar curvature lower bounds and isoperimetric constants 2024 Q. M. Ma
Jinmin Wang
Guoliang Yu
Bo Zhu
+ PDF Chat Scalar-mean rigidity theorem for compact manifolds with boundary 2024 Jinmin Wang
Zhichao Wang
Bo Zhu
+ PDF Chat Optimizing Automated Picking Systems in Warehouse Robots Using Machine Learning 2024 Keqin Li
Jinmin Wang
Xubo Wu
Xirui Peng
Runmian Chang
Xiaoyu Deng
Yiwen Kang
Yue Yang
Fanghao Ni
Bo Hong
+ PDF Chat Sharp bottom spectrum and scalar curvature rigidity 2024 Jinmin Wang
Bo Zhu
+ PDF Chat Scalar curvature rigidity of spheres with subsets removed and $L^\infty$ metrics 2024 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ PDF Chat Scalar curvature rigidity of the four-dimensional sphere 2024 S. Cecchini
Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Bo Zhu
+ PDF Chat Delocalized eta invariants, cyclic cohomology and higher rho invariants 2023 Xiaoman Chen
Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat ā„“Ā¹-higher index, ā„“Ā¹-higher rho invariant and cyclic cohomology 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Dihedral rigidity for submanifolds of warped product manifolds 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ Scalar curvature rigidity of degenerate warped product spaces 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ Filling Radius, Quantitative $K$-theory and Positive Scalar Curvature 2023 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
Bo Zhu
+ On Gromov's flat corner domination conjecture and Stoker's conjecture 2022 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ $l^1$-higher index, $l^1$-higher rho invariant and cyclic cohomology 2022 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Rigidity of strictly convex domains in Euclidean spaces 2022 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
+ Positive Scalar Curvature Meets Ricci Limit Spaces 2022 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Bo Zhu
Xingyu Zhu
+ An index theoretic proof of Gromov's cube inequality on scalar curvature 2021 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Closed-Form Solutions for the Probability Distribution of Time-Variant Maximal Value Processes for Some Classes of Markov Processes 2021 Mengā€Ze Lyu
Jinmin Wang
Jianbing Chen
+ A proof of Gromov's cube inequality on scalar curvature 2021 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ On Gromov's dihedral extremality and rigidity conjectures 2021 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Approximations of delocalized eta invariants by their finite analogues 2020 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ On localized signature and higher rho invariant of fibered manifolds 2019 Hongzhi Liu
Jinmin Wang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Localization algebras and the coarse Baum--Connes conjecture 1997 Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Positive scalar curvature and product formulas for secondary index invariants 2016 Rudolf Zeidler
+ On the structure of manifolds with positive scalar curvature 1979 Richard Schoen
S.-T. Yau
+ PDF Chat A K-theoretic relative index theorem and Callias-type Dirac operators 1995 Ulrich Bunke
+ Cyclic cohomology, the Novikov conjecture and hyperbolic groups 1990 Alain Connes
Henri Moscovici
+ Delocalized eta invariants, algebraicity, and $K$-theory of group $C^*$-algebras 2018 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Additivity of Higher Rho Invariants and Nonrigidity of Topological Manifolds 2020 Shmuel Weinberger
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat The Baum-Connes conjecture for hyperbolic groups 2002 Igor Mineyev
Guoliang Yu
+ Positive scalar curvature, higher rho invariants and localization algebras 2014 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Rho-classes, index theory and Stolzā€™ positive scalar curvature sequence 2014 Paolo Piazza
Thomas Schick
+ Mapping Surgery to Analysis II: Geometric Signatures 2004 Nigel Higson
John Roe
+ Mapping Surgery to Analysis I: Analytic Signatures 2004 Nigel Higson
John Roe
+ PDF Chat Dirac and Plateau billiards in domains with corners 2014 Misha Gromov
+ PDF Chat Coarse cohomology and index theory on complete Riemannian manifolds 1993 John Roe
+ Superconnections and the Chern character 1985 D Quillen
+ A quantitative relative index theorem and Gromov's conjectures on positive scalar curvature 2021 Zhizhang Xie
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Geometry 2010 Alain Connes
Joachim Cuntz
Marc A. Rieffel
+ Decay of scalar curvature on uniformly contractible manifolds with finite asymptotic dimension 2021 Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Generalized soap bubbles and the topology of manifolds with positive scalar curvature 2020 Otis Chodosh
Chao Li
+ Higher rho invariants and the moduli space of positive scalar curvature metrics 2016 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat A long neck principle for Riemannian spin manifolds with positive scalar curvature 2020 S. Cecchini
+ Positive scalar curvature, higher rho invariants and localization algebras 2013 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ No metrics with Positive Scalar Curvatures on Aspherical 5-Manifolds 2020 Misha Gromov
+ PDF Chat Scalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator 2024 S. Cecchini
Rudolf Zeidler
+ E-theory and KK-theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space 2001 Nigel Higson
Gennadi Kasparov
+ PDF Chat The $b$-pseudodifferential calculus on Galois coverings and a higher Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem 1997 Ɖric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Higher invariants in noncommutative geometry 2019 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Delocalized eta invariants, cyclic cohomology and higher rho invariants 2023 Xiaoman Chen
Jinmin Wang
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Metric Inequalities with Scalar Curvature 2018 Misha Gromov
+ PDF Chat La conjecture de Baumā€“Connes Ć  coefficients pour les groupes hyperboliques 2012 Vincent Lafforgue
+ New Holomorphically Closed Subalgebras of C*-Algebras of Hyperbolic Groups 2010 Michael Puschnigg
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ Existence of Incompressible Minimal Surfaces and the Topology of Three Dimensional Manifolds with Non-Negative Scalar Curvature 1979 Richard Schoen
Shingā€Tung Yau
+ The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem 1993 Richard Melrose
+ Delocalized L2-Invariants 1999 John Lott
+ PDF Chat Non-commutative differential geometry 1985 Alain Connes
+ Additivity of higher rho invariants and nonrigidity of topological manifolds 2016 Shmuel Weinberger
Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ Band width estimates via the Dirac operator 2019 Rudolf Zeidler
+ Index theory for scalar curvature on manifolds with boundary 2021 John Lott
+ Spin and Scalar Curvature in the Presence of a Fundamental Group. I 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ A relative higher index theorem, diffeomorphisms and positive scalar curvature 2013 Zhizhang Xie
Guoliang Yu
+ PDF Chat Four Lectures on Scalar Curvature 2023 Misha Gromov
+ An Index Theorem for First Order Regular Singular Operators 1988 Jochen BrĆ¼ning
R. Seeley
+ The Classification of Simply Connected Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ Critical points of distance functions and applications to geometry 1991 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat On the spectral geometry of spaces with cone-like singularities 1979 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Bounds on the von Neumann dimension of $L\sp 2$-cohomology and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for open manifolds 1985 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ Sharp estimates and the Dirac operator 1998 Marcelo Llarull
+ Diffeomorphisms and noncommutative analytic torsion 1999 John Lott
+ Scalar curvature and hammocks 1999 Joachim Lohkamp