Diana F. Lee


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Optimized driving of superconducting artificial atoms for improved single-qubit gates 2010 Jerry M. Chow
L. DiCarlo
Jay Gambetta
Felix Motzoi
Luigi Frunzio
S. M. Girvin
Robert Schoelkopf
+ A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm 2014 Edward Farhi
Jeffrey Goldstone
Sam Gutmann
+ PDF Chat Charge-insensitive qubit design derived from the Cooper pair box 2007 Jens Koch
Terri M. Yu
Jay Gambetta
Andrew Houck
David Schuster
Johannes Majer
Alexandre Blais
Michel Devoret
S. M. Girvin
Robert Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat Simple All-Microwave Entangling Gate for Fixed-Frequency Superconducting Qubits 2011 Jerry M. Chow
Antonio Córcoles
Jay Gambetta
Chad Rigetti
Blake Johnson
John A. Smolin
John Rozen
George Keefe
Mary Beth Rothwell
M. B. Ketchen
+ PDF Chat Characterizing quantum gates via randomized benchmarking 2012 Easwar Magesan
Jay Gambetta
Joseph Emerson
+ PDF Chat Surface codes: Towards practical large-scale quantum computation 2012 Austin G. Fowler
M. Mariantoni
John M. Martinis
A. N. Cleland
+ PDF Chat Quantum computing with realistically noisy devices 2005 Emanuel Knill
+ PDF Chat Process verification of two-qubit quantum gates by randomized benchmarking 2013 Antonio Córcoles
Jay Gambetta
Jerry M. Chow
John A. Smolin
Matthew Ware
Joel Strand
B. L. T. Plourde
Matthias Steffen
+ PDF Chat First-order sideband transitions with flux-driven asymmetric transmon qubits 2013 Joel Strand
Matthew Ware
F. Beaudoin
Thomas Ohki
Blake Johnson
Alexandre Blais
B. L. T. Plourde
+ PDF Chat Simple Pulses for Elimination of Leakage in Weakly Nonlinear Qubits 2009 Felix Motzoi
Jay Gambetta
Patrick Rebentrost
Frank K. Wilhelm
+ PDF Chat Microwave-activated conditional-phase gate for superconducting qubits 2013 Jerry M. Chow
Jay Gambetta
Andrew W. Cross
Seth Merkel
Chad Rigetti
Matthias Steffen
+ PDF Chat Josephson amplifier for qubit readout 2011 Baleegh Abdo
Flavius Schackert
Michael Hatridge
Chad Rigetti
Michel Devoret
+ PDF Chat Tunable, Flexible, and Efficient Optimization of Control Pulses for Practical Qubits 2018 Shai Machnes
Elie Assémat
David J. Tannor
Frank K. Wilhelm
+ Cross-resonance interactions between superconducting qubits with variable detuning 2019 Matthew Ware
Blake Johnson
Jay Gambetta
Thomas Ohki
Jerry M. Chow
B. L. T. Plourde
+ Procedure for systematically tuning up cross-talk in the cross-resonance gate 2016 Sarah Sheldon
Easwar Magesan
Jerry M. Chow
Jay Gambetta
+ Direct digital synthesis of microwave waveforms for quantum computing 2017 James J. Raftery
Andrei Vrajitoarea
G. Zhang
Zhaoqi Leng
Srikanth Srinivasan
Andrew Houck
+ PDF Chat Hardware for dynamic quantum computing 2017 Colm A. Ryan
Blake Johnson
Diego Ristè
Brian F. Donovan
Thomas Ohki
+ PDF Chat Parametrically Activated Entangling Gates Using Transmon Qubits 2018 S. Caldwell
Nicolas Didier
Colm A. Ryan
Eyob A. Sete
Alex Hudson
Peter J. Karalekas
Riccardo Manenti
Marcus P. da Silva
R. Sinclair
Ezer Acala
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of universal parametric entangling gates on a multi-qubit lattice 2018 Matthew J. Reagor
C. B. Osborn
Nikolas Tezak
Alexa Staley
G. E. D. K. Prawiroatmodjo
Michael G. Scheer
Nasser Alidoust
Eyob A. Sete
Nicolas Didier
Marcus P. da Silva
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of a parametrically activated entangling gate protected from flux noise 2020 Sabrina Hong
Alexander Papageorge
Prasahnt Sivarajah
Genya Crossman
Nicolas Didier
Anthony Polloreno
Eyob A. Sete
Stefan Turkowski
Marcus P. da Silva
Blake Johnson
+ PDF Chat A quantum engineer's guide to superconducting qubits 2019 Philip Krantz
Morten Kjærgaard
Fei Yan
Terry P. Orlando
Simon Gustavsson
William D. Oliver
+ PDF Chat Operation and intrinsic error budget of a two-qubit cross-resonance gate 2019 V.K. Tripathi
Mostafa Khezri
Alexander N. Korotkov
+ PDF Chat High-Fidelity Measurement of Qubits Encoded in Multilevel Superconducting Circuits 2020 Salvatore Elder
Christopher S. Wang
Philip Reinhold
Connor T. Hann
Kevin Chou
Brian Lester
Serge Rosenblum
Luigi Frunzio
Liang Jiang
Robert Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat First-principles analysis of cross-resonance gate operation 2020 Moein Malekakhlagh
Easwar Magesan
David McKay
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of an All-Microwave Controlled-Phase Gate between Far-Detuned Qubits 2020 Sebastian Krinner
Philipp Kurpiers
Baptiste Royer
Paul Magnard
Ivan Tsitsilin
Jean-Claude Besse
Ants Remm
Alexandre Blais
A. Wallraff
+ PDF Chat Impact of Classical Control Electronics on Qubit Fidelity 2019 Jeroen P. G. van Dijk
Erika Kawakami
R. N. Schouten
Menno Veldhorst
L. M. K. Vandersypen
Masoud Babaie
Edoardo Charbon
Fabio Sebastiano
+ Dynamically protected cat-qubits: a new paradigm for universal quantum computation 2014 Mazyar Mirrahimi
Zaki Leghtas
Victor V. Albert
Steven Touzard
Robert Schoelkopf
Liang Jiang
Michel Devoret
+ PDF Chat High fidelity dissipation engineering using parametric interactions 2020 Emery Doucet
Florentin Reiter
Leonardo Ranzani
Archana Kamal
+ PDF Chat Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor 2019 Frank Arute
Kunal Arya
Ryan Babbush
Dave Bacon
Joseph C. Bardin
R. Barends
Rupak Biswas
Sergio Boixo
Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
David A. Buell
+ PDF Chat Gate-Efficient Simulation of Molecular Eigenstates on a Quantum Computer 2019 Marc Ganzhorn
Daniel J. Egger
Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos
Pauline J. Ollitrault
G. Salis
Nikolaj Moll
Marco Roth
Andreas Fuhrer
Peter R. Müeller
Stefan Woerner
+ PDF Chat Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer 1997 Peter W. Shor
+ PDF Chat Charting the circuit QED design landscape using optimal control theory 2017 Michael H. Goerz
Felix Motzoi
K. Birgitta Whaley
Christiane P. Koch
+ PDF Chat Leakage reduction in fast superconducting qubit gates via optimal control 2021 Max Werninghaus
Daniel J. Egger
Federico Roy
Shai Machnes
Frank K. Wilhelm
Stefan Filipp
+ PDF Chat Laser-annealing Josephson junctions for yielding scaled-up superconducting quantum processors 2021 Jared Hertzberg
Eric Zhang
Sami Rosenblatt
Easwar Magesan
John A. Smolin
Jeng-Bang Yau
Vivekananda P. Adiga
Martin Sandberg
Markus Brink
Jerry M. Chow