Constantin Teleman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Topological symmetry in quantum field theory 2024 Daniel S. Freed
Gregory W. Moore
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Integral Kirwan Surjectivity 2024 Daniel Pomerleano
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Gapped theories have torsion anomalies 2024 Clay CĆ³rdova
Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Quantization commutes with reduction again: the quantum GIT conjecture I 2024 Daniel Pomerleano
Constantin Teleman
+ The Odd Fermion 2024 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Topological dualities in the Ising model 2022 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ Coulomb branches for quaternionic representations 2022 Constantin Teleman
+ Topological symmetry in quantum field theory 2022 Daniel S. Freed
Gregory W. Moore
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Quantum Field Theory and Manifold Invariants 2021 Daniel S. Freed
Sergei Gukov
Ciprian Manolescu
Constantin Teleman
Ulrike Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Gapped Boundary Theories in Three Dimensions 2021 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat The rƓle of Coulomb branches in 2D gauge theory 2021 Constantin Teleman
+ Gapped boundary theories in three dimensions 2020 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Matrix factorization of Morseā€“Bott functions 2020 Constantin Teleman
+ Topological dualities in the Ising model 2018 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ The role of Coulomb branches in 2D gauge theory 2018 Constantin Teleman
+ The role of Coulomb branches in 2D gauge theory 2018 Constantin Teleman
+ Matrix Factorisation of Morse-Bott functions - eScholarship 2017 Constantin Teleman
+ Geometry and Quantization of Moduli Spaces 2016 V. V. Fock
Andrey Marshakov
Florent Schaffhauser
Constantin Teleman
Richard Wentworth
+ Five Lectures on Topological Field Theory 2016 Constantin Teleman
+ Gromovā€“Witten gauge theory 2015 Edward Frenkel
Constantin Teleman
A.J. Tolland
+ Dirac families for loop groups as matrix factorizations 2015 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ Dirac Families for Loop Groups as Matrix Factorizations 2014 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Relative Quantum Field Theory 2014 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ Gauge theory and mirror symmetry 2014 Constantin Teleman
+ Dirac Families for Loop Groups as Matrix Factorizations 2014 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ Geometric Langlands Correspondence Near Opers 2013 Edward Frenkel
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Loop groups and twisted $K$-theory II 2013 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ Geometric Langlands Correspondence Near Opers 2013 Edward Frenkel
Constantin Teleman
+ Relative quantum field theory 2012 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ Relative quantum field theory 2012 Daniel S. Freed
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Loop groups and twisted <i>K</i> -theory I 2011 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat The structure of 2D semi-simple field theories 2011 Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Loop groups and twisted K-theory III 2011 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Consistent Orientation of Moduli Spaces 2010 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ Topological ļ¬eld theories in 2 dimensions 2010 Constantin Teleman
+ Topological ļ¬eld theories in 2 dimensions 2010 Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Topological quantum field theories from compact Lie groups 2010 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Jacob Lurie
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat The index formula for the moduli of<i>G</i>-bundles on a curve 2009 Constantin Teleman
Christopher T. Woodward
+ PDF Chat An update on semisimple quantum cohomology and F-manifolds 2009 Claus Hertling
Yuri I. Manin
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Open-closed field theories, string topology, and Hochschild homology 2009 Andrew J. Blumberg
Ralph L. Cohen
Constantin Teleman
+ Topological Quantum Field Theories from Compact Lie Groups 2009 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Jacob Lurie
Constantin Teleman
+ Open-closed field theories, string topology, and Hochschild homology 2009 Andrew J. Blumberg
Ralph L. Cohen
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat The strong Macdonald conjecture and Hodge theory on the loop Grassmannian 2008 Susanna Fishel
I. Grojnowski
Constantin Teleman
+ An update on semisimple quantum cohomology and F-manifolds 2008 Claus Hertling
Yu. I. Manin
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Twisted equivariant<i>K</i>-theory with complex coefficients 2007 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ Branching of Hitchin's Prym cover for SL(2) 2007 Constantin Teleman
+ Consistent Orientation of Moduli Spaces 2007 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Self-extensions of Verma modules and differential forms on opers 2006 Edward Frenkel
Constantin Teleman
+ The Newstead-Ramanan conjecture for Chern classes 2005 Constantin Teleman
Christopher T. Woodward
+ Loop Groups and Twisted K-Theory II 2005 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ The strong Macdonald conjecture and Hodge theory on the Loop Grassmannian 2004 Susanna Fishel
I. Grojnowski
Constantin Teleman
+ <i>K</i>-theory of the moduli space of bundles on a surface and deformations of the Verlinde algebra 2004 Constantin Teleman
+ Verma modules of critical level and differential forms on opers 2004 Edward Frenkel
Constantin Teleman
+ Self-extensions of Verma modules and differential forms on opers 2004 Edward Frenkel
Constantin Teleman
+ The strong Macdonald conjecture and Hodge theory on the Loop Grassmannian 2004 Susanna Fishel
I. Grojnowski
Constantin Teleman
+ Some Hodge theory from Lie algebras 2003 Constantin Teleman
+ K-theory of the moduli of bundles over a Riemann surface and deformations of the Verlinde algebra 2003 Constantin Teleman
+ The Index Formula on the Moduli of G-bundles 2003 Constantin Teleman
Christopher T. Woodward
+ Twisted K-theory and loop group representations 2003 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Parabolic bundles, products of conjugacy classes, and Gromov-Witten invariants 2003 Constantin Teleman
Christopher T. Woodward
+ The Strong Macdonald Conjecture 2001 Susanna Fishel
I. Grojnowski
Constantin Teleman
+ The Quantization Conjecture Revisited 2000 Constantin Teleman
+ Parabolic bundles, products of conjugacy classes, and quantum cohomology 2000 Constantin Teleman
Chris Woodward
+ Borel-Weil-Bott theory on the moduli stack of G -bundles over a curve 1998 Constantin Teleman
+ The quantization conjecture revisited 1998 Constantin Teleman
+ Borel-Weil-Bott theory for Loop Groups 1997 Constantin Teleman
+ Verlinde factorization and Lie algebra cohomology 1996 Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Lie algebra cohomology and the fusion rules 1995 Constantin Teleman
+ Grundzuge der topologie und differenzierbare Mannigfaltigkeiten 1968 Constantin Teleman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Borel-Weil-Bott theory on the moduli stack of G -bundles over a curve 1998 Constantin Teleman
+ Demazure character formula in arbitrary Kac-Moody setting 1987 Shrawan Kumar
+ The Quantization Conjecture Revisited 2000 Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat The line bundles on the moduli of parabolic G-bundles over curves and their sections 1997 Yves Laszlo
+ PDF Chat On the Classification of Topological Field Theories 2008 Jacob Lurie
+ PDF Chat Loop groups and twisted <i>K</i> -theory I 2011 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Higher algebraic structures and quantization 1994 Daniel S. Freed
+ PDF Chat Conformal blocks and generalized theta functions 1994 Arnaud Beauville
Yves Laszlo
+ PDF Chat Twisted equivariant<i>K</i>-theory with complex coefficients 2007 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Higher-dimensional algebra and topological quantum field theory 1995 John C. Baez
James G. Dolan
+ Homogeneous Vector Bundles 1957 Raoul Bott
+ Twisted K-theory and loop group representations 2003 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Moduli of vector bundles on curves with parabolic structures 1980 V. B. Mehta
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat Multiplets of representations and Kostant's Dirac operator for equal rank loop groups 2001 Gregory D. Landweber
+ Frobenius Manifolds, Quantum Cohomology, and Moduli Spaces 1999 Yuri I. Manin
+ Topological conformal field theories and Calabiā€“Yau categories 2006 Kevin Costello
+ A cubic Dirac operator and the emergence of Euler number multiplets of representations for equal rank subgroups 1999 Bertram Kostant
+ Geometric quantization and multiplicities of group representations 1982 Victor Guillemin
S. Sternberg
+ The decomposition and specialization of algebraic families of vector bundles 1977 Stephen S. Shatz
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1990 Victor G. Kač
+ Semi-infinite cohomology and string theory 1986 Igor Frenkel
Howard Garland
Gregg J. Zuckerman
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Arnaud Beauville
Yves Laszio
Christoph Sorger
+ Lectures on Tensor Categories and Modular Functors 2000 Bojko Bakalov
Alexander Kirillov
+ PDF Chat Lie algebra cohomology and the fusion rules 1995 Constantin Teleman
+ PDF Chat Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial 1989 Edward Witten
+ Classification of abelian spin Chern-Simons theories 2005 Dmitriy Belov
Gregory W. Moore
+ Symmetries of categorical representations and the quantum NgĆ“ action 2017 Dani Benā€Zvi
Sam Gunningham
+ State sum invariants of 3-manifolds and quantum 6j-symbols 1992 Vladimir G. Turaev
Oleg Viro
+ PDF Chat Quadratic functions in geometry, topology, and M-theory 2005 Michael J. Hopkins
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat The topology of the space of stable bundles on a compact Riemann surface 1992 Georgios Daskalopoulos
+ Representations of orbifold groups and parabolic bundles 1991 Hans BodƩn
+ Topological quantum field theories 1988 Michael Atiyah
+ The Verlinde algebra is twisted equivariant K-theory 2001 Daniel S. Freed
+ PDF Chat Topological quantum field theories from compact Lie groups 2010 Daniel S. Freed
Michael J. Hopkins
Jacob Lurie
Constantin Teleman
+ Conformal Field Theory on Universal Family of Stable Curves with Gauge Symmetries 2018 Akihiro Tsuchiya
Kenji Ueno
Yasuhiko Yamada
+ Fusion rules and modular transformations in 2D conformal field theory 1988 Erik Verlinde
+ PDF Chat Equivariant homology and K-theory of affine Grassmannians and Toda lattices 2005 Roman Bezrukavnikov
Michael Finkelberg
Ivan Mirković
+ Seifert fibred homology 3-spheres and the Yang-Mills equations on Riemann surfaces with marked points 1992 Mikio Furuta
Brian Steer
+ The Definition of Conformal Field Theory 1988 Graeme Segal
+ Some conjectures and results concerning the homology of nilpotent Lie algebras 1990 Phil Hanlon
+ PDF Chat A degeneration of the moduli space of stable bundles 1984 D. Gieseker
+ PDF Chat Sous-groupes commutatifs et torsion des groupes de Lie compacts connexes 1961 Armand Borel
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian loop group actions and Verlinde factorization 1998 Eckhard Meinrenken
Chris Woodward
+ PDF Chat Lectures on axiomatic topological quantum field theory 1995 Frank Quinn
+ The Yang-Mills equations over Riemann surfaces 1983 Michael Atiyah
Raoul Bott
+ The Index Formula on the Moduli of G-bundles 2003 Constantin Teleman
Christopher T. Woodward
+ Abelian Chern-Simons theory with toral gauge group, modular tensor categories, and group categories 2008 Spencer D. Stirling
+ PDF Chat Graded brauer groups and K-theory with local coefficients 1970 Peter Donovan
M. Karoubi