Alexei F. Cheviakov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Invariant Reduction for Partial Differential Equations. II: The General Mechanism 2025 Kostya Druzhkov
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Spatio-temporal behaviour of SIR models with cross-diffusion and vital dynamics 2025 Maryam Ahmadpoortorkamani
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Invariant Reduction for Partial Differential Equations. I: Conservation Laws and Systems with Two Independent Variables 2024 Kostya Druzhkov
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Spatiotemporal Behaviour of SIR Models with Cross-Diffusion and Vital Dynamics 2024 Maryam Ahmadpoortorkamani
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ The relationship between two approximate symmetry frameworks 2024 Kostya Druzhkov
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Analytical Properties of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2024 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Peng Zhao
+ Integrability and Other Analytical Properties of Nonlinear PDE Systems 2024 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Peng Zhao
+ Optimization of Trap Locations for Narrow Capture Problems 2024 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Michael J. Ward
+ PDF Chat New exact plasma equilibria with axial and helical symmetry 2023 Jason M. Keller
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Galilei-invariant and energy-preserving extensions of Benjamin–Bona–Mahony-type equations 2023 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Denys Dutykh
+ PDF Chat Two approximate symmetry frameworks for nonlinear partial differential equations with a small parameter: Comparisons, relations, approximate solutions 2022 Mahmood R. Tarayrah
Brian Pitzel
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Global optimisation of the mean first passage time for narrow capture problems in elliptic domains 2022 Jason A. Gilbert
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ New Exact Plasma Equilibria with Axial and Helical Symmetry 2022 Jason M. Keller
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ On the Hill's Spherical Vortex in Fluid and Plasma, its Generalization, and Stability 2022 Jason M. Keller
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ A Method for Random Packing of Spheres with Application to Bonding Modeling in Powder Bed 3D Printing Process 2022 Travis J. Black
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Brownian dynamics simulations for the narrow escape problem in the unit sphere 2021 Vaibhava Srivastava
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Relationship between Unstable Point Symmetries and Higher-Order Approximate Symmetries of Differential Equations with a Small Parameter 2021 Mahmood R. Tarayrah
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Narrow Escape Brownian Dynamics Modeling in the Three-Dimensional Unit Sphere 2021 Vaibhava Srivastava
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat On Galilean Invariant and Energy Preserving BBM-Type Equations 2021 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Denys Dutykh
Aydar Assylbekuly
+ Global Optimization of the Mean First Passage Time for Narrow Capture Problems in Elliptic Domains 2021 Jason A. Gilbert
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ On Exact and Approximate Symmetries of Algebraic and Ordinary Differential Equations with a Small Parameter 2021 Mahmood R. Tarayrah
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Narrow Escape Brownian Dynamics Modeling in the Three-Dimensional Unit Sphere 2021 Vaibhava Srivastava
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Global Optimization of the Mean First Passage Time for Narrow Capture Problems in Elliptic Domains 2021 Jason A. Gilbert
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Radial waves in fiber-reinforced axially symmetric hyperelastic media 2020 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Caylin Lee
R. Naz
+ PDF Chat On the different types of global and local conservation laws for partial differential equations in three spatial dimensions: Review and recent developments 2020 Stephen C. Anco
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Invariant conservation law-preserving discretizations of linear and nonlinear wave equations 2020 Alexei F. Cheviakov
В. А. Дородницын
Е. И. Капцов
+ Variational symmetries and conservation laws of the wave equation in one space dimension 2020 Roman O. Popovych
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Invariant Conservation Law-Preserving Discretizations of Linear and Nonlinear Wave Equations 2020 Alexei F. Cheviakov
В. А. Дородницын
Е. И. Капцов
+ PDF Chat Locally and globally optimal configurations of <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math> particles on the sphere with applications in the narrow escape and narrow capture problems 2019 Wesley J.M. Ridgway
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Radial waves in fiber-reinforced axially symmetric hyperelastic media 2019 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Caylin Lee
R. Naz
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear dynamics of a viscous bubbly fluid 2019 Ryan J. Thiessen
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Globally optimal volume-trap arrangements for the narrow-capture problem inside a unit sphere 2019 Jason A. Gilbert
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Radial waves in fiber-reinforced axially symmetric hyperelastic media 2019 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Caylin Lee
R. Naz
+ PDF Chat A solution set-based entropy principle for constitutive modeling in mechanics 2018 Julian Heß
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ An iterative procedure for finding locally and globally optimal arrangements of particles on the unit sphere 2018 Wesley J.M. Ridgway
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ On the different types of global and local conservation laws for partial differential equations in three spatial dimensions 2018 Stephen C. Anco
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ On the different types of global and local conservation laws for partial differential equations in three spatial dimensions: review and recent developments. 2018 Stephen C. Anco
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ On the different types of global and local conservation laws for partial differential equations in three spatial dimensions: review and recent developments 2018 Stephen C. Anco
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat A symbolic computation framework for constitutive modelling based on entropy principles 2017 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Julian Heß
+ Nonlinear Dynamics of Viscous Bubbly Fluids: a One-Dimensional Flow Model 2017 Ryan J. Thiessen
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Nonlinear Dynamics of a Viscous Bubbly Fluid. 2017 Ryan J. Thiessen
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Conservation Laws and Nonlocally Related Systems of Two-Dimensional Boundary Layer Models 2017 R. Naz
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Symbolic computation of equivalence transformations and parameter reduction for nonlinear physical models 2017 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ A Symbolic Computation Framework for Constitutive Modelling Based On Entropy Principles 2017 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Julian Heß
+ Nonlinear Dynamics of a Viscous Bubbly Fluid 2017 Ryan J. Thiessen
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Corrigendum to: “A Matlab-based finite difference solver for the Poisson problem with mixed Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions” [Comput. Phys. Comm. 184(3) (2013) 783–798] 2016 A. S. Reimer
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Exact Solutions of a Fully Nonlinear Two-Fluid Model 2016 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Exact Solutions of a Fully Nonlinear Two-Fluid Model 2016 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ On new stability modes of plane canonical shear flows using symmetry classification 2015 Andreas Nold
Martin Oberlack
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Conservation properties and potential systems of vorticity-type equations 2014 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Symbolic Computation of Nonlocal Symmetries and Nonlocal Conservation Laws of Partial Differential Equations Using the GeM Package for Maple 2014 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Narrow-escape problem for the unit sphere: Homogenization limit, optimal arrangements of large numbers of traps, and the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>conjecture 2013 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Daniel Zawada
+ PDF Chat Advances in Lie Groups and Applications in Applied Sciences 2013 Teoman Özer
Alexei F. Cheviakov
Shi Weichen
N. G. Migranov
T. Raja Sekhar
Emrullah Yaşar
+ Systematic Construction of Conservation Laws of Nonlinear Partial Dierential equations 2012 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ A Maple-based Package for Computation of Conservation Laws, Symmetries and Invariant forms of DEs 2011 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Direct Method of Construction of Conservation Laws for Nonlinear Dierential Equations, its Relation with Noether's Theorem, Applications, and Symbolic Software 2011 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Multidimensional partial differential equation systems: Generating new systems via conservation laws, potentials, gauges, subsystems 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
George W. Bluman
+ PDF Chat Symbolic Computation of Local Symmetries of Nonlinear and Linear Partial and Ordinary Differential Equations 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ On locally and nonlocally related potential systems 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
George W. Bluman
+ PDF Chat Optimizing the principal eigenvalue of the Laplacian in a sphere with interior traps 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Michael J. Ward
+ PDF Chat An Asymptotic Analysis of the Mean First Passage Time for Narrow Escape Problems: Part II: The Sphere 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Michael J. Ward
Ronny Straube
+ Applications of Symmetry Methods to Partial Differential Equations 2009 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
Stephen C. Anco
+ Construction of Mappings Relating Differential Equations 2009 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
Stephen C. Anco
+ PDF Chat Computation of fluxes of conservation laws 2009 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Construction of conservation laws: how the direct method generalizes Noether's theorem 2009 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
Stephen C. Anco
+ Computation of fluxes of conservation laws 2009 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat A two-dimensional metastable flame-front and a degenerate spike-layer problem 2007 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Michael J. Ward
+ PDF Chat Analytical properties and exact solutions of static plasma equilibrium systems in three dimensions 2007 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Stephen C. Anco
+ PDF Chat Nonlocally related systems, linearization and nonlocal symmetries for the nonlinear wave equation 2006 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Framework for nonlocally related partial differential equation systems and nonlocal symmetries: Extension, simplification, and examples 2006 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
Nataliya M. Ivanova
+ GeM software package for computation of symmetries and conservation laws of differential equations 2006 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Point symmetries of 3D static plasma equilibrium systems: comparison and applications 2005 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Exact anisotropic MHD equilibria 2004 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Oleg I. Bogoyavlenskij
+ Plasma equilibrium equations in coordinates connected with magnetic surfaces. Exact equilibrium solutions 2004 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Infinite-dimensional B\"{a}cklund transformations between isotropic and anisotropic plasma equilibria. Infinite symmetries of anisotropic plasma equilibria 2002 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Lie Group analysis of Plasma equilibrium equations 2002 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Infinite-dimensional Bäcklund transformations between isotropic and anisotropic plasma equilibria. Infinite symmetries of anisotropic plasma equilibria 2002 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Applications of Symmetry Methods to Partial Differential Equations 2009 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
Stephen C. Anco
+ GeM software package for computation of symmetries and conservation laws of differential equations 2006 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Direct Construction of Conservation Laws from Field Equations 1997 Stephen C. Anco
George W. Bluman
+ PDF Chat Applications of lie groups to differential equations 1990 Peter J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Framework for nonlocally related partial differential equation systems and nonlocal symmetries: Extension, simplification, and examples 2006 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
Nataliya M. Ivanova
+ PDF Chat A comparison of four approaches to the calculation of conservation laws 2002 Thomas Wolf
+ PDF Chat Direct construction method for conservation laws of partial differential equations Part I: Examples of conservation law classifications 2002 Stephen C. Anco
George W. Bluman
+ PDF Chat Computation of fluxes of conservation laws 2009 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat An Asymptotic Analysis of the Mean First Passage Time for Narrow Escape Problems: Part II: The Sphere 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Michael J. Ward
Ronny Straube
+ PDF Chat Symbolic Computation of Local Symmetries of Nonlinear and Linear Partial and Ordinary Differential Equations 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ PDF Chat Direct construction method for conservation laws of partial differential equations Part II: General treatment 2002 Stephen C. Anco
George W. Bluman
+ PDF Chat Invertible Mappings of Nonlinear PDEs to Linear PDEs through Admitted Conservation Laws 2008 Stephen C. Anco
George W. Bluman
Thomas Wolf
+ PDF Chat Symbolic computation of equivalence transformations and parameter reduction for nonlinear physical models 2017 Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ An Asymptotic Analysis of the Mean First Passage Time for Narrow Escape Problems: Part I: Two-Dimensional Domains 2010 Samara Pillay
M. J. Ward
Anthony Peirce
Théodore Kolokolnikov
+ Construction of conservation laws: how the direct method generalizes Noether's theorem 2009 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
Stephen C. Anco
+ Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations 1986 Peter J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Potential conservation laws 2008 Michael Kunzinger
Roman O. Popovych
+ PDF Chat Nonlocally related systems, linearization and nonlocal symmetries for the nonlinear wave equation 2006 George W. Bluman
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Symmetries and Differential Equations 1989 George W. Bluman
Sukeyuki Kumei
+ On invariance properties of the wave equation 1987 George W. Bluman
Sukeyuki Kumei
+ Narrow-escape problem for the unit sphere: Homogenization limit, optimal arrangements of large numbers of traps, and the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>conjecture 2013 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Daniel Zawada
+ PDF Chat Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations 1993 Peter J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Potential symmetries of the nonlinear wave equation<i>u</i><sub><i>tt</i></sub>= (<i>uu</i><sub><i>x</i></sub>)<sub><i>x</i></sub>and related exact and approximate solutions 2001 Georgy I. Burde
+ PDF Chat The Multiplier Method to Construct Conservative Finite Difference Schemes for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 2016 Andy T. S. Wan
Alexander Bihlo
Jean‐Christophe Nave
+ PDF Chat Narrow Escape, Part II: The Circular Disk 2006 Amit Singer
Z. Schuss
David Holcman
+ Integrals of nonlinear equations of evolution and solitary waves 1968 Peter D. Lax
+ PDF Chat Conservation laws of scaling-invariant field equations 2003 Stephen C. Anco
+ PDF Chat Optimizing the principal eigenvalue of the Laplacian in a sphere with interior traps 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Michael J. Ward
+ PDF Chat The stability of solitary waves 1972 T. Brooke Benjamin
+ PDF Chat Conservation laws of inviscid non-isentropic compressible fluid flow in <i>n</i> &gt; 1 spatial dimensions 2010 Stephen C. Anco
Amanullah Dar
+ Computer Algebra Handbook 2003 Johannes Grabmeier
Erich Kaltofen
Volker Weispfenning
+ Group Analysis of Differential Equations. 1985 Willard Miller
Л.В. Овсянников
+ On approximate symmetry and approximate solutions of the nonlinear wave equation with a small parameter 1989 W. I. Fushchich
W. M. Shtelen
+ Multidimensional partial differential equation systems: Generating new systems via conservation laws, potentials, gauges, subsystems 2010 Alexei F. Cheviakov
George W. Bluman
+ Symmetry and integration methods for differential equations 2004 George W. Bluman
Stephen C. Anco
+ PDF Chat Connections Between Symmetries and Conservation Laws 2005 George W. Bluman
+ Handbook of Global Optimization 1995 Reiner Horst
Pãnos M. Pardalos
+ PDF Chat Symmetries, Conservation Laws, and Cohomology of Maxwell's Equations Using Potentials 2005 Stephen C. Anco
Dennis The
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Conservation Laws in Classical Field Theory 1996 Ian Anderson
Charles G Torre
+ PDF Chat Generalization of Noether’s Theorem in Modern Form to Non-variational Partial Differential Equations 2017 Stephen C. Anco
+ PDF Chat Narrow escape and leakage of Brownian particles 2008 Amit Singer
Z. Schuss
David Holcman
+ PDF Chat First Passage Statistics for the Capture of a Brownian Particle by a Structured Spherical Target with Multiple Surface Traps 2017 Alan E. Lindsay
Andrew J. Bernoff
Michael J. Ward
+ Continuous and Discrete Homotopy Operators and the Computation of Conservation Laws 2005 Willy Hereman
Michael Colagrosso
Ryan Sayers
A. T. Ringler
Bernard Deconinck
Michael Nivala
Mark S. Hickman
+ PDF Chat Analytical properties and exact solutions of static plasma equilibrium systems in three dimensions 2007 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Stephen C. Anco
+ Exact solutions for wave equations of two-layered media with smooth transition 1988 George W. Bluman
Sukeyuki Kumei
+ Exact anisotropic MHD equilibria 2004 Alexei F. Cheviakov
Oleg I. Bogoyavlenskij
+ Reduction of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations to simplified involutive forms 1996 Gregory J. Reid
Allan Wittkopf
Alan Boulton
+ PDF Chat Locally and globally optimal configurations of <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math> particles on the sphere with applications in the narrow escape and narrow capture problems 2019 Wesley J.M. Ridgway
Alexei F. Cheviakov
+ Review of symbolic software for lie symmetry analysis 1997 Willy Hereman
+ Complex Systems: Equilibrium Configurations of <i>N</i> Equal Charges on a Sphere (2 ≤ <i>N</i> ≥ 112) 1997 T. Erber
G. Hockney