Andrew Suk


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On Cliques in Three-Dimensional Dense Point-Line Arrangements 2024 Andrew Suk
Ji Zeng
+ PDF Chat A note on the no-$(d+2)$-on-a-sphere problem 2024 Andrew Suk
Ethan P. White
+ PDF Chat 3-uniform monotone paths and multicolor Ramsey numbers 2024 Andrew Suk
Ji Zeng
+ PDF Chat When are off-diagonal hypergraph Ramsey numbers polynomial? 2024 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Benjamin Gunby
Xiaoyu He
Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Jacques Verstraëte
Hung-Hsun Hans Yu
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of intersection graphs of $x$-monotone curves 2024 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Big line or big convex polygon 2024 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Xiaoyu He
Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Jacques Verstraëte
+ PDF Chat A question of Erd\H{o}s and Graham on Egyptian fractions 2024 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Xiaoyu He
Dhruv Mubayi
Huy Tuan Pham
Andrew Suk
Jacques Verstraëte
+ PDF Chat On off-diagonal hypergraph Ramsey numbers 2024 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Set-Coloring Ramsey Numbers via Codes 2024 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Xiaoyu He
Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Jacques Verstraëte
+ PDF Chat Ramsey numbers of cliques versus monotone paths 2024 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ Quasiplanar graphs, string graphs, and the Erdős–Gallai problem 2023 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ On the number of edges of separated multigraphs 2023 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat A Positive Fraction Erdős–Szekeres Theorem and Its Applications 2023 Andrew Suk
Ji Zeng
+ Disjoint Faces in Drawings of the Complete Graph and Topological Heilbronn Problems 2023 Alfredo Hubard
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Hypergraph Ramsey numbers of cliques versus stars 2023 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Xiaoyu He
Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Jacques Verstraëte
+ PDF Chat Sunflowers in Set Systems of Bounded Dimension 2023 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Quasiplanar Graphs, String Graphs, and the Erdős-Gallai Problem 2023 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Unavoidable Patterns in Complete Simple Topological Graphs 2023 Andrew Suk
Ji Zeng
+ Ramsey numbers of cliques versus monotone paths 2023 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ On short edges in complete topological graphs 2023 Andrew Suk
+ On cliques in three-dimensional dense point-line arrangements 2023 Andrew Suk
Ji Zeng
+ A structure theorem for pseudo-segments and its applications 2023 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ A Note on Visible Islands 2022 Sophie Leuchtner
Carlos M. Nicolás
Andrew Suk
+ A note on the Erdős-Hajnal hypergraph Ramsey problem 2022 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Emily Zhu
+ PDF Chat Unavoidable patterns in complete simple topological graphs 2022 Andrew Suk
+ Unavoidable patterns in complete simple topological graphs 2022 Andrew Suk
Ji Zeng
+ Set-coloring Ramsey numbers via codes 2022 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Xiaoyu He
Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Jacques Verstraëte
+ Hypergraph Ramsey numbers of cliques versus stars 2022 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Xiaoyu He
Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Jacques Verstraëte
+ On higher dimensional point sets in general position 2022 Andrew Suk
Ji Zeng
+ Disjoint faces in simple drawings of the complete graph and topological Heilbronn problems 2022 Alfredo Hubard
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Quasiplanar graphs, string graphs, and the Erdos-Gallai problem 2021 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Bounded VC-Dimension Implies the Schur-Erdős Conjecture 2021 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Point sets with no four collinear and no large visible island 2021 Sophie Leuchtner
Andrew Suk
+ Sunflowers in set systems of bounded dimension 2021 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Hasse diagrams with large chromatic number 2021 Andrew Suk
István Tomon
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Edges of Separated Multigraphs 2021 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Cliques with many colors in triple systems 2021 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ Quasiplanar Graphs, String Graphs, and the Erdos-Gallai Problem 2021 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ A positive fraction Erdos-Szekeres theorem and its applications 2021 Andrew Suk
Ji Zeng
+ On the number of edges of separated multigraphs 2021 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ A note on visible islands 2021 Sophie Leuchtner
Carlos M. Nicolás
Andrew Suk
+ Sunflowers in set systems of bounded dimension 2021 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat On Grids in Point-Line Arrangements in the Plane 2020 Mozhgan Mirzaei
Andrew Suk
+ The Schur-Erdős problem for semi-algebraic colorings 2020 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Cliques with many colors in triple systems 2020 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ A note on the Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal hypergraph Ramsey problem 2020 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Emily Zhu
+ PDF Chat On the structure of distance sets over prime fields 2020 Thang Pham
Andrew Suk
+ Hasse diagrams with large chromatic number. 2020 Andrew Suk
István Tomon
+ The Erdős–Hajnal hypergraph Ramsey problem 2020 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat A Survey of Hypergraph Ramsey Problems 2020 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ Bounded VC-Dimension Implies the Schur-Erdős Conjecture 2020 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ A note on the Erdős-Hajnal hypergraph Ramsey problem 2020 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
Emily Zhu
+ Cliques with many colors in triple systems 2020 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ Hasse diagrams with large chromatic number 2020 Andrew Suk
István Tomon
+ Bounded VC-dimension implies the Schur-Erdos conjecture. 2019 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat A positive fraction mutually avoiding sets theorem 2019 Mozhgan Mirzaei
Andrew Suk
+ Approximating the rectilinear crossing number 2019 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
Andrew Suk
+ On Grids in Point-Line Arrangements in the Plane 2019 Mozhgan Mirzaei
Andrew Suk
+ Constructions of point-line arrangements in the plane with large girth 2019 Mozhgan Mirzaei
Andrew Suk
Jacques Verstraëte
+ Bounded VC-dimension implies the Schur-Erdos conjecture 2019 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ On the structure of distance sets over prime fields 2018 Thang Pham
Andrew Suk
+ On grids in point-line arrangements in the plane 2018 Mozhgan Mirzaei
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Ramsey-Turán Numbers for Semi-Algebraic Graphs 2018 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Erdős–Hajnal Conjecture for Graphs with Bounded VC-Dimension 2018 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ The Erdos-Szekeres problem and an induced Ramsey question 2018 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ A positive fraction mutually avoiding sets theorem 2018 Mozhgan Mirzaei
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Constructions in Ramsey theory 2018 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ On grids in point-line arrangements in the plane 2018 Mozhgan Mirzaei
Andrew Suk
+ The Erdos-Szekeres problem and an induced Ramsey question 2018 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ On the structure of distance sets over prime fields 2018 Thang V. Pham
Andrew Suk
+ A positive fraction mutually avoiding sets theorem 2018 Mozhgan Mirzaei
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat New lower bounds for hypergraph Ramsey numbers 2017 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ Erdos-Hajnal conjecture for graphs with bounded VC-dimension 2017 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ A survey of quantitative bounds for hypergraph Ramsey problems 2017 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat A semi-algebraic version of Zarankiewicz's problem 2017 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Adam Sheffer
Andrew Suk
Joshua Zahl
+ Off-diagonal hypergraph Ramsey numbers 2017 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat More Distinct Distances Under Local Conditions 2017 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ New lower bounds for hypergraph Ramsey numbers 2017 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ Erdös-Hajnal Conjecture for Graphs with Bounded VC-Dimension 2017 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Erdos-Hajnal conjecture for graphs with bounded VC-dimension 2017 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ New lower bounds for hypergraph Ramsey numbers 2017 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ A survey of hypergraph Ramsey problems 2017 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ On the Erdős-Szekeres convex polygon problem 2016 Andrew Suk
+ Approximating the rectilinear crossing number 2016 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ On the Erdos-Szekeres convex polygon problem 2016 Andrew Suk
+ The Erdős-Hajnal hypergraph Ramsey problem 2016 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ The Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal hypergraph Ramsey problem 2016 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Approximating the Rectilinear Crossing Number 2016 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial Regularity Lemma for Semialgebraic Hypergraphs and Its Applications in Geometry and Property Testing 2016 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Approximating the rectilinear crossing number 2016 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ On the Erdos-Szekeres convex polygon problem 2016 Andrew Suk
+ The Erdős-Hajnal hypergraph Ramsey problem 2016 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ Semi-algebraic Ramsey numbers 2015 Andrew Suk
+ Disjoint edges in topological graphs and the tangled-thrackle conjecture 2015 Andres J. Ruiz-Vargas
Andrew Suk
Csaba D. Tóth
+ New bounds on the maximum number of edges in k-quasi-planar graphs 2015 Andrew Suk
Bartosz Walczak
+ Semi-algebraic Ramsey Numbers 2015 Andrew Suk
+ Semi-algebraic colorings of complete graphs 2015 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Semi-algebraic colorings of complete graphs 2015 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ A polynomial regularity lemma for semi-algebraic hypergraphs and its applications in geometry and property testing 2015 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Density and regularity theorems for semi-algebraic hypergraphs 2015 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Semi-algebraic colorings of complete graphs 2015 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ A polynomial regularity lemma for semi-algebraic hypergraphs and its applications in geometry and property testing 2015 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Off-diagonal hypergraph Ramsey numbers 2015 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ Density and regularity theorems for semi-algebraic hypergraphs 2014 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ A semi-algebraic version of Zarankiewicz's problem 2014 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Adam Sheffer
Andrew Suk
Joshua Zahl
+ Semi-algebraic Ramsey numbers 2014 Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Coloring intersection graphs of x-monotone curves in the plane 2014 Andrew Suk
+ Disjoint edges in topological graphs and the tangled-thrackle conjecture 2014 Andres J. Ruiz-Vargas
Andrew Suk
Csaba D. Tóth
+ A Ramsey-type result for geometric<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si8.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>ℓ</mml:mi></mml:math>-hypergraphs 2014 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Ramsey-type results for semi-algebraic relations 2014 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ A semi-algebraic version of Zarankiewicz's problem 2014 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Adam Sheffer
Andrew Suk
Joshua Zahl
+ Disjoint edges in topological graphs and the tangled-thrackle conjecture 2014 Andres J. Ruiz-Vargas
Andrew Suk
Csaba D. Tóth
+ Semi-algebraic Ramsey numbers 2014 Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Ramsey-type results for semi-algebraic relations 2013 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ A Ramsey-type result for geometric l-hypergraphs 2013 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ The Number of Edges in k-Quasi-planar Graphs 2013 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat The Number of Edges in $k$-Quasi-planar Graphs 2013 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat A Ramsey-Type Result for Geometric ℓ-Hypergraphs 2013 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Density Theorems for Intersection Graphs of $t$-Monotone Curves 2013 Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Ramsey-type results for semi-algebraic relations 2013 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ The joints problem for matroids 2013 Larry Guth
Andrew Suk
+ Ramsey-type results for semi-algebraic relations 2013 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ A Ramsey-type result for geometric l-hypergraphs 2013 Dhruv Mubayi
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Disjoint Edges in Complete Topological Graphs 2012 Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Disjoint edges in complete topological graphs 2012 Andrew Suk
+ Density theorems for intersection graphs of t-monotone curves 2012 Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Erdős-Szekeres-type theorems for monotone paths and convex bodies 2012 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ Coloring intersection graphs of x-monotone curves in the plane 2012 Andrew Suk
+ Density theorems for intersection graphs of t-monotone curves 2012 Andrew Suk
+ Coloring intersection graphs of x-monotone curves in the plane 2012 Andrew Suk
+ The number of edges in k-quasi-planar graphs 2011 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat On disjoint crossing families in geometric graphs 2011 Radoslav Fulek
Andrew Suk
+ Disjoint edges in complete topological graphs 2011 Andrew Suk
+ Tangencies between families of disjoint regions in the plane 2011 János Pach
Andrew Suk
Miroslav Treml
+ $k$-quasi planar graphs 2011 Andrew Suk
+ The number of edges in k-quasi-planar graphs 2011 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Disjoint edges in complete topological graphs 2011 Andrew Suk
+ $k$-quasi planar graphs 2011 Andrew Suk
+ Order Types of convex bodies 2010 Alfredo Hubard
Luis Montejano
Emiliano Mora
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Tangencies between families of disjoint regions in the plane 2010 János Pach
Andrew Suk
Miroslav Treml
+ PDF Chat Order Types of Convex Bodies 2010 Alfredo Hubard
Luis Montejano
Emiliano Mora
Andrew Suk
+ On disjoint crossing families in geometric graphs 2010 Radoslav Fulek
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat On Order Types of Systems of Segments in the Plane 2010 Andrew Suk
+ On disjoint crossing families in geometric graphs 2010 Radoslav Fulek
Andrew Suk
+ A note on geometric 3-hypergraphs 2010 Andrew Suk
+ Order Types of convex bodies 2010 Alfredo Hubard
Luis Montejano
Emiliano Mora
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat A Note on $K_{k,k}$-Cross Free Families 2008 Andrew Suk
+ Sobre un problema de contorno unido de la ecuacion de helmholtz 1982 Andrew Suk
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Problem in Geometry 2009 P. Erdős
G. Szckeres
+ PDF Chat Partition relations for cardinal numbers 1965 Péter L. Erdős
A. Hajnal
R. Rado
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the theory of graphs 1947 P. Erdős
+ A note on Ramsey numbers 1980 Miklós Ajtai
János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ Hypergraph Ramsey numbers 2009 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat The early evolution of the H-free process 2010 Tom Bohman
Peter Keevash
+ The triangle-free process 2009 Tom Bohman
+ Research Problems in Discrete Geometry 2005 János Pach
Peter Braß
W. O. J. Moser
+ Combinatorial Theorems on Classifications of Subsets of a Given Set 1952 P. Erdős
R. Rado
+ The Ramsey number <i>R</i>(3, <i>t</i>) has order of magnitude <i>t</i><sup>2</sup>/log <i>t</i> 1995 Jeong Han Kim
+ PDF Chat Erdős-Szekeres-type theorems for monotone paths and convex bodies 2012 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ A Decomposition Theorem for Partially Ordered Sets 2009 R. P. Dilworth
+ PDF Chat Overlap properties of geometric expanders 2011 Jacob Fox
M. Gromov
Vincent Lafforgue
Assaf Naor
János Pach
+ On a combinatorial problem in geometry 1975 H. L. Abbott
D. Hanson
+ PDF Chat A new upper bound for diagonal Ramsey numbers 2009 David Conlon
+ PDF Chat Ramsey-type results for semi-algebraic relations 2014 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial Regularity Lemma for Semialgebraic Hypergraphs and Its Applications in Geometry and Property Testing 2016 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Combinatorial geometry 1996 11
+ An improved bound for the stepping-up lemma 2010 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
Benny Sudakov
+ Allowable Sequences and Order Types in Discrete and Computational Geometry 1993 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Extremal problems in discrete geometry 1983 Endre Szemerédi
W. T. Trotter
+ PDF Chat Bounds for graph regularity and removal lemmas 2012 David Conlon
Jacob Fox
+ PDF Chat On the Betti numbers of real varieties 1964 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat On the Erdős distinct distances problem in the plane 2014 Larry Guth
Nets Hawk Katz
+ PDF Chat Order Types of Convex Bodies 2010 Alfredo Hubard
Luis Montejano
Emiliano Mora
Andrew Suk
+ Ramsey Theory 1990 Ronald Graham
+ PDF Chat Intersection patterns of curves 2011 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Csaba D. Tóth
+ Lower bounds of tower type for Szemerédi's uniformity lemma 1997 W. T. Gowers
+ PDF Chat Point Configurations in d -Space without Large Subsets in Convex Position 2003 Gyula K�rolyi
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Graph drawing with no k pairwise crossing edges 1997 Pável Valtr
+ Quasi-planar graphs have a linear number of edges 1997 Pankaj K. Agarwal
Boris Aronov
J�nos Pach
Richard Pollack
Micha Sharir
+ Turán's theorem for k-graphs 1972 Joel Spencer
+ PDF Chat Coloring <i> k <sub>k</sub> </i> -free intersection graphs of geometric objects in the plane 2008 Jacob Fox
János Pach
+ Density theorems for bipartite graphs and related Ramsey-type results 2009 Jacob Fox
Benny Sudakov
+ On Sets of Distances of <i>n</i> Points 1970 P. Erdős
+ Triangle-free intersection graphs of line segments with large chromatic number 2013 Arkadiusz Pawlik
Jakub Kozik
Tomasz Krawczyk
Michał Lasoń
Piotr Micek
William T. Trotter
Bartosz Walczak
+ PDF Chat A semi-algebraic version of Zarankiewicz's problem 2017 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Adam Sheffer
Andrew Suk
Joshua Zahl
+ On a Problem of Formal Logic 1930 Frank Plumpton Ramsey
+ Ramsey-remainder for convex sets and the Erdős–Szekeres theorem 2001 Gyula Károlyi
+ Crossing Patterns of Segments 2001 János Pach
József Solymosi
+ Density and regularity theorems for semi-algebraic hypergraphs 2015 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Andrew Suk
+ Ramsey-type theorems 1989 Paul Erdős
A. Hajnal
+ A variant of the classical Ramsey problem 1997 Paul Erdős
András Gyárfás
+ PDF Chat Improved bounds and new techniques for Davenport--Schinzel sequences and their generalizations 2010 Gabriel Nivasch
+ PDF Chat A Positive Fraction Erdos - Szekeres Theorem 1998 Imre Bárány
Pável Valtr
+ Covering and coloring polygon-circle graphs 1997 Alexandr Kostochka
Jan Kratochvı́l
+ On the chromatic number of multiple interval graphs and overlap graphs 1985 András Gyárfás
+ PDF Chat The Construction of Certain Graphs 1962 Péter L. Erdős
C. A. Rogers
+ Generalized Davenport–Schinzel sequences and their 0–1 matrix counterparts 2011 Seth Pettie