Miguel Sánchez


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Complete translating solitons in Lorentzian products 2024 Leonor Ferrer
Francisco Martín
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Wind Finslerian Structures: From Zermelo’s Navigation to the Causality of Spacetimes 2024 Erasmo Caponio
Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Gielis superformula and wildfire models 2024 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Enrique Pendás-Recondo
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat A Gauss-Bonnet-Chern type obstruction for Killing vector fields on Lorentzian manifolds 2024 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ Lie groups with all left-invariant semi-Riemannian metrics complete 2024 Ahmed Elshafei
Ana Cristina Ferreira
Miguel Sánchez
Abdelghani Zeghib
+ PDF Chat A General Model for Wildfire Propagation with Wind and Slope 2023 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Enrique Pendás-Recondo
Miguel Sánchez
+ A class of cosmological models with spatially constant sign-changing curvature 2023 Miguel Sánchez
+ Lie groups with all left-invariant semi-Riemannian metrics complete 2023 Ahmed Elshafei
Ana Cristina Ferreira
Miguel Sánchez
Abdelghani Zeghib
+ PDF Chat Globally hyperbolic spacetimes: slicings, boundaries and counterexamples 2022 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the Significance of the Stress–Energy Tensor in Finsler Spacetimes 2022 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
Fidel F. Villaseñor
+ An account on links between Finsler and Lorentz Geometries for Riemannian Geometers 2022 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Enrique Pendás-Recondo
Miguel Sánchez
+ A class of cosmological models with spatially constant sign-changing curvature 2022 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic Connections and Parallel Transport in Finsler Spacetimes 2022 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
Fidel F. Villaseñor
+ Some counterexamples about globally hyperbolic spacetimes. 2021 Miguel Sánchez
+ Anisotropic connections and parallel transport in Finsler spacetimes 2021 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
Fidel F. Villaseñor
+ PDF Chat Applications of cone structures to the anisotropic rheonomic Huygens’ principle 2021 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Enrique Pendás-Recondo
Miguel Sánchez
+ Globally hyperbolic spacetimes: slicings, boundaries and counterexamples 2021 Miguel Sánchez
+ A general model for wildfire propagation with wind and slope 2021 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Enrique Pendás-Recondo
Miguel Sánchez
+ Anisotropic connections and parallel transport in Finsler spacetimes 2021 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
Fidel F. Villaseñor
+ The Einstein-Hilbert-Palatini formalism in Pseudo-Finsler Geometry 2021 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
Fidel F. Villaseñor
+ PDF Chat Structure of globally hyperbolic spacetimes-with-timelike-boundary 2020 Luis Aké Hau
José Luis Flores Dorado
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Finsler Spacetimes from the Observers’ Viewpoint 2020 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the definition and examples of cones and Finsler spacetimes 2019 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ The Ehlers-Kundt conjecture about gravitational waves and dynamical systems 2019 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Wind Riemannian spaceforms and Randers–Kropina metrics of constant flag curvature 2017 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ Some criteria for Wind Riemannian completeness and existence of Cauchy hypersurfaces 2017 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the (non-)uniqueness of the Levi-Civita solution in the Einstein–Hilbert–Palatini formalism 2017 Antonio Bernal
Bert Janssen
Alejandro Jiménez-Cano
José Alberto Orejuela
Miguel Sánchez
P. Sánchez‐Moreno
+ PDF Chat Some Criteria for Wind Riemannian Completeness and Existence of Cauchy Hypersurfaces 2017 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ Some criteria for Wind Riemannian completeness and existence of Cauchy hypersurfaces 2017 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff separability of the boundaries for spacetimes and sequential spaces 2016 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ Compact affine manifolds with precompact holonomy are geodesically complete 2015 Luis Aké Hau
Miguel Sánchez
+ Compact affine manifolds with precompact holonomy are geodesically complete 2015 Luis Aké Hau
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat A note on the causal homotopy classes of a globally hyperbolic spacetime 2015 Pablo Morales-Álvarez
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Convex Regions of Stationary Spacetimes and Randers Spaces. Applications to Lensing and Asymptotic Flatness 2015 Erasmo Caponio
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the Completeness of Trajectories for Some Mechanical Systems 2015 Miguel Sánchez
+ Compact affine manifolds with precompact holonomy are geodesically complete 2015 Luis Aké Hau
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the definition and examples of Finsler metrics 2014 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Finsler metrics and relativistic spacetimes 2014 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ Wind Finslerian structures: from Zermelo's navigation to the causality of spacetimes 2014 Erasmo Caponio
Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat An Invitation to Lorentzian Geometry 2013 Olaf Müller
Miguel Sánchez
Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Computability of the causal boundary by using isocausality 2013 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Structure of second-order symmetric Lorentzian manifolds 2013 Oihane F. Blanco
José M. M. Senovilla
Miguel Sánchez
+ Remarks on the completeness of trajectories of accelerated particles in Riemannian manifolds and plane waves 2013 Anna María Candela
Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ A note on stability and Cauchy time functions 2013 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Gromov, Cauchy and causal boundaries for Riemannian, Finslerian and Lorentzian manifolds 2013 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ Lorentzian manifolds isometricallyembeddable in LN 2013 Olaf Müller
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the completeness of trajectories for some mechanical systems 2013 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Completeness of the Trajectories of Particles Coupled to a General Force Field 2012 Anna María Candela
Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesics on convex regions of stationary spacetimes and Finslerian Randers spaces 2011 Erasmo Caponio
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the interplay between Lorentzian Causality and Finsler metrics of Randers type 2011 Erasmo Caponio
Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the definition and examples of Finsler metrics 2011 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Second-order symmetric Lorentzian manifolds II: structure and global properties 2011 Oihane F. Blanco
Miguel Sánchez
José M. M. Senovilla
+ PDF Chat Isocausal spacetimes may have different causal boundaries 2011 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ Lorentzian manifolds isometrically embeddable in 𝕃^{ℕ} 2011 Olaf Müller
Miguel Sánchez
+ Isocausal spacetimes may have non-equivalent causal boundaries 2011 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ Structure of second-order symmetric Lorentzian manifolds 2011 Oihane F. Blanco
Miguel Sánchez
José M. M. Senovilla
+ PDF Chat On the final definition of the causal boundary and its relation with the conformal boundary 2011 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the definition and examples of Finsler metrics 2011 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Convex domains of Finsler and Riemannian manifolds 2010 Rossella Bartolo
Erasmo Caponio
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Complete classification of second-order symmetric spacetimes 2010 Oihane F. Blanco
Miguel Sánchez
José M. M. Senovilla
+ Complete classification of second-order symmetric spacetimes 2010 Oihane F. Blanco
Miguel Sánchez
José M. M. Senovilla
+ Gromov, Cauchy and causal boundaries for Riemannian, Finslerian and Lorentzian manifolds 2010 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the final definition of the causal boundary and its relation with the conformal boundary 2010 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Causal boundaries and holography on wave type spacetimes 2009 Miguel Sánchez
+ Lorentzian manifolds isometrically embeddable in Minkowski spaces 2008 Olaf Mueller
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat A note on the existence of standard splittings for conformally stationary spacetimes 2008 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesics in semi-Riemannian Manifolds: Geometric Properties and Variational Tools 2008 Anna María Candela
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat The causal hierarchy of spacetimes 2008 E. Minguzzi
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Geodesics in semi-Riemannian manifolds: geometric properties and variational tools 2008 Anna María Candela
Miguel Sánchez
+ Existence of standard splittings for conformally stationary spacetimes 2008 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat The causal boundary of wave-type spacetimes 2008 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Global hyperbolicity and Palais–Smale condition for action functionals in stationary spacetimes 2008 Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the foundations and necessity of classical gauge invariance 2008 Miguel Sánchez
+ Physics from scratch. Letter on M. Tegmark's ``The Mathematical Universe'' 2008 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
Francisco José Soler Gil
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the notion of global hyperbolicity 2008 Miguel Sánchez
U. Granada
+ Lorentzian manifolds isometrically embeddable in L^N 2008 Olaf Müller
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat A note on the uniqueness of global static decompositions 2007 Miguel Sánchez
José M. M. Senovilla
+ PDF Chat Globally hyperbolic spacetimes can be defined as ‘causal’ instead of ‘strongly causal’ 2007 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ Some remarks on Causality Theory and Variational Methods in Lorentzian manifolds 2007 Miguel Sánchez
+ Global hyperbolicity and Palais-Smale condition for action functionals in stationary spacetimes 2006 Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Connecting Solutions of the Lorentz Force Equation do Exist 2006 E. Minguzzi
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Further Results on the Smoothability of Cauchy Hypersurfaces and Cauchy Time Functions 2006 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ Cauchy Hypersurfaces and Global Lorentzian Geometry 2006 Miguel Sánchez
+ An Invitation to Lorentzian Geometry 2006 Olaf Müller
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the Geometry of pp-Wave Type Spacetimes 2006 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Connecting Solutions of the Lorentz Force Equation do Exist 2006 E. Minguzzi
Miguel Sánchez
+ The causal hierarchy of spacetimes 2006 E. Minguzzi
Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesics in semi-Riemannian Manifolds: Geometric Properties and Variational Tools 2006 Anna María Candela
Miguel Sánchez
+ An Invitation to Lorentzian Geometry 2006 Olaf Müller
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Further properties of causal relationship: causal structure stability, new criteria for isocausality and counterexamples 2005 Alfonso Gómez-Lobo
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On causality and closed geodesics of compact Lorentzian manifolds and static spacetimes 2005 Miguel Sánchez
+ Causal structures and causal relationship 2005 Alfonso Gómez-Lobo
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Smoothness of Time Functions and the Metric Splitting of Globally Hyperbolic Spacetimes 2005 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ On causality and closed geodesics of compact Lorentzian manifolds and static spacetimes 2005 Miguel Sánchez
+ A note on the extendability of compact hypersurfaces to smooth Cauchy hypersurfaces 2005 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ Cauchy hypersurfaces as levels of time and temporal functions 2005 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ Causal hierarchy of spacetimes, temporal functions and smoothness of Geroch’s splitting. A revision 2005 Miguel Sánchez
+ On causality and closed geodesics of compact Lorentzian manifolds and static spacetimes 2005 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal trajectories on stationary spacetimes under intrinsic assumptions 2004 Rossella Bartolo
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ Causal hierarchy of spacetimes, temporal functions and smoothness of Geroch's splitting. A revision 2004 Miguel Sánchez
+ Causal hierarchy of spacetimes, temporal functions and smoothness of Geroch's splitting. A Revision 2004 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of static spacetimes 2004 Miguel Sánchez
+ On the Geometry of Static Spacetimes 2004 Miguel Sánchez
+ Smooth globally hyperbolic splittings and temporal functions 2004 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ Smooth globally hyperbolic splittings and temporal functions 2004 Miguel Sánchez
Antonio Miguel Bernal Rodríguez
+ Causal hierarchy of spacetimes, temporal functions and smoothness of Geroch's splitting. A revision 2004 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On Smooth Cauchy Hypersurfaces and Geroch’s Splitting Theorem 2003 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesics in Static Lorentzian Manifolds with Critical Quadratic Behavior 2003 Rossella Bartolo
Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ A quadratic Bolza-type problem in a Riemannian manifold 2003 Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On General Plane Fronted Waves. Geodesics 2003 Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ A quadratic Bolza-type problem in a non-complete Riemannian manifold 2003 Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Leibnizian, Galilean and Newtonian structures of space–time 2003 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ A Quadratic Bolza—Type Problem in a Riemannian Manifold 2003 Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Geodesic connectedness of multiwarped spacetimes 2002 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ A topological method for geodesic connectedness of space–times: Outer Kerr space–time 2002 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ Periodic trajectories in Gödel type space–times 2002 Anna María Candela
Addolorata Salvatore
Miguel Sánchez
+ A note on the boundary of a static Lorentzian manifold 2002 Rossella Bartolo
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ Existence of a Closed Geodesic on Non-compact Riemannian Manifolds with Boundary 2002 Rossella Bartolo
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ None 2002 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ None 2002 Rossella Bartolo
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ Fundamental units of length and time 2002 Antonio Bernal
Moránte López
Miguel Sánchez
+ Causality and Conjugate Points in General Plane Waves 2002 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ Existence of geodesics in Gödel type space-times 2001 Anna María Candela
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Geodesic connectedness of semi-Riemannian manifolds 2001 Miguel Sánchez
+ Remarks on some variational problems on noncomplete manifolds 2001 Rossella Bartolo
Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesics in stationary spacetimes. Application to Kerr spacetime 2001 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
Depto . Geometr ́ õa
+ PDF Chat Geodesic connectedness and conjugate points in GRW space–times 2000 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesic connectedness of semi-Riemannian manifolds 2000 Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesic connectedness in Gödel type space-times 2000 Anna María Candela
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Some semi-Riemannian volume comparison theorems 2000 Paul E. Ehrlich
Miguel Sánchez
+ Convexity of domains of Riemannian manifolds 2000 Rossella Bartolo
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Periodic trajectories with fixed energy on Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds with boundary 1999 Rossella Bartolo
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the geometry of generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes: curvature and Killing fields 1999 Miguel Sánchez
+ Timelike periodic trajectories in spatially compact Lorentz manifolds 1999 Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesic connectedness of multiwarped spacetimes 1999 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ Closed and T-Periodic Geodesics in Lorentzian Manifolds 1999 Miguel Sánchez
+ Some semi-Riemannian volume comparison theorems 1998 Paul E. Ehrlich
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Bochner’s technique on Lorentzian manifolds and infinitesimal conformal symmetries 1998 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the Geometry of Generalized Robertson-Walker Spacetimes: Geodesics 1998 Miguel Sánchez
+ Some geometrical properties of generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes 1998 Miguel Sánchez
+ Spacelike hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature in certain spacetimes 1997 Luis J. Alı́as
Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ Lorentzian manifolds admitting a killing vector field 1997 Miguel Sánchez
+ Geodesic Connectedness in Generalized Reissner-Nordström Type Lorentz Manifolds 1997 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Structure of Lorentzian tori with a killing vector field 1997 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Spacelike hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature and Calabi-Bernstein type problems 1997 Luis J. Alı́as
Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ An Integral Inequality on Compact Lorentz Manifolds, and its Applications 1996 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Completeness of Compact Lorentz Manifolds Admitting a Timelike Conformal Killing Vector Field 1995 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the completeness of compact semi-riemannian manifolds 1995 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Completeness of compact Lorentz manifolds admitting a timelike conformal Killing vector field 1995 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ Uniqueness of complete spacelike hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature in generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes 1995 Luis J. Alı́as
Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ New properties and examples of incomplete Lorentzian tori 1994 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the completeness of geodesics obtained as a limit 1993 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Global Lorentzian Geometry 2017 John K. Beem
Paul E. Ehrlich
Kevin L. Easley
+ PDF Chat On Smooth Cauchy Hypersurfaces and Geroch’s Splitting Theorem 2003 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Smoothness of Time Functions and the Metric Splitting of Globally Hyperbolic Spacetimes 2005 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 1973 S. W. Hawking
George Ellis
+ SEMI-RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY With Applications to Relativity 1984 M. A. H. MacCallum
+ Variational methods in Lorentzian geometry 2017 Antonio Masiello
+ General Relativity for Mathematicians 1977 Rainer K. Sachs
Hung-Hsi Wu
+ On completeness of certain families of semi-Riemannian manifolds 1994 Alfonso Romero
M. S�nchez
+ PDF Chat Structure of Lorentzian tori with a killing vector field 1997 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the interplay between Lorentzian Causality and Finsler metrics of Randers type 2011 Erasmo Caponio
Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Further Results on the Smoothability of Cauchy Hypersurfaces and Cauchy Time Functions 2006 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Geodesic connectedness of semi-Riemannian manifolds 2001 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Globally hyperbolic spacetimes can be defined as ‘causal’ instead of ‘strongly causal’ 2007 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ The causal hierarchy of spacetimes 2006 E. Minguzzi
Miguel Sánchez
+ Global Connectivity by Timelike Geodesics 1967 Hans-Jürgen Seifert
+ Causal hierarchy of spacetimes, temporal functions and smoothness of Geroch’s splitting. A revision 2005 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat The causal hierarchy of spacetimes 2008 E. Minguzzi
Miguel Sánchez
+ On the Geometry of Generalized Robertson-Walker Spacetimes: Geodesics 1998 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On the final definition of the causal boundary and its relation with the conformal boundary 2011 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Gromov, Cauchy and causal boundaries for Riemannian, Finslerian and Lorentzian manifolds 2013 José Luis Flores
Jónatan Herrera
Miguel Sánchez
+ Uniqueness of complete spacelike hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature in generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes 1995 Luis J. Alı́as
Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat The causal boundary of wave-type spacetimes 2008 José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ A Morse theory for geodesics on a Lorentz manifold 1975 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat On the energy functional on Finsler manifolds and applications to stationary spacetimes 2010 Erasmo Caponio
Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Antonio Masiello
+ PDF Chat Global hyperbolicity and Palais–Smale condition for action functionals in stationary spacetimes 2008 Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat The existence of complete Riemannian metrics 1961 Katsumi Nomizu
Hideki Ozeki
+ Ideal points in space-time 1972 Robert Geroch
E. H. Kronheimer
Roger Penrose
+ PDF Chat Causal relationship: a new tool for the causal characterization of Lorentzian manifolds 2003 Alfonso Gómez-Lobo
José M. M. Senovilla
+ PDF Chat Stationary metrics and optical Zermelo-Randers-Finsler geometry 2009 G. W. Gibbons
Carlos Herdeiro
Claude Warnick
Marcus C. Werner
+ PDF Chat Further properties of causal relationship: causal structure stability, new criteria for isocausality and counterexamples 2005 Alfonso Gómez-Lobo
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On General Plane Fronted Waves. Geodesics 2003 Anna María Candela
José Luis Flores
Miguel Sánchez
+ None 2002 Rossella Bartolo
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Connecting Solutions of the Lorentz Force Equation do Exist 2006 E. Minguzzi
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat On causality and closed geodesics of compact Lorentzian manifolds and static spacetimes 2005 Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Causality and conjugate points in general plane waves 2003 José Luis Flores
M S nchez
+ PDF Chat Topology of the future chronological boundary: universality for spacelike boundaries 2000 Steven G. Harris
+ PDF Chat Closed timelike geodesics 1984 Gregory J. Galloway
+ PDF Chat On the definition and examples of Finsler metrics 2014 Miguel Ángel Javaloyes
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Completeness of compact Lorentz manifolds admitting a timelike conformal Killing vector field 1995 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ Timelike periodic trajectories in spatially compact Lorentz manifolds 1999 Miguel Sánchez
+ 11. The Imbedding Problem for Riemannian Manifolds 2002 JohnHG Nash
+ Autour de la conjecture de L. Markus sur les vari�t�s affines 1989 Yves Carri�re
+ PDF Chat An intrinsic approach to the geodesical connectedness of stationary Lorentzian manifolds 1999 Fabio Giannoni
Paolo Piccione
+ PDF Chat Convex domains of Finsler and Riemannian manifolds 2010 Rossella Bartolo
Erasmo Caponio
Anna Germinario
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Universality of the future chronological boundary 1998 Steven G. Harris
+ PDF Chat The Causal Boundary of Spacetimes Revisited 2007 José Luis Flores
+ PDF Chat Completeness of Lorentz manifolds of constant curvature admitting Killing vector fields 1993 Yoshinobu Kamishima
+ PDF Chat Causal structures and causal boundaries 2005 Alfonso Gómez-Lobo
José M. M. Senovilla
+ On the completeness of geodesics obtained as a limit 1993 Alfonso Romero
Miguel Sánchez
+ PDF Chat A new recipe for causal completions 2003 Donald Marolf
Simon F. Ross