David Pac Salas


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Mean-field Concentration of Opinion Dynamics in Random Graphs 2024 Javiera Gutiérrez-Ramírez
David Pac Salas
VĂ­ctor Verdugo
+ PDF Chat Reducing the Large Set Threshold for the Basu-Oertel Conjecture 2024 Andrés Cristi
David Pac Salas
+ Metric compatibility and determination in complete metric spaces 2024 Aris Daniilidis
Tri Minh Le
David Pac Salas
+ PDF Chat A slope generalization of Attouch theorem 2024 Aris Daniilidis
David Pac Salas
Sebastián Tapia‐García
+ PDF Chat Exploiting the Polyhedral Geometry of Stochastic Linear Bilevel Programming 2023 Gonzalo Muñoz
David Pac Salas
Anton Svensson
+ Metric compatibility and determination in complete metric spaces 2023 Aris Daniilidis
Tri Minh Le
David Pac Salas
+ Steepest geometric descent for regularized quasiconvex functions 2023 Aris Daniilidis
David Pac Salas
+ A slope generalization of Attouch theorem 2023 Aris Daniilidis
David Pac Salas
Sebastián Tapia‐García
+ Optimal design of exchange water networks with control inputs in Eco-Industrial Parks 2022 Didier Aussel
Kien Cao Van
David Pac Salas
+ The value of Shared Information for allocation of drivers in ride-hailing: a proof-of-concept study 2022 Gianfranco Liberona
Léonard von NiederhÀusern
David Pac Salas
+ Exploiting the polyhedral geometry of stochastic linear bilevel programming 2022 Gonzalo Muñoz
David Pac Salas
Anton Svensson
+ Descent modulus and applications 2022 Aris Daniilidis
Laurent Miclo
David Pac Salas
+ Determination of functions by metric slopes 2021 Aris Daniilidis
David Pac Salas
+ The Convergence Rates of Blockchain Mining Games: A Markovian Approach 2021 Alejandro Jofré
A. Pardo
David Pac Salas
VĂ­ctor Verdugo
José Verschae
+ Existence of solutions for deterministic bilevel games under a general Bayesian approach 2020 David Pac Salas
Anton Svensson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Curves of Descent 2015 Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy
A. D. Ioffe
Adrian S. Lewis
+ Determining functions by slopes 2022 Lionel Thibault
Dariusz Zagrodny
+ The slope robustly determines convex functions 2023 Aris Daniilidis
Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy
+ Determination of convex functions via subgradients of minimal norm 2020 Pedro PĂ©rez-Aros
David Salas
Emilio Vilches
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of error bounds for lower semicontinuous functions on metric spaces 2004 D. Azé
Jean-Noël Corvellec
+ Gradient Flows, Second-Order Gradient Systems and Convexity 2018 Tahar Z. Boulmezaoud
Philippe Cieutat
Aris Daniilidis
+ PDF Chat Rectifiability of Self-Contracted Curves in the Euclidean Space and Applications 2013 Aris Daniilidis
Guy C. David
EstĂ­balitz Durand-Cartagena
Antoine Lemenant
+ On the convergence of subdifferentials of convex functions 1993 HĂ©dy Attouch
Gerald Beer
+ Countably orderable sets and their applications in optimization 1992 LesƂaw Gajek
Dariusz Zagrodny
+ Eikonal equations in metric spaces 2014 Yoshikazu Giga
Nao Hamamuki
Atsushi Nakayasu
+ Convergence of convex sets and of solutions of variational inequalities 1969 Umberto Mosco
+ PDF Chat Projections of polytopes and the generalized baues conjecture 1996 Jörg Rambau
GĂŒnter M. Ziegler
+ PDF Chat On the maximal monotonicity of subdifferential mappings 1970 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing 2017 Jeff Bezanson
Alan Edelman
Stefan Karpinski
Viral B. Shah
+ PDF Chat Generalized second derivatives of convex functions and saddle functions 1990 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat Attouch-Wets convergence and a differential operator for convex functions 1994 Gerald Beer
Michel Théra
+ polymake: a Framework for Analyzing Convex Polytopes 2000 Ewgenij Gawrilow
Michael Joswig
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Error Bounds via a Change of Function 2016 D. Azé
Jean-Noël Corvellec
+ PDF Chat BOLIB: Bilevel Optimization LIBrary of Test Problems 2020 Shenglong Zhou
Alain B. Zemkoho
Andrey Tin
+ Gradient Flows of Probability Measures 2007 Luigi Ambrosio
Giuseppe Savaré
+ PDF Chat The Stochastic Bilevel Continuous Knapsack Problem with Uncertain Follower’s Objective 2022 Christoph Buchheim
Dorothee Henke
Jannik Irmai
+ Equivalence of solutions of eikonal equation in metric spaces 2020 Qing Liu
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Xiaodan Zhou
+ Bilevel Optimization 2020 Suresh Bolusani
Stefano Coniglio
Ted K. Ralphs
Sahar Tahernejad
+ PDF Chat Graphical Convergence of Subgradients in Nonconvex Optimization and Learning 2021 Damek Davis
Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy
+ Probability Theory 2013 Achim Klenke
+ Variational Analysis 1998 R. T. Rockafellar
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms I 1993 Jean‐Baptiste Hiriart‐Urruty
Claude Lemaréchal
+ Descent modulus and applications 2024 Aris Daniilidis
Laurent Miclo
David Salas
+ None 2003 Michel Geoffroy
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Exploiting the Polyhedral Geometry of Stochastic Linear Bilevel Programming 2023 Gonzalo Muñoz
David Pac Salas
Anton Svensson
+ Introduction to Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration and Applications 2014 Gunther Leobacher
Friedrich Pillichshammer
+ Normal Fans of Polyhedral Convex Sets 2008 Shu LĂŒ
Stephen M. Robinson
+ Coupling optimization methods and variational convergence 1988 B. Lemaire
+ PDF Chat On the graph convergence of subdifferentials of convex functions 1998 C. Combari
Lionel Thibault
+ Maximum length of steepest descent curves for quasi-convex functions 1991 Paolo Manselli
Carlo Pucci
+ Metric viscosity solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations depending on local slopes 2015 Wilfrid Gangbo
Andrzej ƚwięch
+ Strong solutions for parabolic variational inequalities 1978 HĂ©dy Attouch
Alain Damlamian
+ PDF Chat A critical point theory for nonsmooth functional 1994 Marco Degiovanni
Marco Marzocchi