Tomoko Sakiyama


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Yukio‐Pegio Gunji 2
Masao Okawara 2
Yukio-Pegio Gunji 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Shape of a Self-Avoiding Walk or Polymer Chain 1966 Michael E. Fisher
+ Weierstrassian Levy flights and self-avoiding random walks 1983 Michael F. Shlesinger
+ Optimal random search using limited spatial memory 2018 Tomoko Sakiyama
Yukio-Pegio Gunji
+ PDF Chat Amnestically Induced Persistence in Random Walks 2007 J. C. Cressoni
Marco Antonio Alves da Silva
G. M. Viswanathan
+ A recipe for an optimal power law tailed walk 2021 Tomoko Sakiyama
+ Lévy flights do not always optimize random blind search for sparse targets 2014 Vladimir V. Palyulin
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Ralf Metzler
+ Modelling the mobility of living organisms in heterogeneous landscapes: does memory improve foraging success? 2010 Denis Boyer
Peter D. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Using likelihood to test for Lévy flight search patterns and for general power‐law distributions in nature 2008 Andrew M. Edwards
+ Search dynamics at the edge of extinction: Anomalous diffusion as a critical survival state 2007 C. L. Faustino
L. R. da Silva
M. G. E. da Luz
Ernesto P. Raposo
G. M. Viswanathan
+ PDF Chat Origin of power-law distributions in deterministic walks: The influence of landscape geometry 2007 M. C. Santos
Denis Boyer
Octavio Miramontes
G. M. Viswanathan
Ernesto P. Raposo
José L. Mateos
M. G. E. da Luz
+ PDF Chat The diffusion of self-avoiding random walk in high dimensions 1987 Gordon Slade
+ Robustness of the non-Markovian Alzheimer walk under stochastic perturbation 2012 J. C. Cressoni
L. R. da Silva
G. M. Viswanathan
M. A. A. da Silva
+ Comment on “Lévy Walks Evolve Through Interaction Between Movement and Environmental Complexity” 2012 Vincent A. A. Jansen
Alla Mashanova
Sergei Petrovskii