Ron M. Adin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Descent set distribution for permutations with cycles of only odd or only even lengths 2025 Ron M. Adin
Pál Hegedűs
Yuval Roichman
+ Higher Lie characters and root enumeration in classical Weyl groups 2024 Ron M. Adin
Pál Hegedűs
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Higher Lie characters and cyclic descent extension on conjugacy classes 2024 Ron M. Adin
Pál Hegedűs
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Cyclic Descents, Matchings and Schur-Positivity 2023 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Transitive and Gallai colorings 2023 Ron M. Adin
Arkady Berenstein
Jacob Greenstein
Jian-Rong Li
Avichai Marmor
Yuval Roichman
+ Higher Lie characters and root enumeration in classical Weyl groups 2023 Ron M. Adin
Pál Hegedüs
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat On characters of wreath products 2022 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Cyclic descents, matchings and Schur-positivity 2022 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Combinatorial flip actions and Gelfand pairs for affine Weyl groups 2021 Ron M. Adin
Pál Hegedűs
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Cyclic quasi-symmetric functions 2021 Ron M. Adin
Ira M. Gessel
Victor Reiner
Yuval Roichman
+ On characters of wreath products 2021 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Flip actions and Gelfand pairs for affine Weyl groups 2020 Ron M. Adin
Pál Hegedüs
Yuval Roichman
+ Flip actions and Gelfand pairs for affine Weyl groups 2020 Ron M. Adin
Pál Hegedüs
Yuval Roichman
+ Cyclic descents for near-hook and two-row shapes 2019 Ron M. Adin
Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ Cyclic quasi-symmetric functions 2019 Ron M. Adin
Ira M. Gessel
Victor Reiner
Yuval Roichman
+ Higher Lie characters and cyclic descent extension on conjugacy classes 2019 Ron M. Adin
Pál Hegedüs
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat On Cyclic Descents for Tableaux 2018 Ron M. Adin
Victor Reiner
Yuval Roichman
+ Cyclic quasi-symmetric functions 2018 Ron M. Adin
Ira M. Gessel
Victor Reiner
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat On the cone of $f$-vectors of cubical polytopes 2018 Ron M. Adin
Daniel Kalmanovich
Eran Nevo
+ On Two-Sided Gamma-Positivity for Simple Permutations 2018 Ron M. Adin
Eli Bagno
Estrella Eisenberg
Shulamit Reches
Moriah Sigron
+ Cyclic descent extensions and distributions. 2018 Ron M. Adin
Victor Reiner
Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ On cyclic descents for tableaux 2018 Ron M. Adin
Victor Reiner
Yuval Roichman
+ Cyclic quasi-symmetric functions 2018 Ron M. Adin
Ira M. Gessel
Victor Reiner
Yuval Roichman
+ Cyclic descents for near-hook and two-row shapes 2018 Ron M. Adin
Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ On the cone of $f$-vectors of cubical polytopes 2018 Ron M. Adin
Daniel Kalmanovich
Eran Nevo
+ On the cone of $f$-vectors of cubical polytopes 2017 Ron M. Adin
Daniel Kalmanovich
Eran Nevo
+ Cyclic descents for near-hook and two-row shapes 2017 Ron M. Adin
Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ Towards a Combinatorial proof of Gessel's conjecture on two-sided Gamma positivity: A reduction to simple permutations 2017 Ron M. Adin
Eli Bagno
Estrella Eisenberg
Shulamit Reches
Moriah Sigron
+ On two-sided gamma-positivity for simple permutations 2017 Ron M. Adin
Eli Bagno
Estrella Eisenberg
Shulamit Reches
Moriah Sigron
+ On cyclic descents for tableaux 2017 Ron M. Adin
Victor Reiner
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Block decomposition of permutations and Schur-positivity 2017 Ron M. Adin
Eli Bagno
Yuval Roichman
+ Character formulas and descents for the hyperoctahedral group 2017 Ron M. Adin
Christos A. Athanasiadis
Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ On two-sided gamma-positivity for simple permutations 2017 Ron M. Adin
Eli Bagno
Estrella Eisenberg
Shulamit Reches
Moriah Sigron
+ On cyclic descents for tableaux 2017 Ron M. Adin
Victor Reiner
Yuval Roichman
+ Block decomposition of permutations and Schur-positivity 2016 Ron M. Adin
Eli Bagno
Yuval Roichman
+ Block decomposition of permutations and Schur-positivity 2016 Ron M. Adin
Eli Bagno
Yuval Roichman
+ Character formulas and descents for the hyperoctahedral group 2015 Ron M. Adin
Christos A. Athanasiadis
Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ Character formulas and descents for the hyperoctahedral group 2015 Ron M. Adin
Christos A. Athanasiadis
Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Matrices, characters and descents 2014 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ On maximal chains in the non-crossing partition lattice 2014 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Enumeration of Standard Young Tableaux 2014 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Matrices, Characters and Descents 2013 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Characters and Descents 2013 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Matrices, Characters and Descents 2013 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Triangle-Free Triangulations, Hyperplane Arrangements and Shifted Tableaux 2012 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ On maximal chains in the non-crossing partition lattice 2012 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ On maximal chains in the non-crossing partition lattice 2012 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of Standard Young Tableaux of certain Truncated Shapes 2011 Ron M. Adin
Ronald C. King
Yuval Roichman
+ Flag weak order on wreath products 2011 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ Flag weak order on wreath products 2011 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ Enumeration of standard Young tableaux of certain truncated shapes 2010 Ron M. Adin
Ronald C. King
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat A Gelfand model for wreath products 2010 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ Triangle-Free Triangulations, Hyperplane Arrangements and Shifted Tableaux 2010 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Enumeration of standard Young tableaux of certain truncated shapes 2010 Ron M. Adin
Ronald C. King
Yuval Roichman
+ Triangle-Free Triangulations, Hyperplane Arrangements and Shifted Tableaux 2010 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Triangle-free triangulations 2009 Ron M. Adin
Marcelo Firer
Yuval Roichman
+ Triangle-Free Triangulations 2009 Ron M. Adin
Marcelo Firer
Yuval Roichman
+ Combinatorial Gelfand models 2008 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Major Indices and Perfect Bases for Complex Reflection Groups 2008 Robert Shwartz
Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat The Combinatorics of the Garsia-Haiman Modules for Hook Shapes 2008 Ron M. Adin
Jeffrey B. Remmel
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Gelfand Models 2008 Ron M. Adin
А. Г. Постников
Yuval Roichman
+ A Gelfand Model for Wreath Products 2008 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ The Combinatorics of the Garsia-Haiman Modules for Hook Shapes 2007 Ron M. Adin
Jeffrey B. Remmel
Yuval Roichman
+ Major Indices and Perfect Bases for Complex Reflection Groups 2007 Robert Shwartz
Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Combinatorial Gelfand Models 2007 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ A construction of Coxeter group representations (II) 2006 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat A unified construction of Coxeter group representations 2006 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ Equi-distribution over descent classes of the hyperoctahedral group 2005 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ On Degrees in the Hasse Diagram of the Strong Bruhat Order 2005 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Equi-distribution over Descent Classes of the Hyperoctahedral Group 2005 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ A Unified Construction of Coxeter Group Representations (II) 2004 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ Signed Mahonians 2004 Ron M. Adin
Ira M. Gessel
Yuval Roichman
+ Rim hook tableaux and Kostant's η-function coefficients 2004 Ron M. Adin
Avital Frumkin
+ Descent representations and multivariate statistics 2004 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ Signed Mahonians 2004 Ron M. Adin
Ira M. Gessel
Yuval Roichman
+ Equidistribution and sign-balance on 321-avoiding permutations. 2004 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ A Construction of Coxeter Group Representations (II) 2004 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ Signed Mahonians 2004 Ron M. Adin
Ira M. Gessel
Yuval Roichman
+ Denominators for the Poincaré series of invariants of matrices with involution 2003 Allan Berele
Ron M. Adin
+ Erratum to “Hook interpolations” 2003 Ron M. Adin
Avital Frumkin
Yuval Roichman
+ Equidistribution and Sign-Balance on 321-Avoiding Permutations 2003 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ A Unified Construction of Coxeter Group Representations (I) 2003 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ Hook interpolations 2002 Ron M. Adin
Avital Frumkin
Yuval Roichman
+ Shape Avoiding Permutations 2002 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Rim Hook Tableaux and Kostant's $η$-Function Coefficients 2002 Ron M. Adin
Avital Frumkin
+ Rim Hook Tableaux and Kostant's $\eta$-Function Coefficients 2001 Ron M. Adin
Avital Frumkin
+ Hook Interpolations 2001 Ron M. Adin
Avital Frumkin
Yuval Roichman
+ Descent Numbers and Major Indices for the Hyperoctahedral Group 2001 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Descent Functions and Random Young Tableaux 2001 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ The Flag Major Index and Group Actions on Polynomial Rings 2001 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ On characters of Weyl groups 2001 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ Descent Representations and Multivariate Statistics 2001 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ Hook Interpolations 2001 Ron M. Adin
Avital Frumkin
Yuval Roichman
+ Hecke Algebra Actions on the Coinvariant Algebra 2000 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Resolutions of Associative and Lie Algebras 2000 Ron M. Adin
David Blanc
+ The Flag Major Index and Group Actions on Polynomial Rings 2000 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Descent Numbers and Major Indices for the Hyperoctahedral Group 2000 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ On Characters of Weyl Groups 2000 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ The Classification of Circulant Weighing Matrices of Weight 16 and Odd Order 1999 Ron M. Adin
Leah Epstein
Yoseph Strassler
+ Hecke Algebra Actions on the Coinvariant Algebra 1999 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ Shape Avoiding Permutations 1999 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Descent Functions and Random Young Tableaux 1999 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Short eigenvectors and multidimensional theta functions 1997 Ron M. Adin
Yaacov Kopeliovich
+ A new cubical h-vector 1996 Ron M. Adin
+ On Hanlon's Eigenvalue Conjecture 1996 Ron M. Adin
Christos A. Athanasiadis
+ On Hanlon's eigenvalue conjecture 1996 Ron M. Adin
Christos A. Athanasiadis
+ On Face Numbers of Rational Simplicial Polytopes with Symmetry 1995 Ron M. Adin
+ The conjugacy character ofS n tends to be regular 1987 Ron M. Adin
Avital Frumkin
+ On Extreme Positive Operators Between Polyhedral Cones 1984 Ron M. Adin
+ Extreme positive operators on minimal and almost minimal cones 1982 Ron M. Adin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Major Index and Inversion Number of Permutations 1978 Dominique Foata
M.P. Schützenberger
+ Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups 2005 Anders Björner
Francesco Brenti
+ A Recursive Rule for Kazhdan–Lusztig Characters 1997 Yuval Roichman
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ Permutation statistics and partitions 1979 Adriano M. Garsia
Ira M. Gessel
+ Representations of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras 1979 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ Counting permutations with given cycle structure and descent set 1993 Ira M. Gessel
Christophe Reutenauer
+ On the Netto inversion number of a sequence 1968 Dominique Foata
+ Schubert polynomials, Kazhdan–Lusztig basis and characters 2000 Yuval Roichman
+ Signed Permutation Statistics 1993 Victor Reiner
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1999 Richard P. Stanley
Sergey Fomin
+ Cyclic Eulerian Elements 1998 Paola Cellini
+ Permutation Statistics of Indexed Permutations 1994 Einar Steingrı́msson
+ Cyclic sieving, promotion, and representation theory 2009 Brendon Rhoades
+ PDF Chat On the eigenvalues of representations of reflection groups and wreath products 1989 John R. Stembridge
+ Descent representations and multivariate statistics 2004 Ron M. Adin
Francesco Brenti
Yuval Roichman
+ The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group 1984 James
+ q-Eulerian Polynomials Arising from Coxeter Groups 1994 Francesco Brenti
+ Longest Increasing and Decreasing Subsequences 2009 C. Schensted
+ PDF Chat Cyclic Descents and P-Partitions 2005 T. Kyle Petersen
+ PDF Chat Triangle-free triangulations 2009 Ron M. Adin
Marcelo Firer
Yuval Roichman
+ Permutation statistics and linear extensions of posets 1991 Anders Björner
Michelle L. Wachs
+ PDF Chat Schur-positive sets of permutations via products and grid classes 2016 Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ On characters of Weyl groups 2001 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ Eulerian calculus, II: An extension of Han's fundamental transformation 1995 Robert J. Clarke
Dominique Foata
+ PDF Chat Character theory of finite groups 1999 I. M. Isaacs
+ PDF Chat The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences 2007 N. J. A. Sloane
+ The Flag Major Index and Group Actions on Polynomial Rings 2001 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ A schensted algorithm for rim hook tableaux 1985 Dennis Stanton
Dennis E. White
+ Signed Permutation Statistics and Cycle Type 1993 Victor Reiner
+ Ideals of quasi-symmetric functions and super-covariant polynomials for Sn 2003 Jean-Christophe Aval
François Bergeron
Nantel Bergeron
+ Affine descents and the Steinberg torus 2009 Kevin Dilks
T. Kyle Petersen
John R. Stembridge
+ Primitive ideals and orbital integrals in complex exceptional groups 1983 Dan Barbasch
David A. Vogan
+ PDF Chat Invariants of finite groups and their applications to combinatorics 1979 Richard P. Stanley
+ On rotated Schur-positive sets 2017 Sergi Elizalde
Yuval Roichman
+ Calcul Basique des Permutations Signées 1997 Dominique Foata
Guo-Niu Han
+ Models and Involution Models for Wreath Products and Certain Weyl Groups 1991 Robert W. Baddeley
+ An explicit model for the complex representations ofS n 1990 Nicholas F. J. Inglis
R. W. Richardson
X. Saxl
+ Hecke Algebra Actions on the Coinvariant Algebra 2000 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on sign-balanced and maj-balanced posets 2005 Richard P. Stanley
+ Invariant algebras and major indices for classical Weyl groups 2004 Riccardo Biagioli
Fabrizio Caselli
+ Geometry of Coxeter groups 1982 Howard Hiller
+ Combinatorial Gelfand models 2008 Ron M. Adin
Alexander Postnikov
Yuval Roichman
+ Asymptotic values for degrees associated with strips of young diagrams 1981 Amitai Regev
+ Upper Binomial Posets and Signed Permutation Statistics 1993 Victor Reiner
+ Equidistribution and sign-balance on 321-avoiding permutations. 2004 Ron M. Adin
Yuval Roichman
+ Eulerian Calculus, I: Univariable Statistics 1994 Robert J. Clarke
Dominique Foata
+ Hook young diagrams with applications to combinatorics and to representations of Lie superalgebras 1987 Allan Berele
Amitai Regev
+ Models of representations of compact Lie groups 1976 I. N. Bernshtein
I. M. Gel'fand
Sergei Gelfand