Israel Rocha


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Cut distance identifying graphon parameters over weak* limits 2022 Martin Doležal
Jan Grebík
Jan Hladký
Israel Rocha
Václav Rozhoň
+ PDF Chat Fractional Isomorphism of Graphons 2022 Jan Grebík
Israel Rocha
+ PDF Chat Improvements on Spectral Bisection 2021 Israel Rocha
+ PDF Chat Partial sum of eigenvalues of random graphs 2020 Israel Rocha
+ PDF Chat Relating the cut distance and the weak* topology for graphons 2020 Martin Doležal
Jan Grebík
Jan Hladký
Israel Rocha
Václav Rozhoň
+ Brouwer's conjecture holds asymptotically almost surely 2020 Israel Rocha
+ Independent sets, cliques, and colorings in graphons 2020 Jan Hladký
Israel Rocha
+ A graphon perspective for fractional isomorphism 2019 Jan Grebík
Israel Rocha
+ Brouwer's conjecture holds asymptotically almost surely 2019 Israel Rocha
+ Brouwer's conjecture holds asymptotically almost surely 2019 Israel Rocha
+ Fractional Isomorphism of Graphons 2019 Jan Grebík
Israel Rocha
+ Cut distance identifying graphon parameters over weak* limits 2018 Martin Doležal
Jan Grebík
Jan Hladký
Israel Rocha
Václav Rozhoň
+ Layout of random circulant graphs 2018 Sebastián Richter
Israel Rocha
+ Recovering the structure of random linear graphs 2018 Israel Rocha
Jeannette Janssen
Nauzer Kalyaniwalla
+ A Generalization of Erdős' Matching Conjecture 2018 Christos Pelekis
Israel Rocha
+ A generalization of Erdős' matching conjecture 2017 Christos Pelekis
Israel Rocha
+ A generalization of Erd\H{o}s' matching conjecture 2017 Christos Pelekis
Israel Rocha
+ Layout of random circulant graphs 2017 Sebastián Richter
Israel Rocha
+ Recovering the Structure of Random Linear Graphs 2017 Israel Rocha
Jeannette Janssen
Nauzer Kalyaniwalla
+ Improvements on Spectral Bisection 2017 Israel Rocha
+ Combinatorial Algorithms for Minimizing the Maximum Laplacian and Signless Laplacian Eigenvalues of Weighted Graphs 2017 Christoph Helmberg
Israel Rocha
Uwe Schwerdtfeger
+ Layout of random circulant graphs 2017 Sebastian Richter
Israel Rocha
+ Recovering the Structure of Random Linear Graphs 2017 Israel Rocha
Jeannette Janssen
Nauzer Kalyaniwalla
+ A generalization of Erdős' matching conjecture 2017 Christos Pelekis
Israel Rocha
+ PDF Chat A Fiedler-like theory for the perturbed Laplacian 2016 Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
+ Eternal Picaria 2016 Urban Larsson
Israel Rocha
+ A Combinatorial Algorithm for Minimizing the Maximum Laplacian Eigenvalue of Weighted Bipartite Graphs 2015 Christoph Helmberg
Israel Rocha
Uwe Schwerdtfeger
+ Absolute algebraic connectivity of double brooms and trees 2015 Sebastián Richter
Israel Rocha
+ PDF Chat Algebraic connectivity of k-connected graphs 2015 Steve Kirkland
Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
+ Bounding the sum of the largest Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs 2014 Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
+ Characterizing the second smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian of a tree 2013 Israel Rocha
+ Characterizing trees with large Laplacian energy 2013 Eliseu Fritscher
Carlos Hoppen
Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
+ Characterizing the second smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian of a tree 2013 Israel Rocha
+ Sobre o vetor de Fiedler e as componentes de Perron de um grafo 2012 Israel Rocha
+ Algebraic connectivity on a subclass of caterpillars 2011 Óscar Rojo
Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
+ On the sum of the Laplacian eigenvalues of a tree 2011 Eliseu Fritscher
Carlos Hoppen
Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algebraic connectivity of graphs 1973 Miroslav Fiedler
+ PDF Chat A property of eigenvectors of nonnegative symmetric matrices and its application to graph theory 1975 Miroslav Fiedler
+ PDF Chat Convergent sequences of dense graphs I: Subgraph frequencies, metric properties and testing 2008 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
L. Lovász
Vera T. Sós
K. Vesztergombi
+ Old and new results on algebraic connectivity of graphs 2006 Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
+ Characteristic vertices of weighted trees via perron values 1996 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Bryan L. Shader
+ PDF Chat Limits of dense graph sequences 2006 László Lovász
Balázs Szegedy
+ Large Networks and Graph Limits 2012 László Lovász
+ Spectra of Graphs 2011 Andries E. Brouwer
Willem H. Haemers
+ Graph limits and exchangeable random graphs 2007 Persi Diaconis
Svante Janson
+ On the sum of Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs 2009 Willem H. Haemers
A. Mohammadian
B. Tayfeh‐Rezaie
+ A measure-theoretic approach to the theory of dense hypergraphs 2012 Gábor Elek
Balázs Szegedy
+ Cut-norm and entropy minimization over weak⁎ limits 2019 Martin Doležal
Jan Hladký
+ The step Sidorenko property and non-norming edge-transitive graphs 2018 Daniel Kráľ
Táısa Martins
Péter Pál Pach
Marcin Wrochna
+ Partitioning Sparse Matrices with Eigenvectors of Graphs 1990 Alex Pothen
Horst D. Simon
K. N. Liou
+ PDF Chat Szemerédi’s Lemma for the Analyst 2007 László Lovász
Balázs Szegedy
+ PDF Chat Compact orbit spaces in Hilbert spaces and limits of edge-colouring models 2015 Guus Regts
Alexander Schrijver
+ PDF Chat Embedded in the Shadow of the Separator 2008 Frank Göring
Christoph Helmberg
Markus Wappler
+ PDF Chat An extremum property of sums of eigenvalues 1955 Helmut Wielandt
+ On the sum of the Laplacian eigenvalues of a tree 2011 Eliseu Fritscher
Carlos Hoppen
Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
+ Laplacian energy of diameter 3 trees 2011 Vilmar Trevisan
João Batista Pereira de Carvalho
Renata R. Del-Vecchio
Cybele T. M. Vinagre
+ Ordering trees by algebraic connectivity 1990 Robert Grone
Russell Merris
+ Spectral Graph Theory 1996 Fan Chung
+ PDF Chat On exchangeable random variables and the statistics of large graphs and hypergraphs 2008 Tim Austin
+ Characterizing trees with large Laplacian energy 2013 Eliseu Fritscher
Carlos Hoppen
Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
+ On the minimal energy ordering of trees with perfect matchings 2008 Ji‐Ming Guo
+ PDF Chat The Fastest Mixing Markov Process on a Graph and a Connection to a Maximum Variance Unfolding Problem 2006 Jun Sun
Stephen Boyd
Lin Xiao
Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Chat Total π-electron energy and Laplacian energy: How far the analogy goes? 2007 Slavko Radenković
Iván Gutman
+ Modern Aspects of Random Matrix Theory 2014 Van H. Vu
+ PDF Chat Graph norms and Sidorenko’s conjecture 2010 Hamed Hatami
+ Ordering trees with nearly perfect matchings by algebraic connectivity 2007 Li Zhang
Yue Liu
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Random Oriented Graphs 2012 Simon Griffiths
+ The ordering of trees and connected graphs by algebraic connectivity 2008 Jia‐Yu Shao
Ji‐Ming Guo
Haiying Shan
+ Quick Approximation to Matrices and Applications 1999 Alan Frieze
Ravi Kannan
+ On the algebraic connectivity of some caterpillars: A sharp upper bound and a total ordering 2009 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Cláudia Marcela Justel
+ Perron components and algebraic connectivity for weighted graphs 1998 Steve Kirkland
Shaun Fallat
+ PDF Chat Bipartite Subgraphs and Quasi-Randomness 2004 Jozef Skokan
Luboš Thoma
+ Laplacian energy of a graph 2005 Iván Gutman
Bo Zhou
+ Ordering trees with n vertices and matching number q by their largest Laplacian eigenvalues 2007 Shu-Guang Guo
+ An O(n2) Algorithm for the Characteristic Polynomial of a Tree 2001 David P. Jacobs
Catia M. S. Machado
Vilmar Trevisan
+ The six classes of trees with the largest algebraic connectivity 2007 Xiying Yuan
Jia‐Yu Shao
Li Zhang
+ PDF Chat On the uniform convexity of Lp and lp 1956 Olof Hanner
+ Ordering graphs with small index and its application 2002 Fuji Zhang
Zhibo Chen
+ On the logarithimic calculus and Sidorenko's conjecture 2011 J. L. Xiang Li
Balázs Szegedy
+ PDF Chat Extremal algebraic connectivities of certain caterpillar classes and symmetric caterpillars 2010 Óscar Rojo
Luis Medina
Nair De Abreu
Cláudia Marcela Justel
+ The effect on the second smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian of a graph by grafting edges 2008 Honghai Li
Jiong-Sheng Li
Yi-Zheng Fan
+ An information theoretic approach to Sidorenko's conjecture 2014 Balázs Szegedy
+ Ordering of the trees with a perfect matching by minimal energies 2009 Wenhuan Wang
Liying Kang
+ A minimax problem for graphs and its relation to generalized doubly stochastic matrices 1990 Miroslav Fiedler
+ Spectra of weighted generalized Bethe trees joined at the root 2008 Óscar Rojo
+ Ordering trees with algebraic connectivity and diameter 2007 Xiao‐Dong Zhang