Laure Dumaz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Localization crossover for the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in 1-d 2023 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization for the 1-d Schrödinger operator with white noise potential 2023 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ PDF Chat The delocalized phase of the Anderson Hamiltonian in 1-D 2023 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ PDF Chat The stochastic Airy operator at large temperature 2022 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ Anderson localization for the $1$-d Schrödinger operator with white noise potential 2022 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ The Sch$_\tau$ operator and the delocalized phase of the Anderson Hamiltonian in $1$-d 2021 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ PDF Chat Operator level hard-to-soft transition for β-ensembles 2021 Laure Dumaz
Yun Li
Benedek Valkó
+ The delocalized phase of the Anderson Hamiltonian in $1$-d 2021 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ Localization crossover for the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in $1$-d 2021 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ PDF Chat Near-critical spanning forests and renormalization 2020 Stéphane Benoist
Laure Dumaz
Wendelin Werner
+ Operator level hard-to-soft transition for $\beta$-ensembles 2020 Laure Dumaz
Yun Li
Benedek Valkó
+ PDF Chat Acoustic and geoacoustic inverse problems in randomly perturbed shallow-water environments 2019 Laure Dumaz
Josselin Garnier
Guilhem Lepoultier
+ PDF Chat Localization of the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in 1-D 2019 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ Large deviations and path properties of the true self-repelling motion 2018 Laure Dumaz
+ PDF Chat Random Matrices in Non-confining Potentials 2015 Romain Allez
Laure Dumaz
+ PDF Chat Tracy–Widom at High Temperature 2014 Romain Allez
Laure Dumaz
+ Random matrices in non-confining potentials 2014 Laure Dumaz
+ PDF Chat Moderate deviations of functional of Markov Processes 2014 Valère Bitseki Penda
Hacène Djellout
Laure Dumaz
Florence Merlevède
Frédéric Proïa
+ PDF Chat From sine kernel to Poisson statistics 2014 Romain Allez
Laure Dumaz
+ PDF Chat The right tail exponent of the Tracy–Widom $\beta$ distribution 2013 Laure Dumaz
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat Self-interacting processes and large deviations 2012 Laure Dumaz
+ Processus auto-interagissants et grandes déviations 2012 Laure Dumaz
+ Marginal densities of the “true” self-repelling motion 2012 Laure Dumaz
Bálint Tóth
+ Marginal densities of the "true" self-repelling motion 2012 Laure Dumaz
Bálint Tóth
+ PDF Chat A clever (self-repelling) burglar 2012 Laure Dumaz
+ Marginal densities of the "true" self-repelling motion 2012 Laure Dumaz
Bálint Tóth
+ Large deviations and path properties of the true self-repelling motion 2011 Laure Dumaz
+ Large deviations and path properties of the true self-repelling motion 2011 Laure Dumaz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Beta ensembles, stochastic Airy spectrum, and a diffusion 2011 José A. Ramı́rez
Brian Rider
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat The true self-repelling motion 1998 Bálint Tóth
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat The right tail exponent of the Tracy–Widom $\beta$ distribution 2013 Laure Dumaz
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat Localization of the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in 1-D 2019 Laure Dumaz
Cyril Labbé
+ PDF Chat Matrix models for beta ensembles 2002 Ioana Dumitriu
Alan Edelman
+ PDF Chat Tracy–Widom at High Temperature 2014 Romain Allez
Laure Dumaz
+ Asymptotic behavior of the "true" self-avoiding walk 1983 Daniel J. Amit
Giorgio Parisi
Luca Peliti
+ PDF Chat Brownian excursion area, Wright’s constants in graph enumeration, and other Brownian areas 2007 Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat Spectral Theory of Ordinary Differential Operators 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ PDF Chat The Brownian web: Characterization and convergence 2004 Luiz Renato Fontes
Marco Isopi
Charles M. Newman
K. Ravishankar
+ A limit law for the ground state of Hill's equation 1994 H. P. McKean
+ Large deviations and path properties of the true self-repelling motion 2011 Laure Dumaz
+ Log-Gases and Random Matrices 2010 Peter J. Forrester
+ PDF Chat From Random Matrices to Stochastic Operators 2007 Alan Edelman
Brian Sutton
+ PDF Chat Continuum limits of random matrices and the Brownian carousel 2009 Benedek Valkó
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat The Scaling Limit of the Critical One-Dimensional Random Schrödinger Operator 2012 Eugene Kritchevski
Benedek Valkó
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat On spectra of the Schr�dinger operator with a white Gaussian noise potential 1977 Masatoshi Fukushima
Shintaro Nakao
+ PDF Chat The local structure of the spectrum of the one-dimensional Schrödinger operator 1981 S. A. Molčanov
+ PDF Chat A diffusive matrix model for invariant $\beta$-ensembles 2013 Romain Allez
Alice Guionnet
+ PDF Chat Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices 2009 Zhidong Bai
Jack W. Silverstein
+ Universal scaling of the tail of the density of eigenvalues in random matrix models 1991 Mark J. Bowick
E. Brézin
+ PDF Chat Level-spacing distributions and the Airy kernel 1994 Craig A. Tracy
Harold Widom
+ PDF Chat On distributions of certain Wiener functionals 1949 Mark Kac
+ The Oxford Handbook of Random Matrix Theory 2015 Gernot Akemann
Jinho Baik
Philippe Di Francesco
+ Handbook of Brownian Motion - Facts and Formulae 2002 A. N. Borodin
Paavo Salminen
+ PDF Chat From sine kernel to Poisson statistics 2014 Romain Allez
Laure Dumaz
+ PDF Chat Eigenvectors of the 1-dimensional critical random Schrödinger operator 2018 Ben Rifkind
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat Individual energy level distributions for one-dimensional diagonal and off-diagonal disorder 2000 Christophe Texier
+ PDF Chat Reflection and coalescence between independent one-dimensional Brownian paths 2000 Florin Soucaliuc
Bálint Tóth
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Invariant Beta Ensembles and the Gauss-Wigner Crossover 2012 Romain Allez
Jean‐Philippe Bouchaud
Alice Guionnet
+ PDF Chat Sur le spectre des opérateurs aux différences finies aléatoires 1980 Hervé Kunz
Bernard Souillard
+ PDF Chat Invariant β-Wishart ensembles, crossover densities and asymptotic corrections to the Marčenko–Pastur law 2012 Romain Allez
Jean‐Philippe Bouchaud
Satya N. Majumdar
Pierpaolo Vivo
+ Electron Levels in a One-Dimensional Random Lattice 1960 H. Frisch
Seth Lloyd
+ Convergence of the Toth lattice filling curve to the Toth-Werner plane filling curve 2006 Charles M. Newman
K. Ravishankar
+ Integral representations for products of Airy functions 1995 W. H. Reid
+ Renormalisation of the 'true' self-avoiding walk 1983 S P Obukhov
Luca Peliti
+ PDF Chat On orthogonal and symplectic matrix ensembles 1996 Craig A. Tracy
Harold Widom
+ PDF Chat Diffusion at the Random Matrix Hard Edge 2009 José A. Ramı́rez
Brian Rider
+ Large gaps between random eigenvalues 2010 Benedek Valkó
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat Spiking the random matrix hard edge 2016 José A. Ramı́rez
Brian Rider
+ PDF Chat The Hoffman-Wielandt inequality in infinite dimensions 1994 Rajendra Bhatia
L. Elsner
+ Diffusion Processes and Their Sample Paths. 1996 PALE
Kiyosi Itô
H. P. McKean
+ PDF Chat Bulk Scaling Limit of the Laguerre Ensemble 2011 Stéphanie Jacquot
Benedek Valkó
+ Eigenvalue statistics for CMV matrices: From Poisson to clock via random matrix ensembles 2009 Rowan Killip
Mihai Stoiciu
+ PDF Chat Dyson's Brownian motions, intertwining and interlacing 2007 Jon Warren
+ Random walks with memory 1987 Luca Peliti
L. Pietronero
+ Statistical Theory of the Energy Levels of Complex Systems. I 1962 Freeman J. Dyson
+ A pure point spectrum of the stochastic one-dimensional schr�dinger operator 1977 I. Ya. Gol'dshtein
Stanislav Molchanov
L. А. Pastur
+ The spectrum edge of random matrix ensembles 1993 Peter J. Forrester
+ PDF Chat Local fluctuation of the spectrum of a multidimensional Anderson tight binding model 1996 Nariyuki Minami