Josef Cibulka


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Ramsey Numbers of Ordered Graphs 2020 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Karel Král
Jan Kynčl
+ PDF Chat Covering Lattice Points by Subspaces and Counting Point–Hyperplane Incidences 2018 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Drawing Graphs Using a Small Number of Obstacles 2017 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Pável Valtr
+ Covering lattice points by subspaces and counting point-hyperplane incidences 2017 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat On three measures of non-convexity 2017 Josef Cibulka
Miroslav Korbelář
Jan Kynčl
Viola Mészáros
Rudolf Stolař
Pável Valtr
+ Better upper bounds on the füredi-hajnal limits of permutations 2017 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
+ Better upper bounds on the Füredi-Hajnal limits of permutations 2017 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
+ Covering Lattice Points by Subspaces and Counting Point-Hyperplane Incidences. 2017 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Peeling Potatoes Near-Optimally in Near-Linear Time 2017 Sergio Cabello
Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
Maria Saumell
Pável Valtr
+ Covering lattice points by subspaces and counting point-hyperplane incidences 2017 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Pável Valtr
+ Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles 2016 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Pável Valtr
+ Füredi-Hajnal limits are typically subexponential. 2016 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
+ Better upper bounds on the Füredi-Hajnal limits of permutations 2016 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
+ Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles 2016 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Ramsey numbers of ordered graphs 2015 Martin Balko
Josef Cibulka
Karel Král
Jan Kynčl
+ PDF Chat Three-Monotone Interpolation 2015 Josef Cibulka
Jiřı́ Matoušek
Pavel Paták
+ PDF Chat On the Geometric Ramsey Number of Outerplanar Graphs 2014 Josef Cibulka
Pu Gao
Marek Krčál
Tomáš Valla
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Peeling Potatoes Near-Optimally in Near-Linear Time 2014 Sergio Cabello
Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
Maria Saumell
Pável Valtr
+ A Combinatorial Proof Of Rayleigh Monotonicity For Graphs. 2014 Josef Cibulka
Jan Hladký
Michael A. La Croix
David G. Wagner
+ On planar point sets with the pentagon property 2013 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
Pável Valtr
+ Graph sharing games: Complexity and connectivity 2013 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
Viola Mészáros
Rudolf Stolař
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Maximum Size of Reverse-Free Sets of Permutations 2013 Josef Cibulka
+ Polynomial bounds on geometric Ramsey numbers of ladder graphs 2013 Josef Cibulka
Pu Gao
Marek Krčál
Tomáš Valla
Pável Valtr
+ Universal Sets for Straight-Line Embeddings of Bicolored Graphs 2012 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
Viola Mészáros
Rudolf Stolař
Pável Valtr
+ Tight bounds on the maximum size of a set of permutations with bounded VC-dimension 2012 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
+ Tight bounds on the maximum size of a set of permutations with bounded VC-dimension 2012 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
+ PDF Chat Polynomial-time sortable stacks of burnt pancakes 2011 Anthony Labarre
Josef Cibulka
+ On average and highest number of flips in pancake sorting 2010 Josef Cibulka
+ Polynomial-time sortable stacks of burnt pancakes 2010 Anthony Labarre
Josef Cibulka
+ PDF Chat Solution of Peter Winkler’s Pizza Problem*† 2010 Josef Cibulka
Rudolf Stolař
Jan Kynčl
Viola Mészáros
Pável Valtr
Viola Mészáros
+ PDF Chat Graph Sharing Games: Complexity and Connectivity 2010 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
Viola Mészáros
Rudolf Stolař
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Untangling Polygons and Graphs 2009 Josef Cibulka
+ Solution of Peter Winkler’s Pizza Problem 2009 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
Viola Mészáros
Rudolf Stolař
Pável Valtr
+ Untangling polygons and graphs 2008 Josef Cibulka
+ On constants in the Füredi–Hajnal and the Stanley–Wilf conjecture 2008 Josef Cibulka
+ Elementary proof of Rayleigh formula for graphs 2008 Josef Cibulka
Jan Hladký
+ A combinatorial proof of Rayleigh monotonicity for graphs 2008 Josef Cibulka
Jan Hladký
Mathieu Lacroix
D.G. Wagner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Problem in Geometry 2009 P. Erdős
G. Szckeres
+ On a combinatorial problem in geometry 1975 H. L. Abbott
D. Hanson
+ PDF Chat Forbidden paths and cycles in ordered graphs and matrices 2006 János Pach
Gábor Tardos
+ Excluded permutation matrices and the Stanley–Wilf conjecture 2004 Adam W. Marcus
Gábor Tardos
+ PDF Chat Ramsey-Type Results for Geometric Graphs, I 1997 Gyula Károlyi
János Pach
Gézá Tóth
+ VC-Dimension of Sets of Permutations 2000 Ran Raz
+ Rayleigh Matroids 2006 YoungBin Choe
David G. Wagner
+ On constants in the Füredi–Hajnal and the Stanley–Wilf conjecture 2008 Josef Cibulka
+ Research Problems in Discrete Geometry 2005 János Pach
Peter Braß
W. O. J. Moser
+ The Füredi-Hajnal Conjecture Implies the Stanley-Wilf Conjecture 2000 Martin Klazar
+ PDF Chat Erdős-Szekeres-type theorems for monotone paths and convex bodies 2012 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ PDF Chat Ramsey-Type Results for Geometric Graphs, II 1998 György Károlyi
János Pach
Gézá Tóth
Pável Valtr
+ PDF Chat Ordered Ramsey theory and track representations of graphs 2015 Kevin G. Milans
Derrick Stolee
Douglas B. West
+ Graphs with obstacle number greater than one 2016 Leah Wrenn Berman
Glenn G. Chappell
Jill R. Faudree
John Gimbel
Chris Hartman
Gordon Williams
+ PDF Chat Untangling a Polygon 2002 Pach
Gábor Tardos
+ On Sets of Distances of <i>n</i> Points 1970 P. Erdős
+ How to eat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si367.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mn>4</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>9</mml:mn></mml:math> of a pizza 2011 Kolja Knauer
Piotr Micek
Torsten Ueckerdt
+ Extremal problems in discrete geometry 1983 Endre Szemerédi
W. T. Trotter
+ PDF Chat Trees in Polyhedral Graphs 1966 David Barnette
+ On the mean value of the volume of a random polytope in a convex set 1974 H. Groemer
+ Geometrie der Zahlen 1896 H. Minkowski
+ On 0–1 matrices and small excluded submatrices 2005 Gábor Tardos
+ PDF Chat On the Stanley–Wilf limit of 4231-avoiding permutations and a conjecture of Arratia 2005 Michael Albert
Murray Elder
Andrew Rechnitzer
P. Westcott
Mike Zabrocki
+ The Ramsey number of a graph with bounded maximum degree 1983 C Chvatál
V. Rödl
Endre Szemerédi
W. T. Trotter
+ Successive Minima and Lattice Points 2002 Martin Henk
+ PDF Chat Improved bounds and new techniques for Davenport--Schinzel sequences and their generalizations 2010 Gabriel Nivasch
+ PDF Chat Covering lattice points by subspaces 2002 Imre Bárány
Gergely Harcos
János Pach
Gábor Tardos
+ PDF Chat Higher-order Erdős–Szekeres theorems 2013 Marek Eliáš
Jiřı́ Matoušek
+ A general upper bound in extremal theory of sequences 1992 Martin Klazar
+ On a Problem of Heilbronn 1951 K. F. Roth
+ PDF Chat Ramsey Theory, integer partitions and a new proof of the Erdős–Szekeres Theorem 2014 Guy Moshkovitz
A. Shapira
+ PDF Chat Generalized Davenport-Schinzel sequences 1994 Martin Klazar
Pável Valtr
+ The convex hull of a random set of points 1965 B. Efron
+ Asymptotic values for degrees associated with strips of young diagrams 1981 Amitai Regev
+ Extensions of the linear bound in the Füredi–Hajnal conjecture 2006 Martin Klazar
Adam W. Marcus
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the theory of graphs 1947 P. Erdős
+ PDF Chat �ber die konvexe H�lle von n zuf�llig gew�hlten Punkten 1963 A. R�nyi
Robert A. Sulanke
+ PDF Chat Improved Enumeration of Simple Topological Graphs 2013 Jan Kynčl
+ PDF Chat Convex bodies, economic cap coverings, random polytopes 1988 Imre Bárány
D. G. Larman
+ Extremal functions of forbidden double permutation matrices 2009 Jesse Geneson
+ On the largest convex polygon contained in a non-convex n-gon, or how to peel a potato 1981 Jacob E. Goodman
+ Solution of Peter Winkler’s Pizza Problem 2009 Josef Cibulka
Jan Kynčl
Viola Mészáros
Rudolf Stolař
Pável Valtr
+ Generalized Davenport–Schinzel sequences and their 0–1 matrix counterparts 2011 Seth Pettie
+ Ordered Ramsey numbers 2002 S.A. Choudum
B. Ponnusamy
+ Graphs with Linearly Bounded Ramsey Numbers 1993 G.T. Chen
R. H. Schelp
+ A Combinatorial Proof of the All Minors Matrix Tree Theorem 1982 Seth Chaiken
+ PDF Chat Untangling a Planar Graph 2008 Andreas Spillner
Alexander Wolff
+ A combinatorial proof of the Rayleigh formula for graphs 2008 YoungBin Choe
+ The maximum number of unit distances in a convex n-gon 1990 Zoltán Füredi
+ New records in Stanley–Wilf limits 2005 Miklós Bóna