James McCool


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On a question of Remeslennikov 2001 James McCool
+ FREE GROUP ROOTS OF a<sup>k</sup>b<sup>l</sup> AND [ a<sup>k</sup>,b] 2000 James McCool
+ Presenting GLn(k〈T〉) 1999 Sava Krstić
James McCool
+ The Non-Finite Presentability of the Automorphism Group of the Free Z -Group of Rank Two 1997 Sava Krstić
James McCool
+ The non-finite presentability of IA ( F 3 ) and GL 2 (Z[ t, t −1 ]) 1997 Sava Krstić
James McCool
+ PDF Chat Free quotients of 𝑆𝐿₂(𝑅[𝑥]) 1997 Sava Krstić
James McCool
+ Finite Presentability of Φ<sub>n</sub> (<i>G</i> ), GL<sub>n</sub> (ZG) and their Elementary Subgroups and Steinberg Groups 1996 Geoffrey Kiralis
Sava Krstić
James McCool
+ Generating the mapping class group (An algebraic approach) 1996 James McCool
+ Automorphisms of Finitely Generated Free G-Groups 1994 James McCool
+ PDF Chat A class of one-relator groups with centre 1991 James McCool
+ PDF Chat The Coherence Number of 2-Groups 1990 James McCool
+ Virtually-residually-p automorphism groups of group rings 1990 James McCool
+ Two-dimensional linear characters and automorphisms of free groups 1990 James McCool
+ A faithful polynomial representation of Out <i>F</i><sub>3</sub> 1989 James McCool
+ PDF Chat Some Remarks on IA Automorphisms of Free Groups 1988 James McCool
+ The Automorphism Groups of Finite Extensions of Free Groups 1988 James McCool
+ PDF Chat On the Magnus–Smelkin embedding 1987 James McCool
+ PDF Chat On Basis-Conjugating Automorphisms of Free Groups 1986 James McCool
+ PDF Chat A Counterexample to Conjectures of Papakyriakopoulos and Swarup 1981 James McCool
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to conjectures of Papakyriakopoulos and Swarup 1981 James McCool
+ PDF Chat A Characterization of Periodic Automorphisms of a Free Group 1980 James McCool
+ On Reducible Braids 1980 James McCool
+ PDF Chat A characterization of periodic automorphisms of a free group 1980 James McCool
+ PDF Chat Groups which are an infinite cyclic extension of a unique base group 1977 A. M. Brunner
James McCool
Alfred Pietrowski
+ On Nielsen's Presentation of the Automorphism Group of a Free Group 1975 James McCool
+ Some finitely presented subgroups of the automorphism group of a free group 1975 James McCool
+ A Presentation for the Automorphism Group of a Free Group of Finite Rank 1974 James McCool
+ PDF Chat On one relator groups and <i>HNN</i> extensions 1973 James McCool
Paul E. Schupp
+ On a Conjecture of W. Magnus 1973 James McCool
Alfred Pietrowski
+ PDF Chat On Recognising Certain One Relation Presentations 1972 James McCool
Alfred Pietrowski
+ PDF Chat On recognising certain one relation presentations 1972 James McCool
Alfred Pietrowski
+ On free products with amalgamation of two infinite cyclic groups 1971 James McCool
Alfred Pietrowski
+ PDF Chat The Power Problem for Groups with One Defining Relator 1971 James McCool
+ PDF Chat The power problem for groups with one defining relator 1971 James McCool
+ PDF Chat Embedding Theorems for Countable Groups 1970 James McCool
+ PDF Chat Elements of finite order in free product sixth-groups 1968 James McCool
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Combinatorial Group Theory. 1967 P. M. Cohn
Wilhelm Magnus
A. Karrass
D. Solitar
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of a group with a single defining relation into a free product 1955 Abe Shenitzer
+ Combinatorial group theory 1978 Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ On Equivalent Sets of Elements in a Free Group 1936 J. H. C. Whitehead
+ Combinatorial Group Theory 1990 Roger C. Lyndon
Paul E. Schupp
+ Combinatorial Group Theory: Presentations of Groups in Terms of Generators and Relations 1966 Wilhelm Magnus
A. Karrass
D. Solitar
+ On free products with amalgamation of two infinite cyclic groups 1971 James McCool
Alfred Pietrowski
+ PDF Chat Finite and infinite cyclic extensions of free groups 1973 A. Karrass
Alfred Pietrowski
D. Solitar
+ Presentations of the amalgamated free product of two infinite cycles 1978 Donald J. Collins
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of a Group with a Single Defining Relation into a Free Product 1955 Abe Shenitzer
+ Generators of the free product with amalgamation of two infinite cyclic groups 1977 Heiner Zieschang
+ The isomorphism problem for one-relator groups with non-trivial centre 1974 Alfred Pietrowski
+ PDF Chat Equivalence of Elements Under Automorphisms of a Free Group 1974 Paul Higgins
Roger C. Lyndon
+ PDF Chat One-relater groups with center 1973 Stephen Meskin
Alfred Pietrowski
Arthur Steinberg
+ Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups 1974 Joan S. Birman
+ Certain subgroups of groups with a single defining relation 1967 Д. И. Молдаванский
+ PDF Chat Note on Nielsen transformations 1959 Elvira Strasser Rapaport
+ Algebraic Topology: An Introduction. 1968 Barry Mitchell
William S. Massey
+ A Presentation for the Automorphism Group of a Free Group of Finite Rank 1974 James McCool
+ Automorphism Subgroups of Finite Index in Algebraic Mapping Class Groups 1997 Warren Dicks
Edward Formanek
+ Some finitely presented subgroups of the automorphism group of a free group 1975 James McCool
+ Subrings of finite index in finitely generated rings 1967 Jacques Lewin
+ PDF Chat On equations in free groups. 1971 Arthur Steinberg
+ Mapping class groups and their relationship to braid groups 1969 Joan S. Birman
+ The coherence number of a finite group 1989 William J. Ralph
+ Exactness properties of profinite completion functors 1974 Michael P. Anderson
+ Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups 1972 H. S. M. Coxeter
W. O. J. Moser
+ Rings of Fricke characters and automorphism groups of free groups 1980 Wilhelm Magnus
+ Automorphisms of groups and of schemes of finite type 1983 Hyman Bass
Alexander Lubotzky
+ Normal subgroups of SL2(k[t]) with or without free quotients 1992 A. W. Mason
+ Elements of finite order in groups with a single defining relation 1960 A. Karrass
Wilhelm Magnus
D. Solitar
+ PDF Chat An algorithm for stem products and one-relator groups 1999 V. Metaftsis
+ A topological approach to the theory of groups acting on trees 1980 Marvin Tretkoff
+ PDF Chat Solution of the word problem for certain types of groups II 1957 J. L. Britton
+ The uses of 2 by 2 matrices in combinatorial group theory. A survey 1981 Wilhelm Magnus
+ On Britton's Theorem A 1968 Charles F. Miller
+ Über die Erweiterung von Gruppen. II 1925 Otto Schreier
+ Die Isomorphismengruppe der freien Gruppen 1924 Jakob Isak Nielsen
+ A simple presentation for the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1983 Bronisław Wajnryb
+ Normal automorphisms of free groups 1980 Alexander Lubotzky
+ A finite set of generators for the homeotopy group of a 2-manifold 1964 W. B. R. Lickorish
+ Periodic Automorphisms of the Two-Generator Free Group 1974 Stephen Meskin
+ PDF Chat On the centre and residual finiteness of the automorphism group of a group ring 1987 D. A. R. Wallace
+ Residual Properties of Infinite Soluble Groups 1957 K. W. Gruenberg
+ A Reduction of the Poincare Conjecture to Group Theoretic Conjectures 1963 C. D. Papakyriakopoulos
+ Characters of free groups represented in the two‐dimensional special linear group 1972 Robert D. Horowitz
+ PDF Chat A class of one-relator groups with centre 1991 James McCool
+ An Embedding Theorem for Groups with a Free Subgroup of Finite Index 1974 G. P. Scott
+ On Dehn's algorithms for the conjugacy and word problems, with applications 1960 Martin Greendlinger