D. S. Minenkov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On logarithmic asymptotics for the number of restricted partitions in the exponential case 2023 Murat V. Vakhitov
D. S. Minenkov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of the Whispering Gallery-Type in the Eigenproblem for the Laplacian in a Domain of Revolution Diffeomorphic To a Solid Torus 2023 D. S. Minenkov
С. А. Сергеев
+ Asymptotics of Long Nonlinear Propagating Waves in a One-Dimensional Basin with Gentle Shores 2023 D. S. Minenkov
M.M. Votiakova
+ PDF Chat Power allocation algorithms for massive MIMO systems with multi-antenna users 2023 Evgeny Bobrov
Boris Chinyaev
В.А. Кузнецов
D. S. Minenkov
Daniil Yudakov
+ Restricted Partitions: The Polynomial Case 2022 В. Л. Чернышев
Titus Hilberdink
D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ PDF Chat Power Allocation Algorithms for Massive MIMO Systems with Multi-Antenna Users 2022 Evgeny Bobrov
Boris Chinyaev
Victor P. Kuznetsov
D. S. Minenkov
Daniil Yudakov
+ Asymptotic Solutions of the Cauchy Problem for the Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations in a Basin with a Gently Sloping Beach 2022 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Power Allocation Algorithms for Massive MIMO Systems with Multi-Antenna Users 2022 Evgeny Bobrov
Boris Chinyaev
В.А. Кузнецов
D. S. Minenkov
Daniil Yudakov
+ PDF Chat Ограниченные разбиения: полиномиальный случай 2022 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
Titus Hilberdink
В. Л. Чернышев
+ Representation of Bessel functions by the Maslov canonical operator 2021 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Adaptive Regularized Zero-Forcing Beam Forming In Massive MIMO With Multi-Antenna Users 2021 Evgeny Bobrov
Boris Chinaev
Victor P. Kuznetsov
Hao Lu
D. S. Minenkov
Sergey Troshin
Daniil Yudakov
Danila Zaev
+ Adaptive Regularized Zero-Forcing Beam Forming In Massive MIMO With Multi-Antenna Users 2021 Evgeny Bobrov
Boris Chinaev
В.А. Кузнецов
Hao Lu
D. S. Minenkov
Sergey Troshin
Daniil Yudakov
Danila Zaev
+ The number of endpoints of a random walk on a semi-infinite metric path graph 2021 В. Л. Чернышев
D. S. Minenkov
А. А. Толченников
+ PDF Chat О количестве возможных конечных положений случайного блуждания на метрическом графе - полубесконечной цепи 2021 В. Л. Чернышев
D. S. Minenkov
А. А. Толченников
+ Adaptive Regularized Zero-Forcing Beamforming in Massive MIMO with Multi-Antenna Users 2021 Evgeny Bobrov
Boris Chinyaev
В.А. Кузнецов
Hao Lu
D. S. Minenkov
Sergey Troshin
Daniil Yudakov
Danila Zaev
+ PDF Chat Classical and Quantum Dynamics of a Particle in a Narrow Angle 2019 Sergei Yu Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
А. И. Нейштадт
Senya Shlosman
+ Asymptotics of Wave Functions of the Stationary Schrödinger Equation in the Weyl Chamber 2018 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
Senya Shlosman
+ Typical Shape of Elements in an Arithmetical Semigroup with Exponentially Growing Prime Counting Function and Deviations from the Bose–Einstein Distribution 2018 В. Л. Чернышев
D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ PDF Chat Electronic optics in graphene in the semiclassical approximation 2018 K. J. A. Reijnders
D. S. Minenkov
M. I. Katsnelson
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
+ Asymptotics near the shore for 2D shallow water over sloping planar bottom 2017 D. S. Minenkov
+ On the limit shape of elements of an arithmetic semigroup with an exponentially growing counting function of basis elements 2017 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
В. Л. Чернышев
+ On the asymptotics of the element counting function in an additive arithmetic semigroup with exponential counting function of prime generators 2016 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
В. Л. Чернышев
+ Remark on the inverse abstract prime number theorem 2016 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ On the Bose–Maslov statistics in the case of infinitely many degrees of freedom 2016 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
В. Л. Чернышев
+ Asymptotics of the counting function of $k$-th power-free elements in an arithmetic semigroup 2016 В. Л. Чернышев
D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Замечание об обратной теореме о распределении абстрактных простых чисел 2016 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Об асимптотике считающей функции элементов в аддитивной арифметической полугруппе с экспоненциальной считающей функцией простых образующих 2016 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
В. Л. Чернышев
+ Simple exact and asymptotic solutions of the 1D run-up problem over a slowly varying (quasiplanar) bottom 2015 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
B. Tirozzi
+ The Maupertuis-Jacobi principle for Hamiltonians of the form F(x, |p|) in two-dimensional stationary semiclassical problems 2015 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
Michel Rouleux
+ On applications of Maupertuis-Jacobi correspondence for Hamiltonians $F(x,|p|)$ in some 2-D stationary semiclassical problems 2014 Sergey Yur'evich Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
Michel Rouleux
+ Exact solutions of one-dimensional nonlinear shallow water equations over even and sloping bottoms 2014 Yu. A. Chirkunov
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
С. Б. Медведев
D. S. Minenkov
+ PDF Chat Точные решения одномерных уравнений мелкой воды над ровным и наклонным дном 2014 Юрий Александрович Чиркунов
Yurii Aleksandrovich Chirkunov
Сергей Юрьевич Доброхотов
Sergei Yur'evich Dobrokhotov
С. Б. Медведев
С. Б. Медведев
D. S. Minenkov
D. S. Minenkov
+ Asymptotics of the solutions of the one-dimensional nonlinear system of equations of shallow water with degenerate velocity 2012 D. S. Minenkov
+ PDF Chat Functions of Noncommuting Operators in an Asymptotic Problem for a 2D Wave Equation with Variable Velocity and Localized Right-hand Side 2012 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
B. Tirozzi
+ Remark on the phase shift in the Kuzmak-Whitham ansatz 2011 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the asymptotics of the number of states for the Bose-Maslov gas 2012 В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Abstract Analytic Number Theory 1975 John Knopfmacher
+ PDF Chat Statistics of Gaussian packets on metric and decorated graphs 2013 В. Л. Чернышев
А. И. Шафаревич
+ The distribution of the number of summands in the partitions of a positive integer 1941 P. Erdős
Joseph Lehner
+ A Symbolic Proof of a Theorem of Margulis on Geodesic Arcs on Negatively Curved Manifolds 1995 Mark Pollicott
+ On the Partition Function <i>p</i> (<i>n</i> ) 1938 Hans Rademacher
+ PDF Chat On the topological entropy of geodesic flows 1997 Ricardo Ma né
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents, entropy and periodic orbits for diffeomorphisms 1980 A. Katok
+ Localized solutions of one-dimensional non-linear shallow-water equations with velocity $ c=\sqrt x$ 2010 Sergei Yu Dobrokhotov
B. Tirozzi
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Formulaae in Combinatory Analysis 1918 G. H. Hardy
S. Ramanujan
+ PDF Chat Статистическая механика комбинаторных разбиений и их предельные конфигурации 1996 Анатолий Моисеевич Вершик
Анатолий Моисеевич Вершик
+ An Elementary Proof of the Prime-Number Theorem 1949 Atle Selberg
+ Introduction to Analytic Number Theory 1988 Alexander Postnikov
+ Correction to the leading term of asymptotics in the problem of counting the number of points moving on a metric tree 2017 В. Л. Чернышев
А. А. Толченников
+ Asymptotics of the Number of Restricted Partitions 2020 В. Л. Чернышев
Titus Hilberdink
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Asymptotics of the solutions of the one-dimensional nonlinear system of equations of shallow water with degenerate velocity 2012 D. S. Minenkov
+ Localized wave and vortical solutions to linear hyperbolic systems and their application to linear shallow water equations 2008 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
А. И. Шафаревич
B. Tirozzi
+ PDF Chat Eigen-Based Transceivers for the MIMO Broadcast Channel With Semi-Orthogonal User Selection 2010 Liang Sun
Matthew R. McKay
+ Asymptotische aussagen �ber Partitionen 1953 G�nter Meinardus
+ Asymptotic solution of the one-dimensional wave equation with localized initial data and with degenerating velocity: I 2010 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
B. Tirozzi
+ Exact analytical solutions of nonlinear problems of tsunami wave run-up on slopes with different profiles 1992 Efim Pelinovsky
R. Kh. Mazova
+ The Second Term in the Asymptotics for the Number of Points Moving Along a Metric Graph 2017 В. Л. Чернышев
А. А. Толченников
+ Statistical mechanics of combinatorial partitions, and their limit shapes 1996 A. M. Vershik
+ Asymptotic estimate for the number of Gaussian packets on three decorated graphs 2014 В. Л. Чернышев
А. А. Толченников
+ PDF Chat Energy and Spectral Efficiency of Very Large Multiuser MIMO Systems 2013 Hien Quoc Ngo
Erik G. Larsson
Thomas L. Marzetta
+ The general theory of Dirichlet's series 1915 G. H. Hardy
+ On the rate of convergence to the Bose–Einstein distribution 2016 V. P. Maslov
В. Е. Назайкинский
Dudley Stark
+ On the distribution of large prime divisors 1972 Patrick Billingsley
+ Théorie des perturbations et méthodes asymptotiques 1972 V. P. Maslov
Владимир Игоревич Арнольд
V. S. Buslaev
J. Lascoux
Roland Sénéor
Jean Leray
+ PDF Chat The semi-classical Maupertuis–Jacobi correspondence for quasi-periodic Hamiltonian flows with applications to linear water waves theory 2011 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
Michel Rouleux
+ Graphene: carbon in two dimensions 2006 M. I. Katsnelson
+ The Difference between Consecutive Prime Numbers 1938 R. A. Rankin
+ Nonlinear Poisson Brackets: Geometry and Quantization 1993 Michael Karasev
V. P. Maslov
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ PDF Chat New Radio Physical Layer Abstraction for System-Level Simulations of 5G Networks 2020 Sandra Lagén
Kevin Wanuga
Hussain Elkotby
Sanjay Goyal
Natale Patriciello
Lorenza Giupponi
+ PDF Chat New formulas for Maslov’s canonical operator in a neighborhood of focal points and caustics in two-dimensional semiclassical asymptotics 2013 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
G. N. Makrakis
В. Е. Назайкинский
T. Ya. Tudorovskii
+ Polynomial approximation for the number of all possible endpoints of a random walk on a metric graph 2018 В. Л. Чернышев
А. А. Толченников
+ Zur Theorie der Dirichletschen Reihen. 1908 Oskar Perron
+ Asymptotic estimate for the counting problems corresponding to the dynamical system on some decorated graphs 2017 В. Л. Чернышев
А. А. Толченников
+ Об асимптотике считающей функции элементов в аддитивной арифметической полугруппе с экспоненциальной считающей функцией простых образующих 2016 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
В. Л. Чернышев
+ IV.—On Least Squares and Linear Combination of Observations 1936 A. C. Aitken
+ On the asymptotics of the element counting function in an additive arithmetic semigroup with exponential counting function of prime generators 2016 D. S. Minenkov
В. Е. Назайкинский
В. Л. Чернышев
+ Simple Asymptotics for a Generalized Wave Equation with Degenerating Velocity and Their Applications in the Linear Long Wave Run-Up Problem 2018 A. Yu. Anikin
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ PDF Chat Optimal Multiuser Transmit Beamforming: A Difficult Problem with a Simple Solution Structure [Lecture Notes] 2014 Emil Björnson
Mats Bengtsson
Björn Ottersten
+ Analysis of a simple factorization algorithm 1976 Donald E. Knuth
Luis Trabb Pardo
+ Spectral Theory of Self-Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Space 1987 M. Sh. Birman
M. Z. Solomjak
+ A class of exact algebraic localized solutions of the multidimensional wave equation 2010 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
S. Ya. Sekerzh–Zen’kovich
+ On Ingham's Tauberian theorem for partitions 1952 F. C. Auluck
C. B. Haselgrove
+ Asymptotic methods in equations of mathematical physics 1989 B. Vaĭnberg