P. Lebœuf


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Wave-packet dynamics in nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2012 Simon Moulieras
Alejandro Monastra
Marcos Saraceno
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Wavepacket Dynamics in Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations 2012 Simon Moulieras
Alejandro Monastra
Marcos Saraceno
P. Lebœuf
+ Generalized random matrix conjecture for chaotic systems 2011 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
+ PDF Chat Superfluid Motion of Light 2010 P. Lebœuf
Simon Moulieras
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of the superfluidity of a matter wave in a random environment 2010 Mathias Albert
T. Paul
Nicolas Pavloff
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Level density of a Fermi gas and integer partitions: A Gumbel-like finite-size correction 2010 Jérôme Roccia
P. Lebœuf
+ Breakdown of superfluidity of an atom laser in a random environment 2010 Mathias Albert
T. Paul
Nicolas Pavloff
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Localization by bichromatic potentials versus Anderson localization 2010 Mathias Albert
P. Lebœuf
+ Superfluid Motion of Light 2010 P. Lebœuf
Simon Moulieras
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization of a weakly interacting one-dimensional Bose gas 2009 T. Paul
Mathias Albert
Peter Schlagheck
P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
+ PDF Chat Dipole Oscillations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of Defects and Disorder 2008 Mathias Albert
T. Paul
Nicolas Pavloff
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Theory of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Pairing-Gap Fluctuations 2008 H. Olofsson
Sven Åberg
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic Fluctuations of the Pairing Gap 2008 Sven Åberg
H. Olofsson
P. Lebœuf
Paweł Danielewicz
Piotr Piecuch
Vladimir Zelevinsky
+ Dipole Oscillations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in Presence of Defects and Disorder 2008 Mathias Albert
T. Paul
Nicolas Pavloff
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Level Density of a Fermi Gas: Average Growth and Fluctuations [Phys. Rev. Lett.<b>97</b>, 010401 (2006)] 2007 P. Lebœuf
Jérôme Roccia
+ PDF Chat Ground-state energy of finite Fermi systems 2007 Jérôme Roccia
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Superfluidity versus Anderson Localization in a Dilute Bose Gas 2007 T. Paul
Peter Schlagheck
P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
+ PDF Chat Level Density of a Bose Gas and Extreme Value Statistics 2007 Alain Comtet
P. Lebœuf
Satya N. Majumdar
+ On the ground--state energy of finite Fermi systems 2007 Jérôme Roccia
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Average ground-state energy of finite Fermi systems 2006 M. Centelles
P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
Jérôme Roccia
P. Schuck
X. Viñas
+ PDF Chat On the spacing distribution of the Riemann zeros: corrections to the asymptotic result 2006 E. Bogomolny
O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
A G Monastra
+ PDF Chat Level Density of a Fermi Gas: Average Growth and Fluctuations 2006 P. Lebœuf
Jérôme Roccia
+ PDF Chat Spectral statistics in an open parametric billiard system 2006 Barbara Dietz
A. Heine
A. Richter
O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Correlations in Nuclear Masses 2006 H. Olofsson
Sven Åberg
O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear transport of Bose-Einstein condensates through waveguides with disorder 2005 Tobias Paul
P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
Klaus Richter
Peter Schlagheck
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations in the Level Density of a Fermi Gas 2005 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
A. Relaño
+ PDF Chat Level density of a Fermion gas: average growth, fluctuations, universality 2005 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Regularity and chaos in the nuclear masses 2005 P. Lebœuf
+ Regularity and chaos in the nuclear masses 2004 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Periodic orbit spectrum in terms of Ruelle-Pollicott resonances 2004 P. Lebœuf
+ Regularity and chaos in the nuclear masses 2004 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Periodic orbit spectrum in terms of Ruelle--Pollicott resonances 2004 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Solitonic transmission of Bose-Einstein matter waves 2003 P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
Sushant K. Sinha
+ PDF Chat Prime Correlations and Fluctuations 2003 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Quantum thermodynamic fluctuations of a chaotic Fermi-gas model 2003 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
+ PDF Chat Large geometric phases and non-elementary monopoles 2003 P. Lebœuf
Anne Mouchet
+ Prime Correlations and Fluctuations 2003 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of Small Fermi Systems: Quantum Statistical Fluctuations 2002 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
+ PDF Chat Nuclear Masses: Evidence of Order-Chaos Coexistence 2002 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein beams: Coherent propagation through a guide 2001 P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
+ The Riemannium 2001 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
O. Bohigas
+ PDF Chat Spectral spacing correlations for chaotic and disordered systems 2001 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
Juan Mayor Sanchez
+ Spectral spacing correlations for chaotic and disordered systems 2001 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
M. J. Sánchez
+ The Riemannium 2001 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
O. Bohigas
+ The Riemannium 2001 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
O. Bohigas
+ PDF Chat Bose beams: coherent propagation through a guide 2001 P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
+ The Riemannium 2001 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
O. Bohigas
+ The Riemannium 2001 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
O. Bohigas
+ The Riemannium 2001 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
O. Bohigas
+ The Riemannium 2001 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
O. Bohigas
+ PDF Chat Correlations and fluctuations of a confined electron gas 2000 P. Lebœuf
Alejandro Monastra
+ PDF Chat Spectral Statistics of Chaotic Systems with a Pointlike Scatterer 2000 E. Bogomolny
P. Lebœuf
C. Schmit
+ PDF Chat Random matrices, random polynomials and Coulomb systems 2000 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Spectral statistics of chaotic systems with a point-like scatterer 2000 E. Bogomolny
P. Lebœuf
C. Schmit
+ PDF Chat Universality in quantum parametric correlations 1999 P. Lebœuf
Martin Sieber
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the total energy of a system of non-interacting fermions: random matrix and semiclassical estimates 1999 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
M. J. Sánchez
+ Normal Forms and Complex Periodic Orbits in Semiclassical Expansions of Hamiltonian Systems 1999 P. Lebœuf
Amaury Mouchet
+ PDF Chat Random Analytic Chaotic Eigenstates 1999 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Random Analytic Chaotic Eigenstates 1999 P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Normal and anomalous diffusion in a deterministic area-preserving map 1998 P. Lebœuf
+ On the distribution of the total energy of a system on non-interacting fermions: random matrix and semiclassical estimates 1998 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
M. J. Sánchez
+ Statistical properties of the time evolution of complex systems. I 1997 P. Lebœuf
Guglielmo Iacomelli
+ PDF Chat Quantum chaotic dynamics and random polynomials 1996 E. Bogomolny
O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ Universal fluctuations of zeros of chaotic wavefunctions 1996 P. Lebœuf
Pragya Shukla
+ PDF Chat Tunneling and the Band Structure of Chaotic Systems 1994 P. Lebœuf
Anne Mouchet
+ Statistical properties of the zeros of zeta functions-beyond the Riemann case 1994 E. Bogomolny
P. Lebœuf
+ Distribution of roots of random polynomials 1992 E. Bogomolny
O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Distribution of eigenfrequencies for the wave equation in a finite domain: III. Eigenfrequency density oscillations 1972 R. Balian
Claude Bloch
+ Semiclassical theory of spectral rigidity 1985 Michael Berry
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein beams: Coherent propagation through a guide 2001 P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
+ PDF Chat Superfluidity versus Anderson Localization in a Dilute Bose Gas 2007 T. Paul
Peter Schlagheck
P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
+ PDF Chat Solitary waves in clouds of Bose-Einstein condensed atoms 1998 A.D. Jackson
G. M. Kavoulakis
C. J. Pethick
+ PDF Chat Nuclear Masses: Evidence of Order-Chaos Coexistence 2002 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Stationary and Nonstationary Fluid Flow of a Bose-Einstein Condensate Through a Penetrable Barrier 2007 Peter Engels
C. R. Atherton
+ PDF Chat Effect of Optical Disorder and Single Defects on the Expansion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a One-Dimensional Waveguide 2005 C. Fort
L. Fallani
Vera Guarrera
Jessica Lye
M. Modugno
D.S. Wiersma
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Dipole Oscillations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of Defects and Disorder 2008 Mathias Albert
T. Paul
Nicolas Pavloff
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Universality in quantum parametric correlations 1999 P. Lebœuf
Martin Sieber
+ PDF Chat Atomic Scattering in the Presence of an External Confinement and a Gas of Impenetrable Bosons 1998 Maxim Olshanii
+ Riemann's Zeta Function 1974 Harold M. Edwards
+ PDF Chat Suppression and Enhancement of Impurity Scattering in a Bose-Einstein Condensate 2000 A. P. Chikkatur
Axel Görlitz
Dan Stamper-Kurn
S. Inouye
Subhadeep Gupta
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ Correlations in the actions of periodic orbits derived from quantum chaos 1993 Nathan Argaman
F.-M. Dittes
E. Doron
J. P. Keating
Alexei Kitaev
Martin Sieber
Uzy Smilansky
+ <i>Spectra of Finite Systems</i> 1977 H. P. Baltes
Eberhard R. Hilf
John L. Challifour
+ PDF Chat Observation of Vortex Phase Singularities in Bose-Einstein Condensates 2001 S. Inouye
Subhadeep Gupta
T. Rosenband
A. P. Chikkatur
Axel Görlitz
T. L. Gustavson
A. E. Leanhardt
Duncan Pritchard
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Dissipative transport of a Bose-Einstein condensate 2010 D. Dries
S. E. Pollack
J. Hitchcock
Randall G. Hulet
+ PDF Chat Phase coherence and superfluid-insulator transition in a disordered Bose-Einstein condensate 2008 Yong P. Chen
J. Hitchcock
D. Dries
M. Junker
C. Welford
Randall G. Hulet
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Formulaae in Combinatory Analysis 1918 G. H. Hardy
S. Ramanujan
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Random Potential 2005 Jessica Lye
L. Fallani
M. Modugno
Diederik S. Wiersma
C. Fort
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of superfluidity of an atom laser past an obstacle 2002 Nicolas Pavloff
+ PDF Chat Orbital magnetism in the ballistic regime: geometrical effects 1996 Klaus W. Richter
Denis Ullmo
Rodolfo A. Jalabert
+ PDF Chat Effects of disorder in a dilute Bose gas 1994 S. Giorgini
Лев П. Питаевский
S. Stringari
+ Gutzwiller's Trace Formula and Spectral Statistics: Beyond the Diagonal Approximation 1996 E. Bogomolny
J. P. Keating
+ PDF Chat Collective oscillations of a one-dimensional trapped Bose-Einstein gas 2002 Chiara Menotti
S. Stringari
+ Periodic Orbits and Classical Quantization Conditions 1971 Martin C. Gutzwiller
+ Distribution of roots of random polynomials 1992 E. Bogomolny
O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization of a weakly interacting one-dimensional Bose gas 2009 T. Paul
Mathias Albert
Peter Schlagheck
P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
+ The Theory of Partitions 1984 George E. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Observation of Superfluid Flow in a Bose-Einstein Condensed Gas 2000 Roberto Onofrio
Chandra Raman
J. M. Vogels
J. R. Abo-Shaeer
A. P. Chikkatur
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Observation of Resonance Condensation of Fermionic Atom Pairs 2004 C. A. Regal
Markus Greiner
D. S. Jin
+ Spectral spacing correlations for chaotic and disordered systems 2001 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
M. J. Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Solitonic transmission of Bose-Einstein matter waves 2003 P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
Sushant K. Sinha
+ PDF Chat Some problems of ‘Partitio numerorum’; III: On the expression of a number as a sum of primes 1923 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Nuclear Ground-State Masses and Deformations 1995 P. Möller
J.R. Nix
W.D. Myers
W.J. Świa̧tecki
+ PDF Chat Density modulations in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate released from a disordered potential 2008 David Clément
Philippe Bouyer
Alain Aspect
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear transport of Bose-Einstein condensates through waveguides with disorder 2005 Tobias Paul
P. Lebœuf
Nicolas Pavloff
Klaus Richter
Peter Schlagheck
+ Semiclassical formula for the number variance of the Riemann zeros 1988 Michael Berry
+ PDF Chat Parametric conductance correlation for irregularly shaped quantum dots 1996 Henrik Bruus
Caio Lewenkopf
Eduardo R. Mucciolo
+ PDF Chat Brownian-motion model for parametric correlations in the spectra of disordered metals 1993 C. W. J. Beenakker
+ The distribution of the number of summands in the partitions of a positive integer 1941 P. Erdős
Joseph Lehner
+ PDF Chat Quantum chaotic dynamics and random polynomials 1996 E. Bogomolny
O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Destruction of Anderson Localization by a Weak Nonlinearity 2008 Arkady Pikovsky
Dima L. Shepelyansky
+ PDF Chat Microelectromagnets for trapping and manipulating ultracold atomic quantum gases 2002 József Fortágh
Herwig Ott
Götz Schlotterbeck
C. Zimmermann
Bastian Herzog
D. Wharam
+ Universal fluctuations of zeros of chaotic wavefunctions 1996 P. Lebœuf
Pragya Shukla
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts 1998 Thomas Guhr
Axel Müller–Groeling
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Damped Bloch oscillations of Bose–Einstein condensates in disordered potential gradients 2008 S. Drenkelforth
G. Kleine Büning
J. Will
Thomas Schulte
N. Murray
W. Ertmer
L. Santos
J. Arlt
+ PDF Chat Tunneling and the Band Structure of Chaotic Systems 1994 P. Lebœuf
Anne Mouchet
+ PDF Chat The pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta function and distribution of primes 2001 Jingwen Liu
Y. Ye