Paul Hoyer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bound state basics 2024 Paul Hoyer
+ QCD bound states in motion 2023 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Hadrons as QCD Bound States 2022 Paul Hoyer
+ Hadrons as QCD Bound States 2021 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Journey to the Bound States 2021 Paul Hoyer
+ Bound states and Perturbation theory 2020 Paul Hoyer
+ Bound states and perturbation theory 2019 Paul Hoyer
+ Bound states and perturbation theory 2019 Paul Hoyer
+ Bound states and QCD 2018 Paul Hoyer
+ Bound states and QCD 2018 Paul Hoyer
+ The Born approximation for bound states 2017 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Born Level Bound States 2017 Paul Hoyer
+ The Born approximation for bound states 2017 Paul Hoyer
+ Lectures on Bound states 2016 Paul Hoyer
+ Lectures on Bound states 2016 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Confinement with Perturbation Theory, After All? 2014 Paul Hoyer
+ Bound states – from QED to QCD 2014 Paul Hoyer
+ Bound states -- from QED to QCD 2014 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Towards a Born term for hadrons 2013 Dennis D. Dietrich
Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
+ Are hadrons simpler than they seem 2013 Paul Hoyer
+ Are hadrons simpler than they seem? 2013 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Boosting equal time bound states 2012 Dennis D. Dietrich
Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
+ Relativistic bound states at Born level 2012 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Measuring transverse shape with virtual photons 2011 Paul Hoyer
Samu Kurki
+ PDF Chat The<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>ℏ</mml:mi></mml:math>expansion in quantum field theory 2011 Stanley J. Brodsky
Paul Hoyer
+ Introduction to QCD - a bound state perspective 2011 Paul Hoyer
+ Measuring transverse size with virtual photons 2011 Paul Hoyer
+ Hadron Structure 2010 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Transverse shape of the electron 2010 Paul Hoyer
Samu Kurki
+ Hadron Structure 2010 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Searching for the triplet Higgs sector via central exclusive production at the LHC 2009 Масуд Чайчиан
Paul Hoyer
Katri Huitu
V. A. Khoze
A. D. Pilkington
+ QCD factorization at fixed Q^2(1-x) 2009 Paul Hoyer
+ Bound states at lowest order in hbar 2009 Paul Hoyer
+ QCD factorization at fixed Q^2(1-x) 2009 Paul Hoyer
+ Factorization at fixed<i>Q</i><sup>2</sup>(1−<i>x</i>) 2008 Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
Samu Kurki
+ PDF Chat Semi-exclusive deeply virtual Compton scattering 2007 Paul Hoyer
Heidi Virtanen
+ PDF Chat Perturbative gauge theory in a background 2007 Dennis D. Dietrich
Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
Stéphane Peigné
+ PDF Chat Single spin asymmetry at large<i>x</i><sub><i>F</i></sub>and<i>k</i><sub>⊥</sub> 2007 Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
+ PDF Chat Comments on the Relativity of Shape 2007 Paul Hoyer
Costas N. Papanicolas
A. M. Bernstein
+ PDF Chat Perturbative gauge theory in a background 2007 Dennis D. Dietrich
Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
Stéphane Peigné
+ PDF Chat Parton Propagation in a Gluon Field 2006 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Soft rescattering in DIS: effects of helicity flip 2005 Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
+ PDF Chat Hard diffraction from parton rescattering in QCD 2005 Stanley J. Brodsky
Rikard Enberg
Paul Hoyer
G. Ingelman
+ QCD Green functions in a gluon field 2004 Paul Hoyer
Stéphane Peigné
+ PDF Chat Subprocess size in hard exclusive scattering 2004 Paul Hoyer
Jonathan Lenaghan
Kimmo Tuominen
Carsten Vogt
+ QCD Green functions in a gluon field 2004 Paul Hoyer
Stéphane Peigné
+ Rescattering Effects on DIS Parton Distributions 2003 Paul Hoyer
+ Filling Perturbative Ground States 2003 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Structure functions are not Parton probabilities 2003 Stanley J. Brodsky
Paul Hoyer
Nils Marchal
Stéphane Peigné
Francesco Sannino
+ PDF Chat Perturbative QCD with quark and gluon condensates 2003 Paul Hoyer
+ Dressing the Quark with QCD Condensates 2003 Paul Hoyer
Stéphane Peigné
+ Hard probes in heavy ion collisions at the LHC: heavy flavour physics 2003 M. Bedjidian
D. Blaschke
Geoffrey T. Bodwin
N. Carrer
B. Cole
P. Crochet
A. Dainese
Aldo Deandrea
S. Frixione
Paul Hoyer
+ Filling Perturbative Ground States 2003 Paul Hoyer
+ Rescattering Effects on DIS Parton Distributions 2003 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Perturbative QCD with Quark and Gluon Condensates 2003 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Structure Functions are not Parton Probabilities 2003 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Probing QCD at medium 2002 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Structure functions are not parton probabilities 2002 Stanley J. Brodsky
Paul Hoyer
Nils Marchal
Stéphane Peigné
Francesco Sannino
+ Comover Enhancement of Quarkonium Production 2002 Paul Hoyer
Nils Marchal
Stéphane Peigné
+ Perturbative QCD with Quark and Gluon Condensates 2002 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Duality in semi-exclusive processes 2001 P. Edén
Paul Hoyer
Alexander Khodjamirian
+ PDF Chat The static PQCD potential with modified boundary conditions 2001 Paul Hoyer
Johan Rathsman
+ PDF Chat Photoproduction of charm near threshold 2001 Stanley J. Brodsky
E. Chudakov
Paul Hoyer
J.M. Laget
+ PDF Chat Quarkonium production through hard comover scattering. II. 2000 Nils Marchal
Stéphane Peigné
Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Semi-exclusive production of photons at HERA 2000 Paul Hoyer
M. Maul
Andreas Metz
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">ψ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>′</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>to ψ ratio in diffractive photoproduction 2000 Paul Hoyer
Stéphane Peigné
+ ELFE Physics 1999 Paul Hoyer
+ Soft Perturbative QCD 1999 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of quarkonium production 1999 Paul Hoyer
+ Semi-exclusive processes: new probes of hadron structure 1999 Stanley J. Brodsky
Markus Diehl
Paul Hoyer
Stéphane Peigné
+ PDF Chat Quarkonium production through hard comover scattering 1999 Paul Hoyer
Stéphane Peigné
+ Soft Perturbative QCD 1999 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Rescattering effects in quarkonium production 1998 Paul Hoyer
Stéphane Peigné
+ PDF Chat Physics opportunities at ELFE 1997 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat The intrinsic gluon component of the nucleon 1997 Paul Hoyer
D.P. Roy
+ Physics at ELFE 1997 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Rapidity gaps in perturbative QCD 1997 Stanley J. Brodsky
Paul Hoyer
Lorenzo Magnea
+ PDF Chat Nuclear dependence of structure functions in coordinate space 1997 Paul Hoyer
M. Vänttinen
+ Charmonium Production at ELFE Energies 1997 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat The interpretation of rapidity gaps at HERA 1996 Paul Hoyer
C. S. Lam
+ A Perturbative Gluon Condensate? 1996 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Charmonium production via fragmentation at higher orders in α 1996 P. Ernström
Paul Hoyer
M. Vänttinen
+ Charmonium Production via Fragmentation at Higher Orders in alpha_s 1996 P. Ernström
Paul Hoyer
M. Vänttinen
+ PDF Chat Systematics of heavy quark production in high energy electron-proton collisions 1995 Stanley J. Brodsky
Wai-Keung Tang
Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Hadroproduction and polarization of charmonium 1995 M. Vänttinen
Paul Hoyer
Stanley J. Brodsky
W.-K. Tang
+ Nuclear Effects in Charm Production 1995 Paul Hoyer
+ The Interpretation of Rapidity Gaps at Hera 1995 Paul Hoyer
C. S. Lam
+ Interactions on Nuclei 1995 Paul Hoyer
+ Polarization as a Probe to the Production Mechanisms of Charmonium in $\pi N$ Collisions 1994 W.-K. Tang
Stanley J. Brodsky
M. Vänttinen
Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Higher-twist effects in the Drell-Yan angular distribution 1994 K. Eskola
Paul Hoyer
M. Vänttinen
R. Vogt
+ Polarization as a probe to the production mechanisms of charmonium in {pi}N collisions 1994 W.-K. Tang
Stanley J. Brodsky
M. Vaenttinen
Paul Hoyer
+ Polarization as a Probe to the Production Mechanisms of Charmonium in $πN$ Collisions 1994 W.-K. Tang
Stanley J. Brodsky
M. Vänttinen
Paul Hoyer
+ QCD Effects in Particle Production on Nuclei 1993 Paul Hoyer
+ The Schwinger Model and Perturbative Charge Screening 1993 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat A bound on the energy loss of partons in nuclei 1993 Stanley J. Brodsky
Paul Hoyer
+ New QCD Effects at Large x 1992 Paul Hoyer
+ New QCD effects at large x 1992 Paul Hoyer
+ New QCD Effects at Large x 1992 Paul Hoyer
+ rhoNN and rhoN$delta$ couplings from Reggeon duality 1975 Paul Hoyer
+ Duality in Reggeon-particle scattering 1973 D.P. Roy
Paul Hoyer
Richard G. Roberts
+ Consistency condition for crossing symmetric Regge behaved amplitudes 1969 Paul Hoyer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Hydrogen atom in relativistic motion 2005 Matti Järvinen
+ PDF Chat Color-Octet Fragmentation and the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>′</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>Surplus at the Fermilab Tevatron 1995 Eric Braaten
Sean Fleming
+ PDF Chat Structure functions are not parton probabilities 2002 Stanley J. Brodsky
Paul Hoyer
Nils Marchal
Stéphane Peigné
Francesco Sannino
+ Quantum chromodynamics and other field theories on the light cone 1998 Stanley J. Brodsky
Hans–Christian Pauli
Stephen S. Pinsky
+ PDF Chat Final-state interactions and single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering 2002 Stanley J. Brodsky
Dae Sung Hwang
Iván Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Inelastic photoproduction 1995 Martina Krämer
J. Zunft
J. Steegborn
P.M. Zerwas
+ PDF Chat Boosting equal time bound states 2012 Dennis D. Dietrich
Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
+ PDF Chat Infrared properties of QCD from Dyson–Schwinger equations 2006 Christian S. Fischer
+ PDF Chat Hard probes in nucleus-nucleus collisions 1996 C. Lourenço
+ PDF Chat Gluon fragmentation into heavy quarkonium 1993 Eric Braaten
Tzu-Chiang Yuan
+ PDF Chat Charmonium production at the Tevatron 1995 Matteo Cacciari
M. Greco
Michelangelo L. Mangano
Andrea Petrelli
+ PDF Chat Nuclear deep-inelastic lepton scattering and coherence phenomena 2000 G. Piller
W. Weise
+ PDF Chat Light-cone wavefunction representation of deeply virtual Compton scattering 2001 Stanley J. Brodsky
Markus Diehl
Dae Sung Hwang
+ PDF Chat Leading-twist single-transverse-spin asymmetries: Drell–Yan and deep-inelastic scattering 2002 John C. Collins
+ PDF Chat Towards a Born term for hadrons 2013 Dennis D. Dietrich
Paul Hoyer
Matti Järvinen
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative comparison of QCD effective charges 2009 A. C. Aguilar
Daniele Binosi
Joannis Papavassiliou
J. Rodrı́guez-Quintero
+ PDF Chat Rigorous QCD analysis of inclusive annihilation and production of heavy quarkonium 1995 Geoffrey T. Bodwin
Eric Braaten
G. Peter Lepage
+ PDF Chat QCD corrections to inelastic J/ψ photoproduction 1996 Michael Krämerr
+ PDF Chat Color-octet quarkonia production. II 1996 Peter J. Cho
Adam K. Leibovich
+ PDF Chat Quarkonia and their transitions 2008 E. Eichten
Stephen Godfrey
Hanna Mahlke
Jonathan L. Rosner
+ PDF Chat Hadroproduction and polarization of charmonium 1995 M. Vänttinen
Paul Hoyer
Stanley J. Brodsky
W.-K. Tang
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of quarkonium production 1999 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Colorless states in perturbative QCD: Charmonium and rapidity gaps 1996 James Amundson
O. J. P. Éboli
E. M. Gregores
F. Halzen
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation production of and ψ′ at the Tevatron 1994 Eric Braaten
M. A. Doncheski
Sean Fleming
Michelangelo L. Mangano
+ Bound states at lowest order in hbar 2009 Paul Hoyer
+ PDF Chat Angular Distributions in the Drell-Yan Process: A Closer Look at Higher Twist Effects 1994 A. Brandenburg
Stanley J. Brodsky
Valentin V. Khoze
D.R. Muller
+ PDF Chat Factorization for hard exclusive electroproduction of mesons in QCD 1997 John C. Collins
L. Frankfurt
M. Strikman
+ PDF Chat The overlap representation of skewed quark and gluon distributions 2001 Markus Diehl
Th. Feldmann
R. Jakob
P. Kroll
+ PDF Chat Color-octet quarkonia production 1996 Peter J. Cho
Adam K. Leibovich
+ PDF Chat Diffractive leptoproduction of vector mesons in QCD 1994 Stanley J. Brodsky
L. Frankfurt
John F. Gunion
A.H. Mueller
M. Strikman
+ PDF Chat Rapidity gaps in perturbative QCD 1997 Stanley J. Brodsky
Paul Hoyer
Lorenzo Magnea
+ PDF Chat Behavior of the effective QCD coupling<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>τ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mn /><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo><mml:mn /></mml:math>at low scales 2003 Stanley J. Brodsky
S. Menke
C. Merino
Johan Rathsman
+ PDF Chat Quark–hadron duality in electron scattering 2004 Wally Melnitchouk
R. Ent
C. Keppel
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Rigorous QCD analysis of inclusive annihilation and production of heavy quarkonium [Phys. Rev. D<b>51</b>, 1125 (1995)] 1997 Geoffrey T. Bodwin
Eric Braaten
G. Peter Lepage
+ Perturbative QCD theory (includes our knowledge of alpha_s) 1998 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
+ PDF Chat The<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>ℏ</mml:mi></mml:math>expansion in quantum field theory 2011 Stanley J. Brodsky
Paul Hoyer
+ NRQED Approach to the Hyperfine Structure of the Muonium Ground State 1998 T. Kinoshita
+ PDF Chat A QCD calculation of the interaction of quarkonium with nuclei 1992 Michael Luke
Aneesh V. Manohar
Martin J. Savage
+ Determination of the effective strong coupling constant <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>g</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> from CLAS spin structure function data 2008 A. Deur
V. D. Burkert
J.P. Chen
W. Korsch
+ Physics at ELFE 1997 Paul Hoyer
+ Semi-exclusive processes: new probes of hadron structure 1999 Stanley J. Brodsky
Markus Diehl
Paul Hoyer
Stéphane Peigné
+ The theory of quark confinement 1999 V.N. Gribov
+ PDF Chat Hadronisation effects in event-shape moments 2010 T. Gehrmann
M. Jaquier
G. Luisoni
+ PDF Chat The pion form factor. Sudakov suppressions and intrinsic transverse momentum 1993 Richard J. Jacob
P. Kroll
+ PDF Chat Measurement of proton-dissociative diffractive photoproduction of vector mesons at large momentum transfer at HERA 2003 S. Chekanov et al.
+ PDF Chat Novel colour transparency effect. Scanning the wave function of vector mesons 1993 B. Z. Kopeliovich
J. Nemchick
N. N. Nikolaev
Б. Г. Захаров
+ PDF Chat Evidence for infrared-finite coupling in Sudakov resummation 2006 G. Grunberg
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation of transversely polarized quarks probed in transverse momentum distributions 1993 John C. Collins
+ PDF Chat Reanalysis of the EMC charm production data with extrinsic and intrinsic charm at NLO 1996 B. W. Harris
J. Smith
R. Vogt
+ PDF Chat A-dependence of nuclear transparency in quasielastic A(e, ef'p) at high 2 1995 T. G. O’Neill
W. Lorenzon
P. L. Anthony
R. G. Arnold
J. Arrington
E. J. Beise
J. Belz
P. Bosted
H. J. Bulten
Michael Chapman