Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ RSK-Complete Cycle Decompositions 2023 Agastya Goel
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Transition to Proofs 2022 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Inscribed triangles of Jordan curves in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ 2021 Aryaman Gupta
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ The Seifert–Van Kampen Theorem 2021 Clark Bray
Adrian Butscher
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Introduction to Homology 2021 Clark Bray
Adrian Butscher
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Classification Theorem of Compact Surfaces 2021 Clark Bray
Adrian Butscher
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ The Euler Characteristic and Identification Spaces 2021 Clark Bray
Adrian Butscher
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Correction to: The Seifert–Van Kampen Theorem 2021 Clark Bray
Adrian Butscher
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat Diophantine tuples over $\mathbb {Z}_p$ 2020 Nitya Mani
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat Noncrossing partitions, toggles, and homomesy 2020 David M. Einstein
Miriam Farber
Emily Gunawan
Michael Joseph
Matthew Macauley
James Propp
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat Cyclotomic Coincidences 2019 Carl Pomerance
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Diophantine Tuples over $\mathbb{Z}_p$ 2019 Nitya Mani
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat Rejoinder to “Understanding our Markov Chain Significance Test” 2019 Wendy K. Tam Cho
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Cyclotomic Coincidences 2019 Carl Pomerance
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Diophantine Tuples over $\mathbb{Z}_p$ 2019 Nitya Mani
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Memgames 2019 Urban Larsson
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Aaron N. Siegel
+ Stability for Take-Away Games 2018 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Sherry Sarkar
+ $\mathcal{P}$ Play in Candy Nim 2018 Nitya Mani
Rajiv Nelakanti
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Alex Tholen
+ PDF Chat Reduction of dynatomic curves 2018 John R. Doyle
Holly Krieger
Andrew Obus
Rachel Pries
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Lloyd West
+ A Second Look at Number Theory 2018 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ The Versatility of Elliptic Curves 2018 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Secret Sharing, Visual Cryptography, and Voting 2018 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ A Quick Overview 2018 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Elliptic Curves 2018 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Stability for Take-Away Games 2018 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Sherry Sarkar
+ $\mathcal{P}$ Play in Candy Nim 2018 Nitya Mani
Rajiv Nelakanti
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Alex Tholen
+ PDF Chat Could Euler Have Conjectured the Prime Number Theorem? 2017 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Could Euler have conjectured the prime number theorem 2017 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ The Asymmetric Colonel Blotto Game 2017 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Yifan Zhu
+ PDF Chat Finite ramification for preimage fields of post-critically finite morphisms 2017 Andrew Bridy
Patrick Ingram
Rafe Jones
Jamie Juul
Alon Y. Levy
Michelle Manes
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Joseph H. Silverman
+ Could Euler have conjectured the prime number theorem? 2017 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Noncrossing Partitions, Toggles, and Homomesies 2016 David M. Einstein
Miriam Farber
Emily Gunawan
Michael Joseph
Matthew Macauley
James Propp
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat N-Division Points of Hypocycloids 2016 Nitya Mani
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Finite ramification for preimage fields of postcritically finite morphisms 2015 Andrew Bridy
Patrick Ingram
Rafe Jones
Jamie Juul
Alon Y. Levy
Michelle Manes
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Joseph H. Silverman
+ Noncrossing partitions, toggles, and homomesies 2015 David M. Einstein
Miriam Farber
Emily Gunawan
Michael Joseph
Matthew Macauley
James Propp
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Global Fibonacci Nim 2015 Urban Larsson
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat Identities for field extensions generalizing the Ohno–Nakagawa relations 2015 Henri Cohen
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Frank Thorne
+ PDF Chat Grundy values of Fibonacci nim 2015 Urban Larsson
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ $N$-Division Points of Hypocycloids 2015 Nitya Mani
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ $N$-Division Points of Hypocycloids 2015 Nitya Mani
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Finite ramification for preimage fields of postcritically finite morphisms 2015 Andrew Bridy
Patrick Ingram
Rafe Jones
Jamie Juul
Alon Y. Levy
Michelle Manes
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Identitites for Field Extensions Generalizing the Ohno–Nakagawa Relations 2015 Henri Cohen
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Frank Thorne
+ Noncrossing partitions, toggles, and homomesies 2015 David J. Einstein
Miriam Farber
Emily Gunawan
Michael Joseph
Matthew Macauley
James Propp
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Global Fibonacci Nim 2015 Urban Larsson
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Positive Curvature and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo 2014 Christof Seiler
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Susan Holmes
+ Grundy values of Fibonacci nim 2014 Urban Larsson
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat Invariants for A<sub>4</sub> fields and the Cohen–Lenstra heuristics 2014 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat Period computations for covers of elliptic curves 2014 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Analysis on Surreal Numbers 2014 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Ashvin Swaminathan
+ Curvature and Concentration of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in High Dimensions 2014 Susan Holmes
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Christof Seiler
+ Grundy values of Fibonacci nim 2014 Urban Larsson
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Surreal Analysis: An Analogue of Real Analysis for Surreal Numbers 2013 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Ashvin Swaminathan
+ PDF Chat Covers of elliptic curves with unique, totally ramified branch points 2013 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Analysis on Surreal Numbers 2013 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Ashvin Swaminathan
+ Period Computations for Covers of Elliptic Curves 2012 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Covers of Elliptic Curves with Unique, Totally Ramified Branch Points 2012 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Invariants for A4 fields and the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics 2012 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Covers of Elliptic Curves with Unique, Totally Ramified Branch Points 2012 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Invariants for A4 fields and the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics 2012 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Period Computations for Covers of Elliptic Curves 2012 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ A Hilbert Space Approach to Bounded Analytic Interpolation 2007 Jeffrey Danciger
Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ Finitistic Dimensions of Monomial Algebras 2007 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Homomesy in Products of Two Chains 2015 James Propp
Tom Roby
+ Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups 2005 Anders Björner
Francesco Brenti
+ Ramified primes in the field of moduli of branched coverings of curves 1989 Sybilla Beckmann
+ PDF Chat Noncrossing Partitions in Surprising Locations 2006 Jon McCammond
+ Über mathematische Kampfspiele 1935 R. Sprague
+ On the structure of the lattice of noncrossing partitions 1991 Rodica Simion
Daniel H. Ullman
+ Conjugacy of Coxeter Elements 2009 Henrik Eriksson
Kimmo Eriksson
+ PDF Chat On the Davenport–Heilbronn theorems and second order terms 2012 Manjul Bhargava
Arul Shankar
Jacob Tsimerman
+ PDF Chat Poisson-type deviation inequalities for curved continuous-time Markov chains 2007 Aldéric Joulin
+ PDF Chat Bounded gaps between primes 2014 Zhang Yitang
+ Foundations of Analysis Over Surreal Number Fields 1987 Norman L. Alling
+ Propriétés extrémales et caractéristiques des exemples de Lattès 2002 Christophe Dupont
+ Optimal tuning of the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm 2013 Alexandros Beskos
Natesh S. Pillai
Gareth O. Roberts
J. M. Sanz‐Serna
Andrew M. Stuart
+ Integer points, Diophantine approximation, and iteration of rational maps 1993 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Spatial Point Processes 2011 Mark Huber
+ PDF Chat Small gaps between primes 2014 James Maynard
+ Linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers 1966 A. Baker
+ Ramification in iterated towers for rational functions 2011 John Cullinan
Farshid Hajir
+ PDF Chat Period computations for covers of elliptic curves 2014 Simon Rubinstein‐Salzedo
+ PDF Chat Distribution of postcritically finite polynomials 2015 C. Favre
Thomas Gauthier
+ Integration on surreal numbers 2004 Antongiulio Fornasiero
+ PDF Chat The Image of an Arboreal Galois Representation 2009 Nigel Boston
Rafe Jones
+ PDF Chat Curvature, concentration and error estimates for Markov chain Monte Carlo 2010 Aldéric Joulin
Yann Ollivier
+ Algebraic Number Theory 1991 A. Fröhlich
M. J. Taylor
+ Toric partial orders 2015 Mike Develin
Matthew Macauley
Victor Reiner
+ Étude heuristique des groupes de classes des corps de nombres. 1990 Henri Cohen
Jacques Martinet
+ PDF Chat Homological stability for Hurwitz spaces and the Cohen-Lenstra conjecture over function fields 2016 Jordan S. Ellenberg
Akshay Venkatesh
Craig Westerland
+ The Gaussian Law of Errors in the Theory of Additive Number Theoretic Functions 1940 Péter L. Erdős
Mark Kac
+ Finiteness and liftability of postcritically finite quadratic morphisms in arbitrary characteristic 2013 Richard Pink
+ Rowmotion and generalized toggle groups 2016 Jessica Striker
+ Ricci curvature of Markov chains on metric spaces 2008 Yann Ollivier
+ PDF Chat Riemann Manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Methods 2011 Mark Girolami
Ben Calderhead
+ PDF Chat None 1997 Jian-yi Shi
+ Hurwitz Schemes and Irreducibility of Moduli of Algebraic Curves 1969 William Fulton
+ Integral points on surfaces 2016 Pietro Corvaja
Umberto Zannier
+ PDF Chat Teichmüller curves in genus two: The decagon and beyond 2005 Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat Galois theory of quadratic rational functions 2014 Rafe Jones
Michelle Manes
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of metric measure spaces. II 2006 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Cohen–Lenstra heuristic and roots of unity 2008 Gunter Malle
+ Rational parameter rays of the Mandelbrot set 1997 Dierk Schleicher
+ None 1999 Qing Liu
Dino Lorenzini
+ Counting Subrings of ${\mathbb Z}^n$ of finite index 2010 Nathan O. Kaplan
Jake Marcinek
Ramin Takloo-Bighash
+ Preperiodic points for rational functions defined over a rational function field of characteristic zero 2015 Jung Kyu Canci
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. Jürgen Herzog
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic properties of periodic points of quadratic maps, II 1998 Patrick Morton
+ Auslander-Reiten sequences and representation-finite algebras 1980 Peter Gabriel
+ Pick Interpolation and Hilbert Function Spaces 2002 Jim Agler
John E. McCarthy
+ Uniform boundedness of rational points and preperiodic points 2012 Bjorn Poonen
+ PDF Chat Finitistic global dimension for rings 1965 H. Y. Mochizuki