Jean‐Michel Brismeé


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Statistical inference through estimation: recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez–Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agarwal
+ PDF Chat Statistische Inferenz mittels Schätzung: Empfehlungen der International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez–Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agarwal
+ Statistical inference through estimation: recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez–Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agarwal
+ Statistical inference through estimation: recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez–Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agarwal
+ PDF Chat Statistical inference through estimation: recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez–Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agarwal
+ Statistical inference through estimation: recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez–Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agarwal
+ PDF Chat Statistical inference through estimation: recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlunde
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez‐Conesa
Sarah Blantonh
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agarwal
+ Statistical inference through estimation: Recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez–Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agarwal
+ Statistical inference through estimation: Recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2022 MarkR Elkins
RafaelZambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez‐Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Shabnam Agrawal
+ Statistical inference through estimation: recommendations from the International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors 2021 Mark R. Elkins
Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Arianne P. Verhagen
Monika Grygorowicz
Anne Söderlund
Matthieu Guémann
Antonia Gómez–Conesa
Sarah Blanton
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Clare L. Ardern
+ PDF Chat Apparent diffusion in nucleus pulposus is associated with pain and mobility improvements after spinal mobilization for acute low back pain 2017 P.S. Thiry
François Reumont
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Frédéric Dierick
+ Apparent diffusion in nucleus pulposus is associated with pain and mobility improvements after spinal mobilization for acute low back pain 2017 P.S. Thiry
François Reumont
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Frédéric Dierick
+ Apparent diffusion in nucleus pulposus is associated with pain and mobility improvements after spinal mobilization for acute low back pain 2017 P.A. Thiry
François Reumont
Jean‐Michel Brismée
Frédéric Dierick
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The statistical recommendations of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual: Effect sizes, confidence intervals, and meta‐analysis 2011 Geoff Cumming
Fiona Fidler
Pav Kalinowski
Jerry Lai
+ PDF Chat <i>P</i>-Value Precision and Reproducibility 2011 Dennis D. Boos
Leonard A. Stefanski
+ How to estimate treatment effects from reports of clinical trials. I: Continuous outcomes 2000 Rob Herbert
+ PDF Chat Statistical Inference by Confidence Intervals: Issues of Interpretation and Utilization 1999 Julius Sim
Norma Reid
+ Editors Can Lead Researchers to Confidence Intervals, but Can't Make Them Think 2004 Fiona Fidler
Neil Thomason
Geoff Cumming
Sue Finch
Joanna Leeman
+ New paradigms for considering statistical significance: A way forward for health services research journals, their authors, and their readership 2019 James B. Schreiber
+ How to estimate treatment effects from reports of clinical trials. II: Dichotomous outcomes 2000 Rob Herbert
+ <i>P</i> &gt; .05: The incorrect interpretation of “not significant” results is a significant problem 2020 Richard J. Smith
+ PDF Chat The ASA Statement on <i>p</i>-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose 2016 Ronald L. Wasserstein
Nicole A. Lazar
+ PDF Chat Statistical Use in Clinical Studies: Is There Evidence of a Methodological Shift? 2015 Dali Yi
Dihui Ma
Gaoming Li
Liang Zhou
Qin Xiao
Yanqi Zhang
Xiaoyu Liu
Hongru Chen
Julia Christine Pettigrew
Dong Yi
+ PDF Chat Moving nursing beyond <i><b>p</b></i> &lt; 0.05 2019 Matthew J. Hayat
Vincent S. Staggs
Todd A. Schwartz
Melinda Higgins
Andrés Azuero
Chakra Budhathoki
Rameela Chandrasekhar
Paul Cook
Emily Cramer
Mary S. Dietrich
+ PDF Chat Estimation for Better Inference in Neuroscience 2019 Robert Calin‐Jageman
Geoff Cumming
+ The cult of statistical significance: how the standard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives 2008 Stephen T. Ziliak
Deirdre N. McCloskey
+ Statistical Evidence: A Likelihood Paradigm 1998 Veronica J. Vieland
Susan E. Hodge
+ Statistical Evidence: A Likelihood Paradigm 1998 Jaxk Reeves
Richard M. Royall
+ The cult of statistical significance: how the standard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives 2009 Chee Kian Leong
+ Intraclass correlations: Uses in assessing rater reliability. 1979 Patrick E. Shrout
Joseph L. Fleiss
+ The Empire of Chance: How Probability Changed Science and Everyday Life. 1990 Peter Guttorp
Gerd Gigerenzer
Zeno G. Swijtink
Theodore M. Porter
Lorraine Daston
John Beatty
Lorenz Krüger
+ Estimating the size of treatment effects: moving beyond p values. 2009 James J. McGough
Stephen V. Faraone
+ The Cult of Statistical Significance 2008 Deirdre N. McCloskey
Steve Ziliak
+ Estimation for Better Inference in Neuroscience 2019 Robert Calin‐Jageman
Geoff Cumming
+ Statistical Evidence: A Likelihood Paradigm 1999 Jeffrey Glosup
Richard M. Royall