Alexander Barvinok


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of partition functions with multi-spin interactions 2024 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat A quick estimate for the volume of a polyhedron 2024 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat Integrating Products of Quadratic Forms 2023 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Smoothed counting of 0–1 points in polyhedra 2022 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat When a system of real quadratic equations has a solution 2022 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ Computing the theta function 2022 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat A quick estimate for the volume of a polyhedron 2021 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ When the positive semidefinite relaxation guarantees a solution to a system of real quadratic equations. 2021 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat More on zeros and approximation of the Ising partition function 2021 Alexander Barvinok
Nicholas Barvinok
+ When a system of real quadratic equations has a solution 2021 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ A quick estimate for the volume of a polyhedron 2021 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ Smoothed counting of 0-1 points in polyhedra 2021 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat A remark on approximating permanents of positive definite matrices 2020 Alexander Barvinok
+ Testing systems of real quadratic equations for approximate solutions. 2020 Alexander Barvinok
+ A remark on approximating permanents of positive definite matrices. 2020 Alexander Barvinok
+ A remark on approximating permanents of positive definite matrices 2020 Alexander Barvinok
+ Testing systems of real quadratic equations for approximate solutions 2020 Alexander Barvinok
+ Integrating products of quadratic forms 2020 Alexander Barvinok
+ Approximating real-rooted and stable polynomials, with combinatorial applications 2019 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing permanents of complex diagonally dominant matrices and tensors 2019 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Stability and complexity of mixed discriminants 2019 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Weighted counting of solutions to sparse systems of equations 2019 Alexander Barvinok
Guus Regts
+ Stability and complexity of mixed discriminants 2018 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing permanents of complex diagonally dominant matrices and tensors 2018 Alexander Barvinok
+ Searching for dense subsets in a graph via the partition function 2018 Alexander Barvinok
Anthony Della Pella
+ The Tensorization Trick in Convex Geometry 2018 Alexander Barvinok
+ Approximating real-rooted and stable polynomials, with combinatorial applications 2018 Alexander Barvinok
+ Stability and complexity of mixed discriminants 2018 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing permanents of complex diagonally dominant matrices and tensors 2018 Alexander Barvinok
+ Weighted counting of non-negative integer points in a subspace. 2017 Alexander Barvinok
+ Weighted counting of integer points in a subspace 2017 Alexander Barvinok
Guus Regts
+ PDF Chat Approximating permanents and hafnians 2017 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the Partition Function of a Polynomial on the Boolean Cube 2017 Alexander Barvinok
+ Counting Integer Points in Higher-Dimensional Polytopes 2017 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms 2016 Alexander Barvinok
Pablo Soberón
+ Approximating permanents and hafnians of positive matrices. 2016 Alexander Barvinok
+ Approximating permanents and hafnians 2016 Alexander Barvinok
+ Some algorithmic applications of partition functions in combinatorics 2016 Alexander Barvinok
+ Hafnians and Multidimensional Permanents 2016 Alexander Barvinok
+ The Graph Homomorphism Partition Function 2016 Alexander Barvinok
+ Partition Functions of Integer Flows 2016 Alexander Barvinok
+ The Matching Polynomial 2016 Alexander Barvinok
+ Approximating permanents and hafnians 2016 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Concentration of the mixed discriminant of well-conditioned matrices 2015 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms with multiplicities 2015 Alexander Barvinok
Pablo Soberón
+ Concentration of the mixed discriminant of well-conditioned matrices 2015 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing the Permanent of (Some) Complex Matrices 2015 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat None 2015 Alexander Barvinok
+ Concentration of the mixed discriminant of well-conditioned matrices 2015 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the partition function of a polynomial on the Boolean cube 2015 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms with multiplicities 2014 Alexander Barvinok
Pablo Soberón
+ Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms 2014 Alexander Barvinok
Pablo Soberón
+ Computing the permanent of (some) complex matrices 2014 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the partition function for cliques in a graph 2014 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms 2014 Alexander Barvinok
Pablo Soberón
+ Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms with multiplicities 2014 Alexander Barvinok
Pablo Soberón
+ Computing the permanent of (some) complex matrices 2014 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Convexity of the image of a quadratic map via the relative entropy distance 2013 Alexander Barvinok
+ Partition functions for dense instances of combinatorial enumeration problems 2013 Alexander Barvinok
+ Convexity of the image of a quadratic map via the relative entropy distance 2013 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Thrifty Approximations of Convex Bodies by Polytopes 2013 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Explicit Constructions of Centrally Symmetric $$k$$ -Neighborly Polytopes and Large Strictly Antipodal Sets 2013 Alexander Barvinok
Seung Jin Lee
Isabella Novik
+ PDF Chat A bound for the number of vertices of a polytope with applications 2013 Alexander Barvinok
+ Partition functions for dense instances of combinatorial enumeration problems 2013 Alexander Barvinok
+ Convexity of the image of a quadratic map via the relative entropy distance 2013 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Centrally symmetric polytopes with many faces 2012 Alexander Barvinok
Seung Jin Lee
Isabella Novik
+ Thrifty approximations of convex bodies by polytopes 2012 Alexander Barvinok
Seung Jin Lee
Isabella Novik
+ Explicit constructions of centrally symmetric k-neighborly polytopes and large strictly antipodal sets 2012 Alexander Barvinok
Seung Jin Lee
Isabella Novik
+ PDF Chat An asymptotic formula for the number of non-negative integer matrices with prescribed row and column sums 2012 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ PDF Chat The number of graphs and a random graph with a given degree sequence 2012 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ Approximations of convex bodies by polytopes and by projections of spectrahedra 2012 Alexander Barvinok
+ Explicit constructions of centrally symmetric k-neighborly polytopes and large strictly antipodal sets 2012 Alexander Barvinok
Seung Jin Lee
Isabella Novik
+ Thrifty approximations of convex bodies by polytopes 2012 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing the Partition Function for Perfect Matchings in a Hypergraph 2011 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ A bound for the number of vertices of a polytope with applications 2011 Alexander Barvinok
+ Centrally symmetric polytopes with many faces 2011 Alexander Barvinok
Seung Jin Lee
Isabella Novik
+ Centrally symmetric polytopes with many faces 2011 Alexander Barvinok
Seung Jin Lee
Isabella Novik
+ A bound for the number of vertices of a polytope with applications 2011 Alexander Barvinok
+ Matrices with prescribed row and column sums 2010 Alexander Barvinok
+ Matrices with prescribed row and column sums 2010 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the partition function for perfect matchings in a hypergraph 2010 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ None 2010 Alexander Barvinok
Zur Luria
Alex Samorodnitsky
Alexander Yong
+ PDF Chat What Does a Random Contingency Table Look Like? 2010 Alexander Barvinok
+ Maximum entropy Gaussian approximations for the number of integer points and volumes of polytopes 2010 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ PDF Chat An approximation algorithm for counting contingency tables 2010 Alexander Barvinok
Zur Luria
Alex Samorodnitsky
Alexander Yong
+ The number of graphs and a random graph with a given degree sequence 2010 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ Matrices with prescribed row and column sums 2010 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the partition function for perfect matchings in a hypergraph 2010 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ On the number of matrices and a random matrix with prescribed row and column sums and 0–1 entries 2009 Alexander Barvinok
+ Maximum Entropy Edgeworth Estimates of Volumes of Polytopes 2009 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ Maximum entropy Edgeworth estimates of the number of integer points in polytopes 2009 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ An asymptotic formula for the number of non-negative integer matrices with prescribed row and column sums 2009 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ Maximum entropy Gaussian approximation for the number of integer points and volumes of polytopes 2009 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Estimates for the Number of Contingency Tables, Integer Flows, and Volumes of Transportation Polytopes 2008 Alexander Barvinok
+ A Centrally Symmetric Version of the Cyclic Polytope 2008 Alexander Barvinok
Isabella Novik
+ Integer Points in Polyhedra 2008 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat The computational complexity of convex bodies 2008 Alexander Barvinok
Ellen Veomett
+ An approximation algorithm for counting contingency tables 2008 Alexander Barvinok
Zur Luria
Alex Samorodnitsky
Alexander Yong
+ What does a random contingency table look like? 2008 Alexander Barvinok
+ On the number of matrices and a random matrix with prescribed row and column sums and 0-1 entries 2008 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat A Centrally Symmetric Version of the Cyclic Polytope 2007 Alexander Barvinok
Isabella Novik
+ PDF Chat Enumerating Contingency Tables via Random Permanents 2007 Alexander Barvinok
+ The complexity of generating functions for integer points in polyhedra and beyond 2007 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Random weighting, asymptotic counting, and inverse isoperimetry 2007 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ Convex geometry of orbits. 2007 Alexander Barvinok
Grigoriy Blekherman
+ Asymptotic estimates for the number of contingency tables, integer flows, and volumes of transportation polytopes 2007 Alexander Barvinok
+ Counting magic squares in quasi-polynomial time 2007 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
Alexander Yong
+ Brunn–Minkowski inequalities for contingency tables and integer flows 2006 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial of a rational simplex 2006 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Integration and Optimization of Multivariate Polynomials by Restriction onto a Random Subspace 2006 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Approximating Orthogonal Matrices by Permutation Matrices 2006 Alexander Barvinok
+ A centrally symmetric version of the cyclic polytope 2006 Alexander Barvinok
Isabella Novik
+ Brunn-Minkowski Inequalities for Contingency Tables and Integer Flows 2006 Alexander Barvinok
+ The computational complexity of convex bodies 2006 Alexander Barvinok
Ellen Veomett
+ Integer Points in Polyhedra — Geometry, Number Theory, Algebra, Optimization 2005 Alexander Barvinok
Mattias Beck
Christian Haase
Bruce Reznick
Volkmar Welker
+ Low rank approximations of symmetric polynomials and asymptotic counting of contingency tables 2005 Alexander Barvinok
+ Approximating orthogonal matrices by permutation matrices 2005 Alexander Barvinok
+ Integration and Optimization of Multivariate Polynomials by Restriction onto a Random Subspace 2005 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial of a rational simplex 2005 Alexander Barvinok
+ Enumerating contingency tables via random permanents 2005 Alexander Barvinok
+ Integer points in polyhedra - geometry, number theory, algebra, optimization : Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held in Snowbird, UT, July 13 - 17, 2003 2005 Matthias Beck
Alexander Barvinok
Christian Haase
Bruce Reznick
Volkmar Welker
+ Integer points in polyhedra : geometry, number theory, algebra, optimization : proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Integer Points in Polyhedra, July 13-17, 2003, Snowbird, Utah 2005 Alexander Barvinok
+ Lattice Points and Lattice Polytopes 2004 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Discrete convex analysis 2004 Alexander Barvinok
+ Lattice Points, Polyhedra, and Complexity 2004 Alexander Barvinok
Ezra Miller
Victor Reiner
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat The geometric maximum traveling salesman problem 2003 Alexander Barvinok
Sándor P. Fekete
David S. Johnson
Arie Tamir
Gerhard J. Woeginger
Russ Woodroofe
+ PDF Chat Short rational generating functions for lattice point problems 2003 Alexander Barvinok
Kevin Woods
+ On the distribution of values in the quadratic assignment problem 2003 Alexander Barvinok
Tamon Stephen
+ Random Weighting, Asymptotic Counting, and Inverse Isoperimetry 2003 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ The Distribution of Values in the Quadratic Assignment Problem 2003 Alexander Barvinok
Tamon Stephen
+ PDF Chat Approximating a Norm by a Polynomial 2003 Alexander Barvinok
+ Random Weighting, Asymptotic Counting, and Inverse Isoperimetry 2003 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ Convex Geometry of Orbits 2003 Alexander Barvinok
Grigoriy Blekherman
+ A polynomial time algorithm for counting integral points in polyhedra when the dimension is fixed 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ Integral geometry of higher-dimensional polytopes and the average case in combinatorial optimization 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ Convex bodies and ellipsoids 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ Lattice points and polyhedra 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ Lattices and convex bodies 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Convex sets at large 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ Polarity, duality and linear programming 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Estimating L∞ Norms by L2k Norms for Functions on Orbits 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ The Distribution of Values in the Quadratic Assignment Problem 2002 Alexander Barvinok
Tamon Stephen
+ Estimating Maximum by Moments for Functions on Orbits 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ A Course in Convexity 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ Short rational generating functions for lattice point problems 2002 Alexander Barvinok
Kevin Woods
+ The Geometric Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem 2002 Alexander Barvinok
Sándor P. Fekete
David S. Johnson
Arie Tamir
Gerhard J. Woeginger
Russ Woodroofe
+ PDF Chat The distance approach to approximate combinatorial counting 2001 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ PDF Chat A Remark on the Rank of Positive Semidefinite Matrices Subject to Affine Constraints 2001 Alexander Barvinok
+ The distribution of values in the quadratic assignment problem 2001 Alexander Barvinok
Tamon Stephen
+ Approximating a norm by a polynomial 2001 Alexander Barvinok
+ New Permanent Estimators via Non-Commutative Determinants 2000 Alexander Barvinok
+ The Distance Approach to Approximate Combinatorial Counting 2000 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ An Algorithmic Theory of Lattice Points in Polyhedra 1999 Alexander Barvinok
James Pommersheim
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Time Algorithms to Approximate Permanents and Mixed Discriminants Within a Simply Exponential Factor 1999 Alexander Barvinok
+ Polynomial Time Algorithms to Approximate Permanents and Mixed Discriminants Within a Simply Exponential Factor This research was partially supported by Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, by NSF Grants DMS 9501129 and DMS 9734138, and by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA through NSF Grant DMS 9022140. 1999 Alexander Barvinok
+ Measure concentration in optimization 1997 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing Mixed Discriminants, Mixed Volumes, and Permanents 1997 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Approximate counting via random optimization 1997 Alexander Barvinok
+ Sparse Interpolation of Symmetric Polynomials 1997 Alexander Barvinok
Sergey Fomin
+ A simple polynomial time algorithm to approximate the permanent within a simply exponential factor 1997 Alexander Barvinok
+ Lattice points and lattice polytopes 1997 Alexander Barvinok
+ A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Counting Integral Points in Polyhedra When the Dimension is Fixed 1994 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computation of exponential integrals 1994 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing the Ehrhart polynomial of a convex lattice polytope 1994 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Feasibility testing for systems of real quadratic equations 1993 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing the volume, counting integral points, and exponential sums 1993 Alexander Barvinok
+ On equivariant generalization of Dehn-Sommerville equations 1992 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computing the volume, counting integral points, and exponential sums 1992 Alexander Barvinok
+ Feasibility testing for systems of real quadratic equations 1992 Alexander Barvinok
+ Exponential sums and integrals over convex polytopes 1992 Alexander Barvinok
+ The Newton sums method in combinatorial optimization 1991 Alexander Barvinok
+ Computational complexity of immanents and representations of the full linear group 1990 Alexander Barvinok
+ Convex hulls of orbits of representations of finite groups and combinatorial optimization 1989 Alexander Barvinok
A. M. Vershik
+ Homological type of spaces of configurations of structurally stable type in C2 1986 Alexander Barvinok
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with nonnegative entries 2004 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
Eric Vigoda
+ A Deterministic Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for Matrix Scaling and Approximate Permanents 2000 Nathan Linial
Alex Samorodnitsky
Avi Wigderson
+ A Course in Convexity 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Estimates for the Number of Contingency Tables, Integer Flows, and Volumes of Transportation Polytopes 2008 Alexander Barvinok
+ An Elementary Introduction to Modern Convex Geometry 1997 Keith Ball
+ The solution of van der Waerden's problem for permanents 1981 Г. П. Егорычев
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Sampling contingency tables 1997 Martin Dyer
Ravi Kannan
John Mount
+ New permanental upper bounds for nonnegative matrices 2003 George W. Soules
+ Interior-Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming 1994 Yurii Nesterov
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithms for Partition Functions and Graph Polynomials 2017 Viresh Patel
Guus Regts
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Time Algorithms to Approximate Permanents and Mixed Discriminants Within a Simply Exponential Factor 1999 Alexander Barvinok
+ Maximum entropy Gaussian approximations for the number of integer points and volumes of polytopes 2010 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan
+ The complexity of computing the permanent 1979 Leslie G. Valiant
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic enumeration of sparse nonnegative integer matrices with specified row and column sums 2008 Catherine Greenhill
Brendan D. McKay
+ Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Statistical Analysis of Tables 2005 Yuguo Chen
Persi Diaconis
Susan Holmes
Jun S. Liu
+ PDF Chat The Concentration of Measure Phenomenon 2005 Michel Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Testing for Independence in a Two-Way Table: New Interpretations of the Chi-Square Statistic 1985 Persi Diaconis
Bradley Efron
+ PDF Chat Simple deterministic approximation algorithms for counting matchings 2007 Mohsen Bayati
David Gamarnik
Dimitriy Katz
Chandra Nair
Prasad Tetali
+ Effective lattice point counting in rational convex polytopes 2004 Jesús A. De Loera
Raymond Hemmecke
Jeremiah Tauzer
Ruriko Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Computing Mixed Discriminants, Mixed Volumes, and Permanents 1997 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat A polynomial-time algorithm to approximately count contingency tables when the number of rows is constant 2002 Mary Cryan
Martin Dyer
+ The Markov chain Monte Carlo method: an approach to approximate counting and integration 1996 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ The asymptotic number of non-negative integer matrices with given row and column sums 1974 Edward A. Bender
+ Improved bounds for sampling contingency tables 2002 Ben Morris
+ PDF Chat Computing the Permanent of (Some) Complex Matrices 2015 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat On the Application of Symmetric Dirichlet Distributions and their Mixtures to Contingency Tables 1976 I. J. Good
+ PDF Chat Approximating the Permanent 1989 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ PDF Chat The Repulsive Lattice Gas, the Independent-Set Polynomial, and the Lov�sz Local Lemma 2005 Alex Scott
Alan D. Sokal
+ PDF Chat Estimating L∞ Norms by L2k Norms for Functions on Orbits 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Random Matrices, Magic Squares and Matching Polynomials 2004 Persi Diaconis
Alex Gamburd
+ Convex hulls of generalized moment curves 1985 Zeev Smilansky
+ An elementary introduction to modern convex geometry, in flavors of geometry 1997 KM Ball
+ The enumeration of arrays and a generalization related to contingency tables 1977 I. J. Good
James Flinn Crook
+ PDF Chat Maximum Entropy for Hypothesis Formulation, Especially for Multidimensional Contingency Tables 1963 I. J. Good
+ On the number of matrices and a random matrix with prescribed row and column sums and 0–1 entries 2009 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat None 2015 Alexander Barvinok
+ The Van der Waerden conjecture for mixed discriminants 2005 Leonid Gurvits
+ A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Counting Integral Points in Polyhedra When the Dimension is Fixed 1994 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat Computing the Partition Function for Perfect Matchings in a Hypergraph 2011 Alexander Barvinok
Alex Samorodnitsky
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic enumeration of sparse 0–1 matrices with irregular row and column sums 2005 Catherine Greenhill
Brendan D. McKay
Xiaoji Wang
+ Nonnegative Matrices and Applications 1997 R.B. Bapat
T. E. S. Raghavan
+ The Volume of Convex Bodies and Banach Space Geometry 1989 Gilles Pisier
+ PDF Chat A Deterministic Algorithm for Approximating the Mixed Discriminant and Mixed Volume, and a Combinatorial Corollary 2002 Gurvits
+ Statistical Theory of Equations of State and Phase Transitions. II. Lattice Gas and Ising Model 1952 T. D. Lee
Chongming Yang
+ The complexity of partition functions 2005 Andreĭ A. Bulatov
Martin Grohe
+ PDF Chat Sampling from Log-Concave Distributions 1994 Alan Frieze
Ravi Kannan
Nick Polson
+ The maximum numbers of faces of a convex polytope 1970 Peter McMullen
+ PDF Chat Concentration of measure and isoperimetric inequalities in product spaces 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Points entiers dans les polyèdres convexes 1988 Michel Brion