Amila Ariyaratne


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat High-sensitivity diamond magnetometer with nanoscale resolution 2008 Jacob M. Taylor
Paola Cappellaro
Lilian Childress
Liang Jiang
Dmitry Budker
Philip Hemmer
Amir Yacoby
Ronald L. Walsworth
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Proton magnetic resonance imaging using a nitrogen–vacancy spin sensor 2014 D. Rugar
H. J. Mamin
Mark Sherwood
M. Kim
Charles Rettner
Kaoru Ohno
D. D. Awschalom
+ PDF Chat Nanoscale nuclear magnetic imaging with chemical contrast 2015 Thomas HĂ€berle
Dominik Schmid-Lorch
Friedemann Reinhard
Jörg Wrachtrup
+ PDF Chat Two-Dimensional Nanoscale Imaging of Gadolinium Spins via Scanning Probe Relaxometry with a Single Spin in Diamond 2014 Matthew Pelliccione
Bryan Myers
Laëtitia Pascal
A. Das
Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich
+ PDF Chat Solid-state electronic spin coherence time approaching one second 2013 Nir Bar‐Gill
Linh Pham
Andrey Jarmola
Dmitry Budker
Ronald L. Walsworth
+ PDF Chat Theory of the ground-state spin of the NV<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mrow /><mml:mo>−</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>center in diamond 2012 Marcus W. Doherty
Florian Dolde
Helmut Fedder
Fedor Jelezko
Jörg Wrachtrup
Neil B. Manson
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
+ PDF Chat Investigation of Surface Magnetic Noise by Shallow Spins in Diamond 2014 T. Rosskopf
A. Dussaux
K. Ohashi
M. Loretz
Romana Schirhagl
Hideyuki Watanabe
Shinichi Shikata
Kohei M. Itoh
Christian L. Degen
+ PDF Chat High-Sensitivity Magnetometry Based on Quantum Beats in Diamond Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers 2013 Kejie Fang
VĂ­ctor M. Acosta
Charles Santori
Zhihong Huang
Kohei M. Itoh
Hideyuki Watanabe
Shinichi Shikata
Raymond G. Beausoleil
+ PDF Chat Scanned probe imaging of nanoscale magnetism at cryogenic temperatures with a single-spin quantum sensor 2016 Matthew Pelliccione
Alec Jenkins
Preeti Ovartchaiyapong
Christopher Reetz
Eve Emmanouilidou
Ni Ni
Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich
+ PDF Chat A large-scale quantum simulator on a diamond surface at room temperature 2013 Jianming Cai
Alex Retzker
Fedor Jelezko
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Jumps in Current-Voltage Characteristics in Disordered Films 2009 B. L. Altshuler
V. E. Kravtsov
Igor V. Lerner
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Multipulse Double-Quantum Magnetometry with Near-Surface Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers 2014 H. J. Mamin
Mark Sherwood
M. Kim
Charles Rettner
Kaoru Ohno
D. D. Awschalom
D. Rugar
+ PDF Chat Temperature Dependence of Electric Field Noise above Gold Surfaces 2008 Jaroslaw Labaziewicz
Yufei Ge
David R. Leibrandt
Shannon X. Wang
Ruth Shewmon
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Microscopic model of electric-field-noise heating in ion traps 2011 Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Peter Rabl
Philippe F. Weck
H. R. Sadeghpour
+ PDF Chat Electrical Tuning of Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Optical Transitions Enhanced by Photoinduced Fields 2011 Lee C. Bassett
F. Joseph Heremans
Christopher G. Yale
Bob B. Buckley
D. D. Awschalom
+ PDF Chat Direct imaging of the coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface 2011 Julie A. Bert
Beena Kalisky
Christopher Bell
Minu Kim
Yasuyuki Hikita
Harold Y. Hwang
Kathryn A. Moler
+ PDF Chat Noise spectroscopy through dynamical decoupling with a superconducting flux qubit 2011 Jonas Bylander
Simon Gustavsson
Fei Yan
Fumiki Yoshihara
K. Harrabi
George Fitch
David G. Cory
Yasunobu Nakamura
Jaw Shen Tsai
William D. Oliver
+ PDF Chat Spin relaxometry of single nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond nanocrystals for magnetic noise sensing 2013 Jean‐Philippe Tetienne
T. Hingant
LoĂŻc Rondin
A. CavaillĂšs
Ludovic Mayer
GĂ©raldine Dantelle
Thierry Gacoin
Jörg Wrachtrup
Jean-François Roch
V. Jacques
+ PDF Chat Probing Surface Noise with Depth-Calibrated Spins in Diamond 2014 Bryan Myers
A. Das
Matthieu Dartiailh
Kaoru Ohno
D. D. Awschalom
Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich
+ PDF Chat Tracking Temperature-Dependent Relaxation Times of Ferritin Nanomagnets with a Wideband Quantum Spectrometer 2014 E. O. SchÀfer-Nolte
Lukas Schlipf
Markus Ternes
Friedemann Reinhard
Klaus Kern
Jörg Wrachtrup
+ PDF Chat Universal Dynamical Decoupling of a Single Solid-State Spin from a Spin Bath 2010 G. de Lange
Z. H. Wang
Diego RistĂš
V. V. Dobrovitski
Ronald Hanson
+ PDF Chat Electric-field sensing using single diamond spins 2011 Florian Dolde
Helmut Fedder
Marcus W. Doherty
Tobias Nöbauer
F. Rempp
Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian
Thomas Wolf
Friedemann Reinhard
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
Fedor Jelezko
+ PDF Chat Mechanical Spin Control of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond 2013 E. R. MacQuarrie
Tanay A. Gosavi
Nicholas R. Jungwirth
Sunil A. Bhave
Gregory D. Fuchs
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of Surface-Induced Noise Using Shallow Spins in Diamond 2015 Yoav Romach
Christoph MĂŒller
Thomas Unden
Lachlan J. Rogers
Taiga Isoda
Kohei M. Itoh
Matthew Markham
Alastair Stacey
Jan Meijer
SĂ©bastien Pezzagna
+ PDF Chat Stabilizing shallow color centers in diamond created by nitrogen delta-doping using SF6 plasma treatment 2015 Christian Osterkamp
Johannes Lang
Jochen Scharpf
Christoph MĂŒller
Liam P. McGuinness
Thomas Diemant
R. JĂŒrgen Behm
Boris Naydenov
Fedor Jelezko
+ PDF Chat Mott Transition in VO <sub>2</sub> Revealed by Infrared Spectroscopy and Nano-Imaging 2007 M. M. Qazilbash
M. Brehm
Byung Gyu Chae
Pei-Chun Ho
Gregory Andreev
Bong-Jun Kim
Sun Jin Yun
Alexander V. Balatsky
M. B. Maple
F. Keilmann
+ PDF Chat Loss and heating of particles in small and noisy traps 1999 Carsten Henkel
Sierk Pötting
Martin Wilkens
+ PDF Chat Stray-field imaging of magnetic vortices with a single diamond spin 2013 LoĂŻc Rondin
Jean‐Philippe Tetienne
Stanislas Rohart
A. Thiaville
T. Hingant
Piernicola Spinicelli
Jean-François Roch
V. Jacques
+ PDF Chat Magnetic spin imaging under ambient conditions with sub-cellular resolution 2013 Steffen Steinert
Florestan Ziem
Liam T. Hall
Andrea Zappe
Michael Schweikert
Nicolas S. Götz
A. Aird
Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
Jörg Wrachtrup
+ PDF Chat Dynamic strain-mediated coupling of a single diamond spin to a mechanical resonator 2014 Preeti Ovartchaiyapong
Kenneth W. Lee
Bryan Myers
Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich
+ PDF Chat Nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance with a 1.9-nm-deep nitrogen-vacancy sensor 2014 M. Loretz
SĂ©bastien Pezzagna
Jan Meijer
Christian L. Degen
+ PDF Chat Anisotropy of ultrathin ferromagnetic films and the spin reorientation transition 2002 K. D. Usadel
Alfred Hucht
+ PDF Chat How to enhance dephasing time in superconducting qubits 2008 Ɓukasz CywiƄski
Roman M. Lutchyn
Cody P. Nave
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Efficient Readout of a Single Spin State in Diamond via Spin-to-Charge Conversion 2015 Brendan Shields
Quirin Unterreithmeier
Nathalie P. de Leon
Hongkun Park
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Simplified motional heating rate measurements of trapped ions 2007 R. J. Epstein
S. Seidelin
D. Leibfried
J. H. Wesenberg
J. J. Bollinger
Jason M. Amini
R. B. Blakestad
J. Britton
Jonathan Home
Wayne M. Itano
+ PDF Chat Universal control and error correction in multi-qubit spin registers in diamond 2014 T. H. Taminiau
Julia Cramer
Toeno van der Sar
V. V. Dobrovitski
Ronald Hanson
+ PDF Chat Decoherence imaging of spin ensembles using a scanning single-electron spin in diamond 2015 Lan Luan
M. S. Grinolds
Sungkun Hong
Patrick Maletinsky
Ronald L. Walsworth
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Observation of an anomalous decoherence effect in a quantum bath at room temperature 2011 Pu Huang
Xi Kong
Nan Zhao
Fazhan Shi
Pengfei Wang
Xing Rong
Ren‐Bao Liu
Jiangfeng Du
+ PDF Chat Gate-tuning of graphene plasmons revealed by infrared nano-imaging 2012 Zhe Fei
Aleksandr Rodin
Gregory Andreev
Wenzhong Bao
Alexander McLeod
Martin Wagner
L. M. Zhang
Zhenyu Zhao
M. H. Thiemens
G. Dominguez
+ PDF Chat Phase Separation in Doped Mott Insulators 2015 Chuck-Hou Yee
Leon Balents
+ PDF Chat Implantation of labelled single nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond using N15 2006 J. R. Rabeau
P. Reichart
G Yu Tamanyan
D.N. Jamieson
Steven Prawer
Fedor Jelezko
T. Gaebel
I. Popa
M. Domhan
Jörg Wrachtrup
+ PDF Chat Nanoscale magnetic imaging of a single electron spin under ambient conditions 2013 M. S. Grinolds
Sungkun Hong
Patrick Maletinsky
Lijun Luan
Mikhail D. Lukin
Ronald L. Walsworth
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Single-color centers implanted in diamond nanostructures 2011 Birgit J. M. Hausmann
Thomas M. Babinec
Jennifer T. Choy
J. S. Hodges
Sungkun Hong
Ä°rfan Bulu
Amir Yacoby
Mikhail D. Lukin
Marko Lončar
+ PDF Chat Temperature- and Magnetic-Field-Dependent Longitudinal Spin Relaxation in Nitrogen-Vacancy Ensembles in Diamond 2012 Andrey Jarmola
VĂ­ctor M. Acosta
Kasper Jensen
Sergey Chemerisov
Dmitry Budker
+ PDF Chat Dangling-bond spin relaxation and magnetic<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>noise from the amorphous-semiconductor/oxide interface: Theory 2007 RogĂ©rio de Sousa
+ PDF Chat Subnanometre resolution in three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of individual dark spins 2014 M. S. Grinolds
M. Warner
Kristiaan De Greve
Yuliya Dovzhenko
Lucas Thiel
Ronald L. Walsworth
Sungkun Hong
Patrick Maletinsky
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Nanometre-scale thermometry in a living cell 2013 Georg Kucsko
Peter C. Maurer
Norman Y. Yao
M. K. Kubo
H.‐J. Noh
Pik Kwan Lo
Hongkun Park
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat A robust scanning diamond sensor for nanoscale imaging with single nitrogen-vacancy centres 2012 Patrick Maletinsky
Sungkun Hong
M. S. Grinolds
Birgit Hausmann
M. D. Lukin
Ronald L. Walsworth
Marco Loncar
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Constraints on relaxation rates for<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>-level quantum systems 2004 S. G. Schirmer
A. I. Solomon
+ PDF Chat Continuous dynamical decoupling of a single diamond nitrogen-vacancy center spin with a mechanical resonator 2015 E. R. MacQuarrie
Tanay A. Gosavi
Sunil A. Bhave
Gregory D. Fuchs