Camil Muscalu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF A new approach to the Fourier extension problem for the paraboloid 2024 Camil Muscalu
Itamar Oliveira
+ PDF Mixed‐norm estimates via the helicoidal method 2024 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ A New Proof of Strichartz Estimates for the Schrödinger Equation in $$2+1$$ Dimensions 2023 Camil Muscalu
Itamar Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Five-linear singular integral estimates of Brascamp–Lieb-type 2022 Camil Muscalu
Yujia Zhai
+ PDF Multiple vector-valued, mixed norm estimates for Littlewood-Paley square functions 2022 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ A new proof of Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation in $2+1$ dimensions 2022 Camil Muscalu
Itamar Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Sparse domination via the helicoidal method 2021 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ A new approach to the Fourier extension problem for the paraboloid 2021 Camil Muscalu
Itamar Oliveira
+ Five-Linear Singular Integral Estimates of Brascamp-Lieb Type 2020 Camil Muscalu
Yujia Zhai
+ Mixed-norm estimates via the helicoidal method 2020 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ The Helicoidal Method 2018 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Chat Sparse domination via the helicoidal method 2018 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ Multiple vector-valued, mixed norm estimates for Littlewood-Paley square functions 2018 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ The Helicoidal Method 2018 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Quasi-Banach valued inequalities via the helicoidal method 2017 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Mixed-norm estimates for paraproducts 2017 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ Sparse domination via the helicoidal method 2017 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Chat Multiple vector-valued inequalities via the helicoidal method 2016 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Multiple Vector Valued Inequalities via the Helicoidal Method 2016 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ Variational estimates for the bilinear iterated Fourier integral 2016 Yen Do
Camil Muscalu
Christoph Thiele
+ Mixed-norm estimates for paraproducts 2016 Cristina Benea
Camil Muscalu
+ Variational estimates for the bilinear iterated Fourier integral 2016 Yen Do
Camil Muscalu
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Calderón commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves revisited III. Polydisc extensions 2014 Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Calderón commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves revisited II. The Cauchy integral and its generalizations 2014 Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Calderón commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves revisited I. First commutator and generalizations 2014 Camil Muscalu
+ Multi-Linear Multipliers Associated to Simplexes of Arbitrary Length 2014 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Some remarks on the $n$-linear Hilbert transform for $n \geq 4$ 2014 Camil Muscalu
+ Conjugate harmonic functions; Hilbert transform 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ The Fourier transform on ℝ<sup> <i>d</i> </sup> and on LCA groups 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Introduction to probability theory 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Fourier series: convergence and summability 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Calderón commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Fourier series and randomness 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ PDF Almost everywhere convergence of Fourier series 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Calderón–Zygmund theory of singular integrals 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Iterated Fourier series and physical reality 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ The bilinear Hilbert transform 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Flag paraproducts 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ PDF Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ PDF Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Some remarks on the $n$-linear Hilbert transform for $n\geq 4$ 2012 Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Variational estimates for paraproducts 2012 Yen Do
Camil Muscalu
Christoph Thiele
+ Calder\'{o}n commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves revisited I. First commutator and generalizations 2012 Camil Muscalu
+ Calder\'{o}n commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves revisited III. Polydisc extensions 2012 Camil Muscalu
+ Calderón commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves revisited II. Cauchy integral and generalizations 2012 Camil Muscalu
+ Some remarks on the $n$-linear Hilbert transform for $n\geq 4$ 2012 Camil Muscalu
+ Calderón commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves revisited III. Polydisc extensions 2012 Camil Muscalu
+ Calderón commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves revisited I. First commutator and generalizations 2012 Camil Muscalu
+ Variational estimates for paraproducts 2010 Yen Do
Camil Muscalu
Christoph Thiele
+ Flag Paraproducts 2008 Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Paraproducts with flag singularities I. A case study 2007 Camil Muscalu
+ PDF Chat Generalizations of the Carleson-Hunt theorem I. The classical singularity case 2007 Xiaochun Li
Camil Muscalu
+ Multi-linear multipliers associated to simplexes of arbitrary length 2007 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Multi-parameter paraproducts 2006 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The bi-Carleson operator 2006 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Paraproducts with flag singularities I. A case study 2006 Camil Muscalu
+ Generalizations of the Carleson-Hunt theorem I. The classical singularity case 2005 Xiaochun Li
Camil Muscalu
+ The Bi-Carleson operator 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Bi-parameter paraproducts 2004 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Multi-parameter paraproducts 2004 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The Bi-Carleson operator 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Bi-parameter paraproducts 2003 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev 2003 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Bi-parameter paraproducts 2003 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A Discrete Model for the Bi-Carleson Operator 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Uniform estimates on multi-linear operators with modulation symmetry 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Uniform estimates on paraproducts 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat A Carleson type theorem for a Cantor group model of the scattering transform 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Carleson measures, trees, extrapolation, and T(b) theorems 2002 Pascal Auscher
Steve Hofmann
Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ On the bi-carleson operator I. The Walsh case 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Uniform estimates on multi-linear operators with modulation symmetry 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ $L^p$ estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Uniform estimates on paraproducts 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Carleson measures, trees, extrapolation, and $T(b)$ theorems 2001 Pascal Auscher
Steve Hofmann
Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ $L^p$ estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A joint norm control Nehari type theorem forN-tuples of Hardy spaces 1999 Camil Muscalu
+ On the Harnack principle for strongly elliptic systems with nonsmooth coefficients 1999 Camil Muscalu
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 1999 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Radial limit of lacunary Fourier series with coefficients in non-commutative symmetric spaces 1997 Camil Muscalu
+ An example of relative Calder�n couples of Hardyp-spaces with 0&lt;p&lt;1 1996 Camil Muscalu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Calderon's Conjecture 1999 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
Timothy S Murphy
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ L p Estimates on the Bilinear Hilbert Transform for 2 &lt; p &lt; &amp;#8734 1997 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Bi-parameter paraproducts 2004 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series 1973 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF On convergence and growth of partial sums of Fourier series 1966 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Multi-parameter paraproducts 2006 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev 2003 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ PDF Multilinear estimates and fractional integration 1999 Carlos E. Kenig
Elias M. Stein
+ Some Maximal Inequalities 1971 Charles Fefferman
E. M. Stein
+ On the bilinear Hilbert transform 1998 Michael T. Lacey
+ PDF A proof of boundedness of the Carleson operator 2000 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Polynomial growth estimates for multilinear singular integral operators 1987 Michael Christ
Jean-Lin Journé
+ PDF The Marcinkiewicz multiplier condition for bilinear operators 2001 Loukas Grafakos
N. J. Kalton
+ PDF The quartile operator and pointwise convergence of Walsh series 2000 Christoph Thiele
+ WKB and Spectral Analysis¶of One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators¶with Slowly Varying Potentials 2001 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Calderón-Zygmund Operators on Product Spaces 1985 Jean-Lin Journé
+ The bi-Carleson operator 2006 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Maximal Functions Associated to Filtrations 2001 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Hp spaces of several variables 1972 Charles Fefferman
E. M. Stein
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF On commutators of singular integrals and bilinear singular integrals 1975 Ronald R. Coifman
Yves Meyer
+ On the Convergence of Fourier Series 1935 J. Marcinkiewicz
+ PDF On commutators of singular integrals 1975 Calixto P. Calderón
+ PDF Some recent developments in Fourier analysis and 𝐻^{𝑝}-theory on product domains 1985 Sun Chang
Robert Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Vector-valued inequalities for families of bilinear Hilbert transforms and applications to bi-parameter problems 2014 Prabath Silva
+ A Discrete Model for the Bi-Carleson Operator 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ WKB Asymptotic Behavior of Almost All Generalized Eigenfunctions for One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators with Slowly Decaying Potentials 2001 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
+ Bi-parameter paraproducts 2003 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A variation norm Carleson theorem 2012 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ PDF A BMO estimate for multilinear singular integrals 1986 Jonathan Cohen
John Gosselin
+ A Boundedness Criterion for Generalized Calderon-Zygmund Operators 1984 Guy David
Jean-Lin Journé
+ PDF A characterization of product BMO by commutators 2002 Sarah Hargus Ferguson
Michael T. Lacey
+ PDF On the local and global well-posedness theory for the KP-I equation 2004 Carlos E. Kenig
+ PDF Carleson measures, trees, extrapolation, and T(b) theorems 2002 Pascal Auscher
Steve Hofmann
Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Commutator estimates and the euler and navier-stokes equations 1988 Tosio Kato
Gustavo Ponce
+ PDF Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis 2013 Camil Muscalu
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Wave Packet Analysis 2006 Christoph Thiele
+ PDF The Brascamp–Lieb Inequalities: Finiteness, Structure and Extremals 2007 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Michael Christ
Terence Tao
+ PDF Uniform bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transforms, I 2004 Loukas Grafakos
Xiaochun Li
+ PDF On the divergence of multiple Fourier series 1971 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Pointwise ergodic theorems for arithmetic sets 1989 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Strong variational and jump inequalities in harmonic analysis 2008 Roger L. Jones
Andreas Seeger
James Wright
+ PDF New maximal functions and multiple weights for the multilinear Calderón–Zygmund theory 2008 Andrei K. Lerner
Sheldy Ombrosi
Carlos Pérez
Rodolfo H. Torres
Rodrigo Trujillo‐González
+ A Uniform Estimate 2002 Christoph Thiele
+ The Bilinear Maximal Functions Map into L p for 2/3 &lt; p ≤ 1 2000 Michael T. Lacey