Harry Kesten


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Oriented percolation in a random environment 2022 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
Maria Eulália Vares
+ PDF On the number of maximal paths in directed last-passage percolation 2020 Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Harry Kesten
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ On the number of maximal paths in directed last-passage percolation 2018 Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Harry Kesten
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ On the number of maximal paths in directed last-passage percolation 2018 Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Harry Kesten
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Vladas Sidoravičius
Harry Kesten
+ (Xn- 0) - (Xn-1 - 0) = Xn- XnI indicate that I Xn - 0 is small, where- as few fluctuations in the sign of Xn - X., indicate that Xn is still far away 2016 Harry Kesten
+ Site recurrence for coalescing random walk 2016 Itaï Benjamini
Eric Foxall
Ori Gurel-Gurevich
Matthew Junge
Harry Kesten
+ Connectivity of certain graphs on halfspaces, quarter spaces, ...· 2015 Harry Kesten
+ Site recurrence for coalescing random walk 2015 Itaï Benjamini
Eric Foxall
Ori Gurel-Gurevich
Matthew Junge
Harry Kesten
+ Random walk in a high density dynamic random environment 2014 Frank den Hollander
Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat On the Compatibility of Binary Sequences 2013 Harry Kesten
Bernardo N. B. de Lima
Vladas Sidoravičius
Maria Eulália Vares
+ Random walk in a high density dynamic random environment 2013 Frank den Hollander
Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Random walk in a high density dynamic random environment 2013 W.Th.F. den Hollander
Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Random walk in a high density dynamic random environment 2013 Frank den Hollander
Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ On the compatibility of binary sequences 2012 Harry Kesten
Bernardo N. B. de Lima
Vladas Sidoravičius
Maria Eulália Vares
+ The critical parameter for connectedness of some random graphs 2012 Rick Durrett
Harry Kesten
+ Percolation since Saint-Flour 2012 Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
+ On the compatibility of binary sequences 2012 Harry Kesten
Bernardo N. B. de Lima
Vladas Sidoravičius
Maria Eulália Vares
+ Oriented percolation in a random environment 2012 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
Maria Eulália Vares
+ probability-on-discrete-structures 2012 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Asymptotic Shape and Propagation of Fronts for Growth Models in Dynamic Random Environment 2011 Harry Kesten
Alejandro F. Ramı́rez
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ The work of Stanislav Smirnov 2011 Harry Kesten
+ Geometry of the uniform spanning forest: Transitions in dimensions 4, 8, 12, … 2011 Itaï Benjamini
Harry Kesten
Yuval Peres
Oded Schramm
+ PDF A problem in last-passage percolation 2010 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF A problem in one-dimensional diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) and positive recurrence of Markov chains 2008 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF A shape theorem for the spread of an infection 2008 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Positive Recurrence of a One-Dimensional Variant of Diffusion Limited Aggregation 2008 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF On the Range of the Simple Random Walk Bridge on Groups 2007 Itaï Benjamini
Roey Izkovsky
Harry Kesten
+ A Problem in Last-Passage Percolation 2007 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Aspects of first passage percolation 2006 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A phase transition in a model for the spread of an infection 2006 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ On the range of the simple random walk bridge on groups 2006 Itaï Benjamini
Roey Izkovsky
Harry Kesten
+ PDF The spread of a rumor or infection in a moving population 2005 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Geometry of the uniform spanning forest: Transitions in dimensions 4, 8, 12,... 2004 Itaï Benjamini
Harry Kesten
Yuval Peres
Oded Schramm
+ PDF A Bound for the Distribution of the Hitting Time of Arbitrary Sets by Random Walk 2004 Antal A. Járai
Harry Kesten
+ Some effects of trimming on the law of the iterated logarithm 2004 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ A phase transition in a model for the spread of an infection 2004 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Some effects of trimming on the law of the iterated logarithm 2004 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ First-Passage Percolation 2003 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Branching Random Walk with Catalysts 2003 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ A shape theorem for the spread of an infection 2003 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Once edge-reinforced random walk on a tree 2002 Rick Durrett
Harry Kesten
Vlada Limic
+ Randomly coalescing random walks in dimension $d \ge 3$ 2002 J. van deBerg
Harry Kesten
+ Randomly Coalescing Random Walk in Dimension ≥3 2002 Jacob van den Berg
Harry Kesten
+ Some highlights of percolation 2002 Harry Kesten
+ Large deviations for the range of an integer valued random walk 2002 Yuji Hamana
Harry Kesten
+ The Birth of the Infinite Cluster:¶Finite-Size Scaling in Percolation 2001 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Harry Kesten
J. Spencer
+ PDF A large-deviation result for the range of random walk and for the Wiener sausage 2001 Yuji Hamana
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Greedy lattice animals: negative values and unconstrained maxima 2001 Amir Dembo
Alberto Gandolfi
Harry Kesten
+ Random Electrical Networks on Complete Graphs II: Proofs 2001 Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Percolation of Arbitrary words on the Close-Packed Graph of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ 2001 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
Yu Zhang
+ Randomly coalescing random walk in dimension $ geq $ 3 2001 Jur van den Berg
Harry Kesten
+ Geometry of the Uniform Spanning Forest: Transitions in Dimensions 4, 8, 12 2001 Itaï Benjamini
Harry Kesten
Yuval Peres
Oded Schramm
+ Coalescing and annihilating random walk with ‘action at a distance’ 2000 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Asymptotic behavior of the critical probability for ρ-percolation in high dimensions 2000 Harry Kesten
Zhonggen Su
+ Some remarks on <i>AB</i>-percolation in high dimensions 2000 Harry Kesten
Zhonggen Su
+ PDF Asymptotic density in a coalescing random walk model 2000 Harry Kesten
Jacob van den Berg
+ PDF Stability and other limit laws for exit times of random walks from a strip or a halfplane 1999 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ Uniform boundedness of critical crossing probabilities implies hyperscaling 1999 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Harry Kesten
J. Spencer
+ Uniform Boundedness of Crossing Probabilities Implies Hyperscaling 1998 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Harry Kesten
J. Spencer
+ None 1998 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ PDF Almost All Words Are Seen In Critical Site Percolation On The Triangular Lattice 1998 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
Yu Zhang
+ Asymptotic density in a coalescing random walk model 1998 Harry Kesten
van den Hans Berg
+ Random Deletion Does Not Affect Asymptotic Normality or Quadratic Negligibility 1997 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ PDF A universal form of the Chung-type law of the iterated logarithm 1997 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A central limit theorem for “critical” first-passage percolation in two dimensions 1997 Harry Kesten
Yu Zhang
+ None 1997 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ Distinguishing sceneries by observing the scenery along a random walk path 1996 Itaï Benjamini
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Two renewal theorems for general random walks tending to infinity 1996 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ A local limit theorem for the number of nodes, the height, and the number of final leaves in a critical branching process tree 1996 Harry Kesten
Boris Pittel
+ PDF The central limit theorem for weighted minimal spanning trees on random points 1996 Harry Kesten
Sung Chul Lee
+ PDF $R$-positivity, quasi-stationary distributions and ratio limit theorems for a class of probabilistic automata 1996 Pablo A. Ferrari
Harry Kesten
Sofía Boza
+ Detecting a single defect in a scenery by observing the scenery along a random walk path 1996 Harry Kesten
+ PDF On the Non-Convexity of the Time Constant in First-Passage Percolation 1996 Harry Kesten
+ PDF On some growth models with a small parameter 1995 Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Branching random walk with a critical branching part 1995 Harry Kesten
+ A ratio limit theorem for (sub) Markov chains on {1,2, …} with bounded jumps 1995 Harry Kesten
+ A ratio limit theorem for (sub) Markov chains on {1,2, …} with bounded jumps 1995 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Percolation of Arbitrary Words in $\{0, 1\}^\mathbb{N}$ 1995 Itaï Benjamini
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Existence of Quasi-Stationary Distributions. A Renewal Dynamical Approach 1995 Pablo A. Ferrari
Harry Kesten
Sofía Boza
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Infinite Limits and Infinite Limit Points of Random Walks and Trimmed Sums 1994 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ PDF Greedy Lattice Animals II: Linear Growth 1994 Alberto Gandolfi
Harry Kesten
+ A Limit Theorem for Weighted Branching Process Trees 1994 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Strict inequality for critical values of Potts models and random-cluster processes 1993 Carol Bezuidenhout
Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Greedy Lattice Animals I: Upper Bounds 1993 J. Theodore Cox
Alberto Gandolfi
Philip S. Griffin
Harry Kesten
+ Convergence in distribution of lightly trimmed and untrimmed sums are equivalent 1993 Harry Kesten
+ PDF On the Speed of Convergence in First-Passage Percolation 1993 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Random walk on the infinite cluster of the percolation model 1993 Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
Y. Zhang
+ The tortuosity of occupied crossings of a box in critical percolation 1993 Harry Kesten
Yu Zhang
+ PDF Inequalities for the Time Constant in First-Passage Percolation 1993 J. van den Berg
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Ratios of Trimmed Sums and Order Statistics 1992 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ PDF A Necessary Condition for Making Money from Fair Games 1992 Harry Kesten
Gregory F. Lawler
+ An Absorption Problem for Several Brownian motions 1992 Harry Kesten
+ Greedy lattice animals I: Upper bounds, II: Linear growth 1992 Alberto Gandolfi
Harry Kesten
+ Relations Between Solutions to a Discrete and Continuous Dirichlet Problem 1991 Harry Kesten
+ PDF On weighted heights of random trees 1991 Rick Durrett
Harry Kesten
Ed Waymire
+ Asymptotics in High Dimensions For the Fortuin-Kasteleyn Random Cluster Model 1991 Harry Kesten
+ Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Interacting Particle Systems 1991 Rick Durrett
Harry Kesten
+ Random walks, Brownian motion and interacting particle systems : a festschrift in honor of Frank Spitzer 1991 Harry Kesten
Richard Durrett
Frank Spitzer
+ Upper bounds for the growth rate of DLA 1990 Harry Kesten
+ PDF The Probability of a Large Finite Cluster in Supercritical Bernoulli Percolation 1990 Harry Kesten
Yu Zhang
+ PDF A note on the Ising model in high dimensions 1989 Jean Bricmont
Harry Kesten
J. L. Lebowitz
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF The Correlation Length for the High-Density Phase of Bernoulli Percolation 1989 Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Supercritical Branching Processes with Countably Many Types and the Size of Random Cantor Sets 1989 Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Correlation lenght of the high density phase of Bernoulli percolation 1989 Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Uniqueness of the infinite cluster and continuity of connectivity functions for short and long range percolation 1987 Michael Aizenman
Harry Kesten
Charles M. Newman
+ PDF Percolation Theory and First-Passage Percolation 1987 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Correction: The Influence of Mark Kac on Probability Theory 1987 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Surfaces with minimal random weights and maximal flows: A higher dimensional version of first-passage percolation 1987 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Scaling relations for 2D-percolation 1987 Harry Kesten
+ Strict inequalities for some critical exponents in two-dimensional percolation 1987 Harry Kesten
Yu Zhang
+ How long are the arms in DLA? 1987 Harry Kesten
+ A Scaling relation at criticality for 2D-Percolation 1987 Harry Kesten
+ Uniqueness of the Infinite Cluster and Related Results in Percolation 1987 Michael Aizenman
Harry Kesten
Charles M. Newman
+ Hitting probabilities of random walks on Zd 1987 Harry Kesten
+ Percolation Theory and Ergodic Theory of Infinite Particle Systems 1987 Harry Kesten
+ PDF The Influence of Mark Kac on Probability Theory 1986 Harry Kesten
+ PDF The incipient infinite cluster in two-dimensional percolation 1986 Harry Kesten
+ The limit distribution of Sinai's random walk in random environment 1986 Harry Kesten
+ Evidence for Ising-Type Critical Phenomena in Two-Dimensional Percolation 1986 Harry Kesten
+ École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint Flour XIV - 1984 1986 René Carmona
Harry Kesten
John B. Walsh
École d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour
Paul Louis Hennequin
+ Subdiffusive behavior of random walk on a random cluster 1986 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Oseledec’s multiplicative ergodic theorem: a proof 1986 Joel E. Cohen
Harry Kesten
Charles M. Newman
+ Random matrices and their applications : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held June 17-23, 1984, with support from the National Science Foundation 1986 Harry Kesten
Charles M. Newman
Joel E. Cohen
+ Inequalities with applications to percolation and reliability 1985 J. van den Berg
Harry Kesten
+ Inequalities with applications to percolation and reliability 1985 J. van den Berg
Harry Kesten
Harry Kesten
+ PDF First-passage percolation and a higher-dimensional generalization 1985 Harry Kesten
+ An inequality with applications to percolation theory and reliability theory 1984 Harry Kesten
+ On birth and death processes in symmetric random environment 1984 Kiyoshi Kawazu
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Percolation Theory for Mathematicians. 1984 J. M. Hammersley
Harry Kesten
+ PDF First-passage percolation, network flows and electrical resistances 1984 Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Convergence in distribution of products of random matrices 1984 Harry Kesten
Frank Spitzer
+ Inequalities for Critical Probabilities 1982 Harry Kesten
+ The Russo-Seymour-Welsh Theorem 1982 Harry Kesten
+ Which Graphs Do We Consider? 1982 Harry Kesten
+ Chapter 9. The nature of the singularity at $p_H$ 1982 Harry Kesten
+ Chapter 3. Periodic percolation problems 1982 Harry Kesten
+ Periodic Percolation Problems 1982 Harry Kesten
+ Bounds for the Distribution of # W 1982 Harry Kesten
+ Proofs of Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 1982 Harry Kesten
+ On the continuity of the time constant of first-passage percolation 1981 J. Theodore Cox
Harry Kesten
+ On the continuity of the time constant of first-passage percolation 1981 J. Theodore Cox
Harry Kesten
+ Analyticity properties and power law estimates of functions in percolation theory 1981 Harry Kesten
+ ON THE CONTINUITY OF THE TIME CONSTANT OF 1981 First-Passage Percolation
J. Theodore Cox
Harry Kesten
+ On the time constant and path length of first-passage percolation 1980 Harry Kesten
+ On the time constant and path length of first-passage percolation 1980 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A limit theorem for stochastic acceleration 1980 Harry Kesten
George Papanicolaou
+ Random processes in random environments 1980 Harry Kesten
+ The critical probability of bond percolation on the square lattice equals 1/2 1980 Harry Kesten
+ Random processes in random environments 1980 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A limit theorem for turbulent diffusion 1979 Harry Kesten
George Papanicolaou
+ The speed of convergence of a martingale 1979 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A limit theorem related to a new class of self similar processes 1979 Harry Kesten
Frank Spitzer
+ Positive harmonic functions with zero boundary values 1979 Harry Kesten
+ Erickson's Conjecture on the Rate of Escape of d-Dimensional Random Walk 1978 Harry Kesten
+ Branching brownian motion with absorption 1978 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Erickson’s conjecture on the rate of escape of 𝑑-dimensional random walk 1978 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Existence and Uniqueness of Countable One-Dimensional Markov Random Fields 1976 Harry Kesten
+ Recurrence criteria for multi-dimensional Markov chains and multi-dimensional linear birth and death processes 1976 Harry Kesten
+ Recurrence criteria for multi-dimensional Markov chains and multi-dimensional linear birth and death processes 1976 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Sums of stationary sequences cannot grow slower than linearly 1975 Harry Kesten
+ A limit law for random walk in a random environment 1975 Harry Kesten
M. V. Kozlov
Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Strong and Weak Limit Points of a Normalized Random Walk 1974 K. Bruce Erickson
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Renewal Theory for Functionals of a Markov Chain with General State Space 1974 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Discussion on Professor Kingman's Paper 1973 D. L. Burkholder
D. J. Daley
Harry Kesten
Peter Ney
Frank Spitzer
J. M. Hammersley
J. F. C. Kingmán
+ PDF Random difference equations and Renewal theory for products of random matrices 1973 Harry Kesten
+ Limit theorems for stochastic growth models. II 1972 Harry Kesten
+ Limit theorems for stochastic growth models. II 1972 Harry Kesten
+ Limit theorems for stochastic growth models. I 1972 Harry Kesten
+ Limit theorems for stochastic growth models. I 1972 Harry Kesten
+ PDF The 1971 Rietz Lecture Sums of Independent Random Variables--Without Moment Conditions 1972 Harry Kesten
+ A ratio limit theorem for symmetric random walk 1970 Harry Kesten
+ PDF The Limit Points of a Normalized Random Walk 1970 Harry Kesten
+ Quadratic transformations: a model for population growth. II 1970 Harry Kesten
+ Quadratic transformations: a model for population growth. II 1970 Harry Kesten
+ Quadratic transformations: a model for population growth. I 1970 Harry Kesten
+ Quadratic transformations: a model for population growth. I 1970 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A Sharper Form of the Doeblin-Lévy-Kolmogorov-Rogozin Inequality for Concentration Functions. 1969 Harry Kesten
+ A tauberian theorem for random walk 1968 Harry Kesten
+ Limit theorems for decomposable multi-dimensional Galton-Watson processes 1967 Harry Kesten
Bernt P. Stigum
+ PDF A Limit Theorem for Multidimensional Galton-Watson Processes 1966 Harry Kesten
Bernt P. Stigum
+ PDF On two problems of Erdös Szüsz and Turan concerning diophantine approximations 1966 Harry Kesten
Vera T. Sós
+ PDF On a conjecture of Erdös and Szüsz related to uniform distribution mod 1 1966 Harry Kesten
+ The Galton-Watson Process with Mean One and Finite Variance 1966 Harry Kesten
Peter Ney
Frank Spitzer
+ An iterated logarithm law for local time 1965 Harry Kesten
+ Applications of Characteristic Functions (E. Lukacs and R. A. Laha) 1965 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Random walk on countably infinite Abelian groups 1965 Harry Kesten
Frank Spitzer
+ On the Number of Self-Avoiding Walks. II 1964 Harry Kesten
+ PDF The discrepancy of random sequences {kx} 1964 Harry Kesten
+ Ratio theorems for random walks I 1963 Harry Kesten
Frank Spitzer
+ Ratio theorems for random walks II 1963 Harry Kesten
+ On the Number of Self-Avoiding Walks 1963 Harry Kesten
+ On the extreme eigenvalues of translation kernels and Toeplitz matrices 1962 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A general property of random walk 1962 Harry Kesten
Donald Ornstein
Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Some Probabilistic Theorems on Diophantine Approximations 1962 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A limit theorem for the fractional parts of the sequence {2^{𝑘}𝑡} 1962 Z. Ciesielski
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Occupation times for Markov and semi-Markov chains 1962 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Some probabilistic theorems on Diophantine approximations 1962 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Uniform distribution mod 1 (II) 1962 Harry Kesten
+ Some remarks on the capacity of compound channels in the semicontinuous case 1961 Harry Kesten
+ PDF On a theorem of Spitzer and Stone and random walks with absorbing barriers 1961 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Random walks with absorbing barriers and Toeplitz forms 1961 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Full Banach Mean Values on Countable groups. 1959 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Symmetric Random Walks on Groups 1959 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A Property of the Multinomial Distribution 1959 Harry Kesten
Norman Morse
+ PDF Correction to the note: On rapidly mixing Transformations and an application to continued fractions 1959 Mark Kac
Harry Kesten
+ Symmetric random walks on groups 1959 Harry Kesten
+ On a series of cosecants II 1959 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Accelerated Stochastic Approximation 1958 Harry Kesten
+ PDF On rapidly mixing transformations and an application to continued fractions 1958 Mark Kac
Harry Kesten
+ Priority in waiting line problems : (proceedings knaw series a, _6_0(1957), nr 3, indagationes mathematicae, _1_9(1957), p 312-336) 1957 Harry Kesten
J. Th. Runnenburg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF First-Passage Percolation on the Square Lattice 1978 R. T. Smythe
John C. Wierman
+ PDF Percolation Theory for Mathematicians. 1984 J. M. Hammersley
Harry Kesten
+ A lower bound for the critical probability in a certain percolation process 1960 T. E. Harris
+ Principles of random walk 1964 Frank Spitzer
+ Percolation Probabilities on the Square Lattice 1978 Paul Seymour
Dominic Welsh
+ The critical probability of bond percolation on the square lattice equals 1/2 1980 Harry Kesten
+ First-Passage Percolation, Subadditive Processes, Stochastic Networks, and Generalized Renewal Theory 1965 J. M. Hammersley
Dominic Welsh
+ Aspects of first passage percolation 2006 Harry Kesten
+ PDF A note on percolation 1978 Lucio Russo
+ PDF Percolation Processes: Lower Bounds for the Critical Probability 1957 J. M. Hammersley
+ PDF Some Limit Theorems for Percolation Processes with Necessary and Sufficient Conditions 1981 J. Theodore Cox
Richard Durrett
+ Inequalities with applications to percolation and reliability 1985 J. van den Berg
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ PDF The spread of a rumor or infection in a moving population 2005 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Branching Random Walk with Catalysts 2003 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ On the time constant and path length of first-passage percolation 1980 Harry Kesten
+ Convergence of Probability Measures 1969 J. F. C. Kingmán
P. Billingsley
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ PDF On the critical percolation probabilities 1981 Lucio Russo
+ PDF Homogeneous nonnegative symmetric quadratic transformations 1964 G. R. Blakley
+ PDF Ratios of Trimmed Sums and Order Statistics 1992 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ PDF On a sharp transition from area law to perimeter law in a system of random surfaces 1983 Michael Aizenman
Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
J. Fr�hlich
Lucio Russo
+ PDF Postulates for Subadditive Processes 1974 J. M. Hammersley
+ Tree graph inequalities and critical behavior in percolation models 1984 Michael Aizenman
Charles M. Newman
+ PDF Sharpness of the phase transition in percolation models 1987 Michael Aizenman
David J. Barsky
+ PDF Scaling relations for 2D-percolation 1987 Harry Kesten
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1963 T. E. Harris
+ PDF On Conjectures in First Passage Percolation Theory 1978 John C. Wierman
Wolfgang Reh
+ PDF Correlation inequalities on some partially ordered sets 1971 C.M. Fortuin
Piet Kasteleyn
J. Ginibre
+ PDF The incipient infinite cluster in two-dimensional percolation 1986 Harry Kesten
+ A Combinatorial Lemma and its Application to Probability Theory 1991 Frank Spitzer
+ Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, a Kinetic Critical Phenomenon 1981 Thomas A. Witten
Leonard M. Sander
+ PDF Infinite Limits and Infinite Limit Points of Random Walks and Trimmed Sums 1994 Harry Kesten
Ross Maller
+ Ratio theorems for random walks I 1963 Harry Kesten
Frank Spitzer
+ PDF A combinatorial lemma and its application to probability theory 1956 Frank Spitzer
+ The shape theorem for the frog model 2002 O. S. M. Alves
Fábio P. Machado
Serguei Popov
+ Branching Processes 1972 Krishna B. Athreya
Peter Ney
+ Weak moment conditions for time coordinates in first-passage percolation models 1980 John C. Wierman
+ An upper bound for the velocity of first-passage percolation 1981 Svante Janson
+ An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications. Vol. II 1968 H. L. B.
William Feller
+ PDF A Limit Theorem for Multidimensional Galton-Watson Processes 1966 Harry Kesten
Bernt P. Stigum
+ PDF Ergodic properties of nonnegative matrices. I 1967 D. Vere‐Jones
+ PDF Asymptotics for interacting particle systems onZ d 1980 Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Greedy Lattice Animals I: Upper Bounds 1993 J. Theodore Cox
Alberto Gandolfi
Philip S. Griffin
Harry Kesten
+ PDF First-passage percolation, network flows and electrical resistances 1984 Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Mean-field critical behaviour for percolation in high dimensions 1990 Takashi Hara
Gordon Slade
+ PDF A Sharper Form of the Borel-Cantelli Lemma and the Strong Law 1965 Lester E. Dubins
David A. Freedman
+ PDF The Correlation Length for the High-Density Phase of Bernoulli Percolation 1989 Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Scaling theory of percolation clusters 1979 D. Stauffer