Loı̈c Hervé


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Computable bounds for solutions to Poisson's equation and perturbation of Markov kernels 2024 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Polynomial convergence rates for Markov kernels under nested modulated drift conditions 2023 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Explicit bounds for spectral theory of geometrically ergodic Markov kernels and applications 2023 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Fine asymptotic expansion of the ODE's flow 2023 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Robustness of iterated function systems of Lipschitz maps 2023 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Fine asymptotic expansion of the ODE's flow 2023 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Fine Asymptotic Expansion of the Ode's Flow 2023 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Rate of convergence of Nummelin-type representation of the invariant distribution of a Markov chain via the residual kernel 2023 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Tweedie-type stability estimates for the invariant probability measures of perturbed Markov chains under drift conditions 2022 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Quantitative approximation of the invariant distribution of a Markov chain. A new approach 2022 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Specific Properties of the ODE’s Flow in Dimension Two Versus Dimension Three 2022 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of ODE's flow on the torus through a singleton condition and a perturbation result. Applications 2022 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat A picture of the ODE's flow in the torus: From everywhere or almost-everywhere asymptotics to homogenization of transport equations 2021 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of ODE's flow on the torus through a singleton condition and a perturbation result. Applications 2021 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic of products of Markov kernels. Application to deterministic and random forward/backward products 2021 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Asymptotics of ODE's flows everywhere or almost-everywhere in the torus:from rotation sets to homogenization of transport equations 2021 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ Specific properties of the ODE's flow in dimension two versus dimension three 2021 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ Asymptotics of ODE's flows everywhere or almost-everywhere in the torus:from rotation sets to homogenization of transport equations 2021 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ $V$-geometrical ergodicity of Markov kernels via finite-rank approximations 2020 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Asymptotics of ODE's flow on the torus through a singleton condition and a perturbation result. Applications 2020 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Additional material on V-geometrical ergodicity of Markov kernels via finite-rank approximations 2019 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat State-Discretization of V-Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chains and Convergence to the Stationary Distribution 2019 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Exponential growth of branching processes in a general context of lifetimes and birthtimes dependence 2019 Loı̈c Hervé
Sana Louhichi
Françoise Pène
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative ergodicity of Laplace transforms for additive functional of Markov chains 2019 Loı̈c Hervé
Sana Louhichi
Françoise Pène
+ Revisiting the asymptotics of the flow for some dynamical systems on the torus 2019 Marc Briane
Loı̈c Hervé
+ State-discretization of $V$-geometrically ergodic Markov chains and convergence to the stationary distribution 2019 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Multiplicative ergodicity of laplace transforms for additive functional of markov chains with application to age-dependent branching process 2017 Loı̈c Hervé
Sana Louhichi
Françoise Pène
+ PDF Chat A computable bound of the essential spectral radius of finite range Metropolis–Hastings kernels 2016 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Computable bounds of ${\ell}^2$-spectral gap for discrete Markov chains with band transition matrices 2015 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
Françoise Pène
+ Additional material on bounds of $\ell^2$-spectral gap for discrete Markov chains with band transition matrices 2015 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Spectral Analysis of Markov Kernels and Application to the Convergence Rate Of Discrete Random Walks 2014 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Spectral Analysis of Markov Kernels and Application to the Convergence Rate Of Discrete Random Walks 2014 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Approximating Markov chains and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si36.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>V</mml:mi></mml:math>-geometric ergodicity via weak perturbation theory 2013 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Geometric ρ-Mixing Property of the Interarrival Times of a Stationary Markovian Arrival Process 2013 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Geometric ρ-Mixing Property of the Interarrival Times of a Stationary Markovian Arrival Process 2013 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat A local limit theorem for densities of the additive component of a finite Markov Additive Process 2013 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Regular Perturbation of V-Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chains 2013 Déborah Ferré
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Regular Perturbation of <i>V</i>-Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chains 2013 Déborah Ferré
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Additional material on local limit theorem for finite Additive Markov Processes [HL13] 2013 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Regular perturbation of V -geometrically ergodic Markov chains 2013 Déborah Ferré
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Geometric rho-mixing property of the interarrival times of a stationary Markovian Arrival Process 2013 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Spectral analysis of Markov kernels and application to the convergence rate of discrete random walks 2013 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Truncated Markov chains and V-geometric ergodicity via weak perturbation theory 2012 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Generalized eigenfunctions of Markov kernels and application to the convergence rate of discrete random walks 2012 Denis Guibourg
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional Renewal Theory in the Non-Centered Case. Application to Strongly Ergodic Markov Chains 2012 Denis Guibourg
Loı̈c Hervé
+ A uniform Berry–Esseen theorem on $M$-estimators for geometrically ergodic Markov chains 2012 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
Valentin Patilea
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for stationary Markov processes with L2-spectral gap 2012 Déborah Ferré
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat On the Recurrence Set of Planar Markov Random Walks 2012 Loı̈c Hervé
Françoise Pène
+ On the recurrence set of planar Markov Random Walks 2012 Loı̈c Hervé
Françoise Pène
+ On the recurrence set of planar Markov Random Walks 2012 Loı̈c Hervé
Françoise Pène
+ Multidimensional renewal theory in the non-centered case. Application to strongly ergodic Markov chains 2011 Denis Guibourg
Loı̈c Hervé
+ Quasi-compactness of Markov kernels on weighted-supremum spaces and geometrical ergodicity 2011 Denis Guibourg
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Multidimensional renewal theory in the non-centered case. Application to strongly ergodic Markov chains 2011 Denis Guibourg
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat A Renewal Theorem for Strongly Ergodic Markov Chains in Dimension d ≥ 3 and Centered Case 2010 Denis Guibourg
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat The Nagaev-Guivarc’h method via the Keller-Liverani theorem 2010 Loı̈c Hervé
Françoise Pène
+ Vitesse de convergence en M-estimation de données markoviennes 2010 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
Valentin Patilea
+ A Renewal Theorem for Strongly Ergodic Markov Chains in Dimension $d\geq3$ and Centered Case 2010 Denis Guibourg
Loı̈c Hervé
+ The Nagaev method via the Keller-Liverani theorem 2009 Loı̈c Hervé
Françoise Pène
+ The Nagaev-Guivarc'h method via the Keller-Liverani theorem 2009 Loı̈c Hervé
Françoise Pène
+ The Nagaev-Guivarc'h method via the Keller-Liverani theorem 2009 Loı̈c Hervé
Françoise Pène
+ PDF Chat Quasi-compactness and mean ergodicity for Markov kernels acting on weighted supremum normed spaces 2008 Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Vitesse de convergence dans le théorème limite central pour des chaînes de Markov fortement ergodiques 2008 Loı̈c Hervé
+ Stable laws and products of positive random matrices 2008 Hubert Hennion
Loı̈c Hervé
+ Rate of convergence in the central limit theorem for strongly ergodic Markov chains 2008 Loı̈c Hervé
+ Generalization To The Non-Ergodic Case 2007 Loı̈c Hervé
+ Large Deviations For Markov Chains Theorem E 2007 Hubert Hennion
Loı̈c Hervé
+ Peripheral Eigenvalues of Fourier Kernels 2007 Loı̈c Hervé
Hubert Hennion
+ First Properties of Fourier Kernels Application 2007 Loı̈c Hervé
Hubert Hennion
+ Ergodic Properties For Markov Chains 2007 Loı̈c Hervé
Hubert Hennion
+ Renewal Theorem For Markov Chains Theorem D 2007 Loı̈c Hervé
Hubert Hennion
+ The Central Limit Theorems For Markov Chains Theorems A, B, C 2007 Hubert Hennion
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for geometrically ergodic Markov chains 2006 Loı̈c Hervé
+ Vitesse de Convergence dans le Théorème Limite Central pour Chaînes de Markov de Probabilité de Transition Quasi-Compacte 2006 Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorems for iterated random Lipschitz mappings 2004 Hubert Hennion
Loı̈c Hervé
+ Limit Theorems for Markov Chains and Stochastic Properties of Dynamical Systems by Quasi-Compactness 2001 Hubert Hennion
Loı̈c Hervé
+ Étude du spectre périphérique de certaines perturbations d'opérateurs quasi-compacts 1999 Hubert Hennion
Loı̈c Hervé
+ Construction et Régularité des Fonctions d’Échelle 1995 Loı̈c Hervé
+ Multi-Resolution Analysis of Multiplicity d: Applications to Dyadic Interpolation 1994 Loı̈c Hervé
+ Étude d'une équation fonctionnelle matricielle 1990 Loı̈c Hervé
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Sur un théorème spectral et son application aux noyaux lipchitziens 1993 Hubert Hennion
+ Stability of the spectrum for transfer operators 1999 Gerhard Keller
Carlangelo Liverani
+ Limit Theorems for Markov Chains and Stochastic Properties of Dynamical Systems by Quasi-Compactness 2001 Hubert Hennion
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Essential spectral radius for Markov semigroups (I): discrete time case 2003 Liming Wu
+ PDF Chat Spectral theory and limit theorems for geometrically ergodic Markov processes 2003 Ioannis Kontoyiannis
Sean Meyn
+ Théorèmes limites pour une classe de chaînes de Markov et applications aux difféomorphismes d'Anosov 1988 Yves Guivarc’h
Jacques Hardy
+ Positive Transfer Operators and Decay of Correlations 2000 Viviane Baladi
+ A Central Limit Theorem for Contractive Stochastic Dynamical Systems 1998 Martin Benda
+ PDF Chat Computable Bounds for Geometric Convergence Rates of Markov Chains 1994 Sean Meyn
Richard L. Tweedie
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for stationary Markov processes with L2-spectral gap 2012 Déborah Ferré
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Random Iterative Models 1997 Marie Duflo
Stephen S. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Approximating Markov chains and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si36.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>V</mml:mi></mml:math>-geometric ergodicity via weak perturbation theory 2013 Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat The Nagaev-Guivarc’h method via the Keller-Liverani theorem 2010 Loı̈c Hervé
Françoise Pène
+ PDF Chat Renewal theory and computable convergence rates for geometrically ergodic Markov chains 2005 Peter H. Baxendale
+ PDF Chat Banach spaces adapted to Anosov systems 2005 Sébastien Gouëzel
Carlangelo Liverani
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorems for iterated random Lipschitz mappings 2004 Hubert Hennion
Loı̈c Hervé
+ PDF Chat Théorème local pour chaînes de Markov de probabilité de transition quasi-compacte. Applications aux chaînes V-géométriquement ergodiques et aux modèles itératifs 2004 Lionel Hervé
+ Some Limit Theorems for Stationary Markov Chains 1957 S. V. Nagaev
+ PDF Chat Quasi-compactness and absolutely continuous kernels 2006 Hubert Hennion
+ On spectral properties of a family of transfer operators and convergence to stable laws for affine random walks 2008 Yves Guivarc’h
Émile Le Page
+ Convergence of solutions of linear transport equations 2003 Roberto Peirone
+ PDF Chat A Perturbation Theory for Ergodic Markov Chains and Application to Numerical Approximations 2000 Tony Shardlow
Andrew M. Stuart
+ PDF Chat Homogenization of Two-Dimensional Linear Flows with Integral Invariance 1997 Tamir Tassa
+ PDF Chat Iterated random functions 2017 Persi Diaconis
David A. Freedman
+ PDF Chat On the Markov chain central limit theorem 2004 Galin L. Jones
+ Isotropic realizability of a strain field for the two−dimensional incompressible elasticity system 2016 Marc Briane
+ PDF Chat Regular Perturbation of <i>V</i>-Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chains 2013 Déborah Ferré
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications. Vol. II 1968 H. L. B.
William Feller
+ Geometric Convergence Rates for Stochastically Ordered Markov Chains 1996 Robert Lund
Richard L. Tweedie
+ Homogenization of Linear Transport Equations with Oscillatory Vector Fields 1992 Thomas Y. Hou
Xin Xue
+ PDF Chat General state space Markov chains and MCMC algorithms 2004 Gareth O. Roberts
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
+ PDF Chat Etude de l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance dans le cas d'un processus autoregressif : convergence, normalite asymptotique, vitesse de convergence 1989 Xavier Milhaud
Albert Raugi
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations Asymptotics and the Spectral Theory of Multiplicatively Regular Markov Processes 2005 Ioannis Kontoyiannis
Sean Meyn
+ An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications. 1972 J. F. C. Kingmán
W. Feller
+ On ergodicity and recurrence properties of a Markov chain by an application to an open jackson network 1992 Arie Hordijk
F. M. Spieksma
+ Quasi-compactness of Markov kernels on weighted-supremum spaces and geometrical ergodicity 2011 Denis Guibourg
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ Principles of random walk 1964 Frank Spitzer
+ Stochastic stability in some chaotic dynamical systems 1982 Gerhard Keller
+ Bounds on regeneration times and convergence rates for Markov chainsfn1fn1Work supported in part by NSF Grant DMS 9504561 and EPSRC grant GR/J19900. 1999 Gareth O. Roberts
Richard L. Tweedie
+ Theorie Ergodique Pour Des Classes D'Operations Non Completement Continues 1950 C. T. Ionescu Tulcea
Gabriela Marinescu
+ On dynamical systems with an integral invariant on the torus 1984 Yu Shu-Xiang
+ PDF Chat Limit Theorems in the Stadium Billiard 2006 Péter Bálint
Sébastien Gouëzel
+ PDF Chat Regular Perturbation of V-Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chains 2013 Déborah Ferré
Loı̈c Hervé
James Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Geometric ergodicity and the spectral gap of non-reversible Markov chains 2011 Ioannis Kontoyiannis
Sean Meyn
+ Asymptotic expansions in multidimensional Markov renewal theory and first passage times for Markov random walks 2001 Cheng–Der Fuh
Tze Leung Lai
+ PDF Chat Théorème de renouvellement pour chaînes de Markov fortement ergodiques : application aux modèles itératifs lipschitziens 2008 Denis Guibourg
+ Probability: Theory and Examples. 1992 Kathryn Prewitt
Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat The Berry-Esse�n theorem for strongly mixing Harris recurrent Markov chains 1982 Erwin Bolthausen
+ PDF Chat Geometric Ergodicity and Hybrid Markov Chains 1997 Gareth O. Roberts
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
+ Rotation Sets for Maps of Tori 1989 Michał Misiurewicz
Krystyna Ziemian