Angeline Shu


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Valerio Scarani 4
Stella Seah 3
Yu Cai 2
Stefan Nimmrichter 2
Jibo Dai 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Resource Theory of Quantum States Out of Thermal Equilibrium 2013 Fernando G. S. L. BrandĂŁo
MichaƂ Horodecki
Jonathan Oppenheim
Joseph M. Renes
Robert W. Spekkens
+ PDF Chat The resource theory of informational nonequilibrium in thermodynamics 2015 Gilad Gour
Markus P. MĂŒller
Varun Narasimhachar
Robert W. Spekkens
Nicole Yunger Halpern
+ PDF Chat Quantum and Information Thermodynamics: A Unifying Framework Based on Repeated Interactions 2017 Philipp Strasberg
Gernot Schaller
Tobias Brandes
Massimiliano Esposito
+ PDF Chat Smoothed generalized free energies for thermodynamics 2017 Remco van der Meer
Nelly H. Y. Ng
Stephanie Wehner
+ PDF Chat Work extraction and thermodynamics for individual quantum systems 2014 Paul Skrzypczyk
Anthony Short
Sandu Popescu
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium dynamics with finite-time repeated interactions 2019 Stella Seah
Stefan Nimmrichter
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat The second laws of quantum thermodynamics 2015 Fernando G. S. L. BrandĂŁo
MichaƂ Horodecki
Nelly H. Y. Ng
Jonathan Oppenheim
Stephanie Wehner
+ PDF Chat Coherent measurements in quantum metrology 2015 Kaonan Micadei
Daniel A. Rowlands
Felix A. Pollock
Lucas C. CĂ©leri
R. M. Serra
Kavan Modi
+ PDF Chat Entanglement Generation is Not Necessary for Optimal Work Extraction 2013 Karen V. Hovhannisyan
MartĂ­ Perarnau-Llobet
Marcus Huber
Antonio AcĂ­n
+ PDF Chat Maxwell's demons in multipartite quantum correlated systems 2014 Helena Braga
C. C. Rulli
Thiago R. de Oliveira
M. S. Sarandy
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamical Approach to Quantifying Quantum Correlations 2002 Jonathan Oppenheim
MichaƂ Horodecki
PaweƂ Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ Completely positive maps and entropy inequalities 1975 Göran Lindblad
+ PDF Chat An improved Landauer principle with finite-size corrections 2014 David Reeb
Michael M. Wolf
+ PDF Chat Are the Laws of Entanglement Theory Thermodynamical? 2002 MichaƂ Horodecki
Jonathan Oppenheim
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Inadequacy of von Neumann entropy for characterizing extractable work 2011 Oscar Dahlsten
Renato Renner
Elisabeth Rieper
Vlatko Vedral
+ Entropy production as correlation between system and reservoir 2010 Massimiliano Esposito
Katja Lindenberg
Christian Van den Broeck
+ PDF Chat Work Measurement as a Generalized Quantum Measurement 2014 Augusto J. Roncaglia
Federico Cerisola
Juan Pablo Paz
+ PDF Chat The thermodynamic meaning of negative entropy 2011 LĂ­dia del Rio
Johan Åberg
Renato Renner
Oscar Dahlsten
Vlatko Vedral
+ PDF Chat Experimental demonstration of information-to-energy conversion and validation of the generalized Jarzynski equality 2010 Shoichi Toyabe
Takahiro Sagawa
Masahito Ueda
Eiro Muneyuki
Masaki Sano
+ PDF Chat Single-Photon Atomic Cooling 2008 Gabriel Price
Stephen Travis Bannerman
Kirsten Viering
Edvardas Narevicius
Mark G. Raizen
+ PDF Chat Thermalizing Quantum Machines: Dissipation and Entanglement 2002 Valerio Scarani
MĂĄrio Ziman
Peter Ơtelmachovič
Nicolas Gisin
VladimĂ­r BuĆŸek
+ PDF Chat Photonic Maxwell’s Demon 2016 Mihai D. Vidrighin
Oscar Dahlsten
Marco Barbieri
M. S. Kim
Vlatko Vedral
Ian A. Walmsley
+ PDF Chat How an autonomous quantum Maxwell demon can harness correlated information 2015 Adrian Chapman
Akimasa Miyake
+ PDF Chat Usefulness of entanglement-assisted quantum metrology 2016 Zixin Huang
Chiara Macchiavello
Lorenzo Maccone
+ PDF Chat Passivity, complete passivity, and virtual temperatures 2015 Paul Skrzypczyk
Ralph Silva
Nicolas Brunner
+ PDF Chat Local quantum thermal susceptibility 2016 Antonella De Pasquale
Davide Rossini
Rosario Fazio
Vittorio Giovannetti
+ PDF Chat Estimating temperature via sequential measurements 2017 Antonella De Pasquale
Kazuya Yuasa
Vittorio Giovannetti
+ PDF Chat Finite-bath corrections to the second law of thermodynamics 2018 Jonathan G. Richens
Álvaro M. Alhambra
LluĂ­s Masanes
+ PDF Chat Enhancement of low-temperature thermometry by strong coupling 2017 Luis Alfonso Correa
MartĂ­ Perarnau-Llobet
Karen V. Hovhannisyan
Senaida HernĂĄndez-Santana
Mohammad Mehboudi
Anna Sanpera
+ PDF Chat Measuring the temperature of cold many-body quantum systems 2018 Karen V. Hovhannisyan
Luis Alfonso Correa
+ PDF Chat Coherence orders, decoherence, and quantum metrology 2018 Diego Paiva Pires
Isabela A. Silva
Eduardo R. deAzevedo
Diogo O. Soares-Pinto
Jefferson G. Filgueiras
+ PDF Chat Using Polarons for sub-nK Quantum Nondemolition Thermometry in a Bose-Einstein Condensate 2019 Mohammad Mehboudi
Aniello Lampo
Christos Charalambous
Luis Alfonso Correa
Miguel Ángel García-March
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Quantum Thermometry 2018 Antonella De Pasquale
Thomas M. Stace
+ PDF Chat Indistinguishability-enabled coherence for quantum metrology 2019 Alessia Castellini
Rosario Lo Franco
Ludovico Lami
Andreas Winter
Gerardo Adesso
Giuseppe Compagno
+ PDF Chat Collisional Quantum Thermometry 2019 Stella Seah
Stefan Nimmrichter
Daniel Grimmer
Jader P. Santos
Valerio Scarani
Gabriel T. Landi
+ PDF Chat Two-qubit quantum probes for the temperature of an Ohmic environment 2020 Francesca Gebbia
Claudia Benedetti
Fabio Benatti
Roberto Floreanini
Matteo Bina
Matteo G. A. Paris
+ PDF Chat Quantum Metrology 2006 Vittorio Giovannetti
Seth Lloyd
Lorenzo Maccone
+ PDF Chat Poisson and Diffusion Approximation of Stochastic Master Equations with Control 2009 Clément Pellegrini
+ PDF Chat Directional fidelity of nanoscale motors and particles is limited by the 2nd law of thermodynamics—Via a universal equality 2013 Zhisong Wang
Ruizheng Hou
Artem K. Efremov
+ PDF Chat Energetic instability of passive states in thermodynamics 2017 Carlo Sparaciari
David Jennings
Jonathan Oppenheim
+ PDF Chat Single-Atom Quantum Probes for Ultracold Gases Boosted by Nonequilibrium Spin Dynamics 2020 Quentin Bouton
Jens Nettersheim
Daniel Adam
Felix Schmidt
Daniel Mayer
Tobias Lausch
E. Tiemann
Artur Widera
+ PDF Chat Correlating Thermal Machines and the Second Law at the Nanoscale 2018 Markus P. MĂŒller
+ PDF Chat Quantum Horn's lemma, finite heat baths, and the third law of thermodynamics 2018 Jakob Scharlau
Markus P. Mueller
+ Collective heat capacity for quantum thermometry and quantum engine enhancements 2020 C. L. Latune
Ilya Sinayskiy
Francesco Petruccione
+ PDF Chat Repeated interactions in open quantum systems 2014 Laurent Bruneau
Alain Joye
Marco Merkli
+ PDF Chat Elementary Thermal Operations 2018 Matteo Lostaglio
Álvaro M. Alhambra
Christopher Perry
+ PDF Chat Dissipative adiabatic measurements: Beating the quantum Cramér-Rao bound 2020 Da-Jian Zhang
Jiangbin Gong
+ PDF Chat Imperfect Thermalizations Allow for Optimal Thermodynamic Processes 2019 Elisa BĂ€umer
MartĂ­ Perarnau-Llobet
Philipp Kammerlander
Henrik Wilming
Renato Renner
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic work from operational principles 2016 R. Gallego
Jens Eisert
Henrik Wilming
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of the Role of Mutual Information in the Nonequilibrium Dynamics of a Maxwell Demon 2014 Jonne Koski
V. F. Maisi
Takahiro Sagawa
J. P. Pekola