T. H. Gronwall


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ An Inequality for the Bessel Functions of the First Kind with Imaginary Argument 1932 T. H. Gronwall
+ A Special Conformally Euclidean Space of Three Dimensions Occurring in Wave Mechanics 1932 T. H. Gronwall
+ Summation of Series and Conformal Mapping 1932 T. H. Gronwall
+ A Functional Equation in Differential Geometry 1931 T. H. Gronwall
+ On the Cesaro Sums of Fourier's and Laplace's Series 1931 T. H. Gronwall
+ Review: T. Bonnesen, Les Problèmes des Isopérimètres et des Isépiphanes 1930 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Les Problèmes des Isopérimètres et des Isépiphanes 1930 T. H. Gronwall
+ Review: L. Bieberbach, Analytische Geometrie 1930 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Analytische Geometrie 1930 T. H. Gronwall
+ On Minkowski's Mixed Volume of Three Convex Solids 1930 T. H. Gronwall
+ A Formula in Geometrical Optics 1930 T. H. Gronwall
+ The Converse of Euler's Theorem on Homogeneous Functions 1930 T. H. Gronwall
+ Discussions: The Number of Arithmetical Operations Involved in the Solution of a System of Linear Equations 1929 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Vorlesungen über Algebra 1929 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Leçons sur quelques Types Simples d'Équations aux Dérivées Partielles avec des Applications à la Physique Mathématique 1929 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Errata: “On the zeros of the function 𝛽(𝑧) associated with the gamma function” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 28 (1926), no. 3, 391–399; 1501352] 1926 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of the function $\beta(z)$ associated with the gamma function 1926 T. H. Gronwall
+ On the Existence and Properties of the Solutions of a Certain Differential Equation of the Second Order 1926 T. H. Gronwall
+ On Power Series with Positive Real Part in the Unit Circle 1922 T. H. Gronwall
+ Summation of a Double Series 1922 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat On the Fourier coefficients of a continuous function 1921 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat A sequence of polynomials connected with the 𝑛th roots of unity 1921 T. H. Gronwall
+ Conformal Mapping of a Family of Real Conics upon Another 1920 T. H. Gronwall
+ Conformal Mapping of a Family of Real Conics on Another 1920 T. H. Gronwall
+ On a System of Linear Partial Differential Equations of the Hyperbolic Type 1919 T. H. Gronwall
+ Note on the Derivatives with Respect to a Parameter of the Solutions of a System of Differential Equations 1919 T. H. Gronwall
+ On the Shortest Line Between Two Points in Non-Euclidean Geometry 1919 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat A Theorem on Power Series, with an Application to Conformal Mapping 1919 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat On the expressibility of a uniform function of several complex variables as the quotient of two functions of entire character 1917 T. H. Gronwall
+ On the Power Series for log(1 + z) 1916 T. H. Gronwall
+ On the Convergence of Binet's Factorial Series for logΓ(s) and ψ(s) 1916 T. H. Gronwall
+ A Problem in Geometry Connected with the Analytic Continuation of a Power Series 1916 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Introduction géométrique à quelques Théories physiques 1916 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Mathematische Abhandlungen, Hermann Amandus Schwarz zu seinem fünfzigjährigen Doktorjubiläum am 6. August 1914 gewidmet von Freunden und Schülern 1916 T. H. Gronwall
+ An Elementary Exposition of the Theory of the Gamma Function 1916 Jens Ledet Jensen
T. H. Gronwall
+ A Functional Equation in the Kinetic Theory of Gases 1915 T. H. Gronwall
+ Review: F. Klein, Elementarmathematik vom höheren Standpunkte aus. Teil II: Geometrie 1915 T. H. Gronwall
+ Review: Richard Gans, Einführung in die Vektoranalysis mit Anwendungen auf die mathematische Physik 1915 T. H. Gronwall
+ Review: Eugen Netto, Elementare Algebra 1915 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Elementare Algebra 1915 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Leçons sur la Théorie générale des Surfaces et les Applications géométriques du Calcul infinitésimal 1915 T. H. Gronwall
+ Review: E. Cahen, Théorie des Nombres 1915 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Théorie des Nombres 1915 T. H. Gronwall
+ Über die Summierbarkeit der Reihen von Laplace und Legendre 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Transcendenz von $e$ und $\pi$. Ein Beitrag zur höheren Mathematik vom elementaren Standpunkte aus 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Handbuch der Lehre von der Verteilung der Primzahlen 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Grundlagen der Geometrie 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ Review: David Hilbert, Grundzüge einer allgemeinen Theorie der linearen Integralgleichungen 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat On the degree of convergence of Laplace’s series 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat On approximation by trigonometric sums 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ Some Remarks on Conformal Representation 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ On the Maximum Modulus of an Analytic Function 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ An Integral Equation of the Volterra Type 1914 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Sur la fonction ζ(s) de riemann au voisinage de σ = I 1913 T. H. Gronwall
+ �ber die Laplacesche Reihe 1913 T. H. Gronwall
+ Calculus: 339-341 1913 T. H. Gronwall
C. N. Schmall
E. B. Escott
+ PDF Chat Some asymptotic expressions in the theory of numbers 1913 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat On the summability of Fourier’s series 1913 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat Some special boundary problems in the theory of harmonic functions 1913 T. H. Gronwall
+ On Lebesgue's Constants in the Theory of Fourier's Series 1913 T. H. Gronwall
+ Calculus: 331-333 1912 T. H. Gronwall
William Marshall
C. N. Schmall
+ Über die Lebesgueschen Konstanten bei den Fourierschen Reihen 1912 T. H. Gronwall
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Fejér’s and an analogon to Gibbs’ phenomenon 1912 T. H. Gronwall
+ On Analytic Functions of Constant Modulus on a Given Contour 1912 T. H. Gronwall