Robert Osserman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ [112] Lars Valerian Ahlfors (1907–1996) 2017 Raoul Bott
Clifford J. Earle
Dennis A. Hejhal
James A. Jenkins
Troels Jørgensen
Steven G. Krantz
Albert Marden
Robert Osserman
+ A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry. 2005 Robert E. Malley
Robert Osserman
+ Mathematical Mapping from Mercator to the Millennium 2004 Robert Osserman
+ A sharp Schwarz inequality on the boundary 2000 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Chat A new variant of the Schwarz-Pick-Ahlfors Lemma 1999 Robert Osserman
+ A new variant of the Schwarz-Pick-Ahlfors lemma 1998 Robert Osserman
+ A new variant of the Schwarz-Pick-Ahlfors lemma 1998 Robert Osserman
+ A sharp Schwarz inequality on the boundary 1997 Robert Osserman
+ PDF An estimate for the Gauss curvature of minimal surfaces in ${\bf R}\sp m$ whose Gauss map omits a set of hyperplanes 1997 Robert Osserman
Min Ru
+ Geometrie des Universums 1997 Robert Osserman
+ Geometry V : Minimal Surfaces 1997 Robert Osserman
+ Geometry V 1997 Robert Osserman
+ Imaginäre Welten 1997 Robert Osserman
+ A sharp Schwarz inequality on the boundary 1997 Robert Osserman
+ Eine weitere Dimension 1997 Robert Osserman
+ Weltall der Formen 1997 Robert Osserman
+ An estimate for the Gauss curvature of minimal surfaces in $\mathbb R^m$ whose Gauss map omits a set of hyperplanes 1996 Robert Osserman
Min Ru
+ Circumscribed Circles 1991 Robert Osserman
+ Circumscribed Circles 1991 Robert Osserman
+ <i>Lectures on Minimal Surfaces</i>, Vol. 1. By Johannes C. C. Nitsche 1991 Robert Osserman
+ Curvature in the Eighties 1990 Robert Osserman
+ Curvature in the Eighties 1990 Robert Osserman
+ PDF On the Gauss map and total curvature of complete minimal surfaces and an extension of Fujimoto's theorem 1990 Xiaokang Mo
Robert Osserman
+ PDF Book Review: Geometric inequalities 1990 Robert Osserman
+ Remarks on the Riemannian Metric of a Minimal Submanifold 1989 Shiing-Shen Chern
Robert Osserman
+ A strong form of the isoperimetric inequality in <i>R<sup>n</sup> </i> 1987 Robert Osserman
+ <i>Differential Geometry in the Large.</i> By Heinz Hopf 1986 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Manifolds with non-positive curvature 1985 Keith Burns
A. Katok
W. Ballman
Michael Brin
Patrick Eberlein
Robert Osserman
+ The Four-or-More Vertex Theorem 1985 Robert Osserman
+ The Gauss Map of Surfaces in R<sup>3</sup> and R<sup>4</sup> 1985 David Hoffman
Robert Osserman
+ A new curvature invariant and entropy of geodesic flows 1984 Robert Osserman
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF The Minimal Surface Equation 1984 Robert Osserman
+ PDF The Gauss map of surfaces in $\mathbf{R}^n$ 1983 David Hoffman
Robert Osserman
+ Geometry 1983 Eric Gower
Gerhard Holland
Jean Pedersen
Julio Castiñeira Merino
Koichi Abe
John Del Grande
Branko Grünbaum
Robert Osserman
Michael Mitchelmore
Dieter Lunkenbein
+ On the Gauss map of complete surfaces of constant mean curvature in R3 and R4 1982 David Hoffman
Robert Osserman
Richard Schoen
+ The area of the generalized Gaussian image and the stability of minimal surfaces inS n and ? n 1982 David Hoffman
Robert Osserman
+ Structure vs. Substance: The Fall and Rise of Geometry 1981 Robert Osserman
+ Remarks on the Riemannian metric of a minimal submanifold 1981 Shiing-Shen Chern
Robert Osserman
+ Geometry of the Laplace Operator 1980 Robert Osserman
A. J. Weinstein
+ Minimal Surfaces, Gauss Maps, Total Curvature, Eigenvalue Estimates, and Stability 1980 Robert Osserman
+ The geometry of the generalized Gauss map 1980 David Hoffman
Robert Osserman
+ Bonnesen-Style Isoperimetric Inequalities 1979 Robert Osserman
+ Bonnesen-Style Isoperimetric Inequalities 1979 Robert Osserman
+ The isoperimetric inequality 1978 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Non-existence, non-uniqueness and irregularity of solutions to the minimal surface system 1977 H. Blaine Lawson
Robert Osserman
+ Some remarks on the isoperimetric inequality and a problem of gehring 1976 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Book Review: Vorlesungen über Minimalflächen 1976 Robert Osserman
+ Doubly-connected minimal surfaces 1975 Robert Osserman
M. Schiffer
+ Differential Geometry 1975 Shiing-Shen Chern
Robert Osserman
+ Area Bounds for Various Classes of Surfaces 1975 H. Alexander
Robert Osserman
+ Differential Geometry 1975 Shiing-Shen Chern
Robert Osserman
+ Isoperimetric and related inequalitites 1975 Robert Osserman
+ PDF On Bers' Theorem on Isolated Singularities 1973 Robert Osserman
+ PDF The convex hull property of immersed manifolds 1971 Robert Osserman
+ A Proof of the Regularity Everywhere of the Classical Solution to Plateau's Problem 1970 Robert Osserman
+ Some properties of solutions to the minimal surface system for arbitrary codimension 1970 Robert Osserman
+ PDF The nonexistence of branch points in the classical solution of Plateau's problem 1969 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Minimal varieties 1969 Robert Osserman
+ A survey of minimal surfaces 1969 Robert Osserman
+ Complete minimal surfaces in Euclideann-space 1967 Shiing-Shen Chern
Robert Osserman
+ Complete surfaces inE 3 with constant mean curvature 1966 Tilla Klotz
Robert Osserman
+ Global properties of classical minimal surfaces 1965 Robert Osserman
+ On the Gauss curvature of non-parametric minimal surfaces 1964 Robert Finn
Robert Osserman
+ Global Properties of Minimal Surfaces in E 3 and E n 1964 Robert Osserman
+ On complete minimal surfaces 1963 Robert Osserman
+ Some geometric properties of polynomial surfaces 1962 Robert Osserman
+ Hyperbolic surfaces of the formz=f(x, y) 1961 Robert Osserman
+ PDF On the Gauss Curvature of Minimal Surfaces 1960 Robert Osserman
+ PDF On the Gauss curvature of minimal surfaces 1960 Robert Osserman
+ On analytic mappings of Riemann surfaces 1959 H. J. Landau
Robert Osserman
+ Proof of a conjecture of nirenberg 1959 Robert Osserman
+ Remarks on minimal surfaces 1959 Robert Osserman
+ PDF A lemma on analytic curves 1959 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Some distortion theorems for multivalent mappings 1959 H. J. Landau
Robert Osserman
+ PDF An Analogue of the Heinz-Hopf Inequality 1959 Robert Osserman
+ PDF On the inequality Δ<i>u</i>≥<i>f</i>(<i>u</i>) 1957 Robert Osserman
+ On the Solution of f(f(z)) = e z - 1 and its Domain of Regularity 1957 Robert Osserman
+ PDF On the solution of 𝑓(𝑓(𝑧))=𝑒^{𝑧}-1 and its domain of regularity 1957 Robert Osserman
+ Riemann Surfaces of Class A 1956 Robert Osserman
+ A Hyperbolic Surface in 3-Space 1956 Robert Osserman
+ PDF A hyperbolic surface in 3-space 1956 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Riemann surfaces of class 𝐴 1956 Robert Osserman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Complete minimal surfaces in Euclideann-space 1967 Shiing-Shen Chern
Robert Osserman
+ On subharmonic functions and differential geometry in the large 1958 Alfréd Huber
+ The geometry of the generalized Gauss map 1980 David Hoffman
Robert Osserman
+ Isolated Singularities of Minimal Surfaces 1951 Lipman Bers
+ Global Properties of Minimal Surfaces in E 3 and E n 1964 Robert Osserman
+ PDF On an Inequality for Minimal Surfaces z = z(x, y) 1953 Eberhard Hopf
+ PDF The tension field of the Gauss map 1970 Ernst A. Ruh
Jaak Vilms
+ Proof of a conjecture of nirenberg 1959 Robert Osserman
+ A survey of minimal surfaces 1969 Robert Osserman
+ Minimal Varieties in Riemannian Manifolds 1968 James Simons
+ Complete Minimal Surfaces in S 3 1970 H. Blaine Lawson
+ On the oriented Plateau Problem 1962 Wendell H. Fleming
+ Una maggiorazione a priori relativa alle ipersuperfici minimali non parametriche 1969 Enrico Bombieri
Ennio De Giorgi
Michele Miranda
+ PDF Sulla geometria differenziale delle superficieS 2 nello spazio euclideoS 4 1949 Wilhelm Blaschke
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ A theorem on orientable surfaces in four-dimensional space 1951 Shiing-Shen Chern
Edwin H. Spanier
+ Konstruktion isoperimetrischer Ungleichungen der mathematischen Physik aus solchen der Geometrie 1971 Catherine Bandle
+ PDF On the total curvature of immersed manifolds. II. 1958 Shiing-Shen Chern
Richard Lashof
+ PDF An Analogue of the Heinz-Hopf Inequality 1959 Robert Osserman
+ On the Size of a Stable Minimal Surface in R 3 1976 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Asymptotic behaviour of non-parametric minimal hypersurfaces 1970 Ernst A. Ruh
+ Stability of minimal surfaces and eigenvalues of the laplacian 1980 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ On the First Variation of a Varifold 1972 William K. Allard
+ Foundations of Differential Geometry 1963 Shôshichi Kobayashi
Katsumi Nomizu
+ Les problèmes des isopérimètres et des isépiphanes 1929 T. Bonnesen
+ Stability of Minimal Surfaces and Eigenvalues of the Laplacian 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Harmonic mappings and minimal submanifolds 1980 S. R. Hildebrandt
Jürgen Jost
Kjell‐Ove Widman
+ PDF On the Gauss curvature of minimal surfaces 1960 Robert Osserman
+ On the Gauss map of complete surfaces of constant mean curvature in R3 and R4 1982 David Hoffman
Robert Osserman
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Subharmonic functions and surfaces of negative curvature 1933 E. F. Beckenbach
Tibor Radó
+ Isoperimetric inequalities on curved surfaces 1980 Isaac Chavel
Edgar Feldman
+ The Schwarz lemma for nonpositively curved Riemmanian surfaces 1991 Marc Troyanov
+ A new curvature invariant and entropy of geodesic flows 1984 Robert Osserman
Peter Sarnak
+ On the Size of a Stable Minimal Surface in R 3 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ 150 years after Gauss' Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas : with the original text of Gauss 1979 Carl Friedrich Gauß
Peter Dombrowski
+ PDF Compact Hypersurfaces with Constant Higher Order Mean Curvatures 1987 Antonio R�os
+ Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability 2004 Luis A. Santaló
+ The structure of complete stable minimal surfaces in 3‐manifolds of non‐negative scalar curvature 1980 D. Fischer-Colbrie
Richard Schoen
+ An isoperimetric inequality for surfaces whose Gaussian curvature is bounded above 1969 V. A. Toponogov
+ A construction of metrics of negative Ricci curvature 1989 Robert Brooks
+ PDF The Yamabe problem 1987 John M. Lee
Thomas H. Parker
+ The Hausdorff Measure of Sets Which Link in Euclidean Space 1974 F. W. Gehring
+ Zum potentialtheoretischen Aspekt derAlexandrowschen Flächentheorie 1960 Alfréd Huber
+ Doubly-connected minimal surfaces 1975 Robert Osserman
M. Schiffer
+ Differential geometry of Kaehler submanifolds 1974 Koichi Ogiue
+ Curves in the Hyperbolic Plane and mean Curvature of Tori in 3-Space 1984 Joel Langer
David A. Singer
+ PDF Minimal submanifolds of low cohomogeneity 1971 Wu-Yi Hsiang
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic Structures on 3-Manifolds I: Deformation of Acylindrical Manifolds 1986 William P. Thurston
+ Minimal hypersurfaces ofS 4 with constant Gauss-Kronecker curvature 1987 Sebastião C. de Almeida
Fabiano Brito
+ PDF Isoperimetric constants and the first eigenvalue of a compact riemannian manifold 1975 Shing‐Tung Yau